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Your Teacher Mr.

Tamborello’s Social Media:

Mr. Nathan Tamborello Class Twitter: @TamborelloELA

Conference: 1st, 7:30 - 8:10 Google Classroom (On Level): 0jcnf9y
Phone: 979-730-7250 ext. 27295 Google Classroom (Pre-AP): m8e0ik1
Email: Remind 101
Education: B.A. Music & English Sign up to receive text message reminders! Send a
M.Ed. Curriculum & Instruction text to 81010 with the class code @ntambo
Master Reading Teacher
Pre-AP Classes
Class Requirements
Students in Pre-AP classes will work on an ad-
¤ Come every day prepared to work. This vanced curriculum and held to higher expectations.
means having your supplies, work, charged
Chromebook, library book, & positive attitude. BINDERS/Folders
¤ Complete bathroom needs before class. A Language Arts binder or folder will be kept by all
¤ Enter calmly, sharpen pencils, turn in work. students and must be organized and maintained.
¤ Check the absent binder if you were absent.
¤ Sit in your assigned seat. My Educational Philosophy
¤ Complete warm-up. I want my students to become critical thinkers who
¤ Be attentive and productive. question everything and take their time contem-
¤ See me for extra help as needed. plating the answers to difficult queries. My goal is
¤ READ EVERY NIGHT. to create an open and collaborative classroom en-
vironment of young adults who are able to think
L.A. Supplies: Bring to class every day!
for themselves, make mistakes, and challenge
¤ Charged Chromebook themselves in learning. To help with your achieve-
¤ Language Arts Binder/Folder ments, I am available before and after school and
¤ Blue/Black Pens AND Red Pens during Prime Time. You can help by following P5:
¤ Homework / Classwork Prompt, Prepared, Productive, Positive, and Polite.
¤ Library book Being POLITE covers everything, so make sure you
always are!
¤ High Expectations Late/Missing/Below 50 Work
¤ Rigorous Curriculum An assignment is late if it is not turned in at the
¤ Study Island: online program start of the class in which it is due. For late work,
¤ Weekly Vocabulary 5% (10% PreAP) per day (max 30%) will be deduct-
¤ Literature book used extensively ed and parents will be contacted for excessive late
¤ Write Source + The Writing Academy + 6 Traits work. Grades below 50 require intervention to ob-
¤ Novel studies tain a 70%.
¤ Sustained Silent Reading
¤ Reading STAAR

We will be TRUSTWORTHY, Fair, Responsible, Respectful, Caring, Good Citizens, and Students of

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