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◄ Exodus 30 ►
Interlinear Bible

T he Altar of Incense
(Exodus 37:25-29)

7848 [e] 6086 [e] 7004 [e] 4729 [e] 4196 [e] 6213 [e] 1
šiṭ·ṭîm ‘ă·ṣê qə·ṭō·reṯ; miq·ṭar miz·bê·aḥ wə·‘ā·śî·ṯā 1
ִ ֖ ׁ‫ש‬
ִ ‫ ֲﬠֵ֥צי‬. ‫ק ֑ט ֶֹרת‬
ְ ‫קַ֣טר‬
ְ ‫ִמז ְ ֵ֖בַּח ִמ‬ ‫שׂיָת‬
ִ ֥ ‫ו ְָﬠ‬ 1
of acacia Wood incense on to burn an altar And You shall make 1
N‑fp N‑mpc N‑fs N‑msc N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms 1

7341 [e] 520 [e] 753 [e] 520 [e] 2 853 [e] 6213 [e]
rā·ḥə·bōw wə·’am·māh ’ā·rə·kōw ’am·māh 2 ’ō·ṯōw. ta·‘ă·śeh
. ‫ָרְחבּ֙וֹ‬ ‫א ָ֤מּה‬
ַ ְ‫ו‬ ‫אְר֜כּוֹ‬
ָ ‫א ָ֨מּה‬
ַ 2 . ‫א ֹֽתוֹ׃‬ ‫שׂה‬
ֶ ֥ ‫ַתֲּﬠ‬
its width and a cubit [shall be] its length A cubit 2 it you shall make
N‑msc | 3ms Conj‑w | N‑fs N‑msc | 3ms N‑fs 2 DirObjM | 3ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑2ms

6967 [e] 520 [e] 1961 [e] 7251 [e]

qō·mā·ṯōw; wə·’am·mā·ṯa·yim yih·yeh, rā·ḇū·a‘
‫ק ָֹמ֑תוֹ‬ ‫אָמַּ֖תי ִם‬
ַ ְ‫ו‬ ‫י ְִה ֔י ֶה‬ ‫ָר֣בוַּﬠ‬
[shall be] its height and two cubits it shall be Square
N‑fsc | 3ms Conj‑w | N‑fd V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms V‑Qal‑QalPassPrtcpl‑ms

2091 [e] 853 [e] 6823 [e] 3 7161 [e] 4480 [e]
zā·hāḇ ’ō·ṯōw wə·ṣip·pî·ṯā 3 qar·nō·ṯāw. mim·men·nū
‫ז ָָ֣הב‬ ‫א ֹ֜תוֹ‬ ‫ו ְִצִפּיָ֨ת‬ 3 . ‫קְרנ ָֹֽתיו׃‬
ַ ‫ִמ ֶ֖מּנּוּ‬
with gold - And you shall overlay 3 [shall be] of one piece with it Its horns
N‑ms DirObjM | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjPerf ‑2ms 3 N‑fpc | 3ms Prep | 3ms
853 [e] 5439 [e] 7023 [e] 853 [e] 1406 [e] 853 [e] 2889 [e]
wə·’eṯ- sā·ḇîḇ qî·rō·ṯāw wə·’eṯ- gag·gōw ’eṯ- ṭā·hō·wr,
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫סִ֖ביב‬
ָ ‫קיר ָֹ֛תיו‬
ִ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ַּג ֧גּוֹ‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ‫ט֗הוֹר‬
and all around its sides and its top - pure
Conj‑w | DirObjM Adv N‑mpc | 3ms Conj‑w | DirObjM N‑msc | 3ms DirObjM Adj‑ms

5439 [e] 2091 [e] 2213 [e] 6213 [e] 7161 [e]
sā·ḇîḇ. zā·hāḇ zêr lōw wə·‘ā·śî·ṯā qar·nō·ṯāw;
. ‫סִֽביב׃‬
ָ ‫ז ָָ֖הב‬ ‫ז֥ ֵר‬ ‫֛לּוֹ‬ ‫שׂיָת‬
ִ ֥ ‫קְרנ ָֹ֑תיו ו ְָﬠ‬
all around of gold a molding for it and you shall make its horns
Adv N‑ms N‑ms Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms N‑fpc | 3ms

2213 [e] 8478 [e] 6213 [e] 2091 [e] 2885 [e] 8147 [e] 4
lə·zê·rōw, mit·ta·ḥaṯ lōw ta·‘ă·śeh- zā·hāḇ ṭab·bə·‘ōṯ ū·šə·tê 4
‫לז ֵ֗רוֹ‬
ְ ‫ ִמ ַ֣תַּחת‬. ‫֣לּוֹ ׀‬ ‫שׂה־‬
ֶ ‫טְבּ ֨ע ֹת ז ָָ֜הב ַֽתֲּﬠ‬
ַ ‫שֵׁתּ֩י‬
ְ ‫וּ‬ 4
the molding Under for it you shall make gold rings And two 4
Prep‑l | N‑msc | 3ms Prep‑m Prep | 3ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑2ms N‑ms N‑fpc Conj‑w | Number‑fdc 4

6654 [e] 8147 [e] 5921 [e] 6213 [e] 6763 [e] 8147 [e] 5921 [e]
ṣid·dāw; šə·nê ‘al- ta·‘ă·śeh ṣal·‘ō·ṯāw, šə·tê ‘al
‫ִצ ָ֑דּיו‬ ‫שֵׁ֣ני‬
ְ ‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫שׂה‬
ֶ ֖ ‫לע ָֹ֔תיו ַתֲּﬠ‬
ְ ‫ַצ‬ ‫שׁ ֵ֣תּי‬
ְ ‫ַ֚ﬠל‬
its sides two on You shall place [them] of its sides two on
N‑mpc | 3ms Number‑mdc Prep V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑2ms N‑fpc | 3ms Number‑fdc Prep

1992 [e] 853 [e] 5375 [e] 905 [e] 1004 [e] 1961 [e]
bā·hêm·māh. ’ō·ṯōw lā·śêṯ lə·ḇad·dîm, lə·ḇāt·tîm wə·hā·yāh
. ‫ָבֵּֽהָמּה׃‬ ‫א ֹ֖תוֹ‬ ‫שׂאת‬
ֵ֥ ‫ל‬
ָ ‫לַב ִ֔דּים‬
ְ ‫לָב ִ֣תּים‬
ְ ‫ו ְָהי ָ֙ה‬
with those it to bear for the poles holders and they will be
Prep‑b | Pro‑3mp DirObjM | 3ms Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf Prep‑l | N‑mp Prep‑l | N‑mp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms

6823 [e] 7848 [e] 6086 [e] 905 [e] 853 [e] 6213 [e] 5
wə·ṣip·pî·ṯā šiṭ·ṭîm; ‘ă·ṣê hab·bad·dîm ’eṯ- wə·‘ā·śî·ṯā 5
‫ו ְִצִפּיָ֥ת‬ ‫טּים‬
ִ ֑ ׁ‫ש‬
ִ ‫ֲﬠֵ֣צי‬ ‫את־ ַהַבּ ִ֖דּים‬
ֶ ‫שׂיָת‬
ִ ֥ ‫ו ְָﬠ‬ 5
and overlay of acacia wood the poles - And You shall make 5
Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjPerf ‑2ms N‑fp N‑mpc Art | N‑mp DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms 5

