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OA4201 Exam 1 Review

January 30, 2013

Question 1
Consider the following function:
f(x) = x12 + 3x1x2 + (x2 – 1)2
Is this function convex? Explain.


Question 2
Consider minimizing the following function:
f(x) = x12 + 3x1x2 + (x2 – 1)2
For each of the following candidate solutions x*, use the first order necessary
condition, the second order necessary condition, and/or the second order
sufficient condition to evaluate x* as a potential local minimum.
• x* = [0 0]’
• x* = [6/5 -4/5]’

What have we covered so far?

• Types of algorithms
– Exact algorithms
– Approximation algorithms
– Heuristics
• Decomposition methods
– Min/max decomposition
– Benders decomposition
• Unconstrained optimization
– Necessary and sufficient conditions for local optimality
• Convexity of functions and sets
– Definitions
– Relevance to nonlinear optimization
• Descent-based methods:
– Basic approach
– Descent directions
– Steepest descent algorithm


Types of Algorithms
• Exact algorithms produce optimal solutions (or as
close to optimal as you want).
• Approximation algorithms produce near-optimal
– Solution quality is guaranteed a priori for all
problem instances.
– Performance guarantees can be constant-
factor, or they can be a function of the
problem size.
• Heuristics produce solutions of unknown quality.
– Bounds can sometimes be derived a posteriori.


• Greedy strategy
• Local search
• Simulated annealing
• Tabu search
• Genetic algorithm


Min/Max Decomposition
1. “Guess” an initial solution y.
2. Solve the Subproblem using this y.
– Accumulate another extreme point.
– Update upper bound if possible. If the upper bound is updated, set
y* =y (i.e., save the current y as a possible optimal solution).
– If upper bound = lower bound, stop.
Return y* as the optimal solution.
3. Solve the Master Problem using all accumulated extreme points.
– Update lower bound.
– If upper bound = lower bound, stop.
Return y* as the optimal solution.
4. Return to Step 2. Solve the Subproblem using the optimal y from Step 3.

Subproblem and Master Problem

• Subproblem: the inner (max) optimization problem.
– When considering only the inner problem, decision
variables for the outer (min) problem are fixed.
max (1  y)u1  (1  2 y )u2
u1 ,u2

s.t. u1  u2  1
u1 , u2  0
• Master problem: the outer (min) optimization problem,
with any subset of the inner problem’s extreme points.
min z

s.t. z  (1  y)u1l (1  2 y)u2l l  1,..., k

0 y2


Benders Decomposition
• Benders decomposition is used for problems in which
variables can be separated into a vector x of “easy”
variables and a vector y of “hard” variables.
– Given values of the “hard” variables y, it is easy to
optimize with respect to the “easy” variables x.
• Consider the problem
z*  min f ( y )  c ' x
x, y

s.t. Ax  By  b
y Y

Benders Decomposition
• For a fixed y, the “easy” subproblem is:
h( y )  f ( y )  min c ' x

s.t. Ax  b  By

• For fixed y, this is simply a linear program. Therefore, it

has a dual with the same optimal objective value:
h( y )  f ( y )  max(b  By ) ' u

s.t. A ' u  c


Consider the following problem: min 3 y1  5 y2  2 x1  x2

y1 , y2 ,
x1 , x2

s.t. x1  x2  1
2x1  3x2  12 y1
x2  3 y2  1
x1 0
y1 , y2  {0,1}

Let y1, y2 be the “hard” variables and x1, x2 be the “easy” variables.
a) Write the primal subproblem.

b) Write the dual subproblem.

c) Write the master problem.


Local and Global Optimality

• From Bertsekas (p. 4):
“A vector x* is an unconstrained local minimum of f if it
is no worse than its neighbors; that is, if there exists an
 >0 such that
f  x *  f  x  ,  x with x  x *   .
A vector x* is an unconstrained global minimum of f if
it is no worse than all other vectors; that is, if
f  x *  f  x  ,  x Rn .
The unconstrained local or global minimum x* is said
to be strict if the corresponding inequality above is
strict for x=x*.”

Necessary and Sufficient Conditions

• Necessary conditions:
If A is a necessary condition for B, then:
– If A is true, B may or may not be true.
– If A is not true, B is definitely not true.

• Sufficient conditions:
If A is a sufficient condition for B, then:
– If A is true, B is definitely true.
– If A is not true, B may or may not be true.


Optimality Conditions
• First order necessary condition:

• Second order necessary condition:

• Second order sufficient condition:

From Bertsekas Prop. 1.1.3 (p.15):
If f(x*)=0 and 2f(x*) is positive definite, then
x* is a strict unconstrained local minimum of f.
• A matrix A is positive definite if
y’Ay > 0 for all y = 0

Convexity and Concavity

• When solving a convex optimization problem, we can
make conclusions about the global quality of a
solution using only local information.
• The following conditions must hold:
– For minimization problems,
the objective function must be convex.
– For maximization problems,
the objective function must be concave.
– For both types of problems,
the feasible region must be convex.


Convex Functions
• A function f(x) is convex if:

f ( x  (1   ) x)   f ( x )  (1   ) f ( x) x , x,  [0,1]

• The Hessian matrix of a convex function is

positive semidefinite for all x.

Convex Sets
• A set S is convex if

 x  (1   ) x  S x , x  S ;  [0,1]



Why Convexity is Important

• Descent-based methods cannot be guaranteed to
find the optimal solution for a nonconvex
objective function:

Why Convexity is Important

• Descent-based methods cannot be guaranteed to
find the optimal solution for a nonconvex feasible


Consequences of Convexity
• If f is convex,
every local minimum is a global minimum.
• If f is convex and x* is a stationary point,
then x* is a global minimum.
• If f is strictly convex,
then there exists at most one global minimum.
f ( x  (1   ) x)   f ( x )  (1   ) f ( x) x , x,  [0,1]

Descent Directions
• A direction d is a descent direction at a point x if
f(x)’d < 0.


Steepest Descent

• A popular approach: try to go “downhill.”

• Steepest descent method:
– Step 0: Pick x0  n, set k = 0.
– Step 1: Set xk+1 = xk + αkdk
• αk is the step size
• dk = -f(xk) is the descent direction
– Step 2: Evaluate xk+1.
If “good enough,” stop and return xk+1.
Else, set k = k + 1 and return to Step 1.

a) Write the gradient and Hessian of the following function:

x14 2 x13
f  x    x22
4 3

b) Consider minimizing the function from part (a):

x14 2 x13
min2 f  x     x22
xR 4 3
Is this a convex optimization problem? Why or why not?


x14 2 x13
min2 f  x     x22
xR 4 3
c) Evaluate each of the following candidate solutions x*. In particular, state whether or not
x* can be confirmed as a local minimum or a global minimum of f(x), and give a rationale
for your statement. If you’re sure that x* is not local minimum of f(x), find a direction d
that is a descent direction at x*.
x* = [0 0]’ x* = [-2 0]’ x* = [1 1]’


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