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In order to complete this correctly, you need to add stage directions for
your actors
Both protaganists meet in a dense woodland area.
Protaganist 2
Yo man, what you saying?
Protaganist 1
Nothing really just trying to skate innit
Protaganist 2
Fare enough.
Both protaganists walk further into the woodland.
Protaganist 1
We shouldn’t of gone this way man
Protaganist 2
Its calm, don’t be a child. This is a short cut, trust me.
Protaganist 1
Fine but when we get kidnapped, it’s your fault.
Protaganist 2
Everything is going to be good, we are going to get to the
skatepark and have a great evening.
They continue to walk through the woods. However Protaganist 2
falls down a slight slope. Where an un-named person laugh at
him. This angers him
Protaganist 1
Just ignore him, he’s probably laughing at someone else.
Protaganist 2
Nah he’s not, lets get him!
Protaganist 1
Allow yourself, we have been walking for ages let’s just ask
him the way out.
Protaganist 2 is on the floor where he fell as
protaganist 1 goes over to talk to the unnamed
Protaganist 1
Excuse me sir do you know the closest exit to the skate park?
Unnamed character
‘Grunts’ and points in direction
Protaganist 2 stumbles over to protaganist 1 and the unnamed
Protaganist 2
Are you sure this is going to be the right way?
Protaganist 1
I hope so
The two characters walk further into the woods leaving the
unnamed character behind. The two walk for a while to realise
they have been silently robbed by the unnamed character.
Protaganist 1
Hang on a second. Where’s my phone, and my wallet (panicking).
Protaganist 2
And mine! It was that god damn wrongen. He nicked all our
shit! I should have knocked him out when he started laughing
at me.
Protaganist 1 looks at the camera
Never trust a crack head!!!!!!

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