6532 [e] 6440 [e] 853 [e] 5414 [e] 6 2091 [e] 853 [e]
hap·pā·rō·ḵeṯ, lip̄·nê ’ō·ṯōw wə·nā·ṯat·tāh 6 zā·hāḇ. ’ō·ṯām
ֶ ֹ ‫ַהָפּ ֔ר‬ ‫לְפֵ֣ני‬
ִ ‫א ֹת֙וֹ‬ ‫ו ְנ ַָת ָ֤תּה‬ 6 . ‫ז ָָֽהב׃‬ ‫א ָֹ֖תם‬
the veil before it And you shall put 6 with gold them
Art | N‑fs Prep‑l | N‑cpc DirObjM | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms 6 N‑ms DirObjM | 3mp
5921 [e] 834 [e] 3727 [e] 6440 [e] 5715 [e] 727 [e] 5921 [e] 834 [e]
‘al- ’ă·šer hak·kap·pō·reṯ, lip̄·nê hā·‘ê·ḏuṯ; ’ă·rōn ‘al- ’ă·šer
‫שׁ֙ר ַﬠל־‬
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫כ ֗פּ ֶֹרת‬
ַּ ‫ַה‬ ‫לְפֵ֣ני‬
ִ ‫א ֣ר ֹן ָהֵﬠֻ֑דת‬
ֲ ‫שׁר ַﬠל־‬
ֶ֖ ‫א‬
over that [is] the mercy seat before of the Testimony the ark before that [is]
Prep Pro‑r Art | N‑fs Prep‑l | N‑cpc Art | N‑fs N‑csc Prep Pro‑r

6999 [e] 7 8033 [e] 3259 [e] 834 [e] 5715 [e]
wə·hiq·ṭîr 7 šām·māh. lə·ḵā ’iw·wā·‘êḏ ’ă·šer hā·‘ê·ḏuṯ,
ְ ‫ו ְִה‬ 7 . ‫מּה׃‬
ָ ׁ‫ש‬
ָֽ ֖‫ל‬
ְ ‫אוּ ֵָ֥ﬠד‬
ִ ‫שׁר‬
ֶ֛ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ָ֣הֵﬠֻ֔דת‬
and shall burn 7 - with you I will meet where the Testimony
Conj‑w | V‑Hifil‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 7 Adv | 3fs Prep | 2ms V‑Nifal‑Imperf ‑1cs Pro‑r Art | N‑fs

3190 [e] 1242 [e] 1242 [e] 5561 [e] 7004 [e] 175 [e] 5921 [e]
bə·hê·ṭî·ḇōw bab·bō·qer, bab·bō·qer sam·mîm; qə·ṭō·reṯ ’a·hă·rōn ‘ā·lāw
ִ ‫ְבֵּהי‬ ‫קר‬
ֶ ֹ ּ‫ַבּ ֗ב‬ ‫קר‬
ֶ ֹ ּ‫ ַבּ ֣ב‬. ‫ס ִ֑מּים‬
ַ ‫ק ֣ט ֶֹרת‬
ְ ‫אֲה ֖ר ֹן‬
ַ ‫ָﬠָ֛ליו‬
when he tends by morning Morning sweet incense Aaron on it
Prep‑b | V‑Hifil‑Inf | 3ms Prep‑b, Art | N‑ms Prep‑b, Art | N‑ms N‑mp N‑fsc N‑proper‑ms Prep | 3ms

175 [e] 5927 [e] 8 6999 [e] 5216 [e] 853 [e]
’a·hă·rōn ū·ḇə·ha·‘ă·lōṯ 8 yaq·ṭî·ren·nāh. han·nê·rōṯ ’eṯ-
‫אֲה ֧ר ֹן‬
ַ ‫וְּבַהֲﬠ ֨ ת‬ 8 . ‫טיֶֽרנּ ָה׃‬
ִ ‫ק‬
ְ ַ‫י‬ ‫את־ ַהנּ ֵ ֖ר ֹת‬
Aaron And when lights 8 he shall burn incense on it the lamps -
N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w, Prep‑b | V‑Hifil‑Inf 8 V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms | 3fse Art | N‑mp DirObjM

7004 [e] 6999 [e] 6153 [e] 996 [e] 5216 [e] 853 [e]
qə·ṭō·reṯ yaq·ṭî·ren·nāh; hā·‘ăr·ba·yim bên han·nê·rōṯ ’eṯ-
‫ק ֧ט ֶֹרת‬
ְ . ‫טיֶ֑רנּ ָה‬
ִ ‫ק‬
ְ ַ‫י‬ ‫את־ ַהנּ ֵ ֛ר ֹת ֵ֥בּין ָהֲﬠְר ַ֖בּי ִם‬
A incense he shall burn incense on it twilight at the lamps -
N‑fsc V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms | 3fse Art | N‑md Prep Art | N‑mp DirObjM

5927 [e] 3808 [e] 9 1755 [e] 3068 [e] 6440 [e] 8548 [e]
ṯa·‘ă·lū lō- 9 lə·ḏō·rō·ṯê·ḵem. Yah·weh lip̄·nê tā·mîḏ
‫ל ֹא־ ַתֲﬠ֥לוּ‬ 9 . ‫לד ֹר ֵֹתיֶֽכם׃‬
ְ ‫י ְהו֖ ָה‬ ‫לְפֵ֥ני‬
ִ ‫ָתִּ֛מיד‬
You shall offer Not 9 throughout your generations Yahweh before perpetual
V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑2mp Adv‑NegPrt 9 Prep‑l | N‑mpc | 2mp N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc Adv

4503 [e] 5930 [e] 2114 [e] 7004 [e] 5921 [e]
ū·min·ḥāh; wə·‘ō·lāh zā·rāh qə·ṭō·reṯ ‘ā·lāw
– ‫וִּמנ ְָ֑חה‬ ‫ו ְע ָֹ֣לה‬ ‫ק ֥ט ֶֹרת ז ָָ֖רה‬
ְ ‫ָﬠָ֛ליו‬
or a grain offering or a burnt offering strange incense on it
Conj‑w | N‑fs Conj‑w | N‑fs Adj‑fs N‑fs Prep | 3ms
3722 [e] 10 5921 [e] 5258 [e] 3808 [e] 5262 [e]
wə·ḵip·per 10 ‘ā·lāw. ṯis·sə·ḵū lō wə·nê·seḵ
‫כ ֶ֤פּר‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ 10 . ‫ﬠָֽליו׃‬
ָ ‫סּ֖כוּ‬
ְ ‫ִת‬ ‫֥ל ֹא‬ ‫ס‬
ֶ ֵ ‫ו ְ ֕נ‬
And shall make atonement 10 on it shall you pour nor and a drink offering
Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjPerf ‑3ms 10 Prep | 3ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑2mp Adv‑NegPrt Conj‑w | N‑ms

