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Lecture: 1

Classism: In literature, literary history is subdivided into literary trends, literary movement or
literary periods different. All of have their specific characteristics, which differentiate from each

The study of Greek, Roman, 17th century French literature and early 19 German
literatures is called classical literature or this movement is called classism.


 Balance of reason and imagination is presented - what is it?

Imagination-what it should be?
 The thing must be presented in an order, by order classical means social, religious,
intellectual order.
 Civilized, sophisticated and urban picture o life is presented.

Human nature wills all its good and bad aspects are presented. In a way to teach ethics,
 Morality is focused above all philosophy, especially impersonal objectivity (When we do
not focus on our likes or dislike, that is called impersonal) (A notion which is accepted
by all is called objectivity).


He was a poet. His famous books are Iliad. This a long book of 400pages and 18 parts. Other
book is Odyssey Iliad. This poem is about troy. Troy the city state of Greece. Odyssey is about
Odysseus. He was a king of Ithica.

City states means a city has its own government. It works like a nation. Famous city states are
Troy, Ithica, Macedonea, Athens, Corinth, Spouto and Thesley.


He was dramatist. His famous dramas are king Oedipus, Oedipus at Colonus and Anthigone.


He was also a dramatist and his famous plays are Medea and Electra.

Romans :( Before Christ)

History of English Literature

He was a Roman seiftor and a famous philosopher and a great orator. One who speaks fluent and
his speeches are very famous. Brutus was collection of his speeches on fate and on old age.


Vergil was a Roman writer. His famous book is Aeneid.

French: 17th century

Peirre Corneille:

He was the father of French Tragedy. (Faults of great man to teach the lesson)

Comedy: flaws of a common person which amuse and teach.

Comedy and tragedy are related to stage plays of Peirre Corneille Le Cid, Horace.

Jean Raccine:

Jean Raccine and Peirre Corneille belong to same time and opponents. His play was and

German: early 19th century

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe:

He has written different articles about philosophy and human nature.

Thomas Steasons Eliot:

He belongs to earliest 20th century. He was born in America and then move to England. His
famous play was Murder in Cathedral tragedy, Sweeney comedy Agonists.

History of English Literature

Lecture: 2
Anglo-Saxon Period :( 450-1066)

Background: The people from far off areas of Europe started migrating towards the present day England.
There people are called Germanic tribes. They are known as barbarians savages. These people fought
continuously with neighboring tribes, these are pagan, they believed in many gods until the spread of
Christianity In fifth century. The people who were living on Britain Isles, they were called picts, Britains
and Gaels. The Romans conquered Britians and established their territory. This was the time when the
Germanic tribes started marching towards England; King Arthur started (fighting) combating the
Germanic invasion. Now Christianity was getting popularity.


1-Stories were told in poems or song form. Because most of the people could not read or write. These
poems provide moral instructions; Old English was medium of communication. Epic poetry was the
fashion of the day. The famous poem of this period is “Beowulf”.

2-Medea Ras was the style of Epic writing. Medea means to start the story from the middle. These stories
and songs were about heroes, gods, beautiful women and natural greenery. Metaphors and Similes were
used to magnify the expression. In poetry long poems consisted of stories of wars between good and evil,
courage and honour.

3-The plot is complicated by supernatural beings or events take place during a long journey to foreign

4-The love for beauty is expressed through the description of female’s eyes, cheeks, lips, eye brows and
height. Most of the times the beauty of females in a tribe was considered the special blessing of the gods.
The war heroes were pictured with a beautiful imaginary female rejoicing the fatigue of the war. The
greenery was a blessing for these tribes and this greenery and forest served as characters in the stories of
Anglo-Saxon literature.

Beowulf was the hero. They fight against Grendel. Grendel was the supernatural being. He used to live in
cave during the days and at night he attacked different tribes. Basically he was a bone collator.

Heathen, Pagan who do not believe in gods or one god. Atheist who do not believe in religion.

History of English Literature

Lecture: 3
Middle English Literature

Anglo-Norman Literature :( 1066-1500)

The French attacked Anglo-Saxon King at Hastings and conquered them. These French belongs
to Normandy-name of a city in France that is why study these people are called Normans. After
capturing Anglo-Saxon French was made language of elites and Latin was language of clergy
and Clarks. Clergy are religious people who are related to church. English was not used for
communication and creation for the first two centuries. Then Latin was replaced by English and
French and English were used equally in all communication and creation was done in English
and French. And this was called Anglo-Norman.


1-Anglo-Saxon was concerned about the tales of nature, love and bravery. They depicted these
topics in their poetry. But Anglo Normans focused on Romances tales of Bible, Chivalry and
Ethics in personified form.

Old Testament -rules

Psalms- songs

New Testament-Jesus Christ

Stories of Elite class, bravery-Chivalry

When an inanimate thing is presented as animated, this is called Personification.

2-The time when Miracle/Morality plays were started and mystery plays were also performance
in Church yard. This is the time when the play writing was started in England. The plays which
are the stories of the Bible are called Miracle/Morality plays and the plays which deal with the
concept of ethics is called mystery play. Epic was given proper shape it means before this it was
just to be sung but now it was with proper metre and rhythm. A comparative study of literature
started in this era when literature was given importance because of its dealing, authority and
sublimity. Authority means justified, sublimity means what expressions does writer used and
dealing means what topic it is?


1-Geoffrey Chaucer:

History of English Literature

He was a poet. His famous work is “Canterbury tales”. This is study about a pilgrimage of
different people from all works of life to shrine of Saint Beckett. The famous tale in Canterbury
tales are of Knight, Squire, Wife of bath.

Bath is a name of city.

2-William Langland:

He is also a poet. His famous poem is “Vision of Piers Plowman”. This poem is a stire of
religious corruption. (Satire-An expression in which anybody is criticized because of his follies
in a serve tone for correction of society.

Humor-An expression where laughter is outcome when the follies are pointed out).

This way in which clergy misrepresents the religious teaching –this is the topic of Piers
plowman, like Dante Alighieri (Inforno) and John Bunyan (Pilgrim’s progress) he believes in
correction of character after redemption. Redemption means until you are punished, you’re not
corrected. Punishment brings correction.

3-John Gower

Very famous among the English poets. John Gower is famous for his poetic work “confession
Amantis”. This poem is an the form of conversation in poet and divine interpreter who
continuously speak about love of God and its different types and resources made for human

History of English Literature

Lecture: 4
Renaissance :( 1500-1600)

Its first portion is 1500-1560 and that is called early Tudor period or Humanism or
early renaissance. After the Black Death and War of Roses, the Tudors were the
royal family of England that is why this time in literature is called Tudor Period.

Black Death: Epidemic of plague spread across England and a lot of animals and
humans suffer and lost their lives. Even the churches were not safe. Before this
time church represented as soul owner of the Earth and lives of People. But when
even the clergy were plagued, then there was a question that it was not church that
rules the Earth but some other power. This was the time when different people
started speaking in favor of “Man”. The common slogan of the day that “Proper
study of mankind is Man”. It means must be honored and he is the master of the
Earth. It is the he who can decide its fate.

