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◄ Genesis 46 ►
Interlinear Bible

Jacob's Journey to Egypt

834 [e] 3605 [e] 3478 [e] 5265 [e] 1

lōw, ’ă·šer- wə·ḵāl yiś·rā·’êl way·yis·sa‘ 1
‫שׁר־ ֔לוֹ‬
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫כל־‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ֙‫אל‬
ֵ ‫שָׂר‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫סּע‬
ַ ֤ ִ ּ‫ו ַי‬ 1
he had that and with all Israel So took his journey 1
Prep | 3ms Pro‑r Conj‑w | N‑msc N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 1

2077 [e] 2076 [e] 884 [e] 935 [e]

zə·ḇā·ḥîm, way·yiz·baḥ šā·ḇa‘; bə·’ê·rāh way·yā·ḇō
‫ז ְָבִ֔חים‬ ‫ו ַיּ ִז ְ ַ֣בּח‬ ‫שַּׁבע‬
ָ ֑ ‫ְבֵּ֣אָרה‬ ‫ו ַיּ ָ ֖ב ֹא‬
sacrifices and offered Beersheba to and came
N‑mp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms N‑proper‑fs | 3fs Prep Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms

430 [e] 559 [e] 2 3327 [e] 1 [e] 430 [e]

’ĕ·lō·hîm way·yō·mer 2 yiṣ·ḥāq. ’ā·ḇîw lê·lō·hê
‫א ִ֤הים ׀‬
ֱ ‫ו ַ֨יּ ֹאֶמר‬ 2 . ‫י ְִצָֽחק׃‬ ‫אִ֥ביו‬
ָ ‫לא ֵ֖הי‬
God And spoke 2 Isaac of his father to the God
N‑mp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 2 N‑proper‑ms N‑msc | 3ms Prep‑l | N‑mpc

3290 [e] 559 [e] 3915 [e] 4759 [e] 3478 [e]
ya·‘ă·qōḇ way·yō·mer hal·lay·lāh, bə·mar·’ōṯ lə·yiś·rā·’êl
‫י ֲַﬠ ֣ק ֹב ׀‬ ‫ו ַ֖יּ ֹאֶמר‬ ‫לה‬
ָ ְ ‫לי‬
ַּ ֔ ‫ְבַּמְר ֣א ֹת ַה‬ ֙‫אל‬
ֵ ‫שָׂר‬
ְ ִ ‫לי‬
Jacob and said of the night in the visions to Israel
N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms Art | N‑ms Prep‑b | N‑fpc Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms
559 [e] 3
2009 [e] 559 [e] 3290 [e]
way·yō·mer 3
hin·nê·nî. way·yō·mer ya·‘ă·qōḇ;
‫ו ַ֕יּ ֹאֶמר‬ 3
. ‫ִה ֽנּ ֵנ ִי׃‬ ‫ ו ַ֖יּ ֹאֶמר‬. ‫י ֲַﬠ ֑ק ֹב‬
So He said 3
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 3 Here I am And he said Jacob
Interjection | 1cs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms N‑proper‑ms

3381 [e] 3372 [e] 408 [e] 1 [e] 430 [e] 410 [e] 595 [e]
mê·rə·ḏāh tî·rā ’al- ’ā·ḇî·ḵā; ’ĕ·lō·hê hā·’êl ’ā·nō·ḵî
‫ֵמְרָ֣דה‬ ‫אל־ ִתּיָר֙א‬
ַ – ‫אִ֑בי‬
ָ ‫א ֵ֣הי‬
ֱ ‫אנ ִֹ֥כי ָהֵ֖אל‬
to go down do fear not of your father the God God I [am]
Prep‑m | V‑Qal‑Inf | 3fs V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑2ms Adv N‑msc | 2ms N‑mpc Art | N‑ms Pro‑1cs

595 [e] 4 8033 [e] 7760 [e] 1419 [e] 1471 [e] 3588 [e] 4714 [e]
’ā·nō·ḵî, 4 šām. ’ă·śî·mə·ḵā gā·ḏō·wl lə·ḡō·w kî- miṣ·ray·māh,
ִ ֗ ֹ ‫אנ‬
ָ 4 . ‫שׁם׃‬
ָֽ ֥ ‫שׂיְמ‬
ִֽ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ָּג ֖דוֹל‬ ‫ל ֥גוֹי‬
ְ ‫כי־‬
ִּ ֽ – ‫ִמְצַ֔רי ְָמה‬
I 4 there I will make you great a nation for to Egypt
Pro‑1cs 4 Adv V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑1cs | 2ms Adj‑ms Prep‑l | N‑ms Conj N‑proper‑fs | 3fs

1571 [e] 5927 [e] 595 [e] 4714 [e] 5973 [e] 3381 [e]
ḡam- ’a·‘al·ḵā wə·’ā·nō·ḵî miṣ·ray·māh, ‘im·mə·ḵā ’ê·rêḏ
‫ַגם־‬ ֣‫ל‬
ְ ‫ַֽאַﬠ‬ ‫אנ ִֹ֖כי‬
ָ ְ ‫ִמְצַ֔רי ְָמה – ו‬ ֙ ּ‫ִﬠְמ‬ ‫אֵ֤רד‬
also will bring you up and I to Egypt with you will go down
Conj V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑1cs | 2ms Conj‑w | Pro‑1cs N‑proper‑fs | 3fs Prep | 2ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑1cs

5869 [e] 5921 [e] 3027 [e] 7896 [e] 3130 [e] 5927 [e]
‘ê·ne·ḵā. ‘al- yā·ḏōw yā·šîṯ wə·yō·w·sêp̄ ‘ā·lōh;
. ‫ﬠיֶֽני ׃‬
ֵ ‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫י ָ ֖דוֹ‬ ‫שׁית‬
ִ ֥ ָ‫י‬ ‫סף‬
ֵ ֕ ‫– ו ְיוֹ‬ ‫ָﬠ ֑ ה‬
your eyes on his hand will put and Joseph surely
N‑cdc | 2ms Prep N‑fsc | 3ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms V‑Qal‑InfAbs