2403 [e] 1818 [e] 8141 [e] 259 [e] 7161 [e] 5921 [e] 175 [e]
ḥaṭ·ṭaṯ mid·dam baš·šā·nāh; ’a·ḥaṯ qar·nō·ṯāw, ‘al- ’a·hă·rōn
ַ ֣ ‫ַח‬ ‫ִמ ַ֞דּם‬ ‫שָּׁ֑נה‬
ָ ּ‫אַ֖חת ַב‬
ַ ‫קְרנ ָֹ֔תיו‬
ַ ‫אֲהרןֹ ֙ ַﬠל־‬
of the sin offering with the blood in the year once its horns upon Aaron
N‑fsc Prep‑m | N‑msc Prep‑b, Art | N‑fs Number‑fs N‑fpc | 3ms Prep N‑proper‑ms

5921 [e] 3722 [e] 8141 [e] 259 [e] 3725 [e]
‘ā·lāw yə·ḵap·pêr baš·šā·nāh ’a·ḥaṯ hak·kip·pu·rîm,
. ‫לי֙ו‬
ָ ‫ָﬠ‬ ‫כ ֵ֤פּר‬
ַ ְ‫י‬ ‫שּׁנ ָ֙ה‬
ָ ּ‫אַ֤חת ַב‬
ַ – ‫כֻפִּ֗רים‬
ִּ ‫ַה‬
upon it he shall make atonement in the year once of atonement
Prep | 3ms V‑Piel‑Imperf ‑3ms Prep‑b, Art | N‑fs Number‑fs Art | N‑mp

3068 [e] 1931 [e] 6944 [e] 6944 [e] 1755 [e]
p̄ Yah·weh. hū qā·ḏā·šîm qō·ḏeš- lə·ḏō·rō·ṯê·ḵem,
‫ פ‬. ‫ליה ֽו ָה׃‬
ַ ‫שׁים ֖הוּא‬
ִ ֥ ‫ֽק ֶֹדשׁ־ ָֽקָד‬ ‫כם‬
ֶ ֔ ‫לד ֣ ֹר ֵֹתי‬
- to Yahweh it [is] holy most Throughout your generations
Punc Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms Pro‑3ms N‑mp N‑msc Prep‑l | N‑mpc | 2mp

T he Atonement Money

559 [e] 4872 [e] 413 [e] 3068 [e] 1696 [e] 11
lê·mōr. mō·šeh ’el- Yah·weh way·ḏab·bêr 11
‫לא ֽמ ֹר׃‬
ֵּ ‫שׁה‬
ֶ ֥ ֹ ‫אל־ מ‬
ֶ ‫י ְהו֖ ָה‬ ‫ו ַי ְַד ֵ֥בּר‬ 11
saying Moses to Yahweh And spoke 11
Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms Prep N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 11

3478 [e] 1121 [e] 7218 [e] 853 [e] 5375 [e] 3588 [e] 12
yiś·rā·’êl bə·nê- rōš ’eṯ- ṯiś·śā kî 12
​ ‫שָׂרֵ֘א‬
‫ל‬ ְ ִ ‫​י‬ ‫ְבֵּֽני־‬ ‫את־ ֥ר ֹאשׁ‬
ֶ ‫שּׂא‬
ָ ֞ ‫ִת‬ ‫כי‬
ִּ ֣ 12
of Israel of the sons the census - you take when 12
N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc N‑msc DirObjM V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑2ms Conj 12

5315 [e] 3724 [e] 376 [e] 5414 [e] 6485 [e]
nap̄·šōw kō·p̄er ’îš wə·nā·ṯə·nū lip̄·qu·ḏê·hem
‫נ ְַפ֛שׁוֹ‬ ‫֧כּ ֶֹפר‬ ‫ִ֣אישׁ‬ ‫ו ְ ֨נ ְָת ֜נוּ‬ ‫ם‬
֒ ‫לְפֻקֵדיֶה‬
for himself a ransom every man then shall give for their number
N‑fsc | 3ms N‑msc N‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3cp Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑QalPassPrtcpl‑mpc | 3mp
1961 [e] 3808 [e] 853 [e] 6485 [e] 3068 [e]
yih·yeh wə·lō- ’ō·ṯām; bip̄·qōḏ Yah·weh
‫י ְִהי֥ ֶה‬ ‫ו ְל ֹא־‬ ‫א ָֹ֑תם‬ ‫ִבְּפ ֣ק ֹד‬ ‫ליהו֖ ָה‬
there may be that no them when you number to Yahweh
V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Conj‑w | Adv‑NegPrt DirObjM | 3mp Prep‑b | V‑Qal‑Inf Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms

5414 [e] 2088 [e] 13 853 [e] 6485 [e] 5063 [e]
yit·tə·nū, zeh 13 ’ō·ṯām. bip̄·qōḏ ne·ḡep̄ ḇā·hem
‫ז֣ ֶה ׀ י ְִתּ ֗נוּ‬ 13 . ‫א ָֹֽתם׃‬ ‫ֶ֖נ ֶגף ִבְּפ ֥ק ֹד‬ ‫ָבֶ֛הם‬
shall give This [is] 13 them when [you] number plague among them
V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3mp Pro‑ms 13 DirObjM | 3mp Prep‑b | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑ms Prep | 3mp

4276 [e] 6485 [e] 5921 [e] 5674 [e] 3605 [e]
ma·ḥă·ṣîṯ hap·pə·qu·ḏîm, ‘al- hā·‘ō·ḇêr kāl-
‫ַמֲחִ֥צית‬ ‫ַﬠל־ ַהְפֻּקִ֔דים‬ ‫ָהע ֵֹב֙ר‬ ‫כל־‬
half those who are numbered among - what everyone
N‑fsc Art | V‑Qal‑QalPassPrtcpl‑mp Prep Art | V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms N‑msc

1626 [e] 6242 [e] 6944 [e] 8255 [e] 8255 [e]
gê·rāh ‘eś·rîm haq·qō·ḏeš; bə·še·qel haš·še·qel
‫שִׂ֤רים ֵּגָר֙ה‬
ְ ‫ ֶﬠ‬-- ‫ַה ֑קּ ֶֹדשׁ‬ ‫קל‬
ֶ ׁ‫ש‬
ֶ ֣ ּ‫קל ְב‬
ֶ ּׁ‫ש‬
ֶ ֖ ‫ַה‬
gerahs twenty of the sanctuary according to the shekel a shekel
N‑fs Number‑cp Art | N‑ms Prep‑b | N‑msc Art | N‑ms

3605 [e] 14 3068 [e] 8641 [e] 8255 [e] 4276 [e] 8255 [e]
kōl, 14 Yah·weh. tə·rū·māh haš·še·qel, ma·ḥă·ṣîṯ haš·še·qel,
‫֗כּ ֹל‬ 14 . ‫ַֽליה ֽו ָה׃‬ ‫קל ְתּרוָּ֖מה‬
ֶ ּׁ‫ש‬
ֶ ֔ ‫ ַמֲחִ֣צית ַה‬-- ‫קל‬
ֶ ּׁ‫ש‬
ֶ ֔ ‫ַה‬
Everyone 14 to Yahweh is an offering shekel this half a shekel [is]
N‑msc 14 Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms N‑fs Art | N‑ms N‑fsc Art | N‑ms

