Product Design Final Report

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ID: 2015430116
Evolution of Modern backpacks……..
Market Survey…………………………………..
New Idea………………………………………………
Material Selection………………………………
Solution And Embodiment…………………
Basic Engineering……………………………….
Final Rendering……………………………………
Design can unlock the technological performance we build into a
product and help the consumer see it, touch it. Good design is serious
business.—Alan G. Lafley, Chief Executive Office, Procter and Gamble,

We keep reminding ourselves that almost every vehicle out there—old,

new, big, small, passenger cars, sports utility, roadster, minivan—
fulfills the basic transportation function, and they all fulfill it roughly
equally well. Yet people go for the new. They go for the good-looking
vehicle. That’s why advanced product design is the core of our business
strategy.—Bob Lutz, Vice Chairman, Daimler-Chrysler-Benz, 2002.

Product development can be defined as ’the process that transforms

technical ideas or market needs and opportunities into a new product
and on to the market.’ It includes strategy, organization, concept
generation , product, and marketing plan creation and evaluation, and
the commercialisation of a new product. The product development
process is a creative and iterative set of steps and phases that converts
ideas into saleable products and/or services. The product development
process itself can be split up into three phases: policy formulation, idea
finding, and strict development. Each step contains a divergent activity
that identifies relevant information in a creative way and a convergent
activity which evaluates that information. The divergent activity explores
and redefines problems, generates ideas, and combines concepts. The
convergent activity imposes value judgments and includes methods to
make sense of information, prioritise items, compare solutions, assess
ideas and select concepts. The product development process is often
presented as a linear process. However, in practice it can contain
iterative cycles, where design teams go back to earlier stages in the
product development process to re-evaluate decisions that have been

Evolution of the Modern BackpackS

Since the possession of multiple belongings is a trait unique to humans,

and carry tools are as old as humanity itself, I believe backpacks have
undergone long term mechanical evolution. “Mechanical Evolution is the apply the idea of biological evolution to mechanical
devices, where in later versions of the devices become progressively
more suited to their niche (or more likely just progressively better at

It is not surprising that many of the highest quality backpacks have been
designed for use in nature. After all nature predates cities, suburbs, car
culture, mass transit and all other modern factors that influence the way
we carry. Hiking and mountaineering packs have the most evolved
suspension and harness systems available on the market. Today’s
external framed packs are made with lightweight aluminum and ripstop
nylon. They have complex ventilated back panels and water tight welded

Current backpack harness design has more to do with the hips than the
back and shoulders. “Weight is transferred to the hips using a padded
belt connected to the lower part of the backpack and secured around the
user’s waist. Shoulder straps, far from being a way to ‘hang’ the pack on
yourself, simply keep the pack from twisting or rotating.” (Ergonomics
and Backpack Vacs) In the past 30 years the diversity of backpack
products has increased astoundingly. The outdoor industry and military
are the two largest backpack industry innovators in terms of the concept
of mechanical evolution and have often worked in tandem. They have
developed a great number of lightweight textiles and technologies while
maintaining a high level of durability.


“Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the

complicated simple, awesomely simple, that is creativity,” [Charles

This is a creative phase of the design process, where several ideas or

concepts are generated. It is the divergent phase where many
possibilities are considered without too much judgement. There is no
formula or set of rules to generate ideas out of thin air! Rather, a set of
practical strategies to help designers to enhance their inherent
creativity, and to facilitate the generation of new ideas.
This part of the
report represents the features and designing of an E- backpack a new
product to be launched in the market. This new bag is not only limited to
carry things and mobile phone charging but you can even charge your
laptop, tablets, IPad, IPod etc. simultaneously. To achieve the design and
features a wide market survey was conducted by me. A thorough analysis
was done on the features of the existing products and results were
concluded. Keeping the technology used, the user review and some minor
drawbacks of such products in mind I went to the drawing table and
designs were drawn and the features of the bag were determined using the
latest technology.
We are living in the 20th century and there is boom in
the electronics industry and our constant need of being connected to these
devices. Since the consumption of stored electrical energy has increased
exponentially. All electronic devices from laptop to mobile phones to
smart wrist watches are powered by batteries and due to our current life
style we have created a need for portable battery. The battery of such
devices does not last long on regular usage and people do get lazy and
forget to charge them or they are travelling long distances and face
problems when the battery gets drained and there is no charging place
available. Today everyone keeps a backpack with them from students to
workers and they carry their necessities with them so we thought of
designing a bag that has a portable battery in it along with normal usage
of carry goods and can be used to charge mobile phones, tablets and even

