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Good examples from practical experience

“KiK”: online course for qualified nursing staff

Web-based language course for immigrants who want to gain recognition of their professional qualifications in Germany

Starting position/challenge
GOOD Due to the shortage of skilled workers in

Germany, more and more qualified nurses
are being recruited from abroad to work in
to the point German hospitals and nursing homes. Many
of them are initially employed as nursing as- Welcome to the online course
Addressees for transfer: sistants, since their foreign vocational qual-
Kommunikation im Krankenhaus
Qualified health and nursing staff with ifications are not, or have not yet been rec- (Communication in the Hospital)
Work-related German language B1-B2
foreign vocational qualifications as ognised. Moreover, they often lack sufficient Module 1:
well as nursing and language schools. Communication with patients
German language skills to be able to work
as qualified nurses. Due to shift work and a Task 1: Providing information

Tool “KiK”:
high workload, however, it is often a great
The online course “KiK – Kommunikation
im Krankenhaus” (Communication in the challenge for this target group to partici-
Hospital) enables flexible, time and loca- pate in regular courses to improve their
tion-independent language learning for professional language skills. In order to
qualified nursing staff from abroad. The close this gap, a time and location-indepen-
course teaches specific work-related Ger- dent online language course was developed
man language skills at the B1-B2 level and
as part of the Hessian IQ project “Kommu-
prepares the participants for a profes-
sional occupation in a hospital. Profes- nikation im Krankenhaus” (Communication
sional situations are dealt with in three in the Hospital) by the implementing educa-
modules. The multimedia online course tional organisation Volkshochschule Main- to specialist books, dictionaries and web
offers the students varied access to many Taunus-Kreis. pages. Most of the tasks are self-correcting,
different teaching materials through au- but the course also includes interactive ex-
dio texts, reading texts, pictures, and
Implementation ercises and the opportunity to exchange
After professional research in relevant with other students in forums and chats.
Project: teaching publications on nursing and on the The online course is not a purely self-learn-
Online course “KiK – teaching of the German language for nurs- ing course; it can be offered as an accompa-
Kommunikation im Krankenhaus” ing staff, after the exchange with teachers nying tool or in addition to attending con-
(Communication in the Hospital) as well as sitting in on specialised classes, ventional courses, whereby it can be flexibly
subject-based lessons were identified and used in different teaching and learning envi-
Implementing organisation: didactically prepared. The online learning ronments. The online course was technical-
Volkshochschule Main-Taunus-Kreis
modules are focused on the professional re- ly implemented via “moodle”, an open-
Project contact: quirements within the hospital routine. The source learning platform. In the future, the
Kerstin Rohlf-Wachs / Pfarrgasse 38 / modules also focus on the training contents course will also be provided on the Network
65719 Hofheim / of the preparatory courses for the knowl- IQ learning platform ILIAS.
Tel.: +49 (0) 6192/99 01 27 / edge test, which is required for the recogni- tion of foreign credentials of qualified nurs- Summary
es. Moreover, the modules include the The goal is to improve verbal and written
Further information about the online linguistic requirements of “telc Deutsch B1- communication skills in the workplace to in-
course “KiK” can be obtained from the proj- B2 Pflege”, the subject-specific examination crease the chances for a qualified position.
ect contact Kerstin Rohlf-Wachs. You can for nursing staff in elderly care and nursing. Migrants can thus be integrated profession-
find the online course at http://moodle. The course is divided into 27 subject-based ally more easily and faster, and the quality of lessons and covers professional situations, care in hospitals and nursing homes can be
php?id=337. The course is also provided by
e.g. nursing anamnesis, counselling or pro- guaranteed. Since March 2016, the educa-
the Dissemination Project IQ on the ILIAS
learning platform of the Network IQ. Con- phylaxis. The multimedia presentation of- tional organisation VHS Main-Taunus-Kreis
tact person is Christina Schrader, phone: fers the students varied access to many dif- has been using the online course to accom-
+49 (0) 211/302009-23, ferent teaching materials through audio pany adaptation and preparatory courses in
texts, reading texts, pictures, videos, links the areas of health care and nursing.
Speaking, reading and writing for any situation
This online course provides qualified nursing staff with a variety of content through authentic materials