6242 [e] 1121 [e] 6485 [e] 5921 [e] 5674 [e]
‘eś·rîm mib·ben hap·pə·qu·ḏîm, ‘al- hā·‘ō·ḇêr
ְ ‫ֶﬠ‬ ‫ִמ ֶ֛בּן‬ ‫ַהְפֻּקִ֔דים‬ ‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫ָהע ֵֹב֙ר‬
twenty from old those who are numbered included among -
Number‑cp Prep‑m | N‑msc Art | V‑Qal‑QalPassPrtcpl‑mp Prep Art | V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms

3808 [e] 6223 [e] 15 3068 [e] 8641 [e] 5414 [e] 4605 [e] 8141 [e]
lō- he·‘ā·šîr 15 Yah·weh. tə·rū·maṯ yit·tên wā·mā·‘ə·lāh; šā·nāh
‫שׁיר ֽל ֹא־‬
ִ ֣ ‫ֶֽהָﬠ‬ 15 . ‫תּרוַּ֥מת י ְה ֽו ָה׃‬
ְ ‫י ִ ֵ֖תּן‬ ‫לה‬
ָ ‫שָׁ֖נה ו ָָ֑מְﬠ‬
not The rich 15 Yahweh an offering shall give to and above years
Adv‑NegPrt Art | Adj‑ms 15 N‑proper‑ms N‑fsc V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Conj‑w | Adv | 3fs N‑fs
4276 [e] 4591 [e] 3808 [e] 1800 [e] 7235 [e]
mim·ma·ḥă·ṣîṯ yam·‘îṭ, lō wə·had·dal yar·beh,
‫ִֽמַמֲּחִ֖צית‬ ‫י ְַמִ֔ﬠיט‬ ‫֣ל ֹא‬ ֙‫ו ְַהַדּל‬ ‫י ְַר ֶ֗בּה‬
than half shall give less not and the poor shall give more
Prep‑m | N‑fsc V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms Adv‑NegPrt Conj‑w, Art | Adj‑ms V‑Hifil‑Imperf ‑3ms

3722 [e] 3068 [e] 8641 [e] 853 [e] 5414 [e] 8255 [e]
lə·ḵap·pêr Yah·weh, tə·rū·maṯ ’eṯ- lā·ṯêṯ haš·šā·qel;
‫כ ֵ֖פּר‬
ַ ‫ל‬
ְ ‫י ְה ֔ו ָה‬ ‫את־ ְתּרוַּ֣מת‬
ֶ ‫ת‬
֙ ‫לֵת‬
ָ ‫קל‬
ֶ ּׁ‫ש‬
ָ ֑ ‫ַה‬
to make atonement Yahweh an offering to - when [you] give a shekel
Prep‑l | V‑Piel‑Inf N‑proper‑ms N‑fsc DirObjM Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf Art | N‑ms

3722 [e] 3701 [e] 853 [e] 3947 [e] 16 5315 [e] 5921 [e]
hak·kip·pu·rîm, ke·sep̄ ’eṯ- wə·lā·qaḥ·tā 16 nap̄·šō·ṯê·ḵem. ‘al-
ִּ ‫סף ַה‬
ֶ ‫כ‬
ֶּ ֣ ‫את־‬
ֶ ּ‫קְח ָ֞ת‬
ַ ‫ל‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬ 16 . ‫תיֶֽכם׃‬
ֵ ֹ ׁ‫ַﬠל־ נ ְַפש‬
the atonement money - And you shall take 16 yourselves for
Art | N‑mp N‑msc DirObjM Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms 16 N‑fpc | 2mp Prep

5921 [e] 853 [e] 5414 [e] 3478 [e] 1121 [e] 853 [e]
‘al- ’ō·ṯōw, wə·nā·ṯa·tā yiś·rā·’êl, bə·nê mê·’êṯ
‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫א ֹ֔תוֹ‬ ּ‫ו ְנ ַָת ָ֣ת‬ ‫אל‬
ֵ ֔ ‫שָׂר‬
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫ְבֵּ֣ני‬ ‫ת‬
֙ ‫א‬
ֵ ‫ֵמ‬
for it and shall appoint of Israel the sons of
Prep DirObjM | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc Prep‑m | DirObjM

1121 [e] 1961 [e] 4150 [e] 168 [e] 5656 [e]
liḇ·nê wə·hā·yāh mō·w·‘êḏ; ’ō·hel ‘ă·ḇō·ḏaṯ
‫לְב ֨נ ֵי‬
ִ ‫– ו ְָהי ָ֩ה‬ ‫מוֵֹ֑ﬠד‬ ‫ֲﬠב ַֹ֖דת ֣א ֶֹהל‬
for the sons that it may be of meeting of the tabernacle the service
Prep‑l | N‑mpc Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms N‑ms N‑msc N‑fsc

5921 [e] 3722 [e] 3068 [e] 6440 [e] 2146 [e] 3478 [e]
‘al- lə·ḵap·pêr Yah·weh, lip̄·nê lə·zik·kā·rō·wn yiś·rā·’êl
‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫כ ֵ֖פּר‬
ַ ‫ל‬
ְ ‫י ְה ֔ו ָה‬ ‫לְפֵ֣ני‬
ִ ‫כרוֹ֙ן‬
ָּ ִ ‫לז‬
ְ ‫שָׂרֵ֤אל‬
ְ ִ‫י‬
for to make atonement Yahweh before a memorial of Israel
Prep Prep‑l | V‑Piel‑Inf N‑proper‑ms Prep‑l | N‑cpc Prep‑l | N‑ms N‑proper‑ms

5315 [e]
p̄ nap̄·šō·ṯê·ḵem.
‫ פ‬. ‫נ ְַפשׁ ֵֹתיֶֽכם׃‬
- yourselves
Punc N‑fpc | 2mp

T he Bronze Basin
559 [e] 4872 [e] 413 [e] 3068 [e] 1696 [e] 17
lê·mōr. mō·šeh ’el- Yah·weh way·ḏab·bêr 17
‫לא ֽמ ֹר׃‬
ֵּ ‫שׁה‬
ֶ ֥ ֹ ‫אל־ מ‬
ֶ ‫י ְהו֖ ָה‬ ‫ו ַי ְַד ֵ֥בּר‬ 17
saying Moses to Yahweh And spoke 17
Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms Prep N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 17

5178 [e] 3653 [e] 5178 [e] 3595 [e] 6213 [e] 18
nə·ḥō·šeṯ wə·ḵan·nōw nə·ḥō·šeṯ kî·yō·wr wə·‘ā·śî·ṯā 18
ֶ ֹ ‫נ ְ ֖ח‬ ‫כ ֥נּוֹ‬
ַ ְ‫ו‬ ‫שׁת‬
ֶ ֹ ‫כ֥יּוֹר נ ְ ֛ח‬
ִּ ‫שׂיָת‬
ִ ֜ ‫ו ְָﬠ‬ 18
of bronze and with its base of bronze a laver and You shall make 18
N‑fs Conj‑w | N‑msc | 3ms N‑fs N‑msc Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms 18

