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As the development of technology presents itself, and the

growing complexities arise in every aspect of our society,

manpower seems to be insufficient to cope up with the growth and

development of office work. Human Resource is a term used to

describe the individuals who comprise the workforce of an

organization. It is the personnel department of an organization

dealing with the recruitment, administration, management and

training of employees. In other words, it is that department who

is responsible for hiring, firing, payroll, benefits, and other

related functions. Human resource is abbreviated as HR.

The Human Resource is responsible for gathering the

necessary man power that a company or an office needs. In short,

it is the center of the organization that serves as the link

between all concerned. Depending on the size of the company or an

office, the HR Department might be called “Personnel” with a

manageable workforce that can be handled by a personnel manager

and a small staff. However the function of the National,

Provincial and Local Government Human Resource Management Office

differs than those in the private sectors, because the government

HR has its “Standard Operating Procedure” that follows with the

governments “Implementing Rules and Regulation” or what they call

the “IRR”. In other words governments’ regulations cannot be

compared to those of the private organizations or companies.

Being the manager of the whole Local Government and more complex

organizations with hundreds of departments and divisions, the

Human Resource’s task is more demanding.

Good characteristics of HR Department are: a) the ability to

harness and manage the potentials in other people, which these

people are unaware of most of the time; b) the skill to channel

the right personnel to the right cause and bring the best out of
them; and c) to lead ordinary individuals with ordinary skills

to achieve extra-ordinary accomplishments.

With the great exercise of choosing the best manpower a

company or an office should possess, the task of the Human

Resource Department aims to strengthen the organization, in order

to withstand the strongest ordeal they may ever face.


Catarman is a Philippine municipality. It is located in the

province Northern Samar in Region VIII Eastern Visayas which is a

part of the Visayas group of islands. The municipality Catarman

is seated about 461 km east-south-east of Philippine main

capital Manila. The geographic coordinates of Catarman are 12°

25' 11'' N, 124° 38' 29'' E.

Administratively the Municipality of Catarman is subdivided

into 55 barangays. 15 compose the center of the city whereas the

other 40 are in the outlying areas. Some of them are even several

kilometers away from the center of the Municipality.

Catarman is believed to have been derived from the Waray

word kataruman or a 'sharp edge', especially when referring to

the blades of weapons. It is a 1st class municipality in

the province of Northern Samar. It is the capital municipality of

Northern Samar.

Catarman is a developing town on the shoulder of Samar

Island. The town is in the process of renewing its image as a

poor and underdeveloped town in the 1980s.

Before the coming of the Spaniards, Catarman (Calatman) was a

settlement by the mouth of the river of the same name in the

region called Ibabao. The Spanish Conquistadores freely applied

the name Ibabao to the northern part of Samar Island when it

established its civil government. The similarities in the

vocabularies and pronunciation of the dialects of these areas

traces them to a common root as a people.

The town was one of the 13 villages and settlements and

adopted as pueblos by the Spaniards in Samar Island and was one

of the settlements in the northern parts of the island. The

pueblo was named Calatman and was one of the pueblos in the

Visayan Islands, then collectively referred to as ''Islas de


Catarman is the province capital of province Northern Samar.

According to the 2007 census, Catarman has a population of 81,067

residents and belongs to the 294 emerging cities and

municipalities in the Philippines which have more than 50,000

inhabitants but did not reach 100,000 yet. Based on the number of

its inhabitants Catarman is number 213 of the most populous

cities of the Philippines and at 35 in Visayas group of islands

and at 1 of the most populous cities of province Northern Samar.

With an area of 464.43 km² Catarman is one of the largest cities

in the Philippines in respect to urban areas. It is the 16th

biggest city of Visayas island group. On the other hand, it ranks

170th of the biggest cities by urban area in the Philippines.

According to the Philippine income classification for provinces,

cities and municipalities Catarman is a 1st class municipality.

The urbanization status of Catarman is classified as partly


Among the bigger cities and municipalities in the neighborhood of

Catarman there are City Of Catbalogan (Samar (Western Samar)) 75

km south-south-east, City Of Sorsogon (Sorsogon) 95 km north-

west, Gubat (Sorsogon) 79 km north-west, Laoang 42 km east-north-

east, Calbayog City (Samar (Western Samar)) 39 km

south, Bulan (Sorsogon) 87 km west-north-west, Placer (Masbate)

99 km south-west, Daram (Samar (Western Samar)) 69 km south-

east, Cataingan(Masbate) 85 km west-south-west as well as 95 km

south-south-west of Catarman the municipality Naval (Biliran).

