Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Analysis in Upland Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Genotypes For Yield and Yield Related Traits in Benishangul Gumuz, Ethiopia

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International Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science IJPBCS

Vol. 5(3), pp. 437-443, December, 2018. © 2167-0449

Research Article

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Analysis

in Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes for Yield and Yield
Related Traits in Benishangul Gumuz, Ethiopia
1Atsedemariyam Tewachew*, 2Wassu Mohammed, 3Alemayehu Assefa
1,2,3Pawe Agricultural Research Centre, Haramaya University and Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Ethiopia

The experiment was conducted to assess genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for
yield and yield related traits in some upland rice genotypes. A total of 23 rice genotypes were
evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replications in 2017 at Pawe and
Assosa. Analysis of variance revealed significant difference among the genotypes for most of the
traits at individual and across locations, and error variances of the two locations were
homogenous for most of the traits including grain yield. Moreover, the genotypes showed wider
variability for grain yield in the range between 3707-6241kg/ha, 4853-7282kg/ha and 4280-
6761kg/ha at Pawe, Assosa and over locations, respectively. A relatively high (>20%) phenotypic
and genotypic coefficient of variations were estimated merely for number of unfilled grains per
panicle. High heritability estimates (> 60%) were obtained for all of the traits, except plant height
and Protein content. A relatively high genetic advance was obtained for traits like unfilled grains
per panicle and fertile tiller per plant. Thus, this study revealed that there was higher genetic
variability among the tested genotypes, which could be potentially exploited in future breeding

Key words: Genetic advance, Genetic variability, Heritability, Upland Rice and Yield related traits.


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important food 4.6 ton/ha (FAOSTAT, 2017). In Ethiopia, rice variety
crops in the world. It is a staple food crop for more than development is mainly through introduction and then
half of the world’s human population. Rice contains more selection out of breeding materials. The development of
than 20 species. However, only two species are economic new varieties requires knowledge about the genetic
importance of which Oryza sativa L. cultivated in variability in the germplasm being handled by breeder. The
Southeast Asian countries and Japan, and Oryza knowledge about genetic variability can help to know if
glaberrima Steud cultivated in West Africa. Rice grain these variations are heritable or non-heritable. The
contains 75 to 80% starch, 12% water and 7% protein magnitude of variation due to heritable component is very
(Okoet al., 2012). China, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and important because, it would be a guide for selection of
Viet Nam are the major producing countries in the world parents for crop improvement (Dutta et al., 2013).
(FAOSTAT, 2014). Rice was introduced in Ethiopia in the Considering the importance of generating information on
1970s (MoARD, 2010). However, it has been cultivated in genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance that
small pocket areas though the country has suitable could be help development of high yielding rice genotypes
ecologies for rice productions but unsuitable for production as pre-requisite for breeding program.
of other food crops. In the country, four rice ecosystems
are identified and these are: upland rice, hydrophilic (rain
fed lowland) rice, irrigated lowland ecosystem, paddy rice *Corresponding Author: Atsedemariyam Tewachew,
(with or without irrigation) (MoARD, 2010). The national Pawe Agricultural Research Centre, Haramaya University
average yield of rice in Ethiopia is 2.81 ton/ha (CSA, 2017), and Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Ethiopia.
which is much lower than the world’s average rice yield of Email:

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Analysis in Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes for Yield and Yield Related Traits in
BenishangulGumuz, Ethiopia
Tewachew et al. 438