The central component of nursing activity areas of reading, ­writing, listening and Specially designed “audio texts” convey
in the hospital is communication. This is speaking, as well as learning professional typical communication situations in the
why the online course is based on different and subject-specific vocabulary. They learn hospital and thereby practice comprehen-
communication situations in hospitals. nursing and medicine-specific vocabulary sion. “Reading texts”, based on nursing
Qualified nurses communicate with pa- and common terminology for communicat- terms, convey content and train the use of
tients, they talk to colleagues and doctors, ing with various conversational partners. specialised vocabulary. In addition, the par-
but also interact with relatives. These dif- ticipants are involved in the writing of rele-
ferent communicative challenges are taken vant texts such as e-mails, reports, nursing
into account. The course consists of three reports, telephone memos, protocols and
modules which correspond to these three others. Moreover, the course contains
essential communication situations. The many links to dictionaries, specialist books,
modules deal with professional situations specialist journals and guides from the
in nine subject-based lessons each, with healthcare field. At the end of each lesson,
different aspects of the professional rou- individual grammatical topics, which are
tine being implemented in speech actions. relevant for the linguistic handling of the
Participants can use the course to increase communicative tasks, are repeated and
their general German language skills in the practised at the A2-B2 level.

Three questions to project contact Kerstin Rohlf-Wachs, Head of the German as a foreign language department at VHS Main-Taunus-Kreis

“Modules can be adapted at any time”

What is the innovative aspect of “KiK”? guage schools as an alone-standing or an accompanying tool. The
The course is innovative, since it offers time implementing organisation can offer their participants the online
and location-independent German lan- modules as supplement to a nursing training course or to preparato-
guage training. It is therefore a very good ry and recognition courses. Foreign health and nursing staff can also
alternative for the target group because it use the online learning modules for self-study, which should prefer-
can be accommodated with different work- ably be supported or guided.
ing hours regardless of shift schedules or a
high workload. The opportunity for lectur- How can the online course “KiK" support learners in the long-
ers to adapt the course to the specific term?
needs of the participants is also innovative. The different teaching and learning settings and the diverse course
The modules can be used by course leaders as modular components contents allow participants to sustainably improve their specialist
and can be supplemented, changed or updated at any time. Howev- and professional language skills. The multimedia-based online
er, the course can also be used for pure online training that com- course contains both co-operative tasks, which should be monitored
bines self-learning and learning guided by course leaders. At the by a course leader, as well as self-supervised exercises, which are
same time, the language support takes place online by the lecturer. suitable for self-study and enable language students to design their
learning program individually based on existing language skills,
Is it possible to introduce this tool in other regions? learning speed, time and effort. The self-supervised tasks of the on-
The free online course can be used nationwide by nursing and lan- line course can be repeated as often as required by the participants.

Imprint Authors: Christian Zingel, Sigrid Zehren Network IQ

The project is funded as The online course modules were designed and The Network “Integration through Qualification (IQ)” aims at sustainable improvements in the
part of the Network IQ. It written by Sigrid Zehren. labour market integration of adults with a migration background. The programme is funded by
was a subproject within Editor: Christian Zingel, Canan Ulug (ebbGmbH) the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the European Social Fund (ESF).
the Network IQ Hesse. Photos/Illustration: Volkshochschule Main-Tau- Strategic partners in implementing the programme are the Federal Ministry of Education and
nus-Kreis,, Julia Schlax Research (BMBF) and the Federal Employment Agency (BA).
(RockAByte GmbH)
Layout: Gereon Nolte, ZWH
Version: 2016

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