Market Survey
For me to design a E-back pack I had to know what’s out in the market.
So I came across many products with charging abilities but they were not
as we hoped them to be. Their design was not good as it should be. Some
had low battery storage and can only charge your laptop once on one fully
charged battery though for regular basis its ok but for long distance travel
you don’t have any option either charge your laptop or mobile. Some had
very less space for the electronic things and for the necessary things to be
placed in the bag at the same time and some were having weak structure,
they might broke if we put little more load inside the bag. Most of the
products had portable battery in which charging is only limited to cell
phones and tablets. So I decided to design a product that has all the
features i.e high quality strong structure , enough space, good
looking(which is very important feature to sell products), low cost, good

The main material used in making this E-
backpack are:
 Cordura
 Evazote foam
 Cotton Canvas
 Nylon
 Rip-Stop Nylon
 Polyester Pack Cloth
 PVC Fabric


 Weight – the backpack’s weight lies primarily on the fabric. Not

just the weight of the pack, but the strength and durability of
the fabric is linked to the weight of the fabric. How does one
measure fabric? The weight of backpack’s fabric is measured by
denier. It is the unit of the yarn’s fineness equal to 1g per 9000
meters of yarn, higher the denier, the heavier, stronger, and
more durable the fabric is.

 Tenacity – What is tenacity exactly? By definition, it the tear

strength or the fabric’s capacity to resist more tearing after a
tear is in place. In order to measure a fabric’s tenacity, the
tensile strength is divided by the thickness of the thread used.
The tearing resistance varies between fabrics.

 Tensile Strength – The tensile strength differs immensely in

fabrics. The construction, weave, denier, material used and
other special treatments are involved in the tensile strength of
the backpack’s fabric.
 Water Resistance – This is because the fabrics used in this
water resistant pack underwent some treatments and coatings
to repel water. Aside from treatments, the material used as
well as the type of weave utilized affect the fabric’s ability to
resist water.


The Embodiment Design phase is essentially about understanding the

separate functions the product must perform, followed by identifying
the assemblies or modules necessary to perform those functions.

Embodiment design is all about applying more detail to the concept,

further developing it and starting to think about more specific
engineering considerations. These include solutions to specific
functional problems, as well as manufacturing considerations.
Depending on the size and complexity of the product, some businesses
amalgamate Embodiment Design, either into Concept Design or (more
typically) the following stage, Detailed Design. During the Embodiment
stage (sometimes referred to as preliminary design), the agreed product
concept is further developed, with greater consideration about the
function, position and geometry of the assemblies/modules. In
addition, thought is given to interaction between modules, together with
how they are integrated into the product as a whole. For many design
engineering organisations, Embodiment Design involves analysis and
modelling, to demonstrate if the arrangement of the product assemblies
will work.
The designing of the bag was done in 5 different stages.
 Front
 Back
 Side
 Bottom
 Inner Bag
 E-Back pack Mobile Application

The front of the E-backpack is kept simple.
There is a solar panel mounted on the front of
the E-back pack. Between the panel and the inner bag there will be
insulation and foam fitting to keep the panel firm. The wires of the panel
will pass in between the insulation to the base. The solar panel used in this
bag is a compact, waterproof and scratch resistant 6W solar charging kit.
The panel will act as an alternative solution to charge you gadgets and the
battery simultaneously. The weight of the panel will be about 100-150g
and the dimensions 22 x 18.5 x 0.6cm. The panel will be made up of
urethane coating, 3mm Aluminium/Plastic composite substrate and Mono
crystalline cells which are 19% efficient. The output peak voltage will be
9.0V and current 1.5V. On the top corner of the bag will be a waterproof
and scratch resistant touch O led display to connect via Bluetooth LE 4.0
to control from the E-Booster app.