Further, information on the association of agro- ij is the interaction of the jth genotype with jth location,
morphological and grain quality traits in rice breeding Rk (j)is the effect of k th randomized block within thejth
programs will help to select the most desirable genotype(s) location and Eijk is the experimental error associated within
leading to evolution of new rice varieties. Therefore, the ijkth observation.
present research was conducted to assess genetic
variability, heritability and genetic advance of upland rice Table 1: A two-factor (combined) analysis of variance over
genotypes to understand the mechanism of genetic locations in randomized complete block design.
variation and further selection of genotypes on strong Source of variation DF MS EMS
genetic basis. Genotype (G) G-1 MSG σ2E+ rσ2GL+ rlσ2G
Replication (r-1) L MSR(L)
MATERIALS AND METHODS Location (L) L-1 MSL σ2E+ rσ2GL+ rgσ2L
Genotype x (G-1) MSGE σ2E+ rσ2GL
The experiment was conducted in Benishangul Gumuze Location (G x L) (L-1)
region at two locations, namely Assosa and Pawe Residual/ Pooled (r-1) MSE σ2E
Agricultural Research Center (PARC) during the main error (G-1) L
cropping season of 2017.PARC is located 575Kmfrom Total GLr-1
Addis Ababa. Its geographical location is between FAO, Model
11015’and 11023” North latitude and 36030’ East longitudes 4.
at an altitude of 1120 meters above sea level and the soil he F-test for genotype, location and genotype x location
type of vertisol with clay loam texture. A total of 23 upland mean squares is against pooled error.
rice genotypes wereobtained from Fogera National Rice
Research and Training Center (FNRRTC). The genotypes Where, r = number of replications; G = number of
were introduced from Africa Rice Center and EMBRAPA genotypes; L = number of locations, MSR(L) = mean
(Brazilian Agricultural Research Enterprise). The square due to replications over location; MSG = mean
experiment was conducted in Randomized Complete square due to genotypes; MSL= mean square due to
Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. A plot locations, MSGE= mean square of genotype x location
consisting six rows of 5 m long by 1.2m width (6 m 2) with interaction, MSE = mean square of error; σ2E+ rσ2GL+
spacing of 0.2 m between rows, 0.3 m between plots and rlσ2G, σ2E+ rσ2GL+ rgσ2L and σ2E+ rσ2GL are variances
1.5 m between blocks was used. The seed rate of 60 kg/h or expected mean squares due to genotype, location and
was used and a seed was drilled in a row. The genotype x location interaction, respectively, whileσ2E is
recommended fertilizer urea and DAP (diammonium expected mean squares due to error.
phosphate) was applied at a rate of 64 N and 46 P2O5 kg
ha-1. Data on grain yield and other important agronomic Phenotypic and Genotypic Variability Analysis
traits and quality traits were collected on plot and individual
plant basis at each location. Crop phenology parameters The phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation was
were registered by visual observation of plants grown in a computed for each location using the formula suggested
net plot, growth characters were measured from pre- by Burton and de Vane (1953) as follows.
tagged 5 randomly taken plants from four central rows 𝑀𝑔−𝑀𝑒
Genotypic variance (σ2g) =
while yield and yield components were measured plants 𝑟
from 4m2 net plots. The grain quality parameter was Where, σ2g = genotypic variance, Mg= mean square of
measured from randomly taken grain samples from each genotype, Me = mean square of error, r = number of
plot. replications

Data Analysis Phenotypic Variance (σ2p) = σ2g + σ2e

Where, σ2g = Genotypic variance, σ2e = Environmental
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for two locations was variance, σ2p = phenotypic variance
computed for all data recorded using the statistical  2   2 
 p   g 
analysis software computer program (SAS Ins, 2014). PCV   _   100 GCV   _   100
Genotypic means were compared following Fisher’s Least    
Significant Difference (LSD) test at 5% levels of probability.  x   x 
The following linear additive model was used: Where: PCV= Phenotypic coefficient of variation,
Yijk= μ + Gi+ Lj+ (G x L)ij+ Rj(k)+ Eijk GCV= Genotypic coefficient of variation, 𝐱 = population
Where; mean of the character being evaluated.
Yijk is the observation on the ith genotype in the jth location
in the kth replication, Sivasubramaniah and Menon (1973), phenotypic
μ is the general mean, coefficients of variation and genotypic coefficients of
Gi is the fixed effect of the jth genotype, variation were categorized as low (0-10%), moderate
Lj is the effect of the jth location, (G x L) (10-20%) and high (>20%).