In 2003, its application for cityhood was deterred after

officials of neighboring towns Bobon and Mondragon opposed the

planned Catarman City conglomeration, which was necessary to meet

the criteria for the approval of bid for cityhood.

Another Act was filed converting the Municipality of Catarman

into a component city to be known as the City of Catarman but is

still pending with the Committee on Local Government in the House

of Representatives since July 2010.

Catarman is politically subdivided into 55 barangays.

 Aguinaldo  Liberty  UEP III

 Airport Village  Libjo  Acacia (Pob.)

 Baybay  Talisay (Pob.)

 Mabini
 Bocsol  Molave (Pob.)

 Macagtas
 Cabayhan  Yakal (Pob.)

 Mckinley
 Cag-abaca  Ipil-ipil (Pob.)

 New Rizal
 Cal-igang  Jose Abad Santos

 Old Rizal (Pob.)

 Cawayan

 Paticua  Kasoy (Pob.)

 Cervantes

 Polangi  Lapu-lapu (Pob.)

 Cularima

 Quezon  Santol (Pob.)

 Daganas

 Salvacion  Narra (Pob.)

 Galutan

 San Julian  Calachuchi (Pob.)

 General Malvar

 Somoge  Sampaguita (Pob.)

 Guba

 Tinowaran  Mabolo (Pob.)

 Gebalagnan
(Hibalagnan)  Trangue  Jose P. Rizal

 Gebulwangan  Washington

 Bangkerohan
 DoñaPulqueria  UEP I

(Himbang)  Dalakit (Pob.)


 Hinatad  San Pascual

 Imelda (Elimbo)

Existing System

The Municipal Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) is

under the Development and Support Services Department of the

Local Government Unit of Catarman, Northern Samar (LGU Catarman).

Although technology has conquered almost all the aspect of

man’s daily lives the Human Resource Management Office of the LGU

Catarman, Northern Samar, still uses the manual management

system. In dealing with relevant records of human resources such

as Searching, updating, and filing, a tool is needed to expedite

the manual process into a more convenient and reliable way. And

as with common manual systems, there is always inefficiency in

managing office records. As expected, flaws are always present in

managing the daily operations of the office.

More so, transactions involving the retrieval of records is

either time consuming or impossible. This factor could affect the

over-all integrity of the whole office or the whole Municipality.

Statement of the Problem

This study deals with the development of a Computerized

Human Resource Management System for the Local Government of

Catarman N. Samar.

This study specifically aims to solve the following


1. How to systematically manage and store personnel records

in the Municipal Human Resource Management Office?

2. How to reduce manual workload and managing personnel

records in terms of :
a. Job applicant’s information, Selection,

b. Searching personnel profile, Promotion, and

service record?
3. How to systematically supervise details of leave

applications and credits?

4. How to instantly update and/or generate printed report of

Plantilla of Personnel and Pay slip?

Objectives of the Study

This study deals with the development of a Computerized

Human Resource Management System for the Local Government of

Catarman N. Samar.

Specifically attempt to satisfy the following Objectives:

1. Systematically manage and store personnel records in the

Municipal Human Resource Management Office using The

Computerized Human Resource Management System.

2. Reduce manual workload using the Computerized Human Resource

Management System in managing personnel records such as :

a. Job applicant’s information, selection, appointments.
b. Searching personnel profile, promotion, and service

3. Systematically supervise details of leave applications and

credits using computerized Human Resource Management System.

4. Instantly update and/or generate printed report of Plantilla

of Personnel and Pay slip using the Computerized Human

Resource Management System.

Significance of the Study

The software that will be formulated in this research is an

excellent tool to aid the Human Resource Management Office of the

Local Government of Catarman, Northern Samar by means of a

computerized set up.

This study brings significance to the:

HRMO PERSONNEL The manual management of personnel records in

chosen areas will be reduced; likewise, updating of records will

never be prolonged anymore.

INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE Release of individual requests of employee

records will be given immediately without much of a wait. This

will prove efficient function in HRMO.


world, administrators of private and public institutions prefer

maintaining large amount of data in attractive, simple, and

accessible format that ensures efficient ability to perform

searches and track job applications. With this, the

administrative office’s task to obtain an advanced process that

eliminates time-consuming execution will be met.

PROPONENTS With this study, the proponents will enhance their

interpersonal relationship by conducting interviews and

communicating to other people. They will enhance their critical

thinking in solving a particular problem. Also their programming

skills will be developed through providing applications/

computerized system that is efficient to solve the problems they

formulated for a particular business or office.

