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Advanced. Dungeons & Dragons Guage Table of Contents Introduction ...... 4 Chapter 4: The Nine Layers ..............26 Chapter 1: Unwelcome Guests . <...6 Chapter 5: Personalities . ao Chapter 2: Character Options ............11 Chapter 6: The Diabolic Campaign ....... 52 Chapter 3: Spells and Magic ...... .20 Appendix: Denizens of Hell ... Credits : Designer: Chris Pramas Editor: Kim Mohan Cover Artist: Brom Interior Artist: Hannibal King Cartographer: Rob Lazzaretti ‘Typesetter: Eric Haddock Graphic Designer: Matt Adelsperger Creative Director: Ed Stark Art Director: Dawn Murin US, CANADA, ASIA PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Wizards of the Coast, Inc. PO. Box 707 Renton WA 98057-0707 (Questions?) +1-800-324-6496 Special thanks to Colin McComb for leading the way with his outstanding work in the PLANESCAPE line. Sources: Sources for this work include the following: Dunceon Masrer® Guibe and PLayeR's HaNDsooK® by Zeb Cook, Monstrous ComPenprust® VotuMe I edited by David Wise, and the Monstrous Manua.™ tome by authors too numerous to catalogue here. Based on the original DuNGEONS & DRAGONs® game created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS Wizards of the Coast, Belgium PB. 2031 2600 Berchem Belgium +32-70-23-32-77 Visit our website at /Amxanceo Dunczons fe Daacons, ADD, Dunoon Mastet, Duncuons de Daacons, Mowsraous Cowpsnotua, PLANESCAPE, and the TSR logo are registered tmademarks owned by TSR Ine. MONSTIOUS MANUAL i trademark owned by TSR, Inc Al TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses there are Terdemarks owned by TSR, Ine Distributed to the hobby, ty, and comic trade in the United States and Canada by regional distributors Distbuted worldwide by Wizards ofthe Coast Inc, and regional dstbutors. “This material is protected under the copyright ins ofthe United Sats of Amerie. Any reproduction or unauthorized us of the material or artwork contained herein is protbited without express writen permission of TSR, ine “This producti a work of tion, Any similarity ¥o actual people, organlzatins lacs, or evens is purely coincidental "01989 TSR nc All ights reserved, Made in the USA. "TSR Ine ea subsidiary of Wizards ofthe Coast, nc ISBN 07860-4519 Serpents of Law Being a Treatise on the Cosmic Serpents, the Birth of the Outer Planes, and the the Fall of Ahriman. The universe, at its birth, was little more than swirling chaos. A primordial soup of infinite possibilities, the cosmos was both everything and nothing. Through some unknown process, forms coalesced out of the chaos, including the planes themselves and those beings later known as gods. Some of these newborn powers reveled in the chaos, while others abhorred it. The conflict between these two groups, between Law and Chaos, defined the planes and the laws that they would obey. ‘The mightiest of Law’s champions were the Twin Serpents. These Cosmic Serpents expressed the duali- ty of Law, and were unstoppable when they worked together. Jazirian, winged and feathered, dedicated herself to the cause of good, while Ahriman, scaled and forked of tongue, embraced the darker path of evil. Despite their differences, they were first and fore- most agents of Law. Sending their coils out into the endless chaos, Jazir- ian and Ahriman created the first ring, so establishing a fundamental principle of the planes. When Ahriman took Jazirian’s tail in his mouth and she did the same with his, they demarcated the plane now known as the Outlands. Since this plane was created by the interaction of Law and Chaos, and was bordered by both Good and Evil, it became the plane of true neu- trality. With the Outlands defined, the other planes fell in around it, creating what became known as the Great Ring. This construction—a central plane of neu- trality with sixteen other planes of all alignments arrayed around it—is popularly known as the Outer Planes. Jazirian and Ahriman’s ouroboros had instituted the unity of rings already, establishing the importance of rings in planar geography and philosophy. The ‘Twin Serpents then turned their attention to the other laws that would rule the planes. In honor of their triple aspects—Law, Good, and Evil—the serpents established the law of threes, decreeing the impor- tance of the number three in all spheres. After apply- ing this law, they decided they needed another law to complete their triumvirate. Both agreed they should define the center of the universe, about which they

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