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Analysis in Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes for Yield and Yield Related Traits in
BenishangulGumuz, Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci. 439

Heritability and Genetic Advance among the genotypes, which could be an opportunity to
apply selection breeding to improve the respective traits
Broad Sense (b.s) heritability values were estimated for
that genotypes exhibited significant differences. Similar
each location using the formula adopted by Falconer et
findings were also presented by Ogunbayo et al., 2014;
al (1996) as follows
𝛔𝟐𝐠 Seyou et al., 2015; Ekka et al., 2015; Munganyinka et al.,
𝐇𝟐 = 𝑿𝟏𝟎𝟎Where, H2 = heritability in broad sense, 2015 and Lingaiah et al., 2014. The mean squares for
σ2p = phenotypic variance, σ2g = Genotypic variance genotype x location interaction (GLI) were significant for
days to maturity, unfilled grains per panicle, kernel length,
Genetic advance in absolute unit (GA) and percent of kernel thickens, length width ratio and protein content
the mean (GAM), assuming selection of superior 5% of whereas mean squares for GLI were non-significant for the
the genotypes were estimated for each location in rest of the traits. Moreover, the contribution of genotype x
accordance with the methods illustrated by Johnson et location to the total sum square was much lower than the
al. (1955) as: contribution of genotype and location. This implies that the
variation observed among genotypes could be explained
GA = K * SDp * H2 by the inherent characteristics of the genotypes and
location effects for most of the traits.
Where, GA = Genetic advance, SDp = Phenotypic
standard deviation on mean basis of the character. Table 2: Mean square values of characters from combine
H2 = Heritability in the broad sense, k = the analysis over two locations (Pawe and Assosa) during
standardized selection differential at 5% selection 2017.
intensity (K = 2.063). Genotypes Error CV
Trait Rep (2) Location (1) G x L (22)
(22) (90) (%)
The heritability values as percentage could be DE 0.86 0.21NS 10.46** 0.40 0.25 5.7
categorized as low (<30%), medium (30-60%) and high DH 16.75 55.39** 1921.92** 7.33 4.07 2.7
(>60%) (Robinson et al., 1949). DF 45.66 38.72** 3490.12** 5.27 5.2 3.1
DM 4.48 46.1** 2968.12** 9.68 3.37 1.8
Genetic advance as percent of mean was estimated as PH 300.65 75.52* 1072.98** 35.72 29.39 6.7
follows: PL 0.53 7.94** 118.35** 1.4 1.72 6.2
GA FTPP 0.65 9.88** 137.47** 0.41 0.78 12.1
GAM = X100
X FGPP 154.89 484.020NS 697.3NS 262.27 340.8514.6
UGPP 1.02 81.39** 44.19** 13.27 2.15 13.5
Where, GAM = Genetic advance as percent of mean, NSPP 8.47 2.720NS 244.27** 1.33 2.37 11.49
GA = Genetic advance. X = Population mean of the 38819777N 4927582541* 26334
BY 70460485 35583488 24.69
character being evaluate. S * 538
Johson et al. (1955) genetic advance as percent of mean HI 0.001 0.002NS 2.40** 0.005 0.003 18.5
is classified as low (<10%), moderate (10-20%) and high GP 0.89 1.430NS 74.99** 1.41 1.14 1.08
(>20%). MC 1.04 0.94NS 14.03** 1.16 1.03 7.8
TGW 6.12 6.04** 22.56** 1.12 0.76 3.6
KL 0.03 0.77** 0.00005NS 0.035 0.02 2
KW 0.01 0.034** 0.11** 0.0022 0.002 1.9
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION KT 0.01 0.012** 0.00012NS 0.0025 0.001 2
LWR 0.01 0.31** 0.19** 0.008 0.005 2.4
Analysis of Variance PC 0.05 1.57** 0.41* 1.09 0.09 4.3
36575286.7 52960472.68 457357.5 50698
The analysis of variance revealed that the error mean GY 90820.00 13.7
1** ** 8 6.1
squares (EMS) ratio was <3 for all traits except days to
heading and flowering. Moreover, the calculated F-values *and **= significant and highly significant at P<0.05 and
were non-significant for half of the traits including grain P<0.01, respectively. CV (%) = coefficient of variation in
yield. Therefore, combined analysis of variance over percent.DE= days to emergence, DH= days to heading,
locations was performed (Table 2).The performance of DF= days to flowering, DM= days to maturity, PH (cm)=
genotypes was evaluated based on the pooled mean plant height, PL(cm)= panicle length, FTPP=fertile tiller
values for the traits that the homogenous error variances per plan , FGPP = number of filled grains per panicle,
and non-significant mean squares for genotype x location UGPP = unfilled grains per panicle, NSPP = number of
were evident. The results of combined ANOVA over spikelets per panicle, BY(kg/h)= biomass yield, HI =
locations revealed that the mean squares for genotype and harvest index, GP = grain purity, MC (%)= moisture content,
location were significant for all traits except for kernel TGW (g)=thousand grain weight, KL(mm)=kernel length,
length and kernel thickens in which mean squares for LW(mm)= kernel width, KT(mm)= kernel thickens,
location were non-significant. The significant mean square LWR(mm)= length width ratio, PC(%)= protein content and
due to genotypes indicated the existence of variability GY(kg/h)= grain yield.

