Composites Part B

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Composites Part B: Engineering

Volume 43, Issue 2, March 2012, Pages 805–811

Progressive edge cracked aluminium plate

repaired with adhesively bonded composite
patch under full width disbond
 D. Ouinasa, , ,
 B. Bachir Bouiadjrab, c,
 S. Himouria,
 N. Benderdouched
 a
Laboratoire de Modélisation Numérique et Expérimentale des Phénomènes
Mécaniques, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University Abdelhamid Ibn
Badis of Mostaganem, 27000, Algeria
 b
LMPM, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sidi-BelAbbes, 22000, Algeria
 c
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud
University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
 d
SEA2M, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University Abdelhamid Ibn
Badis of Mostaganem, 27000, Algeria
 Received 29 June 2010. Revised 22 June 2011. Accepted 22 August 2011.
Available online 26 August 2011.
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In this study, the crack growth behaviour of an aluminium plate
cracked at the tip and repaired with a bonded boron/epoxy
composite patch in the case of full-width disbond was
investigated. This effect is the imperfection which could result
during the bonded patch of the repaired structure. Disbonds of
various sizes and situated at different positions with respect to
the crack tip as well as the effect of adhesive and patch thickness
on repair performance were examined. An analysis procedure
involving the efficient finite element modelling applied to
cracked plate, adhesive and composite patch was used to
compute the stress intensity factors. The crack growth rate is
dominated by the stress intensity factor near the location and
size of the pre-existing disbonds. The cracked plate and disbond
propagation result in an increase in the patch deformation. The
patch does not have an influence on the crack growth when the
ratio 2a/dR exceeds 0.8.
 B. Adhesion;
 B. Fracture;
 B. Stress concentration;
 Disbonding composite patch

crack length

applied stress

the shear stresses in adhesive

adhesive shear modulus

radius of boron/epoxy composite patch

diameter patch


thickness of composite patch


thickness for a single patch

thickness for a double patch

adhesive thickness

geometrical ratio between crack length and radius of patch

the factor of the SIF reduction

stress concentration factor

Young’s modulus for plane stress condition

Young’s modulus for plane strain condition

modulus of elasticity of composite patch

height of disbond

SIF for a repaired crack without presence of the disbond

SIF for a repaired crack with presence of the disbond

reduction SIF with presence of the disbond

1. Introduction
Adhesively bonded composite patch repair technique has been
successfully applied to military aircraft repair and expanded to
commercial aircraft industry [1]. The technique of repairing
cracked or corroded metallic aircraft structures have been shown
to be a highly cost effective method for extending the service life
and maintaining high structural efficiency. The composite
reinforcement, also known as a patch, can be attached to the
damaged or weakened structure by adhesive bonding. This
technique has been recently receiving considerable
attention [2], [3] and [4].
The use of adhesively bonded composite patches [5] has several
advantages over mechanically fastened repair methods including
reduced installation cost, increased strength and fatigue life,
reduced repair down time, high stiffness and lightweight [5]. The
structural property and efficiency of adhesively bonded
composite structures are dependent on the property of adhesive
and fibre orientation of the composite materials of patch [6].
Adhesively bonded composite patches are structurally more
efficient than the traditional mechanically fastened repairs.
Mechanical fastening introduces stress concentrations in the
contact area between the fastener and the composite, reducing
the strength of the repaired plate [7] and [8]. Khalili et
al. [9] carried out charpy impact test on a cracked aluminium
edge specimen repaired with single-sided composite patches.
They concluded that the carbon patches are more effective in
reinforcing the cracked plates than glass patches, and that the
effect of stiffness ratio is significant in absorbing energy in
composite patches.
Denney and Mall [10] conducted a series of experiments to
investigate the effects of disbond location and size on the
fatigue response of cracked thin aluminium panels repaired with
bonded composite patches. A disbond around the crack resulted
in larger crack growth rate compared to a completely bonded
This paper analyses the behaviour of a cracked edge aluminium
plate repaired with a semicircular boron/epoxy patch in mode I
with and without disbond. The gain in thickness of the patch
between single and double patch is highlighted. The crack in the
aluminium is characterised by fracture mechanics using the
Stress Intensity factor (SIF). We introduce a dimensionless
parameter which is called the reduction factor of the SIF of the
disbond . The effect of important fracture parameters on the
crack growth rate are investigated including (a) patch thickness;
(b) adhesive thickness and (c) disbond size.

