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Download the Free Trial Version of

CoStat 6.4
Thank you for choosing to try CoStat. (This is version 6.400.)

Installation Notes:

 Technical Support Is Free before and after you buy a license. If you can't figure
something out or don't like something, please don't give up. Contact technical
support. Maybe we can help.
 Slightly Crippled - Unless you buy a license and use Help : Register to register
this program, this trial version of CoStat will cover up one line of data on the screen with
"CoStat (not registered)" and will suppress printing crucial statistics (it prints "not
registered" instead). The line of data in the spreadsheet covered up by the red letters is
still accessible (move the cursor to one of the cells and look in the data entry field above
the spreadsheet). Otherwise, this is the complete version of CoStat. We are sorry about
the crippling. We felt we had to do something to encourage people to buy a license and
not just use the free trial versions forever. CoHort Software is a small company of people
trying to make a living writing, selling, and supporting this software. We don't have other
jobs or government grants. We can't afford to just give CoStat away. If you like CoStat,
please buy a license.

Install CoStat:

 For Windows (32 bit)

1. If you have an older version of CoStat or CoPlot, uninstall it with
Start : All Programs : CoHort : Uninstall.
(Don't worry, your files and your preferences won't be deleted.)
Or, use Start : Settings (on older computers) : Control Panel
: Add/Remove Programs
and uninstall CoHort, CoStat, and/or CoPlot if they are listed.
2. For Windows 2000, NT, XP, Vista, 7, and 8
download costat6400Win.exe (21,628,009 bytes) into a temporary directory.
(Trouble downloading? Try this mirror site.)
For Windows 95, 98, and ME, download the older costat6311Win.exe into a
temporary directory.
3. In Windows Explorer (also known as "My Computer"), double click
on costat6400Win.exe and follow the instructions on the screen.
4. To run CoStat, click on Start : All Programs : CoHort : CoStat.

 For Mac OS X
1. Use System Preferences : System : Software Update to see if there
is a more recent version of Java available to download and install.
2. Download (3,014,314 bytes) to your desktop.
(Trouble downloading? Try this mirror site.)
3. Drag on to the Applications folder.
4. Double click on in the Applications folder.
That should create a CoHort folder.
5. Drag from the Applications folder to Trash.
6. To run CoStat, go to Applications / CoHort / cohort6, and double click on costat
(it appears with no extension).
We hope to repackage CoStat for Mac soon so that this is easier and doesn't
leave a terminal window open.


 For any other operating system (e.g., Linux, Unix, Windows 64 bit)
1. Download and install the latest version of Java by going to and
clicking on Get It Now.
2. Download (2,917,673 bytes).
(Trouble downloading? Try this mirror site.)
3. Unzip that file into a directory called cohort6. For example, in Linux:
cd /usr/local/bin
unzip -d cohort6
4. For Linux and Unix, you need to make the csh script files exectuable. For
cd cohort6
chmod +x costat
chmod +x cotext
5. To run the program, use the costat or cotext script files in the cohort6
directory (you may need to modify them).


Common Download Problems

 If your browser changes the file's name before saving it, change the name back to the
name specified above.
 If the download freezes at 99% for more than a minute, try cancelling it and starting the
download again. Usually, it will go super fast the second time and get to 100%. If that
doesn't work, try downloading with a different browser (if you have one) or on a different
computer. If that doesn't work, please send an email to CoHortSoftware at

Common Problems Running CoStat

 If you get an error message about msvcr71.dll not being found, please:
1. Right click on msvcr71.dll and save it to
 C:\Windows\System if you have Windows 95/98/Me
 C:\WINNT\System32 if you have Windows NT/2000
 C:\Windows\System32 if you have Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
If you use a 64-bit version of Windows, you should also place msvcr71.dll
in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
2. Reboot your computer.
3. Click on Start : All Programs : CoHort : CoStat to run CoStat.
4. If the problem still occurs, try the following:
 Open Windows Start menu and select "Run...".
 Type CMD and press Enter (or if you use Windows ME, type
 Type regsvr32 msvcr71.dll and press Enter.
5. Click on Start : All Programs : CoHort : CoStat to run CoStat.

 When you exit CoPlot or CoStat, you get a warning like "Warning: Default charset
MS932 not supported; using ISO-8859-1 instead."
This problem can occur on some computers where the default language is not English.
The solution is:
1. Right-click (Apple users: use shift-click) on charsets.jar
2. Choose Save Target As (or "Save link as" on some browsers).
3. In the file dialog that pops up:
 Set Save As Type to be All Files.
 Make sure the file gets saved with the name charsets.jar. If your browser
changed the file name (for example, to, change the name
back to charsets.jar.
 Choose to save the file in your cohort6 directory in the sub-directory
called "jre/lib/"
(on Windows, this is often c:\Program Files\cohort6\jre\lib;
on Mac OS X, this is often (Macintosh
on Linux and UNIX, this is
often /usr/local/bin/cohort6/jre/lib).
4. If the file gets upzipped, something went wrong. Try to follow the steps above
again, but with slight changes so that the file gets saved as one file.

The next time you run CoPlot or CoStat, the file will be detected by Java and the
problem should go away.

Common Problems with Installing and Running CoStat

from the Command Line
OS/2, Linux, or Unix says something like: "Bad command or file name" immediately after
you type costat.
The script file isn't being found. Check the directory listing to make sure the CoHort files
are there. Did you remember to change to the cohort directory (in Linux and Unix, cd
/usr/local/bin/cohort6) before running the program?

OS/2, Linux, or Unix says something like: "Bad command or file name: java" right after
the script file tries to run java.
The Java program isn't being found. Edit the script file so that the reference to 'java'
includes the name of the directory where the java program file is located.