884 [e] 3290 [e] 6965 [e] 5

šā·ḇa‘; mib·bə·’êr ya·‘ă·qōḇ way·yā·qām 5
ָ ֑ ‫י ֲַﬠ ֖ק ֹב ִמְבֵּ֣אר‬ ‫קם‬
ָ ָ ּ‫ו ַ֥י‬ 5
Beersheba from Jacob And arose 5
Prep | N‑proper‑fs Prep N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 5

1 [e] 3290 [e] 853 [e] 3478 [e] 1121 [e] 5375 [e]
’ă·ḇî·hem, ya·‘ă·qōḇ ’eṯ- yiś·rā·’êl ḇə·nê- way·yiś·’ū
ֲ ‫את־ י ֲַﬠ ֣ק ֹב‬
ֶ ‫אל‬
ֵ ֜ ‫שָׂר‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫ְבֵֽני־‬ ‫שׂ֨אוּ‬
ְ ִ ּ‫ו ַי‬
their father Jacob - of Israel the sons and carried
N‑msc | 3mp N‑proper‑ms DirObjM N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp
834 [e] 5699 [e] 802 [e] 853 [e] 2945 [e] 853 [e]
’ă·šer- bā·‘ă·ḡā·lō·wṯ nə·šê·hem, wə·’eṯ- ṭap·pām wə·’eṯ-
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ָבֲּﬠָג֕לוֹת‬ ‫שׁיֶ֔הם‬
ֵ ְ‫נ‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫טָפּ֙ם‬
ַ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬
which in the carts their wives and their little ones and
Pro‑r Prep‑b, Art | N‑fp N‑fpc | 3mp Conj‑w | DirObjM N‑msc | 3mp Conj‑w | DirObjM

853 [e] 3947 [e] 6 853 [e] 5375 [e] 6547 [e] 7971 [e]
’eṯ- way·yiq·ḥū 6 ’ō·ṯōw. lā·śêṯ par·‘ōh šā·laḥ
ֶ ‫ק֣חוּ‬
ְ ִ ּ‫ו ַי‬ 6 . ‫א ֹֽתוֹ׃‬ ‫שׂאת‬
ֵ֥ ‫ל‬
ָ ‫ַפְּר ֖ﬠ ֹה‬ ‫שַׁ֥לח‬
- So they took 6 him to carry Pharaoh had sent
DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp 6 DirObjM | 3ms Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms

776 [e] 7408 [e] 834 [e] 7399 [e] 853 [e] 4735 [e]
bə·’e·reṣ rā·ḵə·šū ’ă·šer rə·ḵū·šām wə·’eṯ- miq·nê·hem,
‫ְבֶּ֣אֶרץ‬ ‫כשׁ֙וּ‬
ְ ‫שׁר ָֽר‬
ֶ֤ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫שׁ֙ם‬
ָ ‫ְרכוּ‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫קנ ֵיֶ֗הם‬
ְ ‫ִמ‬
in the land they had acquired which their goods and their livestock
Prep‑b | N‑fsc V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3cp Pro‑r N‑msc | 3mp Conj‑w | DirObjM N‑mpc | 3mp

3605 [e] 3290 [e] 4714 [e] 935 [e] 3667 [e]
wə·ḵāl ya·‘ă·qōḇ miṣ·rā·yə·māh; way·yā·ḇō·’ū kə·na·‘an,
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫י ֲַﬠ ֖ק ֹב‬ ‫ִמְצָ֑רי ְָמה‬ ‫ו ַיּ ָ ֖ב ֹאוּ‬ ‫כ ֔נ ַַﬠן‬
and all Jacob to Egypt and went of Canaan
Conj‑w | N‑msc N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑fs | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp N‑proper‑ms

854 [e] 1121 [e] 1121 [e] 1121 [e] 7 854 [e] 2233 [e]
’it·tōw, ḇā·nāw ū·ḇə·nê bā·nāw 7 ’it·tōw. zar·‘ōw
ִ ‫ָבנ ָי֙ו‬ ‫וְּבֵ֤ני‬ ‫ָבּ ֞נ ָיו‬ 7 . ‫אֽתּוֹ׃‬
ִ ‫ז ְַר֥ﬠוֹ‬
with him of his sons and the sons His sons 7 with him his descendants
Prep | 3ms N‑mpc | 3ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc N‑mpc | 3ms 7 Prep | 3ms N‑msc | 3ms

2233 [e] 3605 [e] 1121 [e] 1323 [e] 1323 [e]
zar·‘ōw; wə·ḵāl bā·nāw ū·ḇə·nō·wṯ bə·nō·ṯāw
‫ז ְַר֑ﬠוֹ‬ ‫כל־‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ָבָּ֖ניו‬ ‫וְּב ֥נוֹת‬ ‫ְבּנ ָֹ֛תיו‬
his descendants and all of his sons and daughters his daughters
N‑msc | 3ms Conj‑w | N‑msc N‑mpc | 3ms Conj‑w | N‑fpc N‑fpc | 3ms

4714 [e] 854 [e] 935 [e]

s miṣ·rā·yə·māh. ’it·tōw hê·ḇî
‫ ס‬. ‫ִמְצָֽרי ְָמה׃‬ ‫א֖תּוֹ‬
ִ ‫ֵהִ֥ביא‬
- to Egypt with him he brought
Punc N‑proper‑fs | 3fs Prep | 3ms V‑Hifil‑Perf ‑3ms

T hose who went to Egypt

(Exodus 1:1-7)

935 [e] 3478 [e] 1121 [e] 8034 [e] 428 [e] 8
hab·bā·’îm yiś·rā·’êl bə·nê- šə·mō·wṯ wə·’êl·leh 8
‫ַהָבִּ֥אים‬ ‫שָׂרֵ֛אל‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫שׁ֧מוֹת ְבֵּֽני־‬
ְ ‫לה‬
ֶּ ‫א‬
ֵ ְ֨‫ו‬ 8
who went of Israel of the sons the names Now these [were] 8
Art | V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑mp N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc N‑mpc Conj‑w | Pro‑cp 8