2. Geometrical model
Fig. 1 shows an edge cracked aluminium plate, which is
adhesively bonded with a boron/epoxy composite patch. The
thin rectangular aluminium plate has the following dimensions:
200 × 100 × 2 mm3. The length of the crack is a and the cracks
are assumed to occur in the x-direction, i.e., only mode I crack is
considered. The plate with a crack is subjected to a remote
uniaxial tensile load of σ = 120 MPa The mechanical and
geometrical characteristics of the plate and the patch are noted
respectively by subscripts p and R (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Geometrical model and mesh of the structure (plate and patch),
(a) edge crack, (b) bonded patch on the crack and (c) cracked plate.

The crack is repaired with a boron/epoxy composite patch of

radius ρR = 40 mm and thickness eR = 2 mm. The adhesive has
the following properties: shear modulus Ga = 965 MPa and
thickness ea = 0.127 mm. The materials properties (plate, patch
and adhesive) are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Materials properties (plate, patch and adhesive).

Property Aluminium Boron/epoxy Adhesive

E1 (GPa) 72 208
E2 (GPa) 25.4
ν12 0.33 0.1677 0.32
G12 (GPa) 7.2 0.965
Property Aluminium Boron/epoxy Adhesive
G13 (GPa) 7.2
α (10−6 °C−1) 22.7 4.5 50.0
The whole structure (plate and patch) is meshed using standard
eight noded serendipity elements with quadratic shape
functions. These elements perform well for elastic analysis and
have the advantage that the stress singularity at the crack tip can
be incorporated in the solution by moving the eight nodes to
the quarter point locations [11]. Fig. 1 shows a typical mesh
model of the plate, the patch and the crack tip vicinity. The
modified crack closure technique is used to calculate the SIF. An
automatic two-dimensional finite element mesh generation is
employed to create an adequate finite element mesh [12].

3. Finite element analysis

A two-dimensional finite element code named FRANC 2D/L
(FRacture ANalysis Code for 2-D Layered structure) was used in
the numerical modelling work. This code was developed at
Cornell University and was modified for multi-layered structures
at Kansas University [12]. The code is based on the theory of
linear and non-linear fracture mechanics. In this study,
simplifying assumptions are made in order to tackle the
problem. These assumptions are:

Each layer is considered to be a two-dimensional structure
in a plane stress state.

The layers may be assembled with an adhesive layer.

The adhesive layer is homogeneous, linear, elastic and

The adhesive works only in shear and the deformation is
uniform throughout the adhesive thickness.

The shear stresses in the adhesive are given by the relation [6]:

where u1 and u2 are displacements in layers 1 and 2, i.e., in the

plate and the patch.
Eq. (1) is used to calculate the adhesive shear stress and the
stress in the patch layer. The calculations allow the
determination of the stress intensity factor at the crack tip. The
adhesive forces are obtained by using the adhesive shear
stresses as surface tractions on the layer and integrating. Since
the surface tractions are proportional to the relative
displacement of the two layers, the adhesive force can be
expressed in terms of nodal displacements of the top and
bottom layer. The latter gives a stiffness matrix for the adhesive
elements. Using the finite element model the whole of the
repaired panel was generated. This model consisted of 13,012
eight-node, mindlin plate elements; 8592 in the plate, 2210 in
the adhesive layer, and 2210 in the patch. Refinement in the
crack tip area consisted of eight nodes to the quarter point

3.1. Validation

Isida [13] has developed mapping functions to derive stress

concentration factors. These can be used to compute stress
intensity factors for plates to any degree of accuracy. The result
is presented:

where Y is a polynomial in a/w and σ is applied stress. For edge

crack the correction factor is given by:

The correction factor is in order of 12% [14]. K is somewhat

higher due to the free edge and is reduced for a small edge
crack by:
The values obtained by Eq. (2) were compared to the finite
element values in Table 2 to illustrate the convergence of SIF.
This clearly shows an excellent agreement for small cracked
panels, thus validating as well as ascertaining the importance of
modelling the variation of SIF by bonded patch repair. The
comparative study between the results obtained gives a fork of
error varying between 1.13% and 3.304%. This shows the good
convergence of the mesh.
Table 2. Comparison of the SIF of not repaired crack.

