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Elementary School Behk Lurka Name Roll no. Class=7" ENGLISH PART-A (Objective Type) Part A:48 marks, Part B:52 marks, Total marks:100 Q.No.1. Encircle the correct answer. __Tick_the~ proper_noun used inthe following sentence: w+ wen fa Karachi_by train. ——0)___ went _(b)___ fe __@)__ Karachi) train _ 4 —The group of words witha common noun is____ 0) Body. Mind, Hockey — (by Refresh, mind, popular ©) Mind, sports. Headtfiy 0p) Hockey popular . busy 4 "Tiesame" means —___e_olifficult tb) easy _@) _beving Oe als sootine_ —ty Tick thie serilence in which the ovlicle is_used correctly. ——@) He hit_upen_tie_idea._tby He hit upon _an_idlea. (©) He_hit upon a idea. td) He hit upon ideo. _ 6) _—This_1s_the ______model._of. the mobile —__ ——)_Later _)_Latest __) Late td) _more Let 46) Red_veses_aye —_______._ than white or black veSeS. ca) beautiful ie sey most | ee Synonym of Alter” — eet Tomer ratyy —10)__might __y __ may _- ¢)___ can @— Always start _a _senitence wth. —(a)_g,vestion male cb) comma Sh small Letter __(d) capital etfer _ oy 4 tm _ across the —x1ver. oan ey re —(0)__can by __ may _¢¢)_might_«d) ought _ ()___she wondered uhether_it ______be_Tive ___ bs (@)___can tb) should) ought _tda__ could —up» children _____ obey their parents. ta) should cb) could ce) __can «dy __rmght _ U3) Every musdiv is —_.7 every muslim (@)__ Friend.) companten () brother 4) relative un The disputes og. the villigers are settled bys Z c@) Panchayeit chy Numberden (¢) Teachers (dj - counselor (15)_A__ dictionary is a collection op : ecere ee: ta) _ Figures by» numbers _¢) eligits «ch eueanle ~¢16)._counifabLe noun _is —__— panned ee 10) Love dy Flag ia A honesty —_ pour actions _aye_responsible per our: __ 1) safety _chy__sense cc) __vout_dy tight ___ —4e)_Pollhiition is _eppecting tie ta) news dy) habit’ _«e) _ chairs _d)_environmeri_ uy Accidents ome. eaused’ ‘ley —__@)_c rowded reads ___tb) Traffic jams —___ ee tc) Carelessness af thie pecple (d) Trappe Lights mi —so0) A bird _in_hamd__is worth two in the —______.__ 1a) __ bush «by —_ cage —1<)_forest___td)__room _"__ man thiavity “begins of 1a) School) home __¢¢)__masayue__cds_hospital — on __Alk_that glitters is not__+-___ —— tai __eabd. thy suber. icy 4 a eee Read the following paragraph carefully and answer mt NO. 8362.25 26-and gp Bona m_Kunhay river you find Trout ish whichis very — _ tasty and _nutvitious. Merve 1s a Lervye number. op — —___reslauracits, hotles and tourists: yesorts. In persian _danguage. they Aay that Listening’ and seeing can never be etike. your visit te the Kaghan vadley untl_ Bes bear thie twuihi_ap the persian sowing. Bes Be «23)_Which_ fish is_in the _yiver_Kunhar..—______ (e)_ Spike) _tvaut__¢) __dive dj __sige oy) __ Yous visit to thie will bear The 10) Truth tb) _ bie ce) __ Sorry cds__viver ___ eipey peu ish ene ee wa sweet dy salty cos Lenolity cds racy ~ (26) They say in aiaginagie 4a) ___uvdu_chy english ce) Persian_cdy_Punjecbi —27____The meaning op "dike" dec 2 —_1@)__ more __y _same_ce) less «dy _ joie 5 ee ene ee 24. 30.31 amd_32. wie Across. the window pane os pete tt pours _amd_pours p____ : __And_sungt amd wide wilt muddy Tide pe ike a yer down thie outlay rears — The _vein,_we_weleome yin, —______

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