7205 [e] 3290 [e] 1060 [e] 1121 [e] 3290 [e] 4714 [e]
rə·’ū·ḇên. ya·‘ă·qōḇ bə·ḵōr ū·ḇā·nāw; ya·‘ă·qōḇ miṣ·ray·māh
. ‫ְראוֵּֽבן׃‬ ‫ ְבּ ֥כ ֹר י ֲַﬠ ֖ק ֹב‬: ‫י ֲַﬠ ֣ק ֹב וָּבָ֑ניו‬ ‫ִמְצַ֖רי ְָמה‬
Reuben of Jacob firstborn and his sons Jacob to Egypt
N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms N‑msc Conj‑w | N‑mpc | 3ms N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑fs | 3fs

2696 [e] 6396 [e] 2585 [e] 7205 [e] 1121 [e] 9
wə·ḥeṣ·rō·wn ū·p̄al·lū ḥă·nō·wḵ rə·’ū·ḇên; ū·ḇə·nê 9
‫ו ְֶחְצ ֥רוֹן‬ ‫וַּפ֖לּוּא‬ ‫ ֲח ֥נוֹ‬: ‫ְראוֵּ֑בן‬ ‫וְּבֵ֖ני‬ 9
and Hezron and Pallu Hanoch of Reuben And the sons 9
Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc 9

3226 [e] 3223 [e] 8095 [e] 1121 [e] 10 3756 [e]
wə·yā·mîn yə·mū·’êl šim·‘ō·wn, ū·ḇə·nê 10 wə·ḵar·mî.
‫ו ְי ִָ֛מין‬ ‫ י ְמוֵּ֧אל‬: ‫שְׁמ֗עוֹן‬
ִ ‫וְּבֵ֣ני‬ 10 . ‫כְרִֽמי׃‬
ַ ְ‫ו‬
and Jamin Jemuel of Simeon And the sons 10 and Carmi
Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc 10 Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms

1121 [e] 7586 [e] 6714 [e] 3199 [e] 161 [e]
ben- wə·šā·’ūl wə·ṣō·ḥar; wə·yā·ḵîn wə·’ō·haḏ
‫ֶבּן־‬ ‫שׁ֖אוּל‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ו ְ ֑צ ַֹחר‬ ‫ו ְי ִָ֣כין‬ ‫ו ְ ֖א ַֹהד‬
the son and Shaul and Zohar and Jachin and Ohad
N‑msc Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms

6955 [e] 1648 [e] 3878 [e] 1121 [e] 11 3669 [e]
qə·hāṯ gê·rə·šō·wn lê·wî; ū·ḇə·nê 11 hak·kə·na·‘ă·nîṯ.
ְ ‫ ֵּגְר֕שׁוֹן‬: ‫ל ֑ו ִי‬
ֵ ‫וְּבֵ֖ני‬ 11 . ‫כנ ֲַﬠִֽנית׃‬
ְּ ‫ַֽה‬
Kohath Gershon of Levi And the sons 11 of a Canaanitess
N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc 11 Art | N‑proper‑fs

209 [e] 6147 [e] 3063 [e] 1121 [e] 12 4847 [e]
wə·’ō·w·nān ‘êr yə·hū·ḏāh, ū·ḇə·nê 12 ū·mə·rā·rî.
‫ו ְאוָֹ֛נ ן‬ ‫ ֵ֧ﬠר‬: ‫י ְהוָּ֗דה‬ ‫וְּבֵ֣ני‬ 12 . ‫וְּמָרִֽרי׃‬
and Onan Er of Judah And the sons 12 and Merari
Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc 12 Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms
4191 [e] 2226 [e] 6557 [e] 7956 [e]
way·yā·māṯ wā·zā·raḥ; wā·p̄e·reṣ wə·šê·lāh
‫ ו ַ֨יּ ָָמת‬-- ‫וזָ ֑ ָ ַרח‬ ‫ו ֶָ֣פֶרץ‬ ‫שָׁ֖לה‬
ֵ ְ‫ו‬
but died and Zerah and Perez and Shelah
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑fs Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms

1121 [e] 1961 [e] 3667 [e] 776 [e] 209 [e] 6147 [e]
ḇə·nê- way·yih·yū kə·na·‘an, bə·’e·reṣ wə·’ō·w·nān ‘êr
‫ְבנ ֵי־‬ ‫ ו ַיּ ְִה֥יוּ‬-- ‫כ ֔נ ַַﬠן‬
ְּ ‫ְבֶּ֣אֶרץ‬ ‫ו ְאוֹנ ָ֙ן‬ ‫ֵ֤ﬠר‬
the sons And were of Canaan in the land and Onan Er
N‑mpc Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp N‑proper‑ms Prep‑b | N‑fsc Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms

8439 [e] 3485 [e] 1121 [e] 13 2538 [e] 2696 [e] 6557 [e]
tō·w·lā‘ yi·śā·š·ḵār; ū·ḇə·nê 13 wə·ḥā·mūl. ḥeṣ·rō·wn p̄e·reṣ
‫ תּוָֹ֥לע‬: ‫שׂשָ֑כר‬
ָ ִ‫י‬ ‫וְּבֵ֖ני‬ 13 . ‫ֶחְצ ֥רוֹן ו ְָחֽמוּל׃‬ ‫ֶ֖פֶרץ‬
Tola of Issachar And the sons 13 and Hamul Hezron of Perez
N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc 13 Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑fs

1121 [e] 14 8110 [e] 3102 [e] 6312 [e]

ū·ḇə·nê 14 wə·šim·rō·wn. wə·yō·wḇ ū·p̄uw·wāh
‫וְּבֵ֖ני‬ 14 . ‫שְׁמ ֽרוֹן׃‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ו ְ֥יוֹב‬ ‫וֻּפ ֖וּ ָה‬
And the sons 14 and Shimron and Job and Puvah
Conj‑w | N‑mpc 14 Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms

428 [e] 15 3177 [e] 356 [e] 5624 [e] 2074 [e]
’êl·leh 15 wə·yaḥ·lə·’êl. wə·’ê·lō·wn se·reḏ zə·ḇū·lun;
‫לה ׀‬
ֶּ ‫ֵ֣א‬ 15 . ‫לֵֽאל׃‬
ְ ‫ו ְי ְַח‬ ‫א֖לוֹן‬
ֵ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ ֶ֥סֶרד‬: ‫ז ְבוֻּ֑לן‬
These 15 and Jahleel and Elon Sered of Zebulun
Pro‑cp 15 Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms

3290 [e] 3205 [e] 834 [e] 3812 [e] 1121 [e]
bə·p̄ad·dan lə·ya·‘ă·qōḇ yā·lə·ḏāh ’ă·šer lê·’āh, bə·nê
‫ְבַּפ ַ֣דּן‬ ‫לי ֲַﬠק ֹ֙ב‬
ְ ‫לָ֤דה‬
ְ ָ ‫שׁר ֽי‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫אה‬
ֵ ‫ְבֵּ֣ני‬
in to Jacob she bore whom of Leah [were] the sons
Prep Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3fs Pro‑r N‑proper‑fs N‑mpc

1121 [e] 5315 [e] 3605 [e] 1323 [e] 1783 [e] 854 [e] 6307 [e]
bā·nāw ne·p̄eš kāl- ḇit·tōw; dî·nāh wə·’êṯ ’ă·rām,
‫ָבָּ֛ניו‬ ‫כל־ ֶ֧נֶפשׁ‬
ָּ . ‫ִדּיָ֣נה ִב֑תּוֹ‬ ‫ו ְֵ֖את‬ ‫אָ֔רם‬
his sons the persons All his daughter Dinah together with Padan Aram
N‑mpc | 3ms N‑fsc N‑msc N‑fsc | 3ms N‑proper‑fs Conj‑w | Prep Prep | N‑proper‑fs
1410 [e] 1121 [e] 16 7969 [e] 7970 [e] 1323 [e]
ḡāḏ, ū·ḇə·nê 16 wə·šā·lōš. šə·lō·šîm ū·ḇə·nō·w·ṯāw
: ‫ָ֔גד‬ ‫וְּבֵ֣ני‬ 16 . ‫שׁ ֽ שׁ׃‬
ָ ְ ‫שׁים ו‬
ִ ֥ ׁ‫ש‬
ְ ‫וְּבנוָֹ֖תיו‬
of Gad And the sons 16 and three [were] thirty and his daughters
N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc 16 Conj‑w | Number‑fs Number‑cp Conj‑w | N‑fpc | 3ms

6179 [e] 675 [e] 7764 [e] 2291 [e] 6837 [e]
‘ê·rî wə·’eṣ·bōn; šū·nî wə·ḥag·gî ṣip̄·yō·wn
‫ֵﬠִ֥רי‬ ‫אְצ ֑בּ ֹן‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫שׁוִּ֣ני‬ ‫ו ְַחִּ֖גי‬ ‫ִצְפ֥יוֹן‬
Eri and Ezbon Shuni and Haggi Ziphion
N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms

3232 [e] 836 [e] 1121 [e] 17 692 [e] 722 [e]
yim·nāh ’ā·šêr, ū·ḇə·nê 17 wə·’ar·’ê·lî. wa·’ă·rō·w·ḏî
‫ י ְִמָ֧נה‬: ‫שׁר‬
ֵ֗ ‫א‬
ָ ‫וְּבֵ֣ני‬ 17 . ‫אִֽלי׃‬
ֵ ‫אְר‬
ַ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ארוִֹ֖די‬
ֲ ַ ‫ֽו‬
Imnah of Asher And the sons 17 and Areli and Arodi
N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc 17 Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms

8294 [e] 1283 [e] 3440 [e] 3438 [e]

wə·śe·raḥ ū·ḇə·rî·‘āh wə·yiš·wî wə·yiš·wāh
ֶ ֣ ְ‫ו‬ ‫וְּבִריָ֖ﬠה‬ ‫שׁ ֥ו ִי‬
ְ ִ ‫ו ְי‬ ‫שׁו֛ ָה‬
ְ ִ ‫ו ְי‬
and Serah and Beriah and Ishvi and Ishvah
Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms

428 [e] 18 4439 [e] 2268 [e] 1283 [e] 1121 [e] 269 [e]
’êl·leh 18 ū·mal·kî·’êl. ḥe·ḇer ḇə·rî·‘āh, ū·ḇə·nê ’ă·ḥō·ṯām;
ֶּ ‫א‬
ֵ֚ 18 . ‫כיֵֽאל׃‬
ִּ ‫ל‬
ְ ‫וַּמ‬ ‫ ֶ֖חֶבר‬: ‫ְבִריָ֔ﬠה‬ ‫אח ָֹ֑תם – וְּבֵ֣ני‬
These 18 and Malchiel Heber of Beriah and the sons their sister
Pro‑cp 18 Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc N‑fsc | 3mp

3812 [e] 3837 [e] 5414 [e] 834 [e] 2153 [e] 1121 [e]
lə·lê·’āh lā·ḇān nā·ṯan ’ă·šer- zil·pāh, bə·nê
ֵ ‫ל‬
ְ ‫לָ֖בן‬
ָ ‫שׁר־ נ ַָ֥תן‬
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ל ָ֔פּה‬
ְ ִ‫ז‬ ‫ְבֵּ֣ני‬
to Leah Laban gave whom of Zilpah [were] the sons
Prep‑l | N‑proper‑fs N‑proper‑ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms Pro‑r N‑proper‑fs N‑mpc

