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Peer Observation

Please ensure that the observer /‘critical friend’ has a copy of the lesson plan.
Peer Observation Number: 1
Date/Time: Name of Student Teacher to be observed:
October 4, 2018. Hend Alyammahi.
From 8:00 to 9:20.
Setting: Grade:
RAK Academy PYP. 4
Topic for the lesson: Name of Observer/Critical Friend:
The connection between civil engineering Maryam Alblooshi.
and earthquake.
Learning Outcomes:
Identify some of the factors that make Model an earthquake-proof structure using simple
buildings earthquake-proof, including cross materials (sticks and Marshmallow).
bracing, large footprints, and tapered
Compare a model structure with what it Understand why engineers need to learn about
represents. earthquakes.

PEER OBSERVATION: AREA OF FOCUS: The student teacher wants to focus in planning for

Observed Strengths: Suggestions for further development:

Asking students questions from different levels Give students a hint or example about the
of blooms taxonomy to attract their attention to question so they will write it in the board as a
the lesson. whole class.

She focusses on her plan about (planning for

Motivate students by saying excellent and well learning) but it must be how to ask questions.
She has a weakness with groping, she must
Examine student’s prior knowledge. guide and direct each group to make sure that
they are in the right direction.
Use student’s imagination to let them feel as a
Writing on the worksheet the instructions, so
real life.
the learners will follow what to you need that
will save time.
Use different science process skills.
Say for the students the right independent and
Use different literacy skills. depended variable because that will avoid
Use (TPS) strategy for learners. misconception.
Give students interesting examples.

Good classroom management.

Reflection (to be completed after discussion of Peer Review with colleague): In my
perspective I thought that peer observation will be hard because I will not be able to share my
ideas with the observer. When I did the observation I felt that I’m smart because I was able to
determine what are the main strengths and weakness. Hend Feels comfortable and relax when I
observed her lesson. After the lesson me and the observer set together and we discussed about
the lesson and I felt a beautiful feeling that I can share my ideas and these ideas will have an
impact. My colleague accepts my ideas and she keep them in mind. Also, she agrees with my
feedback because she said that we learn from each other’s. For the next lesson, I want from my
colleague to focus on independent and depended variables because that will avoid misconception
or alternative conception. Finally, my colleague feel that the peer observation is valuable because
we understand each other and these feedbacks will help us to improve.

Please tick the boxes using the scale with 5 indicating the best possible performance
Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
 
Displays a high standard of professional behavior, which includes 
punctuality and readiness for the session.
Shows initiative and enthusiasm during the session. 

Promotes a positive learning environment & builds good rapport with 

the learners.
Comments or reasons for scoring above: She was very professional because she understands children
prior knowledge and she used simple materials to engage students.

Planning for Learning 1 2 3 4 5

 
Provides a lesson plan, which includes all the required information 
and has clear and explicit learning outcomes.
Shows a student-centered focus in the lesson plan. 

Incorporates differentiation through activities, questioning and/or 

learning styles.

Materials and resources for teaching are of high quality and 

appropriate to the level of the learner.
Formative and/or summative assessment activities are included in 
the plan.

Comments or reasons for scoring above: She plans her lesson very well and have clear learning
objectives. However, she can use other appropriate martials such us Cork balls. Also, the assessment part
we still doesn’t reach it during the lesson.
Implementing and Managing Learning 1 2 3 4 5
 
Uses accurate and appropriate language. 

Maintaining engagement – independence 

Ensures instructions, questions & explanations are clear, accurate & 

Uses effective questioning & elicitation (probe, praise, rephrase, 
redirect) techniques.

Establishes and maintains clear and consistent rules & routines. 

Maintains an appropriate pace to challenge and motivate the 


Uses a range of teaching strategies. 

Manages lesson time effectively. 

Comments or reasons for scoring above: She have a well classroom management because students
are knowing her routines and she use multiple strategies during the lesson. While, the instructions were
unclear for some learners so the get confused about what they should do and from that they waste time.

Monitoring and Assessment 1 2 3 4 5

 
Monitors student progress effectively during the session. 

Provides ongoing feedback to students to enhance learning during 

the session.

Uses formative and summative assessment instruments such as 

checklists, grading scales, rubrics, tests and projects etc. to
evaluate students’ performance.

Comments or reasons for scoring above: She have difficulty with grouping because she wasn’t moving
around the class and she only put attention to two groups. Also, during the lesson we didn’t reach to the
assessment part because she was on the exploration stage.

Please add specific comments about the student teacher’s observed strengths relative to
their area of focus during this session and identify areas in which you feel further
development is necessary.
Please share feedback immediately following the observation once the forms are

Feedback meeting date: October 4, 2018 Time: 8:00 to 9:20

Date: October 7, 2018

Date: October 7, 2018

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