4150 [e] 168 [e] 996 [e] 853 [e] 5414 [e] 7364 [e]
mō·w·‘êḏ ’ō·hel bên- ’ō·ṯōw, wə·nā·ṯa·tā lə·rā·ḥə·ṣāh;
‫מוֵֹﬠ֙ד‬ ‫֤א ֶֹהל‬ ‫ֵֽבּין־‬ ‫א ֹ֗תוֹ‬ ּ‫ ו ְנ ַָת ָ֣ת‬. ‫לָרְחָ֑צה‬
of meeting the tabernacle between it And You shall put for washing
N‑ms N‑msc Prep DirObjM | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf | 3fs

4325 [e] 8033 [e] 5414 [e] 4196 [e] 996 [e]
mā·yim. šām·māh wə·nā·ṯa·tā ham·miz·bê·aḥ, ū·ḇên
. ‫ָֽמי ִם׃‬ ‫שָׁמּה‬
ָ֖ ּ‫ו ְנ ַָת ָ֥ת‬ ‫ַהִמּז ְ ֵ֔בַּח‬ ‫וֵּ֣בין‬
water in it and you shall put the altar and
N‑mp Adv | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | Prep

3027 [e] 853 [e] 4480 [e] 1121 [e] 175 [e] 7364 [e] 19
yə·ḏê·hem ’eṯ- mim·men·nū; ū·ḇā·nāw ’a·hă·rōn wə·rā·ḥă·ṣū 19
‫את־ י ְֵדיֶ֖הם‬
ֶ ‫ִמ ֶ֑מּנּוּ‬ ‫אֲה ֥ר ֹן וָּבָ֖ניו‬
ַ ‫ו ְָרֲח֛צוּ‬ 19
their hands - from it and his sons Aaron For shall wash in water 19
N‑fdc | 3mp DirObjM Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | N‑mpc | 3ms N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3cp 19

4150 [e] 168 [e] 413 [e] 935 [e] 20 7272 [e] 853 [e]
mō·w·‘êḏ ’ō·hel ’el- bə·ḇō·’ām 20 raḡ·lê·hem. wə·’eṯ-
‫מוֵֹ֛ﬠד‬ ‫אל־ ֧א ֶֹהל‬
ֶ ‫אם‬
ָ ֞ ֹ ‫ְבּב‬ 20 . ‫ליֶֽהם׃‬
ֵ ‫ַרְג‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬
of meeting the tabernacle into When they go 20 their feet and
N‑ms N‑msc Prep Prep‑b | V‑Qal‑Inf | 3mp 20 N‑fdc | 3mp Conj‑w | DirObjM

176 [e] 4191 [e] 3808 [e] 4325 [e] 7364 [e]
’ōw yā·mu·ṯū; wə·lō ma·yim yir·ḥă·ṣū-
‫– ֣אוֹ‬ ‫י ָֻ֑מתוּ‬ ‫ו ְ ֣ל ֹא‬ ‫ַ֖מי ִם‬ ‫י ְִרֲחצוּ־‬
or they die and lest with water they shall wash
Conj V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3mp Conj‑w | Adv‑NegPrt N‑mp V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3mp
6999 [e] 8334 [e] 4196 [e] 413 [e] 5066 [e]
lə·haq·ṭîr lə·šā·rêṯ, ham·miz·bê·aḥ ’el- ḇə·ḡiš·tām
ְ ‫לַה‬
ְ ‫שֵׁ֔רת‬
ָ ‫ל‬
ְ ‫אל־ ַהִמּז ְ ֵ֙בַּ֙ח‬
ֶ ‫שׁ ָ֤תּם‬
ְ ‫ְבִג‬
to burn to minister the altar unto when they come near
Prep‑l | V‑Hifil‑Inf Prep‑l | V‑Piel‑Inf Art | N‑ms Prep Prep‑b | V‑Qal‑Inf | 3mp

3027 [e] 7364 [e] 21 3068 [e] 801 [e]

yə·ḏê·hem wə·rā·ḥă·ṣū 21 Yah·weh. ’iš·šeh
‫י ְֵדיֶ֥הם‬ ‫ו ְָרֲח֛צוּ‬ 21 . ‫ַֽליה ֽו ָה׃‬ ‫שּׁה‬
ֶ֖ ‫א‬
their hands So they shall wash 21 to Yahweh an offering made by fire
N‑fdc | 3mp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3cp 21 Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms N‑ms

1961 [e] 4191 [e] 3808 [e] 7272 [e]

lā·hem wə·hā·yə·ṯāh yā·mu·ṯū; wə·lō wə·raḡ·lê·hem
ָ ‫– ו ְָהי ְָ֨תה‬ ‫י ָֻ֑מתוּ‬ ‫ו ְ ֣ל ֹא‬ ‫ליֶ֖הם‬
ֵ ‫ו ְַרְג‬
to them and it shall be they die and lest and their feet
Prep | 3mp Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3fs V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3mp Conj‑w | Adv‑NegPrt Conj‑w | N‑fdc | 3mp

1755 [e] 2233 [e] 5769 [e] 2706 [e]

p̄ lə·ḏō·rō·ṯām. ū·lə·zar·‘ōw lōw ‘ō·w·lām ḥāq-
‫ פ‬. ‫לד ֹר ָֹֽתם׃‬
ְ ‫לז ְַר֖ﬠוֹ‬
ְ ‫וּ‬ ‫עוָֹ֛לם ֥לוֹ‬ ‫ָחק־‬
- throughout their generations and his descendants to him forever a statute
Punc Prep‑l | N‑mpc | 3mp Conj‑w, Prep‑l | N‑msc | 3ms Prep | 3ms N‑ms N‑msc

T he Anointing Oil

559 [e] 4872 [e] 413 [e] 3068 [e] 1696 [e] 22
lê·mōr. mō·šeh ’el- Yah·weh way·ḏab·bêr 22
‫לא ֽמ ֹר׃‬
ֵּ ‫שׁה‬
ֶ ֥ ֹ ‫אל־ מ‬
ֶ ‫י ְהו֖ ָה‬ ‫ו ַי ְַד ֵ֥בּר‬ 22
saying Moses to Yahweh Moreover spoke 22
Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf N‑proper‑ms Prep N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 22

1865 [e] 4753 [e] 7218 [e] 1314 [e] 3947 [e] 859 [e] 23
də·rō·wr mār- rōš bə·śā·mîm lə·ḵā qaḥ- wə·’at·tāh 23
‫ ָמר־ ְדּרוֹ֙ר‬: ‫שׁ‬
֒ ‫שִׂ֣מים ר ֹא‬
ָ ּ‫ְב‬ ֮ ‫ל‬
ְ ‫ק ח־‬
ַ ‫א ָ֣תּה‬
ַ ְ‫ו‬ 23
liquid myrrh quality spices for yourself take and you 23
N‑ms N‑msc N‑msc N‑mp Prep | 2ms V‑Qal‑Imp‑ms Conj‑w | Pro‑2ms 23