In this area of literature The focus is an liberty, education and development of

human beings. Liberty from religious bondage, education foe better socialization
and development to enjoy the pleasures on the Earth.


John Skelton:

He is a poet and his famous for situational comedy. He talks about the ladies of
royal family and courtiers the people who the king help in government affairs. His
famous poems are garlande of lourell, The Bouuge Court.

Henry haywood:

He is also called Earl of Surrey. Surrey is a place in England, Earl is the title of
governor who governs county. He is a poet and a poet Laureate. He is father of
English Sonnets and he is the first to write in blank verse.

Sir Thomas Wyatt. :

History of English Literature

He is famous for his songs and Sonnet. In the field of Sonnets he is equal to Henry
Haywood. He is also called father of English sonnet.


Nicolas Udall:

The name of his drama is Ralph Roister Doister. This is the first comedy to be

John Haywood:

The name of his play is “The play of Love”


Sir Thomas More:

The name of his book is Utopia. This is the story of ideal civilization or ideal
kingdom where evil is punished and goodness is rewarded.

Sir Thomas Elyot:

The name of his book is “Defence of good women”. He was the first in
Chiristianity who wrote in favour of females. Before this females were considered
to be cause and source of sin and evil. Other book is “castell of Health”. This is
about medicines and their benefits for human beings.

History of English Literature

History of English Literature

Lecture: 5
Renaissance (1560-1603)

This is called Elizabeth period or High Renaissance.

This was the time when both drama and poetry touched its zenith(peaks)

The eminent figure of both drama and poetry belongs to this era.

1-Edmund Spencer:

He is called “Poet of Poets”. His famous work in poetry is “This Faerie Queen”.

2-Sir Philip Sidney:

He is the first British literary critic. His “In Defence of Poesy” is a great critical
work. In favour of sublimity of poetry and its role in the Literature as a backbone.
The standard of poetry as a poetical work have been elaborated in this book.

3-university wits:

This is a group of graduates from Oxford and Cambridge University. They were
the first ones to write about the common folks of the time. Before this the stories of
Kings, Queen and Royal topics were the fashion of the day. But the university Wit
selected the topic and characters about the common human beings and suffering of

Christopher Marlowe:

The first tragic playwright of the modern English. His famous plays are “Dr.
Faustus” , “Jew of Malta”. He is believed to be inspiration for William

Thomas Kyd:

He was also a dramatist and his famous drama “The Spanish Tragedy” is
considered to be an example Elizabethan tragedy.

 Robert Greene

History of English Literature

 George Peele
 Thomas Nashe
 Thomas Lodge
 John Lyly

4-Ben Johnson:

He is claimed as the earliest comedy writer who had a better understanding of human
psychology and Social relations. He set the example of comedy for W. Shakespeare.
Shakespeare perform as an actor in his play “Every Man in his Humor”. Another famous play
of Ben is “Everyman out of his Humor”.

5-William Shakespeare:

He started his early life as an office boy with a local theatre company than performed as an
actor in the plays and later on started composition of plays and sonnets. He has composed 37
plays and 154 sonnets. First he started writing histories than moved towards comedies and
tragedies in play. He has 14 comedies 11 histories and 12 tragedies.


The famous tragedies by Shakespeare are Antony Army and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet,
Julius Ceaser, King inheritance Lear, Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello(conspiracy for power).


 Pericles-Title of Persian King

Richard-II (The second)

 Richard-III (The third)

John IV-part I
John IV-part II


 The Tempest
As you like it
 Twelfth Night
Midsummer Night Dream
 Merchant of Venice
 Winter’s Tale

The plot in Shakespearean plays is not single except Othello.

History of English Literature

T.S Eliot pointed out hamlet to be an artistic failure.

History of English Literature

Lecture: 6

3) Jacobean Age (1603-1625)

This age is famous for its sensation al literature. It means the focuss was on
portrayal of human emotions such as love, hatred, grudge, jealousy, sarcason
(bitter or harsh) attack against personality of someone.


John Webster:

His famous dramas are “The white Devil” and “The Duchess of Malf”. Duchess
means wife of duke.

Francis Beaument:

Famous play is “The knight of the Burning Pestle”.

John Fletcher:

“The wild goose chase”

“The faithful shepherdess”

“The Two Noble Kinsmen”


John Donne

He is a metaphysical poet. He is also called Great Love Poet in English Language.

He was cynical about the faith fullness of women that is why most of his poetry is
about the betrayal and treachery of women.


History of English Literature

Sir Francis Bacon: He is the first essayist in English Language. He followed

Montaigne of France for his Essay writing. His essays are intellectual,
philosophical, instructive and scientific.

History of English Literature

Lecture: 7
Caroline Age (1625-1649)

Charles I was the king of England and in Latin Charles is called carolus that is why
this age is called Caroline age after his name. This was the time when religion and
religious topics were practiced of the day. John Milton started writing in his period
but his influence was realized in Puritan period after Caroline period. The religion,
Spirituality, wild human passions and Purgation (physical and spiritual cleanliness)
are the common topics of Caroline Literature. This was the time in which the
poetry. Drama and non-fiction prose were practiced.

George Herbert:

He speaks to God like he is in front of God and has a strong connection with God.
While speaking to God, he uses very Frank expressions. His famous poetical work
is “The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations” (outburst). These poems
have been written in a style which inspires us by reading as well as looking at
shape of wings. Another famous poem is “The Altar”. The country Parson is his
another famous book. This book is an advice to rural clergy that how they should
treat and preach Christianity among the people. This is non-fiction prose.

Robert Burton:

He was Scholar from oxford University. He is non-fictional prose writer as well as

comedy playwright. His famous prose book is “Anatomy of Melanddy”. Unlike
Bacon he does not believe in knowledge and practice of Natural Sciences. But he
claimed knowledge of human Psychology to be the greatest need and savior of the
human beings, he was of the view that man can progress if psychological as well as
spiritual issues are treated according but before him the focus was on the
development of external or material objects. Burton claims that wild passions,
despaired love, agonies of religious devotes, limnetic behavior, metaphysical
expressions and abstract ideals must be given proper attention and resolution.