8337 [e] 3290 [e] 428 [e] 853 [e] 3205 [e] 1323 [e]
šêš lə·ya·‘ă·qōḇ, ’êl·leh ’eṯ- wat·tê·leḏ ḇit·tōw;
ֵ֥ ‫לי ֲַﬠ ֔ק ֹב‬
ְ ‫ל֙ה‬
ֶּ ‫א‬
ֵ ֙ ‫את־‬
ֶ ‫לד‬
ֶ ּ‫ו ַ ֵ֤ת‬ ‫ִב֑תּוֹ‬
six to Jacob these - and she bore his daughter
Number‑fsc Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms Pro‑cp DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3fs N‑fsc | 3ms
3130 [e] 3290 [e] 802 [e] 7354 [e] 1121 [e] 19 5315 [e] 6240 [e]
yō·w·sêp̄ ya·‘ă·qōḇ, ’ê·šeṯ rā·ḥêl bə·nê 19 nā·p̄eš. ‘eś·rêh
‫ יוֵֹ֖סף‬: ‫שׁת ֽי ֲַﬠ ֔ק ֹב‬
ֶ ‫ֵ֣א‬ ֙‫ָרֵחל‬ ‫ְבֵּ֤ני‬ 19 . ‫פשׁ׃‬
ֶ ‫שֵׂ֖רה ָֽנ‬
ְ ‫ֶﬠ‬
Joseph of Jacob wife of Rachel The sons 19 persons [and] ten
N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms N‑fsc N‑proper‑fs N‑mpc 19 N‑fs Number‑fsc

776 [e] 3130 [e] 3205 [e] 20 1144 [e]

bə·’e·reṣ lə·yō·w·sêp̄ way·yiw·wā·lêḏ 20 ū·ḇin·yā·min.
‫ְבֶּ֣אֶרץ‬ ‫ס֮ף‬
ֵ ‫ליוֹ‬
ְ ‫ו ַיּ ִוּ ֵָ֣לד‬ 20 . ‫וִּבנ ְי ִָֽמן׃‬
in the land to Joseph And were born 20 and Benjamin
Prep‑b | N‑fsc Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 20 Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms

1323 [e] 621 [e] 3205 [e] 834 [e] 4714 [e]
pō·w·ṭî baṯ- ’ā·sə·naṯ, lōw yā·lə·ḏāh- ’ă·šer miṣ·ra·yim
ִ ‫֥פּוֹ‬ ‫ס ֔נ ַת ַבּת־‬
ְ ‫ָֽא‬ ‫לָדה־ לּ֙וֹ‬
ְ ָ ‫שׁר ֽי‬
ֶ֤ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ם‬
֒ ִ ‫ִמְצַרי‬
of the daughter Asenath to him bore whom of Egypt
N‑fsc N‑proper‑fs Prep | 3ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3fs Pro‑r N‑proper‑fs

669 [e] 853 [e] 4519 [e] 853 [e] 204 [e] 3548 [e] 6319 [e]
’ep̄·rā·yim. wə·’eṯ- mə·naš·šeh ’eṯ- ’ōn; kō·hên p̄e·ra‘
. ‫פָֽרי ִם׃‬
ְ ‫א‬
ֶ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫שּׁה‬
ֶ ֖ ַ ‫ ְמנ‬: ‫את־‬
ֶ ‫כּ ֵֹ֣הן ֑א ֹן‬ ‫ֶ֖פַרע‬
Ephraim and Manasseh - of On priest Potiphera
N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | DirObjM N‑proper‑ms DirObjM N‑proper‑ms N‑msc N‑proper‑ms

788 [e] 1071 [e] 1106 [e] 1144 [e] 1121 [e] 21
wə·’aš·bêl, wā·ḇe·ḵer be·la‘ ḇin·yā·min, ū·ḇə·nê 21
‫שׁ ֵ֔בּל‬
ְ ‫א‬
ַ ְ‫ו‬ ‫כ֙ר‬
ֶ ‫ו ֶָ֙ב‬ ‫לע‬
ַ ּ‫ֶ֤ב‬ ‫ִבנ ְי ִָ֗מן‬ ‫וְּבֵ֣ני‬ 21
and Ashbel and Becher Bela of Benjamin And the sons 21
Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc 21

4649 [e] 7220 [e] 278 [e] 5283 [e] 1617 [e]
mup·pîm wā·rōš; ’ê·ḥî wə·na·‘ă·mān gê·rā
‫ֻמ ִ֥פּים‬ ‫ו ָ֑ר ֹאשׁ‬ ‫אִ֣חי‬
ֵ ‫ו ְנ ֲַﬠָ֖מן‬ ‫ֵּגָ֥רא‬
Muppim and Rosh Ehi and Naaman Gera
N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms

834 [e] 7354 [e] 1121 [e] 428 [e] 22 714 [e] 2650 [e]
’ă·šer rā·ḥêl, bə·nê ’êl·leh 22 wā·’ā·rəd. wə·ḥup·pîm
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ָרֵ֔חל‬ ‫לה ְבֵּ֣ני‬
ֶּ ‫א‬
ֵ֚ 22 . ‫ו ָָֽאְרְדּ׃‬ ‫ו ְֻח ִ֖פּים‬
who of Rachel the sons These 22 and Ard and Huppim
Pro‑r N‑proper‑fs N‑mpc Pro‑cp 22 Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms
6240 [e] 702 [e] 5315 [e] 3605 [e] 3290 [e] 3205 [e]
‘ā·śār. ’ar·bā·‘āh ne·p̄eš kāl- lə·ya·‘ă·qōḇ; yul·laḏ
. ‫שׂר׃‬
ָ ֽ ‫אְרָבָּ֥ﬠה ָﬠ‬
ַ ‫כל־ ֶ֖נֶפשׁ‬
ָּ ‫לי ֲַﬠ ֑ק ֹב‬
ְ ‫לד‬
ַּ ֖ ֻ ‫י‬
[and] ten four souls in all to Jacob were born
Number‑ms Number‑ms N‑fs N‑msc Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms V‑QalPass‑Perf ‑3ms

3183 [e] 5321 [e] 1121 [e] 24 2366 [e] 1835 [e] 1121 [e] 23
yaḥ·ṣə·’êl nap̄·tā·lî; ū·ḇə·nê 24 ḥu·šîm. ḏān ū·ḇə·nê- 23
‫ י ְַחְצֵ֥אל‬: ‫נ ְַפָתִּ֑לי‬ ‫וְּבֵ֖ני‬ 24 . ‫שׁים׃‬
ִ ֽ ‫ ֻח‬: ‫ָ֖דן‬ ‫וְּבנ ֵי־‬ 23
Jahzeel of Naphtali And the sons 24 Hushim of Dan And the son 23
N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc 24 N‑proper‑ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc 23