4276 [e] 1314 [e] 7076 [e] 3967 [e] 2568 [e]
ma·ḥă·ṣî·ṯōw be·śem wə·qin·nə·mān- mê·’ō·wṯ, ḥă·mêš
-- ‫ַמֲחִצי֖תוֹ‬ ‫שׂם‬
ֶ ּ‫ֶ֥ב‬ ‫קנּ ְָמן־‬
ִ ְ‫– ו‬ ‫ֲחֵ֣משׁ ֵמ֔אוֹת‬
half as much sweet-smelling and cinnamon hundred [shekels] five
N‑fsc | 3ms N‑ms Conj‑w | N‑msc Number‑fp Number‑fsc
2572 [e] 1314 [e] 7070 [e] 3967 [e] 2572 [e]
ḥă·miš·šîm ḇō·śem ū·qə·nêh- ū·mā·ṯā·yim; ḥă·miš·šîm
ִ ֥ ‫ֲחִמ‬ ‫שׂם‬
ֶ ֹ ‫֖ב‬ ‫קנ ֵה־‬
ְ ‫– וּ‬ ‫שּׁים וָּמאָ֑תי ִם‬
ִ ֣ ‫ֲחִמ‬
fifty sweet-smelling and cane and two hundred [shekels] fifty
Number‑cp N‑ms Conj‑w | N‑msc Conj‑w | Number‑fd Number‑cp

3967 [e] 2568 [e] 6916 [e] 24 3967 [e]

mê·’ō·wṯ ḥă·mêš wə·qid·dāh 24 ū·mā·ṯā·yim.
‫ק ָ֕דּה ֲחֵ֥משׁ ֵמ֖אוֹת‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ 24 . ‫וָּמאָֽתי ִם׃‬
hundred [shekels] five And cassia 24 and two hundred [shekels]
Number‑fp Number‑fsc Conj‑w | N‑fs 24 Conj‑w | Number‑fd

1969 [e] 2132 [e] 8081 [e] 6944 [e] 8255 [e]
hîn. za·yiṯ wə·še·men haq·qō·ḏeš; bə·še·qel
. ‫ִֽהין׃‬ ‫ז֖ ַ י ִת‬ ‫שֶׁמן‬
ֶ ֥ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ַה ֑קּ ֶֹדשׁ‬ ‫קל‬
ֶ ׁ‫ש‬
ֶ ֣ ּ‫ְב‬
a hin olive and of oil of the sanctuary of according to the shekel
N‑ms N‑ms Conj‑w | N‑msc Art | N‑ms Prep‑b | N‑msc

7545 [e] 6944 [e] 4888 [e] 8081 [e] 853 [e] 6213 [e] 25
rō·qaḥ qō·ḏeš, miš·ḥaṯ- men ’ō·ṯōw, wə·‘ā·śî·ṯā 25
ַ ֹ ‫֥ר‬ ‫שַׁחת־ ֔ק ֶֹדשׁ‬
ְ ‫שֶׁמן ִמ‬
ֶ ֚ ‫א ֹ֗תוֹ‬ ‫שׂיָת‬
ִ ֣ ‫ו ְָﬠ‬ 25
an ointment holy anointing a oil from these And you shall make 25
N‑msc N‑ms N‑fsc N‑msc DirObjM | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms 25

6944 [e] 4888 [e] 8081 [e] 7543 [e] 4639 [e] 4842 [e]
qō·ḏeš miš·ḥaṯ- še·men rō·qê·aḥ; ma·‘ă·śêh mir·qa·ḥaṯ
‫שַׁחת־ ֖ק ֶֹדשׁ‬
ְ ‫שֶׁמן ִמ‬
ֶ֥ – ‫ר ֵֹ֑קַח‬ ‫שׂה‬
ֵ ֣ ‫ִמְרַ֖קַחת ַמֲﬠ‬
holy anointing a oil of the perfumer according to the art compounded
N‑ms N‑fsc N‑msc V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms N‑msc N‑fs

4150 [e] 168 [e] 853 [e] 4886 [e] 26 1961 [e]
mō·w·‘êḏ; ’ō·hel ’eṯ- ḇōw ū·mā·šaḥ·tā 26 yih·yeh.
‫מוֵֹ֑ﬠד‬ ‫את־ ֣א ֶֹהל‬
ֶ ‫֖בוֹ‬ ּ‫שְׁח ָ֥ת‬
ַ ‫וָּמ‬ 26 . ‫י ְִה ֽי ֶה׃‬
of meeting the tabernacle - with it And you shall anoint 26 it shall be
N‑ms N‑msc DirObjM Prep | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms 26 V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms

853 [e] 7979 [e] 853 [e] 27 5715 [e] 727 [e] 853 [e]
wə·’eṯ- haš·šul·ḥān wə·’eṯ- 27 hā·‘ê·ḏuṯ. ’ă·rō·wn wə·’êṯ
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫לָח֙ן‬
ְ ּׁ‫ש‬
ֻ ‫ַה‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ 27 ‫א ֥רוֹן ָהֵﬠֻֽדת׃‬
ֲ ‫ו ְֵ֖את‬
and the table and 27 of the Testimony the ark and
Conj‑w | DirObjM Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | DirObjM 27 Art | N‑fs N‑csc Conj‑w | DirObjM
3627 [e] 853 [e] 4501 [e] 853 [e] 3627 [e] 3605 [e]
kê·le·hā; wə·’eṯ- ham·mə·nō·rāh wə·’eṯ- kê·lāw, kāl-
ֵּ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ַהְמּנ ָֹ֖רה‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ליו‬
ֵּ ‫כל־‬
its utensils and the lampstand and its utensils all
N‑mpc | 3fs Conj‑w | DirObjM Art | N‑fs Conj‑w | DirObjM N‑mpc | 3ms N‑msc

5930 [e] 4196 [e] 853 [e] 28 7004 [e] 4196 [e] 853 [e]
hā·‘ō·lāh miz·baḥ wə·’eṯ- 28 haq·qə·ṭō·reṯ. miz·baḥ wə·’êṯ
‫ִמז ְ ַ֥בּח ָהע ָֹ֖לה‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ 28 ‫קּ ֽט ֶֹרת׃‬
ְ ‫ִמז ְ ַ֥בּח ַה‬ ‫ו ְֵ֖את‬
of burnt offering the altar and 28 of incense the altar and
Art | N‑fs N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM 28 Art | N‑fs N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM

3653 [e] 853 [e] 3595 [e] 853 [e] 3627 [e] 3605 [e] 853 [e]
kan·nōw. wə·’eṯ- hak·kî·yōr wə·’eṯ- kê·lāw; kāl- wə·’eṯ-
. ‫כ ֽנּוֹ׃‬
ַּ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ ‫כ ֖יּ ֹר ו‬
ִּ ‫ַה‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫כָ֑ליו‬
ֵּ ‫כל־‬
ָּ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬
its base and the laver and its utensils all and with
N‑msc | 3ms Conj‑w | DirObjM Art | N‑ms Conj‑w | DirObjM N‑mpc | 3ms N‑msc Conj‑w | DirObjM