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Analysis in Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes for Yield and Yield Related Traits in
BenishangulGumuz, Ethiopia
Tewachew et al. 440

Table 3: Estimates of variance components, broad sense heritability and genetic advance evaluated over two locations
(Pawe and Assosa) in 23 rice genotypes during 2017.
Traits Mean Min Max σ2g σ2p GCV(%) PCV(%) H2(%age) GA (%) GAM(%)
DH 81.14 76.67 87.17 8.01 9.23 3.49 3.74 86.77 5.44 6.7
DF 86.1 82.17 91.33 5.58 6.45 2.74 2.95 86.39 4.53 5.26
DM 115.68 112.2 122 6.07 7.68 2.13 2.4 79 4.52 3.91
PH(cm) 95.39 88.7 103.73 6.63 12.59 2.7 3.72 52.7 3.86 4.04
PL(cm) 21.26 19.1 23.9 1.09 1.32 4.91 5.41 82.37 1.95 9.19
FTPP 10.78 4.83 10.27 1.58 1.65 11.65 11.9 95.85 2.54 23.54
UGPP 7.24 6.23 20.36 11.35 13.57 46.54 50.87 83.7 6.36 87.84
TGW(g) 27.16 25.47 29.23 0.82 1.01 3.33 3.69 81.46 1.69 6.21
KL(mm) 6.88 6.46 7.67 0.12 0.13 5.08 5.2 95.45 0.71 10.25
KW(mm) 2.39 2.23 2.5 0.005 0.006 3.05 3.15 93.53 0.15 6.08
KT(mm) 1.86 1.76 1.96 0.002 0.002 2.14 2.41 79.17 0.07 3.93
LWR(mm) 2.89 2.63 3.42 0.05 0.052 7.76 7.87 97.42 0.46 15.81
PC (%) 6.73 5.8 7.57 0.08 0.26 4.2 7.6 30.57 0.32 4.79
GY(kg/ha) 5234 4280 6771 200859.5 265930.6 8.56 9.85 75.53 803.54 15.35
σ2g= Genotypic variance, σ2p = Phenotypic variance, GCV = genotypic coefficient of variation PCV = phenotypic coefficient

of variation, H2 (%age) = heritability in broad sense GA= Genetic Advance, GAM (%) = genetic advance as percent of
mean at 5% selection intensity DH= days to heading, DF= days to flowering, DM= days to maturity, PH= plant height, PL=
panicle length, FTPP=fertile tiller per plant, UGPP = unfilled grains per panicle, TGW=thousand grain weight, KL=kernel
length, KW= kernel width, KT= kernel thickens, LWR= length width ratio, PC= Protein content and GY= grain yield.