1121 [e] 428 [e] 25 8006 [e] 3337 [e] 1476 [e]
bə·nê ’êl·leh 25 wə·šil·lêm. wə·yê·ṣer wə·ḡū·nî
‫ְבֵּ֣ני‬ ‫לה‬
ֶּ ‫א‬
ֵ֚ 25 . ‫לם׃‬
ֵּ ֽ ׁ‫ש‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ו ְי֥ ֵֶצר‬ ‫ו ְגוִּ֖ני‬
the sons These [were] 25 and Shillem and Jezer and Guni
N‑mpc Pro‑cp 25 Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑proper‑ms

1323 [e] 7354 [e] 3837 [e] 5414 [e] 834 [e] 1090 [e]
bit·tōw; lə·rā·ḥêl lā·ḇān nā·ṯan ’ă·šer- ḇil·hāh,
‫ִבּ֑תּוֹ‬ ‫לָרֵ֣חל‬
ְ ‫לָ֖בן‬
ָ ‫שׁר־ נ ַָ֥תן‬
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫לָ֔הה‬
ְ ‫ִב‬
his daughter to Rachel Laban gave whom of Bilhah
N‑fsc | 3ms Prep‑l | N‑proper‑fs N‑proper‑ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms Pro‑r N‑proper‑fs

5315 [e] 3605 [e] 3290 [e] 428 [e] 853 [e] 3205 [e]
ne·p̄eš kāl- lə·ya·‘ă·qōḇ ’êl·leh ’eṯ- wat·tê·leḏ
‫כל־ ֶ֥נֶפשׁ‬
ָּ ‫לי ֲַﬠ ֖ק ֹב‬
ְ ‫לה‬
ֶּ ‫את־ ֵ֛א‬
ֶ ‫לד‬
ֶ ּ‫ו ַ ֵ֧ת‬
persons in all to Jacob these - and she bore
N‑fs N‑msc Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms Pro‑cp DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3fs

4714 [e] 3290 [e] 935 [e] 5315 [e] 3605 [e] 26 7651 [e]
miṣ·ray·māh lə·ya·‘ă·qōḇ hab·bā·’āh han·ne·p̄eš kāl- 26 šiḇ·‘āh.
‫ִמְצ ַ ֙רי ְָמ֙ה‬ ‫לי ֲַﬠ ֤ק ֹב‬
ְ ‫אה‬
ָ ֨ ּ‫ַהָב‬ ‫כל־ ַ֠הנּ ֶֶפשׁ‬
ָּ 26 . ‫בָֽﬠה׃‬
ְ ׁ‫ש‬
to Egypt with Jacob the [ones] going the persons All 26 seven
N‑proper‑fs | 3fs Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms Art | V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑fs Art | N‑fs N‑msc 26 Number‑ms

3290 [e] 1121 [e] 802 [e] 905 [e] 3409 [e] 3318 [e]
ya·‘ă·qōḇ; ḇə·nê- nə·šê mil·lə·ḇaḏ yə·rê·ḵōw, yō·ṣə·’ê
‫י ֲַﬠ ֑ק ֹב‬ ‫ְבנ ֵי־‬ ‫שׁי‬
ֵ ֣ ְ‫נ‬ ‫לַ֖בד‬
ְּ ‫ִמ‬ ‫י ְֵר֔כוֹ‬ ‫י ְֹצֵ֣אי‬
of Jacob of the sons the wives besides his loins who came from
N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc N‑fpc Prep‑m, Prep‑l | N‑msc N‑fsc | 3ms V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑mpc
834 [e] 3130 [e] 1121 [e] 27 8337 [e] 8346 [e] 5315 [e] 3605 [e]
’ă·šer- yō·w·sêp̄ ū·ḇə·nê 27 wā·šêš. šiš·šîm ne·p̄eš kāl-
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫יוֵֹ֛סף‬ ‫וְּבֵ֥ני‬ 27 . ‫שׁשׁ׃‬
ֵ ֽ ָ ‫שּׁים ו‬
ִ ֥ ׁ‫ש‬
ִ ‫כל־ ֶ֖נֶפשׁ‬
who of Joseph And the sons 27 and six sixty souls [were] in all
Pro‑r N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc 27 Conj‑w | Number‑fs Number‑cp N‑fs N‑msc

3605 [e] 8147 [e] 5315 [e] 4714 [e] 3205 [e]
kāl- šə·nā·yim; ne·p̄eš ḇə·miṣ·ra·yim lōw yul·laḏ-
ָּ . ‫שָׁ֑נ י ִם‬
ְ ‫ֶ֣נֶפשׁ‬ ‫ְבִמְצַ֖רי ִם‬ ‫֥לוֹ‬ ‫לד־‬
ַּ ֻ ‫י‬
All two souls [were] in Egypt to him were born
N‑msc Number‑md N‑fs Prep‑b | N‑proper‑fs Prep | 3ms V‑QalPass‑Perf ‑3ms

7657 [e] 4714 [e] 935 [e] 3290 [e] 1004 [e] 5315 [e]
p̄ šiḇ·‘îm. miṣ·ray·māh hab·bā·’āh ya·‘ă·qōḇ lə·ḇêṯ- han·ne·p̄eš
‫ פ‬. ‫שְׁבִֽﬠים׃‬
ִ ‫ִמְצַ֖רי ְָמה‬ ‫אה‬
ָ ּ‫י ֲַﬠ ֛ק ֹב ַה ָ֥ב‬ ‫לֵֽבית־‬
ְ ‫ַה ֧נּ ֶֶפשׁ‬
- seventy to Egypt [were] who went of Jacob of the house the souls
Punc Number‑cp N‑proper‑fs | 3fs Art | V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3fs N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑msc Art | N‑fs