6944 [e] 6944 [e] 1961 [e] 853 [e] 6942 [e] 29
qā·ḏā·šîm; qō·ḏeš wə·hā·yū ’ō·ṯām, wə·qid·daš·tā 29
– ‫שׁים‬
ִ ֑ ‫֣ק ֶֹדשׁ ָֽקָד‬ ‫ו ְָה֖יוּ‬ ‫א ָֹ֔תם‬ ּ‫שׁ ָ֣ת‬
ְ ּ‫קַד‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ 29
holy most that they may be them And You shall consecrate 29
N‑mp N‑msc Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑3cp DirObjM | 3mp Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjPerf ‑2ms 29

175 [e] 853 [e] 30 6942 [e] 5060 [e] 3605 [e]
’a·hă·rōn wə·’eṯ- 30 yiq·dāš. bā·hem han·nō·ḡê·a‘ kāl-
‫אֲה ֥ר ֹן‬
ַ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ 30 . ‫ק ָֽדּשׁ׃‬
ְ ִ ‫ָבֶּ֖הם י‬ ‫ַהנּ ֵֹ֥גַﬠ‬ ‫כל־‬
Aaron And 30 must be holy them touches whatever
N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | DirObjM 30 V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Prep | 3mp Art | V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms N‑msc

853 [e] 6942 [e] 4886 [e] 1121 [e] 853 [e]
’ō·ṯām wə·qid·daš·tā tim·šāḥ; bā·nāw wə·’eṯ-
‫א ָֹ֖תם‬ ּ‫שׁ ָ֥ת‬
ְ ּ‫קַד‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬ ‫שׁח‬
ָ ֑ ‫ִתְּמ‬ ‫ָבָּ֖ניו‬ ‫את־‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬
them and consecrate you shall anoint his sons and
DirObjM | 3mp Conj‑w | V‑Piel‑ConjPerf ‑2ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑2ms N‑mpc | 3ms Conj‑w | DirObjM

3478 [e] 1121 [e] 413 [e] 31 3547 [e]

yiś·rā·’êl bə·nê wə·’el- 31 lî. lə·ḵa·hên
ְ ִ‫י‬ ‫אל־ ְבֵּ֥ני‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬ 31 . ‫ִֽלי׃‬ ‫כֵ֥הן‬
ַ ‫ל‬
of Israel the sons And to 31 to Me that [they] may minister as priests
N‑proper‑ms N‑mpc Conj‑w | Prep 31 Prep | 1cs Prep‑l | V‑Piel‑Inf
2088 [e] 1961 [e] 6944 [e] 4888 [e] 8081 [e] 559 [e] 1696 [e]
zeh yih·yeh qō·ḏeš miš·ḥaṯ- men lê·mōr; tə·ḏab·bêr
‫ז֛ ֶה‬ ‫שַׁחת־ ֨ק ֶֹדשׁ י ְִהי֥ ֶה‬
ְ ‫שֶׁמן ִמ‬
ֶ ֠ ‫לא ֑מ ֹר‬
ֵ ‫ְתַּד ֵ֣בּר‬
this shall be holy anointing a oil saying you shall speak
Pro‑ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms N‑ms N‑fsc N‑msc Prep‑l | V‑Qal‑Inf V‑Piel‑Imperf ‑2ms

3808 [e] 120 [e] 1320 [e] 5921 [e] 32 1755 [e]
lō ’ā·ḏām bə·śar ‘al- 32 lə·ḏō·rō·ṯê·ḵem. lî
‫אָד֙ם ֣ל ֹא‬
ָ ‫שׂר‬
ַ ֤ ּ‫ַﬠל־ ְב‬ 32 . ‫לד ֹר ֵֹתיֶֽכם׃‬
ְ ‫ִ֖לי‬
not of man flesh On 32 throughout your generations to Me
Adv‑NegPrt N‑ms N‑msc Prep 32 Prep‑l | N‑mpc | 2mp Prep | 1cs

6213 [e] 3808 [e] 4971 [e] 3251 [e]

ṯa·‘ă·śū lō ū·ḇə·maṯ·kun·tōw, yî·sāḵ,
‫ַתֲﬠ֖שׂוּ‬ ‫– ֥ל ֹא‬ ‫כנ ְ֔תּוֹ‬
ֻּ ‫וְּבַ֨מְת‬ ‫ס‬
ָ ֔ ‫י ִי‬
shall you make nor and according to its composition it shall be poured
V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑2mp Adv‑NegPrt Conj‑w, Prep‑b | N‑fsc | 3ms V‑QalPass‑Imperf ‑3ms

376 [e] 33 1961 [e] 6944 [e] 1931 [e] 6944 [e] 3644 [e]
’îš 33 lā·ḵem. yih·yeh qō·ḏeš hū, qō·ḏeš kā·mō·hū;
ִ֚ 33 . ‫לֶֽכם׃‬
ָ ‫ ֔הוּא ֖ק ֶֹדשׁ י ְִהי֥ ֶה‬. ‫֣ק ֶֹדשׁ‬ ‫כ ֑מ ֹהוּ‬
Anyone 33 to you [and] it shall be holy It [is] holy [any other] like it
N‑ms 33 Prep | 2mp V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms N‑ms Pro‑3ms N‑ms Prep | 3ms

5921 [e] 4480 [e] 5414 [e] 834 [e] 3644 [e] 7543 [e] 834 [e]
‘al- mim·men·nū yit·tên wa·’ă·šer kā·mō·hū, yir·qaḥ ’ă·šer
‫ַﬠל־‬ ‫ִמ ֶ֖מּנּוּ‬ ‫י ִ ֵ֛תּן‬ ‫שׁר‬
ֶ֥ ‫א‬
ֲ ַ‫ו‬ ‫כ ֔מ ֹהוּ‬
ָּ ‫שׁר י ְִרַ֣קח‬
ֶ֣ ‫א‬
on [any] of it puts or whoever [any] like it compounds who
Prep Prep | 3ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Conj‑w | Pro‑r Prep | 3ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Pro‑r

5971 [e] 3772 [e] 2114 [e]

s mê·‘am·māw. wə·niḵ·raṯ zār;
‫ ס‬. ‫ֵמַﬠ ָֽמּיו׃‬ ‫כַ֖רת‬
ְ ִ ‫ו ְנ‬ ‫ז֑ ָר‬
- from his people and shall be cut off an outsider
Punc Prep‑m | N‑mpc | 3ms Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Adj‑ms

T he Incense

3947 [e] 4872 [e] 413 [e] 3068 [e] 559 [e] 34
lə·ḵā qaḥ- mō·šeh ’el- Yah·weh way·yō·mer 34
ְ ‫ק ח־‬
ַ ‫שׁה‬
ֶ ֜ ֹ ‫אל־ מ‬
ֶ ‫י ְה ֨ו ָה‬ ‫ו ַיּ ֹאֶמ֩ר‬ 34
to you take Moses to Yahweh And said 34
Prep | 2ms V‑Qal‑Imp‑ms N‑proper‑ms Prep N‑proper‑ms Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConsecImperf ‑3ms 34
5561 [e] 2464 [e] 7827 [e] 5198 [e] 5561 [e]
sam·mîm wə·ḥel·bə·nāh, ū·šə·ḥê·leṯ nā·ṭāp̄ sam·mîm,
‫ס ִ֖מּים‬
ַ – ‫לְבּ ֔נ ָה‬
ְ ‫ו ְֶח‬ ‫ת‬
֙ ‫ל‬
ֶ ‫שֵׁ֙ח‬
ְ ‫וּ‬ ‫נ ָָ֤טף ׀‬ ‫ס ִ֗מּים‬
[these] sweet spices and galbanum and onycha stacte sweet spices
N‑mp Conj‑w | N‑fs Conj‑w | N‑fs N‑ms N‑mp