Crack length (mm) Analytic model FRANC 2D/L

Mode I Mode I
1 07.5429 07.4424
2 10.6740 10.7587
3 13.1028 13.3056
4 15.1880 15.4112
6 18.8237 19.0400
8 22.1036 22.1872
10 25.2349 25.1328
12 28.3250 27.9216
16 34.6201 33.4768
20 38.9872 38.9872

4. Effect of fibre orientation of the patch

To highlight the effect of fibre direction of the composite
material in the semicircular patch on the repaired crack, we
considered two cases. The first one involved taking the
boron/epoxy fibre in the x-direction. In the second case, these
fibres were taken perpendicular to the crack (y-direction). The
obtained results are presented in Fig. 2. In the latter, the
variation of the dimensionless reduction of the SIF as a function
of the crack length is depicted. The factor of the SIF reduction is
defined by:

Krep and Knrep are SIF for repaired crack and non repaired crack,

Fig. 2. Effect of the fibres orientation of the patch on the reduction of

the SIF.

It can be seen that the preferential orientation of fibres with

regard to the crack in the process of repair led to various SIF
values at crack tip. The curve of the SIF of the crack repaired by
a patch of fibres directed in they-axis converges quickly starting
from 2a ⩾ 10 mm compared to the patch of boron/epoxy fibres
oriented in the x-axis. These results were confirmed by Ouinas et
al. [6].
The reduction of the SIF is much better when the orientation of
the fibres is perpendicular to crack propagation. The maximum
reduction of the composite patch having fibres in the y-direction
is about 30% compared with the metallic patch [15] and [16]. This
reduction is twofold compared with the composite patch having
its fibres in the x-direction. The maximum reduction obtained by
the patch whose fibres are in the y-direction is almost three
times larger compared to the composite fibre patch in the x-

5. Effect of patch geometry

The geometry of the patch has a significant influence on the
variation of the SIF. In the process of repairing an edge crack
with length a, two patches with different geometrical forms were
chosen: a semicircular and a rectangular patch. The diameter of
the semicircular patch is identical to the length of the
rectangular patch.Fig. 3 shows the geometrical patch effect on
the variation of the SIF. The SIF reduction obtained using the
semicircular patch increases indefinitely with the increase of the
crack size. However, for small crack lengths, the reduction of the
SIF obtained by the rectangular patch (about 4%) is more
significant than that obtained using the semicircular patch. An
inverse behaviour occurs for large crack lengths, the reduction
obtained by the semicircular patch is more significant and of the
same order of magnitude (4%).
Fig. 3. Geometrical patch effect on variation of the SIF.

6. Stress concentration factor of the patch

The stress concentrations of shear and delamination are known
to occur at the level of the free edges. The maximum
deformation is reached at this level [17]. For better illustrating
the effect of the stress absorbed by the bonded patch, we
presented the variation of the stress concentration factor for
various sizes of the repaired crack in Fig. 4. The patch diameter
is equal to dR = 80 mm.

Fig. 4. Variation of the Kt of the patch vs. crack length.

It is known that the stress intensity created in the crack tip
increases more and more with crack length. This shows that the
stress concentration factor increases proportionally with crack
size. The maximum stresses are localised around of the crack
and decrease proportionally while moving away from it. The
minimum stresses are located around of the patch edges (Fig. 4).
It is noticed that the levels of stress concentrations illustrated
around the crack confirm the transfer carried by the plate
towards the patch. The maximum stresses are on the crack lips;
the minimal stresses decrease towards the circumference of the
patch. The stress concentration factor increases indefinitely with
the increase of the crack size repaired by only one patch; for the
double boron/epoxy patch the stabilization of the factor Kt starts
from the ratio a/ρR = 0.3. Ouinas et al. [18] indicate a
ratio a/ρR = 0.25 for a reinforcement of a central crack with a
circular boron/epoxy patch. This difference between these ratios
is due to the edge effect as the crack is at the edge of the plate.