EPCCI. This will help promote the quality and integrity of the

school and will contribute to the improvement of the services

rendered by the institution.

FUTURE SYSTEM DEVELOPERS. This study will serve as a guide for

those who want to create solution to the problems they encounter

in the Library system. Future researchers may use this study as a

basis for creating a dynamic and sufficient system for big

colleges and Universities.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The Local Government of Catarman Northern Samar Human

Resource Management System executes supervision of personnel data

such as individual employee’s personal profile and service

records, salary information, leave applications and credits

update/Plantilla of Personnel reports and Pay slip.

The system manages records via searching, adding, updating,

and printing.

Moreover, it does not handle payroll management, only

compensation information allotted to every employee and the likes

which involves records keeping. Other information not related and

mentioned above is not managed by the system.

Definition of Terms

Context Diagram- Operationally, this is a diagram that

describes the relationship of the

external entities to the system.

Existing System- operationally, it refers to the current

operating procedure of a particular

field of work for carrying out


Human Resource- conceptually, this is a term used to

describe the individuals who make up the

workforce of an organization, although

it is also applied in labor economics

to, for example, business sectors or

even whole nations. Human resource is

also the name of the function within an

organization charged with the overall

responsibility for implementing

strategies and policies relating to the

management of individuals (i.e. the

human resources). This function title is

often abbreviated to the initials “HR.”

3 John Berner. 21st Computer Dictionary. Magic Tech. Publishing Company Inc. 2011 P.77
Personnel- Conceptually, it is a body of persons

usually employed (as in a factory or


Plantilla- Philippines: the staff employed in a

faculty or department.

Service Records- Conceptually, it is an authentic

official copy of a document for the work

performed by one that serves.

Chapter II

4 Michael Shmidt Advanced Computer Dictionary. Harbourough Publishing Company Inc. 2013 P.46
Related Literature

According to Charles (1981) Human Resources Management

presents special challenges for the human resources leader in

organizations. Effective Human Resource s Management requires

special HR tools, special approaches to management, and access to

professional Human Resources associations, education, and

publications. Learn more about all aspects of management specific

to Human Resources Management. Anyone who works in human

resources management knows that the job comes with great joys and

great sorrows. And all along the way, memorable first moments

with people occur. Sometimes you feel prepared for the moments;

some sneak up and surprise you.

According to Milestone Resources (1991) The Human Resource

Information System is a software or online solution for the data

entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human

Resources, payroll, management, and accounting functions within a

business. Normally packaged as a date base, hundreds of companies

sell some form of HRIS and every HRIS has different capabilities.

Pick up your HRIS carefully based on the capabilities you need in

your company.6

Typically, the better the Human Resource Information Systems

(HRIS) provide overall: a) Management of all employee information

such as; Reporting and analysis of employee information: Company-

related documents such as employee handbooks: emergency

evacuation procedures: and safety guidelines: Benefits

administration including enrollment, status changes, and personal

information updating: Complete integration with payroll and other

company financial software and accounting systems. According to

Software Realization (2005) Human Resource Management System

refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between

human resource management (HRM) and information technology. It

merges HRM as a discipline and in particular its basic HR

activities and processes with the information technology field,

whereas the programming of data processing systems evolved into

standardized routines and packages of enterprise resource

planning (ERP) software.

On the whole, these ERP systems have their origin on software

that integrates information from different applications into one

universal database. The linkage of its financial and human

resource modules through one database is the most important

distinctions to the individually and proprietary developed

predecessors, which makes this software application both rigid

and flexible.

Related Studies


Human Resources departments is generally administrative and

common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized

selection, evaluation, and payroll processes. Efficient and

effective management of “Human Capital” progressed to an

increasingly imperative and complex process. The HR function

consists of tracking existing employee data which traditionally

includes personal histories, skills, capabilities,

accomplishments and salary. To reduce the manual workload of

these administrative activities, organizations began to

electronically automate many of these processes by introducing

specialized Human Resource Management Systems. HR executives rely

on internal or external IT professionals to develop and maintain

an integrated HRMS. Before the client-server architecture evolved

in the late 1980s, many HR automation processes were relegated to

mainframe computers that could handle large amounts of data

transactions. In consequence of the high capital investment

necessary to buy or program proprietary software, these

internally-developed HRMS were limited to organizations that

possessed a large amount of capital. The advent of server,

application, and software as a service SaaS or Human Resource

Management Systems enabled increasingly higher administrative

control of such systems. HUMAN RESOURCE SYSTEM. With employees

located at 13 four-year universities, 13 two-year colleges, 72

county extensions offices, and several other locations, the

University of Wisconsin System is the largest employer in the

state. In any given month, the University issues paychecks to

more than 67,000 faculty, academic staff, classified staff, and

student employees. Allowing for normal turnover, the UW System

issues approximately 100,000 tax forms to employees every year.