1961 [e] 905 [e] 905 [e] 2134 [e] 3828 [e]
yih·yeh. bə·ḇaḏ baḏ zak·kāh; ū·lə·ḇō·nāh
. ‫י ְִה ֽי ֶה׃‬ ‫ְבַּ֖בד‬ ‫– ַ֥בּד‬ ‫כה‬
ָּ ֑ ַ ‫ז‬ ‫לבנֹ ֣ ָה‬
ְ ‫וּ‬
there shall be of each equal amounts pure and frankincense
V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms Prep‑b | N‑ms N‑ms Adj‑fs Conj‑w | N‑fs

4639 [e] 7545 [e] 7004 [e] 853 [e] 6213 [e] 35
ma·‘ă·śêh rō·qaḥ qə·ṭō·reṯ, ’ō·ṯāh wə·‘ā·śî·ṯā 35
ֵ ֣ ‫ַמֲﬠ‬ ‫קח‬
ַ ֹ ‫֖ר‬ ‫ק ֔ט ֶֹרת‬
ְ ‫א ָֹת֙הּ‬ ‫שׂיָת‬
ִ ֤ ‫ו ְָﬠ‬ 35
according to the art a compound an incense of these And You shall make 35
N‑msc N‑ms N‑fsc DirObjM | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms 35

7833 [e] 36 6944 [e] 2889 [e] 4414 [e] 7543 [e]
wə·šā·ḥaq·tā 36 qō·ḏeš. ṭā·hō·wr mə·mul·lāḥ rō·w·qê·aḥ;
ּ‫ק ָ֣ת‬
ְ ‫שַׁח‬
ָֽ ְ ‫ו‬ 36 . ‫ֽק ֶֹדשׁ׃‬ ‫ט֥הוֹר‬
ָ ‫לח‬
ָּ ֖ ‫ְמֻמ‬ ‫רוֵֹ֑קַח‬
And you shall beat 36 [and] holy pure salted of the perfumer
Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms 36 N‑ms Adj‑ms V‑Pual‑Prtcpl‑ms V‑Qal‑Prtcpl‑ms

6440 [e] 4480 [e] 5414 [e] 1854 [e] 4480 [e]
lip̄·nê mim·men·nāh wə·nā·ṯat·tāh hā·ḏêq mim·men·nāh
ִ ‫ִמ ֶ֜מּנּ ָה‬ ‫ו ְנ ַָת ָ֨תּה‬ ‫ָהֵד֒ק‬ ‫ִמֶמּנּ ָ֮ה‬
before some of it and put very fine [some] of it
Prep‑l | N‑cpc Prep | 3fs Conj‑w | V‑Qal‑ConjPerf ‑2ms V‑Hifil‑InfAbs Prep | 3fs

3259 [e] 834 [e] 4150 [e] 168 [e] 5715 [e]
lə·ḵā ’iw·wā·‘êḏ ’ă·šer mō·w·‘êḏ, bə·’ō·hel hā·‘ê·ḏuṯ
ְ ‫אוּ ֵָ֥ﬠד‬
ִ ‫שׁר‬
ֶ֛ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫מוֵֹ֔ﬠד‬ ‫ְבּ ֣א ֶֹהל‬ ‫ת‬
֙ ‫ָהֵﬠֻד‬
with you I will meet where of meeting in the tabernacle the Testimony
Prep | 2ms V‑Nifal‑Imperf ‑1cs Pro‑r N‑ms Prep‑b | N‑msc Art | N‑fs

7004 [e] 37 1961 [e] 6944 [e] 6944 [e] 8033 [e]
wə·haq·qə·ṭō·reṯ 37 lā·ḵem. tih·yeh qā·ḏā·šîm qō·ḏeš šām·māh;
֙ ‫קּ ֨ט ֶֹר‬
ְ ‫ו ְַה‬ 37 . ‫לֶֽכם׃‬
ָ ‫שׁים ִתְּהי֥ ֶה‬
ִ ֖ ‫ ֥ק ֶֹדשׁ ָֽקָד‬. ‫שָׁמּה‬
But [as for] the incense 37 to you it shall be most holy - -
Conj‑w, Art | N‑fs 37 Prep | 2mp V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3fs N‑mp N‑msc Adv | 3fs
6213 [e] 3808 [e] 4971 [e] 6213 [e] 834 [e]
ṯa·‘ă·śū lō bə·maṯ·kun·tāh, ta·‘ă·śeh, ’ă·šer
‫ַתֲﬠ֖שׂוּ‬ ‫֥ל ֹא‬ ‫כנ ְ ָ֔תּהּ‬
ֻּ ‫ְבַּ֨מְת‬ ‫שׂה‬
ֶ ֔ ‫שׁר ַתֲּﬠ‬
ֶ֣ ‫א‬
you shall make any not according to its composition you shall make which
V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑2mp Adv‑NegPrt Prep‑b | N‑fsc | 3fs V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑2ms Pro‑r

834 [e] 376 [e] 38 3068 [e] 1961 [e] 6944 [e]
’ă·šer- ’îš 38 Yah·weh. lə·ḵā tih·yeh qō·ḏeš lā·ḵem;
ֶ ‫א‬
ֲ ‫ִ֛אישׁ‬ 38 . ‫ליה ֽו ָה׃‬
ַ ֖‫ל‬
ְ ‫ ֛ק ֶֹדשׁ ִתְּהי֥ ֶה‬. ‫לֶ֑כם‬
who A man 38 for Yahweh to you it shall be Holy for yourselves
Pro‑r N‑ms 38 Prep‑l | N‑proper‑ms Prep | 2ms V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3fs N‑ms Prep | 2mp

3772 [e] 7306 [e] 3644 [e] 6213 [e]

wə·niḵ·raṯ bāh; lə·hā·rî·aḥ ḵā·mō·w·hā ya·‘ă·śeh
ְ ִ ‫ו ְנ‬ ‫ָ֑בּהּ‬ ‫לָהִ֣ריַח‬
ְ ‫כ֖מוָֹה‬
ָ ‫שׂה‬
ֶ ֥ ‫י ֲַﬠ‬
and he shall be cut off it to smell [any] like it makes
Conj‑w | V‑Nifal‑ConjPerf ‑3ms Prep | 3fs Prep‑l | V‑Hifil‑Inf Prep | 3fs V‑Qal‑Imperf ‑3ms

5971 [e]
s mê·‘am·māw.
‫ ס‬. ‫ֵמַﬠ ָֽמּיו׃‬
- from his people
Punc Prep‑m | N‑mpc | 3ms

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