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Learning Objectives

Chapter 14
The Human Eye . Describe the gross structure of the eye as seen in front
view and in horizontal section

. State the principalfunctions ofcomponent pafts o{ the

eye in producing a focused image of near and dislant
objecls on the relina

. Describe the pupil reflex in response to bright and dim


Eye magic The Eye

secoRdsand eveMhiiq wi srop m
. One of the most
important receptors.
. Provides us on
information on
dimensions, colours
and distance of
objects in our

ye ron
vtew External structure of the eye


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,.il;i. r ) Help protect the eye
from dust particles

Functions Function
(3) Conjunctiva (4) Sclera
)Transparent )Tough
)White, Opaque
)Covering the
of the eyeball )Non-elastic layer
)Secretes mucus to outside the eyeball
lubricate, clean and )Protects the eyeball
maintain moisture from mechanical
)Continuous with the damage.
skin of eyelids

Fu nction Function

(5) Cornea (6) lris --
>Continuous with
)Refracts light rays
into the eye
(7) Pupil
) Round hole at th€i
centre of the iris
through which light
Vertical Section of The Human_Eye i vertical section of The Human Eye l,

r Verticalssction ofThe Human Eye I Verticalsectlon ofThe Homan Eye

1 vertical Section ofThe Human Eye I vertical Sectior of The Human Eye I

Photoreceptors Photoreceptors
. Cones- enable us to see colours in bright . Rods -enable us to see in dim light
lig ht. . See only in black and white
. Red, blue and green cones . Contain visual purple (Vitamin A)
. Each cone absorbs light of different . Bleached by light
wavelengths. . Re-formed in the dark
. Do not work well in dim light.

fiJirlrrlia.'. i 1l'.'
Chapter 14 The Human Eye
' Rods and Cones are stimulated by the
How Do We See?
light of the image, and convert the light
energy ) electrical energy
. Electrical energy ) travels in the form of
an impulse ) along the optic nerve ) to
the brain.
. Brain ) de-codes the impulse to produce
the sensation of sight.

How Do We See?

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How Do We See?
throuah ilc @m€rd rhc
qu.tus hlnour onlo thc lcis
' tudhrrclladon

drmu!h rhc
'h.6rn€,mLl a4ueous hunour onto L\c lens
' tur
'e' 'c6ad,on

Tne oage fom.d is Thc inags on $c rcrina

stimuhts cilnd dc rdls or . invcrt€d $nnu1a1es cither lne rods or
thc .onB, dopcndi4 on the rhc cones, d@cndinr on ih!

PupilReflex Pupil Reflex

ln Dim Lioht
(1) Lrqht sensruve @lls n lhe
Frin: ddF.l ihF lidhr
(2) lmpulse are sent alonq the
optic newe ro lhe bran
(3) Brain retums the impulse
along a motor neumne to the
Edialmuscles ol lhe ins
(4) Radial iis muscles contracr,
cirular iris muscles relax
(5) Diameter oi lne pupil
inseases allowing more light

ln Dim light PupilReflex
ln bnghtlight muscres Ellt
(1) liohl sonsliive cells inthe
rehna dete.l the I'oht
(2) lmpurse are sentalons the
optic nerve lo lhe brain
(3) Arain retums the impulse
alono a molor nelrone lo lhe
radblmuscles of the ins
(4) Radialins muscleE relar,
cirular ins muscles conrrecl
(5) Oismeler of lhe pupil
decre€ses allowing less light

ln Bright light

Action gf lris in.Brignt Light l4s in,E Light

Ma6ha Cav€ndirh

Chapter 14 The Human Eye

Action of Iris in Dim Liqht

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. The ability of the lens to change and
focus on objects at different distances is
called accommodation.
. This depends on:-
('1) Elasticity of the lens
(2) Ciliary muscles which alter the shape of
the lens.
(3) Suspensory ligaments
When viewino near When viewinq distant
obiects obiects
(1) Ciliary muscles (1) Ciliary muscles
contract relax
(2) Suspensory (2) Suspensory
ligamentsrelax ligamentscontract
(3) Lens thicker, more (3) Lens thinner, less
curved r curyed

Distant object


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liB Ma6hall (alrendi'h

Nearby object
Chapter 14 The Human Eye
How Eyes Focus on Near Objects



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