Mean Performance of Genotypes The genotypes showed variation for kernel length, kernel
width and kernel thickness ranged from 6.46 to 7.67mm,
The genotypes had 115.7 days of grand mean of maturit. 2.23 to 2.5mm and 1.76 to 1.96mm respectively, with the
Eight genotype (ART15-13-2-2-2-1-1-B-1-2, NM1-29-4-B- mean value of 6.88mm, 2.39mm and 1.86mm respectively.
P-80-8, ART16-9-14-16-2-2-1-B-1-2, ART16-21-4-7-2-2- The three genotypes (PARC.DAT.V-1.2013,
B-2-2, ART15-16-31-2-1-1-1-B-1-1, ART16 5-10-22-4-B- PARC.DAT.V-2.2013 and PARC.DAT.V-3.2013) had
1-B-B-1, ART16-9-9-25-2-1-1-B-2-1, ART16-9-19-11-2-2- significantly longest kernel length. Girma et al. (2016) also
2-B-1-2) were identified with the earliest maturity varying reported there are significant difference among 15 rice
from 112 to 114 days of mean maturity (Table 4). Osman genotypes for kernel length, breadth, thickness and length-
et al.(2012) and Bitewet al.(2016)evaluated 13 and 22 rice to-breadth ratio. The mean value of length width ratioand
genotypes respectively and found that genotypes had protein content ranged from 2.63 to 3.42mm and 5.8 to
variation in days to maturity from 88 to 110and 104 to115 7.57%, with mean value of 2.89mm and 6.73%
days respectively. The genotypes showed a wide range of respectively. Similar findings were reported by Diako et al.
variation for plant height, panicle length and fertile tiller per (2011) protein content ranged from 5.10 to 5.9% and
plant which ranged from 88.7 to 103.73 cm, 19.1 to 23.9 Girma et al. (2016) found protein content of 5.3 to 10.55%
cm and 4.87 to 10.27 per plant respectively. Akinwale et from 15 rice genotypes.
al. (2011) also reported similar findings.
Estimates of Variance Components
A wide range of variability was observed in panicle length
ranged from 19.1to 23.9cm for ART16-9-9-25-2-1-1-B-2-1 The estimates of phenotypic coefficient of variation ranged
and ART16-5-10-2-3-B-1-B—1-1 with a mean value of from 2.4 to 50.87% and values for genotypic coefficient of
21.27. The genotypes also showed a wide range of variation were in the range between 2.13 and 46.54% in
variation for number of fertile tiller per plant and number of which the lowest and highest values were estimated for
unfilled grains per panicle. The mean values of number of days to maturity and number of unfilled grains per panicle,
fertile tiller per plant and unfilled grains per panicle were respectively (Table 3). According to Sivasubramaniah and
ranged from 4.83 to 10.27 and 6.23 to 20.36 with mean Menon (1973), phenotypic coefficients of variation and
value of 7.25 and 10.78 respectively. The three genotypes genotypic coefficients of variation were categorized as low
(ART16-5-9-22-2-1-1-B-1-2, ART16-9-5-28-3-13-1-B-2-1 (0-10%), moderate (10-20%) and high (>20%). The values
and ART16-9-33-2-1-1-1-B-1-2) showed highest mean of PCV were slightly higher than the corresponding GCV
values of grain yield significantly different from other values for all traits and the magnitude of differences
genotypes that had about 5801 to 6761kg grain yield per between the two values were low for most of the traits. This
hectare. Abebe et al. (2017) evaluated 34rice genotypes indicated that the traits were less influenced by the
and reported grain yield in the range between 2886 and environment. The environmental influence on any
6759 kg/ha which showedwide range of variation among character is indicated by the magnitudes between the
the varieties. genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation. Babu et
al. (2012), Konate et al. (2015) and Srivastava et al. (2017)

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Analysis in Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes for Yield and Yield Related Traits in
BenishangulGumuz, Ethiopia
Int. J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci. 441

