Famous Mathematician PowerPoint Project

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Famous Mathematician PowerPoint Presentation

Objective: Deeper exploration of the culture, values, and history of the


Project Objective: Create a PowerPoint presentation about one of the

famous mathematicians from the list provided. In doing, this you should
see connections between what the mathematician was exploring at the
time he/she lived and how his/her work fit into that part of history.
Your presentation should provide information as described in the rubric
on this project description sheet.

Project Due Date: March 4th, 2011

PowerPoint Requirements:
 Minimum of 5 slides 10 points

 Biography (including, but not limited to: dates of mathematician’s life,

happenings in life, happenings in the world at that time, picture of
mathematician, if available) 30 points

 Contributions to math/science 20 points

 Trivia facts – 2 (facts about the mathematician that are not

well-known) 20 points

 Example of something the mathematician did (examples: formula

developed and its use; problem solved and its solution) 20 points

*Please use your creativity and knowledge of PowerPoint to make the

presentation as interesting for others as you would like it to be for you.
Famous Mathematicians
1. Euclid 21. Paul Erdos

2. Galileo 22. Ohm

3. Descartes 23. Charlotte Angus Scott

4. Blaise Pascal 24. Chu Shih-chieh

5. Pythagoras 25. Florence Nightingale

6. Albert Einstein 26. Archimedes

7. Charles Babbage 27. Aristotle

8. Apollonius 28. Aryabhatta

9. Heron 29. Euler

10. Sir Isaac Newton 30. Gerolamo Cardona

11. Augustin Louis Cauchy 31. Aristarchus

12. Karl Friedrich Gauss 32. Fibonacci

13. David Hilbert 33. Abraham de Moivre

14. Pierre-Simon Laplace 34. Joseph Louis Lagrange

15. Ada Byron Lovelace 35. Hipparchus

16. Eratosthenes 36. Diophantas

17. Francois Viete 37. Plato

18. Jean Baptiste Fourier 38. Pierre de Fermat

19. Maria Agnesi 39. George Boole

20. Daniel Bernoulli 40. Andre Marie Ampere

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