The back side of the bag pack is like

regular bag. The shoulder straps are made from
Evazote foam, the thickness of the foam is 20m.
As Evazote foams have proven to be good
compromise between comfort (softness) and
durability (hardness). On the right strap there
will be small pocket enough to hold a 5.5 inch
mobile for charging and frequent use. There will
be cable holders in 3 different places of the strap
to avoid the cable getting lose and cause any
disturbance. The back will be also made up of Evazote foam. There will
be 3 hidden pockets on the back. One on the left strap where you can
easily put your credit, business cards and even cash. The rest of the two
pockets will be in the Evazote foam to hold passports and other valuable
items. Chest straps are also provided in case the bag gets heavy or you
back is hurting.


On the sides there will be air vents at the

bottom 2 each for ventilation. The face of the
ventilators will be down so while raining water
does not flow inside the battery compartment and
cause electrical short circuits. There will be
zippers on each side. One will have the holder for
water bottles. On the other side there will be
some space where you can carry your umbrella
and from that side there will be a small pocket
that will be holding the charging wire. The side will also hold a hole so
that you can take out the charging wire from the bag and either place your
cell phone in your pocket or the mobile pocket in the strap. This can also
be used for headphones while your mobile is being charged inside the bag.

The bottom is the main course of the bag. This
section is the heart the bag. For this the
compartment that will power the whole bag. Well
there are scenarios when you are not careful
enough your bag falls down or you drop it or
place on the ground with much force and in such
conditions there are clear chances that the goods
in the bag will be damaged so in order to protect
them the base will have shock absorbers. The
absorber will be made up of a sturdy rubber sole
which will give the bag tread and balance. Then there will an additional
internal shock damper to further prevent damage. Then on the sides there
will be the vents. A cooling fan will be placed on one side of the vent to
keep good air flow. The fan will be operated by a microchip which will
collect data from the heat sensors placed inside the base. The controllers
will activate the fans depending upon the temperature. Fans are placed
only on one side to keep convention current that cool air enters from one
side and then leaves from the other side by the fan. Also an option will be
added on the mobile phone app where you can manually control the fans.
There would be 50,000mAh battery storage which will be divided into 2
sections. 25,000mAh for the mobile and tablets charging and the rest of
the 25,000mAh for the laptop which will operate at 60Wh. As the laptop
requires more voltage as compared to mobile phones so the potential
difference while charging will cause problems to mobile phones battery.
The batteries will be made up of Li-polymer which is the latest available
technology in the market. On one side there will a socket where you can
plug in your charger. Solar energy convertor and the circuit of the bag will
be in a separate section of the base.
Inner bag
This section holds all the compartments where you can place your
items. The base will be filled with foam. There will be 2 zippers one will
hold the laptop and the tablet and the cell phone pockets while the other
zipper will hold the books and accessories. Both are separated with nylon
fabric. The bag has perfectly designed spaces for all your gadgets with
plenty of room for everything else. It is divided into 3 parts.

 Laptop and Mobile Charging

 Tablet
 Books and other accessories

This is where there will be a pocket large
enough to hold a 17 inch laptop. Next to the laptop
pocket on the base there would be socket for
plugging in the laptop and wire straps to keep the
wire of the laptop charging cable organised. On
the same side there will the 4x3.0A USB charging
ports width fast charging tablets and cell phones.
The ports would be labelled such as cell phone
1and 2, strap charging pocket and tablet charging for each port will be
monitored by the E-Back pack mobile application. The wiring of the
charging port will be all inside the side wall of the bag inside a small
elastic pocket that goes straight to the main circuit in the base. 2 pockets
that can hold a 6 inch mobile phone for charging and the side hole for
external out of bag charging and headphones. Wire straps will be there
to prevent the wires from getting tangled.

