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Biopower K


The Sole Burden of the Negative is to Attack the Affirmative Advocacy

van Eemeren, Professor of Argumentation and Rhetoric at the University of Amsterdam,

A debate in the North American style centers around “propositions.”As Austin Freeley described in his
prominent book, Argumentation and Debate (1993), in a debate two parties attempts, with the help of
argumentation, to justify or refute to a judge a statement about which a difference of opinion exists.
The affirmative side defends the statement in conflict; the negative side attacks it. The statement that
is defended and attacked is called the debate proposition, or proposition (1993: 38). The affirmative
side has the burden of proof of the proposition. This means that they need to justify the proposition
convincingly to the judge. The negative has no burden of proof; their only task is to attack the

The affirmative was able to choice everything that went into their case thus they are
responsible for any problems in the arguments. Simply said, endorsement grants legitimize.

Public health changes the focus of power from man-as-individual to man-as-
species, this is characteristic of bio-politics

Mark Duffield 2005, professor in department of politics and IR at Lancaster

Biopower creates a biological basis for the control and destruction of all life
Michel Foucault, Professor of the History of Systems of Thought at the College de France, The History Of
Sexuality: An Introduction, Volume 1, 1978, p. 143.

If one can apply the term bio-history to the pressures through which the movements of life and the processes
of history interfere with one another, one would have to speak of bio-power to designate what brought life
and its mechanisms into the realm of explicit calculations and made knowledge-power an agent of
transformation of human life. It is not that life has been totally integrated into techniques that govern and
administer it; it constantly escapes them. Outside the Western world, famine exists. on a greater scale than
ever; and the biological risks confronting the species are perhaps greater, and certainly more serious, than
before the birth of microbiologv. But what might be called a societv's "threshold of modernity" has been
reached when the life of the species is wagered on its own political strategies. For millennia, man remained
what he was for Aristotle: a divine animal with the additional capacity for a political existence: modem man
is an animal whose politics places his existence as a living being in question.
The Alternative is to Reject the Affirmative

Michael Foucault writes (Godiwala, Dimple. "The Western patriarchal impulse (1)/Batinin
ataerkil guc birligi." Interactions 15.1 (2006): 77+. Student. Web. 8 Aug. 2010. This is Dimple
quoting Foucault, which is where I came across this) :

Maybe the target nowadays is not to discover what we are, but to refuse what we are. We
have to imagine and to build up what we could be to get rid of [a] political 'double bind',
which is the simultaneous individualization and totalization of modern power structures. The
conclusion would be that the political, ethical, social, philosophical problem of our days is not
to try and liberate the individual from the state, and from the state's institutions, but to
liberate us both from the state and from the type of individualization which is linked to the
state. We have to promote new forms of subjectivity through refusal of this kind of
individuality which has been imposed upon us for several centuries.

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