 Wild Passion:

History of English Literature

The Wild Passion are those desires which stimulate us to do what we like
without considering its consequence.
 Despaired Love:
The love with one in any form that is cause of trouble and distress for any one.
 Agonies of religious devotees:
The final stage of psychological disturbance which cause you to do something wrong is
called agony. If there is no agony there is no tragedy.
Devote to something Forever
Devotes who have surrendered their lives for religion.
 Limnetic behavior:
Senseless or the behavior that does not suit human beings.
 Metaphysical example:
The example which cannot be understood by all the people is called metaphysical
 Abstract ideals:
The ideals which a person or a nation set for themselves may not be same for the other
Se all these things can cause the disturbance in the society but if they are property
handled the human civilization can prosper and develop.
Another book “Philosophaster” this is a comedy play first written in Latin but now
available in English version also.
Sir Thomas Browne:
His famous prose book is “Religio Medici” and the English name is the Religion of a
physician. By religion Browne means duties and responsibilities. In this book he
proposed religious speculations which were considered unorthodox (beyond the
foundation of religion). This book was criticized for its subject matter by different critics
but after a long debate the discussion concluded in Brownes’s favor. The second book is
“Pseudodoxi Epidemic”. This book is about commonly presumed truths which govern
our individual as well as social life for example mercy is preaches time and again by
social as well as religion scholars. But the limitation or the Paradigms of its application
are not told which causes a confusion for instance if a person slaps another person that
first is asked for forgiveness and second is asked to have the mercy upon the first. But if
the person slaps religious or royal authority, than first is penalized severely . this different
approaches must be eradicated.
His another book is “The Garden of Cyrus”. Cyrus is the name of Roman God who
is responsible for establishment, growth and generation of life on earth. In this book is in
prose form deals with different aspects of life, its governance, distribution and production
on the earth which means different aspects of life from its birth to rebirth have been listed
in this book.

History of English Literature

History of English Literature

Lecture: 8
Commonwealth Period
Puritan Age (1629-1660)
There was a tussle between the monarch and Clergy which resulted in the
overthrow of Charles I. Oliver Cromwell took the charge of government and
shifted from monarchy to commonwealth or republic. Since Cromwell was
very much attached with practice of Christianity that is why on national
level there was a propagation of Christianity as well as practical ways. That
is why this age is called commonwealth or puritan age.
1-In Elizabethan literature there was a tendency towards puritanism in
England which means the religion was put aside and the focus was just
welfare of England by hook or by crook. Christianity was in dismal situation
by English Literature due to which a common trend of blasphemy was in
action. The puritans put focus on the preaching, devotion and practice of
2-Elizabthean Literature consider human follies the mere source of failure
but Puritans claimed that the spiritual, corruption paves way towards failure
and loss. Puritans did not favor any type of Pessimism.
3-there are elements of Passions, Romance and over-reaching in Elizabethan
Literature but the Puritans focused on fantastic and artificial expression so
strong that they speak the heart and mind at the same time. Imagination and
reality were blended so beautifully that it creates reality as well as pleasure.
John Milton:
He is the greatest figure in English as well as world literature as it has been
said: “there is name equal to Milton, There is one peer, that is Shakespeare”.
He is the master of Epic. His poetry is famous for:
 Well –furnished diction
 A blend of spiritual, materialistic and existentialist philosophy.
 The reference are well quoted and descriptive

His famous book is Paradise lost. This is an Epic

which has twelve books. It is story of man’s fall from the heavens, the reasons of
fall, the satan and his crew and he life in Eden. It uses the references from Greek

History of English Literature

mythology, Roman mythology, The Bible and the common perceptions of the
community about the “Original Sin”.

Another famous book is “Paradise Regained”. When Milton was criticized for
paradise lost that he famous Satan and mocks at deprived at human race then
Milton composed paradise regained in order to justify his subject. In this book the
troubles, suffering and salvation of human race has been talked about.

Correction after the punishment is called salvation.

John Bunyan:

He is the famous and legendary prose writer of Puritan age. He writes in style of
Allegory and teaches the readers about the salvation and sacred living. His master
piece is “Pilgrim’s Progress”. This is a study of a man who wants to enter the doors
of heaven. In his way towards heaven, he has to tackle Seven Deadly Suns as per
the teachings of the Bible. There are different attraction and seduction for the sin
and evil but deals and overcomes all the arts and evils. In this way finally reaches
the door of heaven where He is treated accordingly the focus of the book is just to
realize the human beings that if we don’t avoid or over-come the evil we can’t
reach heaven.

Lecture: 9
Restoration/Age of Dryden

History of English Literature


Neo-classicism (1660-1800)

Charles-II was restored to kingship after his exile during his exile he remained in
France but after his return to England the kingship was restored that is why this age
is called restoration of kingship, their arrival brought a revolution in literacy


1-Rise of Neo-classicism

Like the classic literature the writers of this time believed in the physical existence,
the reality and the materialist presentation. The subject matter was conservative
and moderate with reason and sense. The conventions and rules were focused more
than the depth and seriousness of subject matter.

2-Imitation of Ancient writers:

The writers of Greek and Roman literature were copied because they were
considered master of excellence. Imaginative and meta-physical writing and
subject matter were avoided due to their banishment, by the ancient writers.

3-Imitation of French Writer:

French writers like Corneille, Racine, Moliere and Boileau were copied because of
their openness and sexual content. The wit and refinement of these French writers
were not copied at all.


The purpose of the writing was the correction of society and court. Enthusiasm in
writing and subject matter was avoided. Opinions were made moderately and
impartially. Strict care and accuracy were observed in poetic technique.


History of English Literature

The real picture of corrupt court and society were portrayed. Vices and evils of the
society were given more focus instead of their more significance. Direct and
simple language and expression were used in writing of this period.


John Dryden:

He is the most prominent figure in restoration period. He was poet, a critic and a
dramatist. His famous poetic works are “Absolam and Acitophel”, “Medal”, “Mac
Flecknoe”, “The hind and the Panther”.


John Dryden:

He is the main figure in prose along with Thomas Hobbes and Sir John Locke.
(there are philosophers). The famous book of John Dryden is Essay on Dramatic
Poetry. This is a debate about Epic and its relation with drama like Homer and
Virgil. Poetry can communication what is done by drama. Same like drama can
perform the function of poetry. Diaries were common in this period. Sir John
Pepys and John Evelyn are famous diary writers of this age.


 Heroic
John Dryden:
In this field of Heroic Tragedy John Dryden is considered Pioneer because
no other dramatic can master this skill like Dryden. These were poetic
drama written in form of Heroic Couplet. His famous plays are “Tyrannie
Love:, “All for Love”, “Conquest of Granada”.
 Comedy of Manners:
The real life picture of courts, society and parties are presented in a way that
laughter and harsh criticism go hand in hand.
William Congreve: His famous plays are “The way of the World”, “The
Double Dealer”, :The old Bachelor”.
George Etherge:

History of English Literature

His famous plays are “The Comical Revenge”, “The Man of the Mode”.
George Farquher: His famous plays are “The Inconstant”, “The Constant
Couple”, “The Love and a Bottle”.

History of English Literature

Lecture: 10

The Augustan Age

The Age of Pope (1700-1750)

Queen Anne was ruling England but her influence in political and literary circle is
not dominating that is why she did not have. This age is named after Augustan
Caesar of Roman Empire and Alexander Pope, a prominent poet of the day. People
were fed up with over burdening, reason and refinement of age of Dryden. They
needed some spice in literature as well. They wanted a blend of emotions and


The life and conduct of people cannot be discussed merely on the basis of reasons,
but a romantic and Fantasy detail can serve the purpose well. The focus in the
poetry is in the culture and society .they were not concerned with flowers, songs of
birds and land-space but the focus was the subject matter and its communication
through emotions as well as reason. They claimed that a serious topic can be dealt
in a light as well as passionate way.