7. Effect of the adhesive shear modulus on the Kt of

the patch
The adhesive shear modulus is a significant characteristic
influencing the mechanical properties of the assembly or the
repair of the cracks [19]. Fig. 5 presents the adhesive shear effect
on the evolution of the stress concentration factor of the patch
for a single and double patch. The stress concentration factor is
strongly dependent on the adhesive shear modulus
when Ga ⩽ 300 MPa. Beyond this value, the factor Kt is stable for
both patches, and the capacity of absorption the double patch
increases accordingly with the widening of the maximum stress
zone. The minimal stress disappears with the increase of the
adhesive shear modulus.

Fig. 5. Variation of the Kt of the patch vs. adhesive shear modulus.

8. Gain in thickness between a single and double

To make a comparison between the thickness of a single patch
(eRs) and that a double patch (eRd), we determined the SIF as a
function of the patch thickness. Table 3, Table 4 and Table
5 show the gain in thickness obtained by the use of the bonded
double patch. The gain is defined by the relative difference in
percent between the thickness of double and single patch when
the SIF is the same for both of them. Table 3,Table 4 and Table
5 show the results for three different crack lengths. For the three
cases, the gain decreases with patch thickness. This
phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the transfer of
stresses towards the patch is less important for thicker patches.
Thus, the reduction of the crack opening is produced by fibres
perpendicular to the crack.
Table 3. Evaluation of the gain for a = 10 mm.

eRd (mm) KI eRs (mm) KI Gain (%)

0.20 6.327 0.291 6.327 31.15
0.40 4.610 0.539 4.611 25.79
0.80 3.053 1.022 3.052 21.72
1 2.616 1.260 2.616 20.63
1.4 2.030 1.739 2.029 19.49
1.8 1.655 2.219 1.654 18.88
2 1.512 2.460 1.512 18.70
3 1.055 3.670 1.054 18.25
4 0.8052 4.892 0.8053 18.23
Table 4. Evaluation of the gain for a = 20 mm.

eRd (mm) KI eRs (mm) KI Gain (%)

0.20 6.574 0.2972 6.574 32.705
0.40 4.79 0.551 4.79 27.40
0.80 3.20 1.039 3.201 23.00
1 2.752 1.282 2.752 22.00
1.4 2.151 1.761 2.156 20.45
1.8 1.764 2.25 1.764 20.00
2 1.616 2.496 1.616 19.78
3 1.139 3.72 1.139 19.35
4 0.8747 4.97 0.875 19.52
Table 5. Evaluation of the gain for a = 30 mm.

eRd (mm) KI eRs (mm) KI Gain (%)

0.20 6.684 0.3084 6.684 37.15
0.40 4.887 0.5694 4.887 29.75
eRd (mm) KI eRs (mm) KI Gain (%)
0.80 3.288 1.076 2.289 25.65
1 2.837 1.33 2.873 24.81
1.4 2.23 1.843 2.23 24.04
1.8 1.838 2.37 2.837 24.05
2 1.689 2.637 1.608 24.16
3 1.203 4.02 1.204 25.37
4 0.9338 5.52 0.9338 27.54
From Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5 it is observed that the
increase in gain is proportional to crack length increase. Since
the maximum reduction of the SIF corresponds to the large
crack sizes (a = 10, 20 and 30 mm). For the three crack lengths,
the maximum gain is obtained when the thickness of the patch is
ten times less important than that of the repaired plate. When
the patch thickness is twice as important as that of the plate, the
gain is about 20%. It is noted that the gain in thickness becomes
substantial when the crack length is larger compared to the
patch diameter of repair.