Joseph Meets Jacob

3130 [e] 413 [e] 6440 [e] 7971 [e] 3063 [e] 853 [e] 28
yō·w·sêp̄, ’el- lə·p̄ā·nāw šā·laḥ yə·hū·ḏāh wə·’eṯ- 28
ֵ ֔ ‫אל־ יוֹ‬
ֶ ‫לָפנ ָי֙ו‬
ְ ‫שַׁ֤לח‬
ָ ‫י ְהוָּ֞דה‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ 28
Joseph to before him he sent Judah And 28
N‑proper‑ms Prep Prep‑l | N‑cpc | 3ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | DirObjM 28

776 [e] 935 [e] 1657 [e] 6440 [e] 3384 [e]
’ar·ṣāh way·yā·ḇō·’ū gō·šə·nāh; lə·p̄ā·nāw lə·hō·w·rōṯ
‫ַ֥אְרָצה‬ ‫– ו ַיּ ָ ֖ב ֹאוּ‬ ‫שׁנ ָה‬
ְ ֹ ּ‫֑ג‬ ‫לָפָ֖ניו‬
ְ ‫להוֹ ֥ר ֹת‬
to the land and they came to Goshen before him to point out
N‑fs | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3mp N‑proper‑fs | 3fs Prep‑l | N‑cpc | 3ms Prep‑l | V‑Hifil‑Inf

4818 [e] 3130 [e] 631 [e] 29 1657 [e]

mer·kaḇ·tōw, yō·w·sêp̄ way·ye’·sōr 29 gō·šen.
ַּ ‫ֶמְר‬ ‫ס֙ף‬
ֵ ‫יוֹ‬ ‫א ֤ס ֹר‬
ְ ֶ ּ‫ו ַי‬ 29 . ‫שׁן׃‬
ֶ ֹ ּ‫ֽג‬
his chariot Joseph So made ready 29 of Goshen
N‑fsc | 3ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 29 N‑proper‑fs

1657 [e] 1 [e] 3478 [e] 7125 [e] 5927 [e]

gō·šə·nāh; ’ā·ḇîw yiś·rā·’êl liq·raṯ- way·ya·‘al
‫שׁנ ָה‬
ְ ֹ ּ‫֑ג‬ ‫אִ֖ביו‬
ָ ‫שָׂרֵ֥אל‬
ְ ִ ‫קַֽראת־ י‬
ְ ‫ל‬
ִ ‫ו ַ֛יּ ַַﬠל‬
to Goshen his father Israel to meet and went up
N‑proper‑fs | 3fs N‑msc | 3ms N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms
6677 [e] 5921 [e] 5307 [e] 413 [e] 7200 [e]
ṣaw·wā·rāw, ‘al- way·yip·pōl ’ê·lāw, way·yê·rā
‫ַﬠל־ ַצוּ ָאָ֔ריו‬ ֙‫ליו ו ַיּ ִפּ ֹל‬
ֵ ‫ו ַיּ ֵָ֣רא‬
his neck on and fell to him and he presented himself
N‑mpc | 3ms Prep Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms

5750 [e] 6677 [e] 5921 [e] 1058 [e]

‘ō·wḏ. ṣaw·wā·rāw ‘al- way·yê·ḇək
. ‫ֽﬠוֹד׃‬ ‫ַﬠל־ ַצוּ ָאָ֖ריו‬ ּ ‫ו ַ֥יּ ְֵב‬
a good while his neck on and wept
Adv N‑mpc | 3ms Prep Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms

4191 [e] 3130 [e] 413 [e] 3478 [e] 559 [e] 30
’ā·mū·ṯāh yō·w·sêp̄ ’el- yiś·rā·’êl way·yō·mer 30
ָ ‫אל־ יוֵֹ֖סף‬
ֶ ‫שָׂרֵ֛אל‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫ו ַ֧יּ ֹאֶמר‬ 30
let me die Joseph to Israel And said 30
V‑Qal‑Imperf.Cohort‑1cs N‑proper‑ms Prep N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 30

5750 [e] 3588 [e] 6440 [e] 853 [e] 7200 [e] 310 [e] 6471 [e]
‘ō·wḏ·ḵā kî pā·ne·ḵā, ’eṯ- rə·’ō·w·ṯî ’a·ḥă·rê hap·pā·‘am;
֖ ‫עוְֹד‬ ‫כי‬
ִּ ֥ ‫את־ ָפּ ֔נ ֶי‬
ֶ ‫אֲחֵר֙י ְראוִֹ֣תי‬
ַ ‫ַה ָ֑פַּﬠם‬
still because your face - I have seen since now
Adv | 2ms Conj N‑cpc | 2ms DirObjM V‑Qal‑Inf | 1cs Prep Art | N‑fs

251 [e] 413 [e] 3130 [e] 559 [e] 31 2416 [e]
’e·ḥāw ’el- yō·w·sêp̄ way·yō·mer 31 ḥāy.
ֶ ‫אל־‬
ֶ ‫יוֵֹ֤סף‬ ‫ו ַ֨יּ ֹאֶמר‬ 31 . ‫ָֽחי׃‬
his brothers to Joseph And said 31 [you are] alive
N‑mpc | 3ms Prep N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 31 Adj‑ms

5046 [e] 5927 [e] 1 [e] 1004 [e] 413 [e]

wə·’ag·gî·ḏāh ’e·‘ĕ·leh ’ā·ḇîw, bêṯ wə·’el-
ַ ְ‫ו‬ ‫אֱﬠֶ֖לה‬
ֶ ‫אִ֔ביו‬
ָ ‫ֵ֣בּית‬ ‫אל־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬
and tell I will go up of his father the house and to
Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjImperf.Cohort‑1cs V‑Qal‑Imperf.h‑1cs N‑msc | 3ms N‑msc Conj‑w | Prep