Alexander Pope:

Pope is considered the greatest poet of this area. He is called “Prince of

Classicism”. Physically he was an abnormal personality because diseases visited
upon him time and against. He is famous for his correctness of subject matter and
dealing. He first of all translated Homer’s Illiad and Odyssey which took him
eleven years of hard labour. His famous poetry is: “The Dunciad”, “Rape of the
Lock”, “Essay on Man”

Mathew Prier:

History of English Literature

He was a politician who was also interested in poetry and poetic expression.
“Solomon on the Vanity of the World” is the name of his poem “Progress of the

John Gay:

He was a passionate observer of the scenes and events. He describes the scene like
a picture and most of the time his poetry is about the rural scenes. His famous work
is: “Rural Sports” “Trivia”, “Art of walking the streets of London”.

Lady Winchelsia:

She was a follower of Pope. Her observation and description of nature is more
accurate than any Romantic poet. The name of her poem is: “Nocturnal Reverie”.


Like the poetry of the age the prose also shows the passion, the clearness and
directness of subject matter and dealing.

Denial Defoe:

He is the first who wrote on social, political and literary topics ranging 250
publications. But he is mainly famous for his fiction .e.g “Robinson Crusoe”,
“Moll Flanders”, “Memories of a Cavalier”, “Captain Singleton” and “Roxana”.
He presents the History and the present but exclude the facts.

Jonathan Swift:

He was a powerful and original genius of the age. He is most of the time, regarded
as bitter satirist. His famous works are: “Gulliver’s Travels”, “Battle of Books”,
“The tale of Tub”

These books highlight follies and blunders of social , political, intellectual and
religious personalities and attitudes.

Richard Steele:

Joseph Addison:

History of English Literature

Sir Richard Steele was founder of “The Tatler” and same wise the Joseph Addison
was founde of “The Spectator”. These were periodica Essay in which they
discussed the common issues of the day but the dealing of two persons were totally
different. Steele was emotional, reckless, honest and good hearted man. But
Addison was a polished and refined man person of good taste. Both of them wrote
through which these works were easily understandable by the common readers.

History of English Literature

Lecture: 11
Age of Sensibility

Age of Dr. Johnson



The period from 1750-1798 is called age of sensibility because this was the time
when different writers were in favor of universal and unified approach towards
literature and mind set Philosophy was at its peak in the world. France was under
the Monarchs. This age is very important in literary History because it had great
names who pioneered different styles and approaches.


Reason on this basis of sentiments must be practiced and preached in the literature.
Allegorical style of writing can convey the subject matter in a plane way but, with
effective reason.

Poetry, Drama and Essay have contributed their lot in literature but a new form of
writing is inevitable to represent the life.


Jean Jacques Rousseau:

He was the famous philosopher in france, who wanted liberation of masses from
the French monarchy and compelled people to fight and achieved their freedom.
The name of his book is “Social Contract”

Francais Marie Acuret Voltaire:

He was not against Monarchi but wanted some reformations in kingship and rule of
Justice in France. The name of his book is “Candid”

History of English Literature

Both of these French philosophers caused French

Revolution (1789) with the salogens of Equality, Fraternity and Liberty. (EFL)

The English:

Dr. Samuel Johnson:

He is a poet, Lexicographer, literary, critic and editor. He was the first who
compiled first Oxford English Dictionary. His famous poem is “The vanity of
human Wishes”.

Lives of most Eminent English Poets (Literary Critics)

Oliver Goldsmith:

The Irish Dramatist Oliver Goldsmith is famous for his “She stoops to Conquer”

Richard Brinsley Sheridan:

The name of his play is “The Rivals”


This was the time when Novel emerged in English literature as a literary genre.
Before this the novel was in Italy and France. The English writers practiced it for
the first time in the age of Johnson. A few novels were written in this time.
However they are not much appreciated now-a-day but they are the first one to
pioneer the genre.

Laurence Sterne:

His famous novel is “Tristram Shandy”.

Samuel Richardson

“Pamela” was the name of his novel.

Henry fielding:

The name of his novel is “Joseph Andrews”

History of English Literature


William Cooper

Christopher smart


With England and Ireland, Scotland was also emerging as a place, suitable for
literature. James Macpherson is the famous Scottish poet of this age and his
“fingal” is among the top classical epics.


Goethe, schiller and Wilhelm, schlegel. These are German philosophers who were
famous for their treatment of intellectual topics and their discussion “Sorrows of
young wurther” is a short novel by geothe, which is among the top of twenty novel
of world literature.

Sentimental approach:

All these writers from different countries and languages focused especially in the
field of novel from sentimental approach. These novels were a picture of realty
with a touch of philosophical as well as imaginative details because these writers
believe that if the communication is not based on Socratic model then
communication or discussion losses its charm and grip.

Socratic model is famous for his approach of argument, emotion and motivation
which mean whatever is to be said it must be logical, it must stimulate the
emotions and there must be motivation in it. In this way the writing of this age has
a logical and sentimental grip on its readers. If a topic is discussed or a character is
portrayed, it has all the three things in it:

The presentation will be reason based; it will make the readers emotional and as a
result will attain the sympathy of the reader for that character.

History of English Literature

History of English Literature

Lecture: 12
Romanticism (1798-1830/32)


The French Revolution in France and industrial economics and political revolution
in England brought complete changes in the lives of individual as well as society in
England. All the spheres of life are effective by these wakes. The bloodshed and
human as well as moral loss in French Revolution through altered the mind and
philosophies of the people who had a belief in logic and reason. There was a
common trend in England to save the personal lives and beliefs against the
community and politics.


The focus on appreciation of fanciful and imaginative presentation is called


The presentation on the basis of human passion and desires is called Romanticism.

A literary trend that denies the important of logic, reason, directness and
objectivity is called romanticism.


 The literature debates on the topics of the individual freedom.

 Plane, feelings and true emotions are represented in the works.
 The ideal or imaginative picture of reality is given.
 The ideals of humanity and subjective morality are more focused.
 Intra-spect, one’s own psychology and through are focused in Romanticism.
 The style in symbols but it appeals well.
 The literature is creative as well as innovative, new topics, style, or themes
are introduced or the old style, themes and details are improved.

History of English Literature

 Adventure and artificiality are common in Romanticism.