9. Disbond effect
The SIF for the patched crack exhibits an asymptotic behaviour
as the crack length increases. This asymptotic value is
approximated by the following formula [20]:

where πΛ is defined as the characteristic crack length without

We used here the stress obtained explicitly from the one-
dimensional theory of bonded joints [21]. The reduced stress is
expressed as σ0 = σ∞ /(1 + S), where represents the
stiffness ratio between the plate and the reinforcement.
Here E′ = E/(1 - ν2) is Young’s modulus for plane strain
condition,E′ = E for plane stress condition.
The disbond is assumed uniform along the crack and its width,
noted wd, is equal to the crack length a (Fig. 6a). The model
proposed by Albat [22] is:

where πΛd is the effective limit crack length or the characteristic

crack length with disbond.

Fig. 6. Geometrical model of the patch with height disbond Hd.

9.1. Effect of disbond along the central line of the patch

The fatigue life with the presence of Full-Width Disbond (FWD)

showed that disbonds are detrimental to the fatigue life of a
repaired specimen when they have more intimate contact with
the actual damage, i.e., the crack [23]. The experimental results
show that the zone most sensitive to disbond is that which
contains the cracked area [24]. This behaviour led us more
particularly to be interested in studying the evolution of the SIF
by taking into account FW Disbond along the central width of
the patch, that which covers the crack. This factor is noted Kd.
We present in Fig. 6b the area of disbond of the repaired plate.
We investigated the evolution of the SIFKd factor of the repaired
plate when the length of disbond (d) increases while maintaining
the height Hd constant. The obtained results are illustrated in Fig.
7, which shows the evolution of the ratioKd/KR along the central
width of the patch for three crack lengths. It is noticed that
whatever the size of the crack, Kd grows gradually as disbond
tends towards the crack tip. The optimum value of Kd is reached
when the distance between the crack tip and disbond tends to a
zero value. When the disbond exceeds the crack tip towards the
limit of the width of the patch, the factor Kd is stabilized. The
same behaviour of Kd along the width of the patch is noticed for
the three crack lengths. The Kd characterising the disbond
increases with the length of the reinforced crack. The central FW
Disbond showed a more important and significant increase
inKd of the repaired plate. It is thus the crack size and the mode
of disbond which determines the intensity ofKd.
Fig. 7. Evolution of the Kd/KR vs. disbond.

9.2. Effect of disbond height on the SIF Kd

In this case, we study the effect the height of disbond Hd on the
SIF Kd. The reinforcement of the cracked plates using a
composite patch reduces the propagation velocity of the crack
and increases the lifespan of the damaged structure [6]. On the
other hand the disbond is a harmful phenomenon for the
reinforced structure. In this case the SIF is amplified and its value
depends on the mechanical characteristics of the
material [6]. Fig. 8 illustrates the variation of Kd as a function of
the height of disbond Hd. We notice that Kdincreases
as Hd increases. The SIF Kd increases quadratically with disbond
height. A linear relationship between Kd and Hd is observed as
the crack length increases.
Fig. 8. Variation of the Kd/KR vs. height of the disbond.

9.3. Effect of the adhesive thickness

We introduce a dimensionless parameter which is called the

reduction factor of the SIF of the disbond . To illustrate the
influence of the adhesive layer on the negative effect of the
disbond we introduce a dimensionless SIF reduction with the
presence of disbond. The reduction rate of the SIF is defined by:

Kd and K are stress intensity factors for a repaired crack with and
without presence of the disbond, respectively. To show the
influence of disbond on the amplification of the stress at the
level of the crack tip, we plotted the variation of the reduction of
the SIF as a function of the adhesive film thickness (ea) for
various heights of disbond. The diameter of the patch is equal to
four times the length of the repaired crack. From Fig. 9, it can be
observed that a reduction of the adhesive thickness increases
the value of the reduction rate , which means that a small
adhesive thickness is recommended for repaired cracks. The
curves show two distinct regions. In the first part, the factor
decreases quickly towards the adhesive thickness,
approximately ea = 2 mm. This part can be described by the
relation where α and β are coefficients. In the second
part of the curve ea > 2 mm, varies linearly versus adhesive
thickness. The reduction is amplified by increasing disbond
height Hd. In this case; it appears clearly that the disbond
involves an amplification of the SIF and consequently the
increase in the crack growth rate.