Table 4: Mean performance of 23 rice genotypes for yield, yield related and quality traits evaluated across two locations (Pawe and Assosa) in 2017.
NM1-29-4-B-P-80-8 79.33e-h 84f-j 114g-k 91.07def 20.33g-j 6.18hij 12.09d 26.27ghi 4901d-h 6.91cd 2.32hi 1.83e-h 2.98bcd 6.78d-h
ART16-9-29-12-1-1-2-B-1-1 77.83hi 82.83ij 114.3g-k 98.33a-d 20.93d-i 7.35d-g 20.36a 26.47f-i 4509gh 6.46j 2.42c-f 1.87cde 2.67jki 6.54hi
ART16-9-14-16-2-2-1-B-1-2 76.67i 82.17j ijk
112.8 92.77 b-f 22.27 bcd 7.73 def 11.98 d 25.47 i 5472 b-e 6.88 cd 2.33gh 1.81h 2.95bcd 7.02c-f
ART16-9-33-2-1-1-1-B-1-2 85.5ab 88.83abc 118.7 99.8bc ab 20.4 f-j 6.68 ghi 14.6 c 27.03 d-g 5801 bc 6.97 cd 2.32 ghi 1.82fgh 3.00bc 7.1cd
ART16-9-122-33-2-1-1-B-1-1 81.5c-f c-g
86.83c-f 116.3 96.77 a-e 21.9 b-f 6.89 f-i 9.9ef 27.63 b-e 5264 b-g 6.99 bc 2.41 def 1.87b-e 2.91de 6.77d-h
ART15-19-5-4-1-1-1-B-1-1 81.5c-f 86.17c-g 115 e-i 92.73 b-f 21.03 c-i 6.97 f-i 8.4f-i 29.23 a 4792 e-h 7.15 b 2.45 a-d 1.89bcd 2.92cde 7.27abc
ART16-5-9-22-2-1-1-B-1-2 83.17bcd 87.67bcd 118 cd 99abc 20.17 hij 7.41 d-g 12.31 d 27.7b-e 6761 a 7.14 b 2.39 ef 1.84e-h 2.99bc 7.28abc
ART16-21-4-7-2-2-B-2-2 79.5e-h 85.17d-j 113.5 96.1 h-k b-e 21.67 b-h 7.03 f-i 8.73 fgh 27.03 d-g 5100 b-h 6.61 hij 2.43 b-e 1.87cde 2.72hij 7.15bc
ART16-9-16-21-1-2-1-B-1-1 83.5bc 87.17cde 117 c-f 95.77 b-f 22.53 abc 8.99 bc 6.73 ij 26.45 f-i 5315 b-g 6.65 gh 2.37 fg 1.83fgh 2.81fg 6.45hij
ART15-13-2-2-2-1-1-B-1-2 78.17ghi 84.33e-j 112.2 95.9 k b-f 21.53 b-h 9.83 ab 6.23 j 28.17 abc 4280 h 6.85 c-f 2.44 b-e 1.88bcd 2.81fg 5.8m
ART15-16-45-1-B-1-1-B-1-2 81.17c-f 86c-h f-j
114.7 95.37 b-f 20.5 e-j 6.73 f-i 14.27 c 26.37 f-i 4552fgh 6.49 ij 2.41 def 1.89bcd 2.69i-l 6.99c-g
ART16-5-10-2-3-B-1-B—1-1 80.67d-g 86.17c-g 115.7 103.73 23.9 a a 6.7 ghi 8.53 fgh 27.73 bcd 5694 bcd 6.84 c-f 2.47 ab 1.86c-g 2.76ghi 6.76e-h
ART16-4-1-21-2-B-2-B-1-2 81.67c-f 86.83c-f 117.2 99.07 cde abc 22.63 ab 7.34 d-g 9.34 efg 26.67 d-h 5579 b-e 6.56 hij 2.5a 1.86c-f 2.63l 7.57a
PARC.DAT.V-1.2013 86.67a 91.33a 122 a 93.3b-f 22 b-e 8.13 cde 14.32 c 27.3c-g 5061 b-h 7.65 a 2.27 ijk 1.79 hi 3.36a 6.23ijk
PARC.DAT.V-2.2013 86.5a 90.83a ab
120.5 98.8 abc 22.73 ab a
10.27 18.18 b 27.43 c-f 5187 b-g 7.62 a 2.23 k 1.76i 3.42a 6.73fgh
PARC.DAT.V-3.2013 87.17a 90.33ab 121.2 93.37a b-f 21.8 b-g 6.20 hij 12.4 d 28.33 abc 5560 b-e 7.67 a 2.3 hij 1.82gh 3.35a 7.46ab
ART15-16-31-2-1-1-1-B-1-1 79.67e-h 85.67d-i 113.8 95.77b-f 21.8 b-g 7.14 e-h 8.7fgh 26.3ghi 5229 b-g 6.69 fgh 2.4def 1.87cde 2.78fgh 7.09cde
ART16 5-10-22-4-B-1-B-B-1 79.17f-i h-k
83.67g-j 113.5 93.83 b-f 19.6 ij 8.06 cde 6.52 j 28.88 a 5262 b-g 6.71 e-h 2.47 abc 1.92b 2.72h-k 5.91klm
ART16-4-13-1-2-1-1-B-1-1 79.83e-h 86c-h g-k
114.2 92.6 b-f 20 ij 6.09 ij 10.8 de 28.63 ab 4773 e-h 6.86 cde 2.41 def 1.89bcd 2.85ef 6.66gh
ART16-9-5-28-3-13-1-B-2-1 78hi 83hij f-j
114.7 92.07 c-f 20.27 hij 8.19 cd 9.2efg 25.67 hi 5851 b 6.81 d-g 2.25 jk 1.79 hi 3.02b 6.18jkl
ART16-9-9-25-2-1-1-B-2-1 77.83hi 82.83ij jk
112.3 88.7 f 19.1 j 5.27 jk 7.1 hij 26.83 d-g 5097 b-h 6.62 hi 2.46 abc 1.96a 2.69i-l 6.16jkl
ART16-9-19-11-2-2-2-B-1-2 81.83cde 87c-f 114 g-k 98.43 abc 20.97 d-i 6.67 ghi 9.53 ef 26.6e-h 4994c-h 6.47 ij 2.45 a-d 1.85d-g 2.64kl 5.89lm
NERICA-4(Check) 79.33e-h 85.5d-i e-i
115.2 90.73 ef 21.03 c-i 4.83 k 7.68 g-j 26.5f-i 5343 b-f 6.71 e-h 2.41 def 1.89bc 2.79fgh 7.06c-f
Mean 81.14 86.1 115.68 95.39 21.27 7.25 10.78 27.16 5233.7 6.88 2.39 1.86 2.89 6.73
LSD (5%) 2.7 3.1 3.34 10.29 2.14 1.42 2.36 1.6 1162 0.22 0.07 0.06 0.11 0.47