Percy Bysshe Shelley:
He is the Romantic poet who is famous for his dealing of physical nature
and the tough type of natural realities. He, with his poetry, also composed a
drama on the footsteps of Agamemnon, Greek dramatist. The famous works
of P.B. Shelly are “Ozymandias” “The Mosque of Anarchy and
“Prometheus” unbound. His famous poem is ode to west wind. This poem
talks about horrible and disastrous effects of destruction, physical nature as
well as confinement of human beings indoors.
John Keats:
John Keats is the poet of beauty and sensuous appeal. He was a patient of
tuberculosis which resulted in his death at the age of 25 years. He died the
death of a loser but now he is among the top 5 poets of World Literature. His
famous works are “Ode to Grecian”, “Ode to Nightingale” and “La Belly
Dame Sans Merci”. The name of his beloved was Fanny Brown.
Lord George Golden Byron:
He was an admirer of physical beauty as well as adventurous and lust full
heroism. His poems were recited by young girls and boys to have a romantic
and seductive appeal.
William Blake”
He is a famous for his mystic approach towards spirituality and nature. He
finds meanings and aims of life in every object of nature. He gives hope on
the basis of spiritual and real reason. His famous works are “Songs of
Innocence”, “songs of Experience: and “The marriage of Heaven and Hell”.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge:
He was an opium-eater who composed the poetry when he was intoxicated
by heavy dose of Opium. He was a poet as well as a renowned literary
Critic. His critical book was co-authored by William Worth. The name of
book is “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”. This book is about poetry, the poet, the
political fascination and the quality of poetical work. His poems are “The
Rime of Ancient mariner” and “Kubla Khan”. His focus is on the highest

History of English Literature

imaginative picture one can ever think of about anything and to achieve,
this, he believed in total senselessness.
William Wordsworth:
He is famous the top poets of the world literature and is famous as poet of
nature. He portrays greenery, landscape, lakes, trees, and natural scenery in
his poetry and tries to appeal the human senses with a sight of imagination
as well as fancy. He is the one has defined poetry and his definition is much
appreciated. He defined poetry in such words: “Spontaneous over-floe of
powerful feelings, those have been recollected in tranquility”. The name of
his book is “Lines composed upon Westminster Bridge”.
Marry Wollstone Craft:
Mary Shelley:
She is the first Feminist who spoke for feminism. Her famous novel is
Jane Austen:
Her famous works are “Pride and Prejudice”, “Emma”, “Persuation”, “Sense
and sensibility”, “Mens-Field Park”.
Gothic Novel:
The novel that uses haunted, scary, wild, disastrous and black scene and
presentation is called Gothic Novel.
Emily Bronte:
Her novel is “Wuthering Heights”
Charlotte Bronte:
The name of her novel is “Jane Eyre”.
Anne Bronte:

Sir Walter Scott:
The name of his novel is “Ivanhoe”

History of English Literature

History of English Literature

Lecture: 13
Victorian Age (1832-1890)
Queen Victoria was enthrouned and with her rules the age starts. This was the time when
science, philosophy, technology and art were getting boom in different parts of the world.
Especially, the Europe was highly influenced by these rapid and overwhelming changes in all
fields of life.



1 “Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection”

By Charles Darwin revolutionized the whole scientific and intellectual study of day, especially
his theory of “Survival of the Fittest” pioneered different approaches and methods of
development and prosperity in the society.

2-Sigmund Freud in the field of psychology gave new dimensions about the study of mind,
though process and human interaction.

3-Karl Marx “Das German words Kapital” and “Communist Manifest” gave new meanings and
visions to economy of the world. The society was divided into different classes on the basis of
economy. There were two classes of society:

i) Bourgeoisie means upper class/owner

ii) Proletariat means working class.


Philosophy of John Locke, David Hume, Spinaza, Herbert Spencer, Thomas Hobbes were the
popular philosophers and they had an obvious influence on the society as well as on
intellectual circles.


Steam Engine was invented, different mills and factories were established. The roads were
constructed from for better transportation, the ships were sailing across the globe, inter-
border travelling was much easier because of different and advanced means of transportation.
All these technological facilities made life quick and compatative. There was a rapid increase
in the population on earth and the requirements of large population was massive and

History of English Literature

increasing day by day. That’s why there was a breed of competition, jealousy and survival in
the very hearts of the people.


Different forms of art were getting developed across the borders. Architecture, painting,
Sculpture, engravings and calligraphy were very common as representatives of refined taste
and personality.

History of English Literature

Lecture: 14
Early Victoria (1830-1860)


 Daniel Copper field

 Hard Times
 A tale of two cities
 Bleak House

William Makepeace Thackeray:

 Vanity Fair
 Henry Esmond
 The Virginians
 Pendennis

Elizabeth Gaskell

 Ruth
 North and South
 Marry Barton

Wilkie Collins

 The women in white

 The moonstone

Anthony Trollope:

 The warden
 Barchester’s Towers


Lord Alfred Tennyson:

 In Memoriam (Elegy)
 Idylls of king (Pastoral Poetry)

History of English Literature

He is famous for Elegy. He was a poet Laureate.

Robert Browning:

He is famous for dramatic monologue.

 Hawks monologue
 Rabbi Ben Ezra
 Pipa passes
 My Last Duchess
 Andrea Del Sarto (Italian Painter)
 Fra Lippo Lippi

Mathew Arnold:

 Sohrab and Rustam

 Empedocles on Etna

Later Victorian Age: (1860-1901/1890)


George Eliot:

She was a female and her name was Massy Ann/Masian Evans.

 Adam Bede
 Silas Masner
 Middle March
 Mill on the Floss

Robert Louis Stevenson:

 Treasure Island
 Kidnapped
 New Arabian Nights

Thomas Hardy:

 The return of the native

History of English Literature

 The Mayor of Caster bridge

 Jude-The obscure
 Tess of D’uerbervilles

Poetry: (Romantic Revival poetry/Pre-Raphaelite)

Dante Gabriel Rossette:

 Dante at versona
 The portrait
 The king’s Tragedy

Christina Rossetti:

 Time flies
 The Face of the Deep
 The Prince’s Progress


John Henry Newman

 Apologia

Sir walter Pater

 Greek studies
 The study in the History of the Renaissance

He is founder of aestheticism and naturalism. (art to appreciate the beauty)

Early Victoria:


Thomas Carlyle:

 French Revolution
 On Hero, Heroism and Hero-Worship (these are six lecture which are now in prose

John Ruskin:

 The Crown of wild olive (lecture but now are essay)

 Sesame and Lilies

History of English Literature

Mathew Arnold:

 Essays in Criticism
 Culture and Anarchy

History of English Literature

Lecture: 15
Naturalism (1890-Present)

This is a literary movement that is purely related to the novel. Emile Zola, the
French novelist, compose a book named as “The Experimental Novel” which is
considered to be one of the pioneer books of Naturalism. “Naturalism is Theatre”
is another book by sir Walter Pater which is the total representative of naturalism.


The literary study of a character on scientific basis: the genetic code, the family
patterns, social restraints and religious hegemony is called Naturalism.


 A character must be fit according to the family, the society and the religion.
He must not violate the obligation, imposed upon him by any of these three
or all at once.
 The narrative is not in a sequence, it is according to the need of plot.
 Imagery is used quite often which play an important role in construction of
the plot.
 The character must be over-burdened by the circumstances, they live in or
 The religion, the nature, economy and the society intervene in the affairs of
the character and create hurdles for them.
 Heredity is considered vital in construction of the character.
 Retaliation is the answer of the outrage.
 The characters belong to the lower, social class in the society.
 Element of hope is found nowhere in narration as well as plot.
 The characters are not given any type of choice o free will.