Java says: "Can't find class com.cohort.CoStat"

Did you remember to change to the cohort directory (in Linux and Unix, cd
/usr/local/bin/cohort6) before running the program?

There are text buttons, not graphics icon buttons, on the toolbar just below the menu titles.
Make sure that the icon's .gif files are indeed in the cohort6 directory: for example, check
to see that OpenButton.gif is present. If it isn't, try to find out where it is (in Linux and
Unix, use "find / -name 'OpenButton.gif'") as that may help you determine
what went wrong with your installation.

Problems running CoStat from a shortcut file or a desktop icon?

Make sure the shortcut points to the correct script file (for Linux and Unix: costat) in
the cohort6 directory. Also, make sure that the shortcut file makes the cohort6 directory
the current directory before it runs the costat script.
What Is in the 'costat' Script/Batch Files?
Few people will need to know these details. But here they are:

If you use the command line installation method, the CoHort programs are actually run by OS/2
command files (for example,costat.cmd), Unix/Linux shell scripts (for example, costat, no
extension), or Windows batch files (for example, costat.bat, if you aren't using
the costat.exe file). In unusual cases (for example, non-Sun versions of Java), you may need
to modify these files to get the programs to run on your computer.

Usually, the files have just one command in them. Using the Windows batch file for CoStat as
an example:
java -Xmx512m -Xincgc -cp .;cohort.jar com.cohort.CoStat %1 %2 %3 %4
The syntax is slightly different in the OS/2 command files and Unix/Linux shell scripts. The
components are:

runs the program via the java program. If Java isn't found when you run the script file,
add the full directory name before "java".
specifies 512 MB as the maximum amount of memory to be allocated to the program.
You can increase this: -Xmx1400m or -Xmx1500m is often the highest amount allowed
on computers with 32 bit operating systems. But if you get an "out of memory" error
message, it is more likely that something other than memory is the problem.
See Memory in the CoStat manual.
turns on incremental garbage collection. Garbage collection is the system by which Java
reclaims memory that was allocated but is now no longer used. Incremental garbage
collection (as opposed to non-incremental) is required for CoHort programs. Also, our
experience is that Java sometimes generates erroneous "out of memory" error
messages when non-incremental garbage collection is used.
-cp .;cohort.jar
sets the Java classpath, which tells Java where to look for the Java class files. The
cohort.jar file is a compressed file which contains all of the class files from CoHort
Software. All of the other files which are distributed with CoStat (for example, .aov files)
should be in the same directory as cohort.jar. In the Unix and Linux script files, the path
separator is ":", not ";".
the name of the Java class to be run. This is "com.cohort.CoText" or something else in
the other script files. This is case sensitive in all operating systems. Starting with CoStat
6.100, "com.cohort" is needed because all of the files in the cohort.jar file are now in a
Java package called "com.cohort". So the full name of the CoStat class is
passes the first parameter (the document name) to the program.
passes the second parameter (for example, the name of a macro) to the program.
passes the third parameter (currently unused) to the program.
passes the fourth parameter (currently unused) to the program.

Optional Document Name on the Command Line

For CoStat, the extension of the datafile name on the command line tells CoStat what type of
data file it is, so that CoStat can import the data. If the datafile name doesn't have an extension,
.dt will be added. Supported file types (and the necessary extensions) are: ASCII (.asc), Comma
separated value ASCII (.csv), columnar ASCII (.col), CoStat (DOS .dt and Java .dt), dBASE
(.dbf), Epi-Info (.rec), Excel (.xls), Gauss (.fmt), Genstat (.gsh), HTM (.htm), HTML (.html), Instat
(.wor), Lotus 1-2-3 (.wk3), MatLab (.mat), Microstat II (.mii), Minitab (.mtw), MSTAT (.dat),
Paradox (.db), Quattro (.wq1), Quattro Pro for Windows (.qpw), Rich Text Format (Word, .rtf),
S+ (.sdd), SAS PC (.tpt), Space separated ASCII text (.txt), SPSS/Win (.sav), Stata (.dta),
Statistica (.sta), Systat (.syd), Tab separated ASCII text (.tab).

For example, "costat longley.dbf" will run CoStat and import data from the Longley
dBASE file. See File : Open in the CoStat manual for details.

Installing and Running CoStat with a Network File

We no longer recommend that you use a network file server to store the CoHort programs. It
leads to excessive network traffic and makes the program's start up time much longer.

Problems, Comments, Questions, or Suggestions?

We want your experience with CoStat to be a good one. If you have problems, comments,
questions, or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact technical support.
CoHort Software
Graphics and Statistics Software for Scientists and
Welcome! CoHort Software has been creating high-quality, reasonably-priced software for
scientists and engineers since 1986. Our web site has information about:

 Products
o CoPlot 6.4 - A versatile program for making publication-
quality maps, technical drawings, and 2D and 3D scientific
graphs (which plot data and equations). CoPlot includes
CoStat for data handling and statistics.
o CoStat 6.4 - An easy-to-use program for data manipulation
and statistical analysis (descriptive statistics, GLM ANOVA,
regression, analysis of frequency data, nonparametric tests, etc.).
o CoCalc - A free RPN scientific calculator applet.
o CoCalc2 - The large-text version of CoCalc.
 Technical Support
 Contact CoHort Software

No Heartbleed Security Bug - CoPlot and CoStat are not and were not afflicted with nor
affected by the Heartbleed Security Bug since they do not communicate via the Internet. The
CoHort Software website was not and is not afflicted nor affected by the Heartbleed Security
Bug since the basic website does not use SSL. Payments on our website via PayPal do use SSL,
but PayPal says they were not affected by Heartbleed.

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