indicated that the estimates of PCV were slightly higher than the corresponding Heritability and Expected Genetic Advance
GCV estimates for all the traits studied in rice and indicated the characters were
less influenced by the environment. The estimated heritability in broad sense ranged from 30.57 % for protein
content to 97.42% for length width ratio. The heritability values as percentage
High value of PCV and GCV were obtained for only unfilled grains per panicle. could be categorized as low (<30%), medium (30-60%) and high (>60%)
The results were also in agreement with the earlier reports of (Ekka et al., 2015 (Robinson et al., 1949). Heritability estimates were high for all traits except
and Fathelrahman et al., 2015). High PCV and GCV values of these traits Plant height and Protein content. Therefore, the traits with high heritability
suggested that the possibility of improving the traits through selection. Kernel estimates could be amenable for selection breeding since the traits are less
thickness, Kernel width and length-to-width ratio showed relatively similar PCV influenced by environmental factors and easily expressed in the selected
and GCV values. This indicates that there is low environmental influence for genotypes. Khare et al. (2015) also reported that estimate of heritability was
the phenotypic expression of these traits and the phenotypic variation of these high for days to 50% flowering, days to maturity and grain yield in rice
traits is more of due to their genotypic variations. genotypes. Mulugeta et al. (2012) for days to flowering, days to maturity, panicle

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Analysis in Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes for Yield and Yield Related Traits in BenishangulGumuz, Ethiopia
Tewachew et al. 442

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Copyright: © 2018 Tewachew et al. This is an open-
Journal of Agriculture.For. 2(2):16-23.
access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Osman, K.A., Mustafa, A.M., Ali, F., Yonglain, Z. and
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
Fazhan, Q. 2012. Genetic variability for yield and
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
related attributes of upland rice genotypes in semi-arid
provided the original author and source are cited.
zone (Sudan). African Journal of Agricultural
Research, 7(33): 4613-4619.

Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Analysis in Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes for Yield and Yield Related Traits in
BenishangulGumuz, Ethiopia

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