The UW System today does not have a single human resources

system. Rather, UW institutions rely upon more than 700 “shadow

systems”- individual computer programs at local offices that run

independent of the master database. Often requiring that staff

enter the same information two, three, or more times, these

localized systems do not allow for reliable, accurate reporting,

and the existence of so many unconnected systems increases the

likelihood that sensitive data may be vulnerable to theft or


The Human Resource System (HRS) will modernize the UW

System’s recordkeeping systems and business practices. It

represents the integration of hundreds of individual systems and

a massive effort to redesign the workflow in multiple work units

at all UW system institutions. HUMAN RESOURCE SOFTWARE. For over

18 years, People-Trak has been developing innovative Human

Resources software that empowers HR management to be more

efficient and effective. Comprehensive HR software features,

dedicated support and affordability have made People-Trak HRIS

the choice of HR professionals in Private, Government, and

Nonprofit organizations of all sizes.910

Chapter III


Data Gathering Techniques

This chapter tackles the methods and procedures involved in

the study such as research design, data gathering, software

classification, and respondents.

In conducting a study, the researchers need to gather data

and information that will help find solution to the problems


First the Proponents formulated a formal letter asking

permission that they be allowed to conduct a study and formulate

a design of an information system that will help the Human

Resource management of its personnel’s records.

As the proponents were given permission by the HRMO head,

they immediately gathered workflow information such as:

recruitment and appointment of employees, record management,

trainings and career developments, compensations, benefits, and

recognitions. This information was helpfully given by the HRMO

head and the Municipal Assistant Administrator, likewise the

supporting documents related to the said information.

Similarly, the information gathered by the proponents will

never be acquired without interview process. Questions regarding

to their transactions were given to the HRMO head concerning

record management and the likes, however the personnel preferred

a face to face interview because according to them, a

questionnaire will just prolong the conveyance of information.

During the interview, although the office does not really

encounter threatening setbacks regarding manual personnel record

management, the office willingly approved the development of a

computerized system on their behalf, provided that the system

will be based on their actual transactions.

To give a more specific overview of the actual transactions

of the said office, the new HRMO Head and Municipal Assistant

Administrator who was the former HRMO Head himself, discussed and

briefed us, how complicated the transaction they are into, days

after that long discussion, the proponents drafted the data flow

diagram as well as the events diagram of the proposed system


After certain corrections and clarifications from our

resource persons, the designed events diagram for the proposed

system was finally approved for formulation.

Analysis of the Proposed System

To address the difficulties encountered by the Human

Resource Management Office of Catarman, Northern Samar regarding

their manual system the proponents intend to formulate a solution

based on their actual transactions.

A computerized Human Resource Management System will be

developed for the Local Government Unit of Catarman, Northern

Samar, based on the information gathered by the proponents, and

on the workflow given by the office’s attending personnel. The

system will be a great help to the office in keeping track of

records involving Job applicant’s information, selection,

appointments, Searching personnel profile, promotion, leave

credits and service record

Similarly, the department must have a systematic way of

running its daily operations especially during rush and hectic

demands. This proposed solution will create a systematic way of

handling and conveying records to requesting parties and/or


VISUAL BASIC.NET 2008 is the application used in developing

the system. It is Visual and Events Driven Programming Language.

These are the main divergence form the old Basic. In this

language, programming is done in text-only environment and the

program is executed via object oriented technology.








The study was conducted at the Local Government Unit of

Catarman, a first class municipality in the province of Northern

Samar, region VIII in the Eastern part of Visayas.

Catarman is presently subdivided into 55 Barangays, 15 of

these Barangays are located at the center of the city while 40

are at the outlying areas.

It is home to 81,067 people, according to the National

Statistics Office, Catarman is one of the largest cities in the

Philippines with respect to urban areas. It is the 16th biggest

city of the Visayas group of Islands.

It has 20,000,000 million pesos estimated annual gross

revenue since last July 2010, not to mention new business


Today Catarman, Northern Samar maintains it profitability in

terms of revenue and tourism to better serve the public body and

their interest for the betterment of the whole Municipality.

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