A special pocket for tablets are given in the
same zipper opposite to the laptop and again a
small hole for charging wire going to the books

Books and Accessories

Here you can place your books on one side and your
accessories on the other. Pen, external hard drives, USB,
headphones and I pod pockets are given and others just
to keep the contents of your bag organised and still you
will have room for some clothing.

E-Backpack Mobile Application

With every bag there will be a mobile
application that will monitor all the power flowing
through the bag. It will display the ports consumed
the battery levels, temperature inside and outside the
bag and the humidity, barometric pressure, altitude
and the force felt when you last time dropped your
bag. Will give you the access to control the cooling
fans. Alert you that you need to charge the bag if the
battery level drops to low. The statistics of the solar energy like the
power generated, status of the panel, the temperature outside and the
energy saved. The application will communicate with the backpack
through Bluetooth LE. Through the app you create a charging “playlist”
for all connected devices and it charges everything in order, as many at a
time as possible.

The engineering fields that are relevant to
the prototype are statics, dynamics and materials. The applicable
fundamental and concepts from statics and dynamics are Newton’s
law and friction. For materials, the applicable properties are:
tenacity, Young’s modulus, corrosion, yield strength, water
resistance and ultimate tensile strength. Newton’s law, was
necessary to calculate the forces that will be applied to the E-
backpack due to the loads of the things placed in it.
Force = mass*acceleration (Newton’s second law)

Friction was also considered for the design because it will affect the
structure and material required to configure the backpack in the
different positions.

The engineering fundamentals mentioned above directly influenced

material selection for the backpack. In order to determine the optimal
materials for the backpack, the following material properties were
considered: weight, elasticity, fatigue strength, yield strength, Young’s
modulus, corrosion resistance, water resistant and porosity.


Evaluation of the product means that its suitability

and safety for use by consumers are checked out. All products made are
required by law to be safe to use. This is not a requirement that they are
absolutely safe - that is not possible. Nor must they be safe at unbearable
costs to industry - that would put innovation at risk. But they are required
to be as safe as it is reasonable to expect. This allows designers and
manufacturers to be more creative in their product design, but it makes
it more difficult for them to ensure that they have complied with the
appropriate regulations. Even where there is specific legislation,
manufacturers may not know if they have done enough to show due
care, which is their main defence if a product supplied by them is
subsequently judged to be unsafe. Evaluation will help.

To make sure that this product is safe and

good, I try to use good material, made good design and made such a
product which is strong and user friendly. The battery used in this
product is of high quality and it does not get hot. This E-backpack is
reliable and has no draw backs or disadvantages. I took a survey after
launching the product and 80% people said this product is excellent,
reliable and safe and 20% percent people said this product is ok but not
very good but it’s safe and has no disadvantages.


The cost of this E-backpack is not very high as compare to quality of

the materials and features that it offers. The main purpose of this
project was to offer better, strong, good design product in less price. So
I try to keep the cost minimum and quality as high as possible. The cost
that set was 500 yuan. As compare to its competitors the cost of this E-
backpack is very low with respect to its quality, features and
The E-Backpack is a new product in the market with light weight design
and new amazing features which are not available in the market under
one single bag. The bag is relatively cheap compared to other bags under
the same category. The moto behind the E-backpack was power
everything you carry no need to unpack a single cable charges your bag
and all the gadgets inside it. The solar panel which is an alternative
source of charging which means no need to charge regularly and solar
energy is clean energy and has no harmful effect on the environment.
Then control at your fingertips with the mobile application and protect
gear on the go. In all this E-back pack is solving the problems of the
people they face daily.

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