Fig. 9. Variation of the reduction of the SIF vs. the adhesive


9.4. Effect of the patch thickness

The mechanical and geometrical properties of the patch are

essential in the reinforcement of the damaged structures. For
better illustrating the influence of the patch thickness on the
behaviour of the cracked plate, we present in Fig. 10 the
variation of the SIF as a function of the semicircular patch
thickness in the presence of FW disbond. It is noticed that the
increase of the patch thickness allows a better relaxation of the
stress field around the damaged zone and consequently a
slowing down of the crack propagation.

Fig. 10. Variation of the reduction of the SIF vs. the patch thickness.

Fig. 10 indicates that the reduction of the SIF increases with

patch thickness for disbond height higher than the crack size. An
inverse behaviour occurs when the crack length exceeds disbond
height. For a height of FW disbond equal to two and three times
the crack length, the reduction of the patch exceeds 50% and
60% respectively for patch thickness higher than 1 mm. The
smallest reduction of the SIF is obtained for reduced disbond
9.5. Effect of the 2a/dR ratio
The influence of the patch width on the evolution of the SIF can
be analyzed by computing the variation of Kas a function of the
ratio a/ρR for three values of FW disbond height,
namely, Hd = 10, 20 and 30 mm (Fig. 11). Disbond could be
caused by exceeding the capacity for absorption of the patch
when the crack develops under the reinforcement. In this case,
the approach of the crack towards the end of the bonded patch
which can cause a failure of the adhesive while producing a total
separation can be examined. Fig. 11 shows that the SIF varies
according to three different stages (I, II and III). In this case, the
crack length increases and the width of the patch decreases. In
the first stage (0 < a/ρR ⩽ 0.12) a significant deformation of the
patch develops at a continuously increasing crack propagation
rate. It is noticed that the SIF increases appreciably with the
increase in crack size. The crack propagation rate is significant,
because it receives a driving force starting from the plate edge.
In the second stage (0.12 < a/ρR ⩽ 0.8) there is a quasi-stable
evolution grouping together the SIF and the crack size. The
patch influences considerably the crack propagation and
produces its retardation. The value of the SIF increases with
disbond height. For large disbond height values, the shape of
the SIF curve with the advancing crack becomes increasingly
linear. The third stage (0.8 < a/ρR ⩽ 1) shows the restarting and
acceleration of the crack becoming incontrollable by the patch
of the reinforcement. In this stage, the patch has no influence on
the deceleration of the crack, and the SIF attained its maximum
value whatever the height of disbond (FWD). The latter has an
effect on the redistribution of stress around the crack and it has
a major effect on the deformation of the bonded patch.

Fig. 11. Variation of the SIF vs. the ratio 2a/dR.

10. Conclusions
A finite element analysis is proposed to investigate the stress
intensity factor (SIF) of cracked aluminium plate patched with a
boron/epoxy composite patch in the presence of FW disbond.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the present study:

The reduction of the SIF of the boron/epoxy patch of 0°
fibre in the y-direction compared to a 0° fibre in the x-
direction is on the order of 50%.

The stress concentration factor increases indefinitely with
the increase in the repaired edge crack with only one
boron/epoxy patch; for the double patch the stabilization
of the factor Kt appears from the ratioa/ρR = 0.3.

The gain in thickness decreases with patch thickness
increase and it decreases with crack length decrease. When
the patch thickness is twice as large as that of the plate, the
gain is about 20%.

The reduction of the SIF takes importance when the
adhesive thickness tends to a zero value. There should be
an optimum value. An inverse behaviour occurs for large
patch thicknesses, which in this case decrease the negative
disbond effect.

The reduction of the SIF increases with patch thickness for
disbond width higher than crack size. An inverse behaviour
occurs when the crack length exceeds the width of FW

For a width of FW disbond higher than crack length Hd ⩾ a,
the reduction of the patch exceeds 50% when the patch
thickness is higher than 1 mm.

The patch has no influence on the crack propagation when
the ratio 2a/dR exceeds 0.8.
The supports are gratefully acknowledged and special thanks are
to the Pr. M.S.E. Seddiki, Rector of Mostaganem University. The
Authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific
Research at King Saud University for funding the work through
the research group N° RGP-VPP-035.

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