Greek Review Sheet

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Name_________________________________________ Date___________

Mr. Goldman SS 9R


1. Which geographic characteristic of Greece provided a link to the outside world?
2. Oligarchy
3. What were Spartan boys trained to be?
4. What geographic feature separated the regions within Greece?
5. The geography of Greece helped create:
6. Aristocracy
7. Acropolis
8. Monarchy
9. Democracy
10. Archipelago
11. Pericles
12. Polis
13. Golden Age of Greece
14. A major impact of Greek culture that can be seen in America today is:
15. Athenian Democracy
16. How did Greeks differ from the earlier civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia?
17. Greek Philosophers (Socrates)
18. Phalanx
19. Parthenon
20. Spartan Society
21. Similarities of Athens and Sparta
22. Definition of the word Classic
23. Alexander the Great
24. Herodotus
25. Plato
26. Peloponnesian War
27. % of Greek arable (farmable) land
28. Olympic Games
29. Oracles

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