Thomas Hardy:

The Mayor of the caster Bridge

History of English Literature

Jued-the obscure

Tess of D’Urbervilles

Jack London:

The call of the wild

White Fang

Stephan Crane:

Maggie: A girl of the Streets

The Red Badge of Courage

Theodore Draiser:

Sister carrie

An American Tragedy

John Steinbeck:

The pearl

Of Mice and Men

Grapes of wrath

Emile Zola:



Maxim Gorky:

The Mother

A Confession

The life of a useless man

History of English Literature

Russian Novelist

Novel “the mother” caused Russian Revolution in 1917. The most translated novel
in different languages.

History of English Literature

Lecture: 16
Art for Art’s sake/Aestheticism/Decadence (1835-1930)
Theophile Gauthier:

“Lart pour lart” was the salogan by Theophile Gautier, which means art is for art.
This was for the first time in France that the purpose of literature was shifted from
instructional purposes to artistic endeavors. (treatment, behavior) His novel
“Mademoiselle de Maupin” is an obvious portrayal of Aestheticism. Victor Cousin
was in favor of Aestheticism and strongly for Art. When the art is the instruction,
art is dead.


“The purpose of art is to manifest the art; Art must not be used expect for the
purpose of the Art”.


“Whatever appeals or attracts our senses is the art and the quality to recognize and
appreciate art is Aesthetics. This study is called Aestheticism”.

Art for art sake was a revolved against the religious and the moral ideals of
reformation/puritanism as well as the Victorian age.


 Art is not to serve the state purpose.

 The Clergy can sermonize the preaching of Jesus Christ.
 Ethical and behavioral codes should not be imposed on creativity.
 Free thinking and the power of liberty in expressions must be exercised.
 The writer is not bound to follow the conventions; he is not restricted to
represent what has been the trend of the literature, the society and the
 The expression may be communicated or it may be sensuous; it may appeal
to all or just to a limited number of audiences.
 Like Epic and Tragedy, the grand theme and noble characters are not
requiring for literary representation.

History of English Literature

 The themes can be on universal as well as individual level and approach.

 Art must signify the art, which means art is to preserve the art, the artist and
the artistic.


Gustave Flaubert:

“Madame Bovary”

“Memoirs of a Madman”

Charles Pierre Baudliere:

“The Flowers of Evils”

Sir Walter Pater:

“The Renaissance: studies in Art and Poetry”

“Marius the Epicurean: His sensations and ideals”

Oscar Wilde:

“The picture of Dorian Gray”

“An Ideal Husband”

“A women of no Importance”

“The importance of being Earnest”

Lecture: 17
Stream of Consciousness: (1900-1930)

History of English Literature


The Victorian age focused on the external aspect of time, society, mannerism and presentation.
There was no space for anything that was against the conventions with the start of 20th century
there was a rapid growth of technology, psychology and philosophy and the writers a started to
present literature in its true sense without any social or conventional pressure. Two writers
Virgina woolf and James Joyce started trend in literature whose focus was to break the
conventions of time, mannerism, plotting and characterization.


 The sequence of time is not followed in the stream of consciousness because, the
thinking process is not restricted to any particular time. The thoughts may shift from one
to another without consideration of the time.
 The plot is not available in these works and if there is any clue of plot, it does not follow
the logical causality.
 The narration of stream of consciousness is without proper punctuation, grammatical
structure and paragraphing because the thoughts have no structure and no compact
 The characters are not round or flat in stream of consciousness because in thoughts the
focus is not the character but the detail and the event which is about any character.
 The description of the story starts from a thought, exceeds on the basis of thoughts and
reaches it climax and denouement in thoughts.
 The story can be understood when the thoughts are understood; the story with all its
details move in the thoughts.
 The novels in stream of consciousness may have the length in respect of time from 8
hours to many years.


Virginia Woolf:

“Mrs. Dalloway”

“To the Lighthouse”

James Joyce:


“The Portrait of s young man as an Artist”


History of English Literature

“A literary trend in which the present events or happenings give vent for any associative or
relative thought or event is called stream of consciousness”.

History of English Literature

Lecture: 18
Expressionism (1900-present)

This movement originated as a revolved against Realism, Naturalism, Industrial Revolution and
urbanization of society. Before literature, this was adopted in painting by Vincent Von Gogh and
Paul Gauguin.


 Subjective approach of writing in characters, symbols and images in employed.

 The presentation may not be to represent the universal; it can be the representation of an
individual and his philosophies.
 The reality: social, economic and religious is left aside to give importance to the ideals of
individual realism.
 Psychological disturbance in form of introspect and retrospect is magnified.
 The logical sequence of plot may not be found because the psychological debates may
not have a coherent link between them.
 Adjectives are double or exaggerated to show the intensity.
 Violence or wrong treatment by the characters or with the characters ia after found in
works of Expressionism.

Authors and Books:

Fredrick Nietzsche:

“Thus Spake Zarathustra”

Fyodor Dostoevsky:

“Crime and Punishment”

Top 10 novels in world

“The Idiots”

“Notes from the underground”

“Brothers Karamazov”

Franz Kafka:

History of English Literature

“The Metamorphosis”

“The Trial”

Bertlot Brecht:

“Life of Galileo”

Among top playwrights of world.

Federico Garcia Lorca:

He is a poet.

“Gypsy Ballads” (book of poems)

“Blood Wedding” (play)

Georg Kaiser:

He is a playwright.

“The Citizens of Calais”

“From Morn to Midnight”

“Trilogy”: Coral, Gas I, Gas II.

Eugene O’Neill


“Mourning Becomes Electra”

“Long Day’s Journey into Night”

“Beyond the Horizon”

“The Great God Brown”

Georg Trakl:

“Names of poem”

“All souls”

“A Romance to Night”

History of English Literature



He is a poet.

John August Strindberg: He is called the father of expressionism. He is a playwright.

“The road to Damascus”

“The ghost Sanata”

“The Dream Play”

Frank Wedekind:

“Pandora’s Box”

“Spring’s awakening”


He is a playwright.

Introspect: The ability to look into one’s own thoughts and feelings.

Retrospect: The ability to look into others thoughts and feelings.

History of English Literature

Lecture: 19
A group of novelist like Henry James, Virginia Woolf, Ford Maddox, Stephan
Crane, Conrad agreed to use different symbols, images and expressions to convey
particle impression. They did not have rendezvous but even then they form a group
and discussed specific dealing of novel without following the conventions and
traditions of literary Art.

 The name of the works would convey a particular image and the whole novel will be a portrayal
of that topic; throwing light on different angles of the topic.
 The symbols in the novel will contribute to the plot, the themes and the
setting to attain the objective.
 Images in the novel will be a presentation of the idealogy of the selected
work which means the images are constructed to give the specific shape to
idealogy and the novel.
 The characters represents archetypes; the characters are not just the
individual but they represent the types, classes and traits.
 The narration of the novel is not like the traditional plot, narration and plot
go hand in hand to convey the message of the novelist to create certain
impression in the mind of the reader.
 In short every single sentenced, character, image or event is part of the big
impression that is to be conveyed for the readers to attain specific aim.


