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SMK POII: Biology March Test 2010

B. I, II & IV D. II, III & IV

Part A
There are 20 questions. Answer all questions.

1. Which of the following are benefits of

biological research? 4. An idea which has not been proved is a...
(Manakah antara berikut merupakan faedah (Idea yg belum dibuktikan merupakan..)
daripada kajian dalam bidang biologi?) A. Law (Undang-undang)
I. It helps produce food of better quality. B. Theory (Teori)
(Ia membantu menghasilkan makanan C. Principles (Prinsip)
yg lebih berkualiti) D. Hypothesis (Hipotesis)
II. It helps to produce more food to feed
increasing populations. 5. After analysing the data, what is the next
(Ia membantu menghasilkan lebih step of the scientific method?
banyak makanan untuk populasi yg (Selepas menganalisis data, apakah langkah
semakin menambah) seterusnya?)
III. It helps to save endangered plant and A. Drawing a conclusion
species from extinction. (Membuat kesimpulan)
(Ia membantu menyelamatkan flora dan B. Controlling the variables
fauna yg terancam daripada kepupusan) (Mengawal pembolehubah)
IV. It identifies the microorganisms which C. Formulating a hypothesis
cause diseases and provides cures for (Membuat hipotesis)
these diseases. D. Accepting or rejecting a hypothesis
(Ia mengenalpasti mikroorganisma yg (Menerima atau menolak hipotesis)
menyebabkan penyakit dan
menghasilkan penawar bagi penyakit- 6. “Does temperature affect the rate of
penyakit ini) photosynthesis?”

A. I and II only The above is a...

B. II and III only (Penyataan di atas merupakan...)
C. I, II, and IV only A. Law ( Undang-undang)
D. I, II, III and IV B. Theory (teori)
C. Definition (Definisi)
2. A group of scientist go on an expedition to D. Problem statement (Penyataan masalah)
the rainforest of Borneo. Which of them will
be studying plants in the rainforest? 7. Which of the following is found in high
(Sekumpulan saintis menyertai sebuah density in the palisade mesophyll cells f the
ekspidisi ke hutan hujan Borneo. Siapakah leaf?
antara mereka yang akan mengkaji (Manakah antara berikut banyak dijumpai di
tumbuhan-tumbuhan di dalam hutan itu?) dalam sel palisade mesophyll daun?)
A. Botanist A. Mitochondrion
B. Zoologist B. Ribosomes
C. Entomologist C. Chloroplast
D. Microbiologist D. Vacuole

3. The Biology curriculum enables students to 8. Which organ consist of cells which have the
(Kurikulum Biologi membolehkan pelajar..) highest density of smooth endoplasmic
I. Understand Biology and its application reticulum?
(memahami Biologi dan aplikasinya) (Manakah antara organ berikut banyak
II. Master thinking skills and scientific skills terdiri daripada sel yg mempunyai
(Menguasai kemahiran berfikir dan endoplasmic reticulum licin?)
kemahiran saintifik) A. Skin (Kulit)
III. Use knowledge in biology to improve B. Stomach (Perut)
personal status C. Heart (Jantung)
(Menngunakan pengetahuan dalam D. Liver (Hati)
Biologi untuk menaikkan status sendiri)
IV. Ensure the sustainability of living 9. When vegetables are cu into small pieces,
organisms the juice that is released comes from
(memastikan kebolehidupan organisma) (Apabila sayur dipotong kepada cebisan yg
kecil, jus yang dihasilkan datang daripada)
A. I & III C. I, III & III A. Chloroplast C. Secretory Vesicles
B. Lysosomes D. Cell Vacuoles (tidak membenarkan sebarang cecair
memasuki sel)

10. Diagram 1 below shows the structure of a

generalized plant cell as seen with an
electron microscope. Which of the following 12
organelles is a chloroplast?

(Rajah 1 menunjukkan struktur sel

tumbuhan yg biasa seperti yang dilihat di
bawah mikroskop electron. Manakah antara
organel berikut merupakan kloroplast?)