1004 [e] 251 [e] 413 [e] 559 [e] 6547 [e]
ū·ḇêṯ- ’a·ḥay ’ê·lāw, wə·’ō·mə·rāh lə·p̄ar·‘ōh;
‫וֵּבית־‬ ‫אַ֧חי‬
ַ ‫ליו‬
ֵ ‫ו ְ ֽא ְֹמָ֣רה‬ ‫לַפְר ֑ﬠ ֹה‬
and house My brothers to him and say Pharaoh
Conj‑w | N‑msc N‑mpc | 1cs Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjImperf.Cohort‑1cs Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms
413 [e] 935 [e] 3667 [e] 776 [e] 834 [e] 1 [e]
’ê·lāy. bā·’ū kə·na·‘an bə·’e·reṣ- ’ă·šer ’ā·ḇî
. ‫אָֽלי׃‬
ֵ ‫ָ֥בּאוּ‬ ‫כַ֖נַﬠן‬
ְּ ‫ְבֶּֽאֶרץ־‬ ‫שׁר‬
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫אִ֛בי‬
to me have come of Canaan in the land who [were] of my father
Prep | 1cs V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3cp N‑proper‑ms Prep‑b | N‑fsc Pro‑r N‑msc | 1cs

4735 [e] 582 [e] 3588 [e] 6629 [e] 7462 [e] 582 [e] 32
miq·neh ’an·šê kî- ṣōn, rō·‘ê wə·hā·’ă·nā·šîm 32
ְ ‫שׁי ִמ‬
ֵ ֥ ְ ‫אנ‬
ַ ‫כי־‬
ִּ ֽ ‫֔צ ֹאן‬ ‫֣ר ֵֹﬠי‬ ‫שׁי֙ם‬
ִ ָ ‫אנ‬
ֲ ‫ו ְָה‬ 32
of livestock men for their flocks shepherding And the men 32
N‑ms N‑mpc Conj N‑cs V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑mpc Conj‑w, Art | N‑mp 32

834 [e] 3605 [e] 1241 [e] 6629 [e] 1961 [e]
lā·hem ’ă·šer wə·ḵāl ū·ḇə·qā·rām wə·ṣō·nām hā·yū;
ָ ‫שׁר‬
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫כל־‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ ‫קָ֛רם‬
ָ ‫וְּב‬ ‫ו ְצ ֹאָ֧נם‬ ‫ָה֑יוּ‬
unto them that [is] and all and their herds and their flocks they have been
Prep | 3mp Pro‑r Conj‑w | N‑msc Conj‑w | N‑msc | 3mp Conj‑w | N‑fsc | 3mp V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3cp

7121 [e] 3588 [e] 1961 [e] 33 935 [e]

lā·ḵem yiq·rā kî- wə·hā·yāh 33 hê·ḇî·’ū.
ָ ‫קָ֥רא‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫כי־‬
ִּ ֽ ‫ו ְָה ֕י ָה‬ 33 . ‫ֵהִֽביאוּ׃‬
you calls when So it shall be 33 they have brought
Prep | 2mp V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Conj Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 33 V‑Hifil‑Perf ‑3cp

4639 [e] 4100 [e] 559 [e] 6547 [e]

ma·‘ă·śê·ḵem. mah- wə·’ā·mar par·‘ōh;
‫שׂיֶֽכם׃ ؟‬
ֵ ‫ַמה־ ַמֲּﬠ‬ ‫אַ֖מר‬
ָ ְ ‫ַפְּר ֑ﬠ ֹה ו‬
your occupation what [is] and says Pharaoh
N‑mpc | 2mp Interrog Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms N‑proper‑ms

5650 [e] 1961 [e] 4735 [e] 582 [e] 559 [e] 34
‘ă·ḇā·ḏe·ḵā hā·yū miq·neh ’an·šê wa·’ă·mar·tem, 34
֙ ‫ֲﬠָב ֶ ֙די‬ ‫ָה֤יוּ‬ ‫ק ֜נ ֶה‬
ְ ‫שׁי ִמ‬
ֵ ֨ ְ ‫אנ‬
ַ ‫אַמְר ֶ֗תּם‬
ֲ ַ‫ו‬ 34
your servants have been of livestock men that you shall say 34
N‑mpc | 2ms V‑Qal‑Perf ‑3cp N‑ms N‑mpc Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2mp 34

1571 [e] 587 [e] 1571 [e] 6258 [e] 5704 [e] 5271 [e]
gam- ’ă·naḥ·nū gam- ‘at·tāh, wə·‘aḏ- min·nə·‘ū·rê·nū
‫ַּגם־‬ ‫אַ֖נְחנוּ‬
ֲ ‫ַּגם־‬ ‫ַ֔ﬠָתּה‬ ‫ו ְַﬠד־‬ ‫ִמנּ ְעוֵּ֣רינוּ‬
[and] also we both now and even until from our youth
Conj Pro‑1cp Conj Adv Conj‑w | Prep Prep‑m | N‑mpc | 1cp
3588 [e] 1657 [e] 776 [e] 3427 [e] 5668 [e] 1 [e]
kî- gō·šen, bə·’e·reṣ tê·šə·ḇū ba·‘ă·ḇūr, ’ă·ḇō·ṯê·nū;
ִּ ֽ – ‫שׁן‬
ֶ ֹ ּ‫ְבֶּ֣אֶרץ ֔ג‬ ‫שׁב֙וּ‬
ְ ּ‫אב ֵֹ֑תינוּ – ַבֲּﬠ֗בוּר ֵת‬
for of Goshen in the land you may dwell that our fathers
Conj N‑proper‑fs Prep‑b | N‑fsc V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑2mp Prep‑b | N‑ms N‑mpc | 1cp

6629 [e] 7462 [e] 3605 [e] 4713 [e] 8441 [e]
ṣōn. rō·‘êh kāl- miṣ·ra·yim ṯō·w·‘ă·ḇaṯ
. ‫ֽצ ֹאן׃‬ ‫כל־ ֥ר ֵֹﬠה‬
ָּ ‫ִמְצַ֖רי ִם‬ ‫תוֲֹﬠַ֥בת‬
a flock shepherding [are] all to Egypt an abomination
N‑cs V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑msc N‑msc N‑proper‑fs N‑fsc

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