Joseph Conrad:

“Heart of Darkness”

“Lord Jim”

Virginia Woolf:

“To the Lighthouse”

“Mrs. Dalloway”

History of English Literature

Stephen Crane:

“Maggie: A girl of the Streets”

“Read Badge of Courage”

Imagism (1900-Present)


Remy de Gourmont described the revival of French symbolism in English

literature especially the poetry as imagism. He is of the view that without giving
the lengthy details of descriptions or narration. The purpose of representation in
literature can be attained with the help of imagism. This literary trend is a child of
French symbolism of victor Huge, Guy de Maupassant, Alexander Dumas, Albert
camus, these French writer created the images with the words les Miserables,
Simon’s papa, the three Musketeers and The Outsider/The Stranger, respectively.


 Direct treatment of the object or thing conveys the exact image without
getting involved into discussion of subjective and objective approaches
towards literature.
 Any word that has nothing to do with the image and can not convey any
image is not included in the creation of literature.
 In poetry the rhythm is kept in mind for musical tastes not for creation
objective representation.
 In novel the story moves in a specific way and it never wanders aay from
topic the protagonist who is contributing fot the topic.
 The plot is followed only if it has a link of relevance to give a particular
image but if the plot is unable to do so, the description through the traits and
activities character of his applied.
 Any irrelevant image on the behalf of readers can cause negative impression
in interpretation. So definite and compact images are used.


Ezra pound:

History of English Literature


“Black Crow”

Joseph Conrad:

“Lord Jim”

Virginia Woolf:

“Mrs. Dalloway”

“To the light house”

George Orwell:


“Animals farm”

Earnest Hemmingway:

“A Farwell to Arms”

“The old man and the sea”

George Bernard Shaw:

“Devil’s Disciple”

Henrik Ibsen:

“Hedda Gabler”

“Wild Duck”

Hermann Hesse: “Siddhartha”

Lecture: 20
Colonialism (1875-1960)


History of English Literature

The literature which focused on a distant land and shows the flows in the lives, the
language, the culture, management and education is called colonial Literature.
Among the pioneers of Colonial literature are W. Shakespeare, Francis Bacon and
Daniel Defoe, but the literary trend of Colonial Literature started in latest part of
19th century.


 The natives are shown as the cannibals, barbarians and brutal.

 The natives do not have a proper sense of dressing and most of the times,
they remain naked.
 The human civilization with the essence of morality, respect and tolerance
has no space on behalf of colonized.
 The religious dogmas and superstitious are the fashion of the day in lives of
the colonized.
 The colonized have no taste for education, development and well being of
 The colonizers are portrayed as the hall mark of civilization, education and
 The colonizers behave in humanity with the colonized with proper
 The resources of the natives are smuggled in the name of profit, sharing and
utilitarianism; a common good for all humanity.

Authors and Works:

Joseph Conrad:

“Under western eyes”

“Heart of Darkness”

“Lord Jim”

Rudyard Kipling:


History of English Literature

Edward Morgan Forster:

“A passage to India”

Isak Dinesent:

“Shadows on the Grass”

“Out of Africa”

Katherine Mansfield:

“The woman at the store”

Olive Schreiner:

“The story of an African Farm”

Henry Rider Haggard:


Post colonialism (1960-present)


A literary trend that emerged to trace out the losses in all walks of life of the
colonized people is called post colonialism. This is a revolt against the atrocities of
the colonizers in the different lands on the face of the earth. Sub-continent, India –
Pak and Caribbean . peninsula are much famous lands which faced the brutalities
of the colonizers, but on the top of the list is continent of Africa, which is still in
the clashes of colonialism.

The changes which have been caused by the colonizers in religion are observed.
The psychological dilemmas of the natives which have been caused by the
colonizers are considered worth importance. The language of the native, the way it
has been ruined, is analyzed. The social structures which have been the product of
the colonizers are given due importance. The females, what they suffer in the
hands of the males after the colonial Raj is over, is the hot debate of the literature.

History of English Literature

The development or destructions which have been implanted by colonizers are

especially focused.

The different between different social classes that is the result of the colonizers, is
also dealt often.

Writers and Works:

Chinua Achebe:

“Things fall apart”

John Maxwell/Michae



“Waiting for the Barbarians”.

Jamaica Kincaid:


“My Brother”

“Mr. Potter: A novel”

Li- Young Lee:

He is a poet.

“The city in which I love you”


“The winged Seed”

Michael Ondaatje:


“The English patient”

History of English Literature

Salman Rushdie;


“Midnights children”

“The Satanic Verses”

Derek Walcott:

He is a poet as well as a dramatist


“The Bounty”

“Dream on Monkey Mountain”

“Viva Detroit”

“Henri Christophe: A chronicle on seven Scene”

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak:

“A Critique of Postcolonical reason”

“Death of a Discipline”

Lecture: 21


Realism is a literary trend that focuses on representation of reality. Realism deals

with the objective reality which may inspire everyone as well as it may satisfy the
subjective tastes of the writer. This movement or literary trend has been very
common in French, Russian, American as well as British literature. The writers

History of English Literature

from all these four countries have a variation of reality; individual reality, social
reality and psychological reality. But their focus was the same. They pictured what
everybody was unable to see or realized.


 The life in actual form on the basis of social, individual and psychological
reality is presented.
 The characters do not belong to the upper classes rather they represent the
middle or lower middle class of the society.
 The conventions on the traditions of literature as well as society are not
obeyed in terms of representation.
 The language is real which means colloquial a day to day language or
communicative style is adopted in the fictional works of the realts.
 The subjective approach of observation as well as penetration is employed in
the fiction of the realist.

Writers and works:

Mark Twain (USA):

“The adventure of huckleberry Finn”

“The adventure of tom Sawyer”

Ivon Turgenev (Russia):

“Fathers and Sons”

Nickolia Gogl (Russia):

“Dead Souls”

Victor Hugo (France):

“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”

Honore De Balzac (France):

“The Idiot”

History of English Literature

“Crime and Punishment”

“Notes from Underground”

“Brothers Karamazov”

Stephan Crane: (American)

“Maggie: A girls of the Streets”

“The Red badge of courage”

George Eliot( England):

“Adam Bede”

“Silas Mariner”


“Mill on the Floss”

Magic Realism


Magic realism is a Latin-American literary movement in the field of fiction. The

main focus of this movement aesthetic style, which can use any type of character:
living or dead, animated or unanimated, ginis or olps and witches or emotional


 The fantasy is a common in the fiction of magic realism.

 The study do not have a connected plot, but the pieces or different events
which do not have the logical links, constitutes the plot.
 The authors creates an environment in which the character or events keep on
moving without any restrictions or restrained which means the author does
not involved in movement of the story.
 Physical, meta-physical, super natural, super human character and activities
are told in this type of fiction.