Diagram 3

The organelle shown in Diagram 3 is found in

abundance in
(Organel yang ditunjuk dalam rajah 3 banyak
dijumpai dalam)

I Sperm cells
(sel sperma)
II epidermal cells of the skin
(sel epidermal kulit)
III flight muscles of birds
(otot penerbangan burung)
IV cells in the meristem
(Sel-sel meristem)
Diagram 1
A. I & II
B. I & III
C. I, II & III
D. I, III & IV

11. Diagram 2 shows a plant cell.

Diagram 2

The part labelled X...

A. Allows all fluid and solid to enter the cell
(Membenarkan semua cecair dan
pepejal memasuki sel)
B. Allows only certain fluids to enter the
cell (membenarkan hanya sesetengah
cecair memasuki sel)
C. Allows all fluids to enter the cell
(membenarkan semua cecair untuk
memasuki sel)
D. Does not allow any fluid to enter the cell

13. Diagram 4 shows vesicles carrying proteins
through various organelles. 14. Diagram 5 shows a plant cell.
(Rajah 4 menunjukkan vesikel yang
membawa protein menerusi pelbagai

. Diagram 5

What are organelles P and Q?

(Apakah organel P & Q?)

A Endoplasmic
B Nucleus Vacuole
Diagram 4 C Endoplasmic Golgi
reticulum apparatus
Which of the following statements concerning D Chloroplast Mitochondrion
this transport that is not true?
(Manakah antara penyataan-penyataan
berikut tidak benar mengenai pengangutan
ini?) 15. Diagram 6 shows the nucleus of an animal
A. The rough endoplasmic reticulum
despatches vesicles to the Golgi
(Endoplasmic reticulum kasar menghantar
vesikel ke Golgi apparatus.)

B. The Golgi apparatus receives vesicles on

the cis face.
( Golgi apparatus menerima vesikel pada
bahagian cis face )

C. The Golgi apparatus despatches vesicles

on the trans face.
Diagram 6
( Golgi apparatus menghantar vesikel
pada bahagian trans face)
What do X & Y consist of?
(X dan Y terdiri daripada apa?)
D. Vesicles from outside of the cell move
through the plasma membrane to the
Golgi apparatus. X Y
(Vesikel dari luar sel bergerak melalui A RNA & proteins DNA & proteins
membran plasma ke Golgi apparatus)

B DNA & proteins RNA & proteins
C DNA & proteins DNA & proteins
D RNA & proteins RNA & proteins

16. The organelle shown in Diagram 7 is found

in some plant cells. (Oraganel dalam rajah 7
dijumpai dalam sesetengah sel tumbuhan) 18. Which difference between an animal cell
and a plant cell is incorrect?
(Manakah antara perbezaan-perbezaan sel
haiwan dan sel tumbuhan berikut salah?)

Animal cell Plant cell

A Has chloroplast Does not have
Diagram 7 B Does not have a Has a cell wall
cell wall
The organelle is the place where... C Usually does not Has vacuoles
(Organel ini adalah tempat di mana...) have vacuoles
D Contains stored Contains stored
I. Respiration takes place food in the form of food in the form of
(respirasi berlaku) glycogen starch
II. Oxygen is released
(Oksigen dibebaskan)
III. Sunlight is trapped 19. Which of the following is a nervous tissue?
(matahari diambil) (Mana antara berikut adalah tisu saraf?)
IV. Glucose is produced
(Glukosa dihasilkan)

A. I & III C. II, III & IV

B. I & IV D. I, II, III & IV

17. Diagram 8 shows a cell. Which organelle

shown in Diagram 8 is found in abundance in
a cell which requires a lot of energy?
(Rajah 8 menunjukkan satu sel. Organel
manakah dalam rajah 8 banyak dijumpai
dalam sel yang memerlukan banyak

20. Which of the following is a unicellular

organism? (Manakah antara berikut
merupakan organism unisel?)


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