History of English Literature

 The events or the magical elements are not limited but they have a variety
and a whole range to display in order, to get the reader grasped.
 The society in the fiction ore full of hybrid creation and they can
communicate and interact with each other without any superficial make up.
 Mystery is maintained throughout the fiction in order to create a complete
environment of extra-human and physical activities.
 The collective consciousness urges the reader to believe what is in the
fiction because every human individual has a belief in super human, super-
natural and terrestrial objects and creations. Carl Gustave tung gave the
theory of collective consciousness.

Writers and woks:

Isable Allende:

“the house of spirits”

“Ines of my soul”

“The infinite plan”

Gabriel Garcia marquerz:

One hundred years of solitude

Love in the time of Cholera

Miguel angle Astruias:(Spanisg)

Mr. President

Men of Maize

Mikhael Bulgakov:

The Fatal Fggs

The master and Margritta

Alejo carpentier:

History of English Literature

Explosion in a catheral

The kingdom of this world

Jorge Luis Borges:

The book of Imaginary beings

The book of Sand

Lecture: 22
Modernism (1900-1950)


With the start of 20th century, philosophy, psychology and science had a boom and
the same was case of literature. There was arise of technology and a revolution was
every fact of life. All the norms of life and established trends of Victorian age were
being rejected as well as abolished.

In this time the writers from different genres of literature unified code of conduct
dogmatic structure of the past ages.


History of English Literature

A literary trend that tries to find out or present the basis dilemmas of the
individuals against or in the hands of society.


 A rift (an issue that is not going to be solved) between individuals and
society is presented on religious, economic, psychological and intellectual
 The use of technology and means of communication is there in the
 There is nothing absolute and everything and every notion is relative and
with a causality.
 There is a continuous rage(hatred) between the individuals and society
which causes the tragic ends for individuals.
 The characters are not just individual but archetypes; they represent a type or
 The plot is not bound to the movement of character but the plot moves the
character because in real life human beings have no liberty, so in why in
literature they are not given liberty.
 The subconscious or deprived of desires always have the characters
especially the protagonist.

Writers and works:

Ford Madox Ford:

The good soldier

James Joyce:


Virginia Woolf:

To the light house

Aldous Huxley:

Brave new world

History of English Literature

D.H. Lawrence:

Sons and lovers

Women in love

Joseph Conrad:

Heart of darkness

Stevie Smith:

Novel on Yellow paper

Earnest Hemingway:

For whom the bell tolls

A farewell to Arms

John Steinbeck:

The pearl

Ferdinand Scott Fitzgerald:

The great Gatsby

Tender is the night


William Butler Yeats:

Famous poems are “No second troy”, “the second coming”, “Brown Penny”.

Thomas Stearns Eliot:

The wasteland

Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Sylvia Plath:

History of English Literature

“Daddy”, “Cinderella”, “Lady Lazarus”


Samuel Beckett:

Waiting for Godot

Henrik Ibsen:

A doll’s house

Hedda Gabler

Wild Duck

Post modernism (1960-present)


The modernist could not satisfy and answer all the questions and doubts in their
literature. All their literatures and assumptions were in vain. As they did not
convey the whole realism. There was a need for new solution and approach to
settle down the conflicts and to give answers for all the doubts. So, a new literary
trend emerged when it was adopted by different literary artist which was name

A literary trend that uses all the modernist devices and styles but also keeps a touch of realism
for individuals and justifies the actions on the basis of minutest details, is called Post-modernism.


 The subject matter is not considered to be important because of its grandeur but because
of the humorous and ironic aspects it creates.
 The subject matter is not given with details but the selected portions of the work are
treated to convey the subjective realism as one thinks of it.
 The trends and styles of all previous genres and age are mixed in the literary work.
 The effects of the past experience, knowledge and intellect are given much importance in
the creation of a character.

History of English Literature

 In the time frame, the sequence of events in is not important but the events without
 The narrative details are committed most of the times to focus the proper actions of the
 Chaos or confusion is depicted in the portrayal as well as character itself.
 The fact and fiction, reality and realism, actual and imaginative are juxtaposed, quite
artistically that there remains no questions no question unanswered.
 The reader becomes the part and enjoys the story without strange or aloof identity.

Writers and Works:

Donald Barthelme:

Snow White

The King

The Dead Father

Jacques Derida:

Of Grammatology

Writing and difference

Acts of literature

Terry Eagleton:

Literary Theory: An Introduction

The Event of literature

Culture and the Death of God

Fredic Jameson:

The seeds of time

The antinomies of realism

The modernist papers

Toni Morrison:

The jazz

History of English Literature


Ishmaeel Reed

Japanese by spring

The terrible by twos

The terrible by threes

Thomas Pynchon:

Mason and Dixon

The bleeding edge The inherent vice

Lecture: 23



“It is trend which focuses on the moral, psychological or intellectual growth of a

protagonist where he can have answers to all his questions”.


 The protagonist is in search of meaning of life because he has no experience

 There will be an inciting event that leaves the protagonist into his quest for
 The quest and its achievement will not be easy rather it will require a toil
and tiresome job to perform.
 Epiphany, movement of realization by protagonist is always there because
protagonist will have the answer to his entire question.
 The protagonist will settle himself with the values, rules, norms of the
culture or society and will not raise questions to abolish the system.

Writers and works

History of English Literature

“Tom Jones” by “Henry fielding”

“David copper-field” by “Charles Dickens”

“A Tale of two cities” by “Charles Dickens”

“A Portrait of a young Man as an Artist” by “James Joyce”

“Siddhartha” by “Hermann Hesse”

“To Kill a Mockingbird” by “Harper Lee”

“The Catcher in the Rye” by “J.D. Salinger”



It is a kind of fiction which deals that the world will end in the result of nuclear
war plague, Epidemic, machine revolution, Robot revolution or technological


 The world or human civilization will end in a result of destruction caused by

any world level disaster.
 There will be no civilization or development left on the face of Earth.
 Everyone will be fighting for one’s own safety and shelter.
 A struggle and killing for survival is inevitable in apocalyptic fiction.
 The survivors will work for rehabilitation of the means of life.


“World War Z” by “Max Brooks”

“Lucifer’s Hammer” by “Larry Niven and Jeny pournelle”

“The hunger Games” by “Suzanne Collins”

“On the Beach” by “Nevil Shute”

History of English Literature

Post Apocalypse


In this literary trend, there will be an attempt to create a world on the basis of some
ideology which will ensure that nothing wrong or disastrous is going to happen


 In fiction the leading figures will focus on the strategies and practices to
prevent Apocalypse or complete disaster.
 The fiction will focus on rebuilding, reshaping and restricting of mutual
understanding, dealings as well as society and civilizations.
 There will be a search for common means of life like food, shelter, security
and education foe the generation existing and to come in future.
 The lessons in form of causes, happenings and aftershocks of Apocalypse in
detail analyzed.


“The Drowned world” by J.G. Ballard

“Blood Red Road: by Moira Young

“The Maze Runner” by James Dashner

“The last Man” by Many Shelley

“The Passage” by Justin Cronin

“The Postman” by David Brin

“The Stand” by Stephan king

“The road” by Cormac Mccarthy

History of English Literature


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