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Latin nouns

Singular 1st Declension 2nd Declension 3rd Declension

Gender M F N M F N M F N
Nominative ? -a ? -us ? -um N/a N/a N/a
Vocative ? -a ? -e ? -um N/a N/a N/a
Accusative ? -am ? -um ? -um -em -em N/a
Genitive ? -ae ? -i ? -i -is -is -is
Dative ? -ae ? -o ? -o -i -i -i
Ablative ? -a ? -o ? -o -e -e -e

Plural 1st Declension 2nd Declension 3rd Declension

Gender M F N M F N M F N
Nominative ? -ae ? -i ? -a -es -es -a
Vocative ? -ae ? -i ? -a -es -es -a
Accusative ? -as ? -os ? -a -es -es -a
Genitive ? -arum ? -orum ? -orum -um -um -um
Dative ? -is ? -is ? -is -ibus -ibus -ibus
Ablative ? -is ? -is ? -is -ibus -ibus -ibus

NB: For 3rd Declension nouns, the genitive plural may be '-ium'. This is because some nouns are
"non-increasing". These are nouns which when put into the
genitive singular, have the same number of syllables as in the nominative singular. Some examples
are 'Civis, -is' and 'Navis, -is', with 'Urbs, Urbis' and 'Nox, Noctes' included. There are some
to this, however. Nouns to do with family (only in the 3rd Declension!):

 Frater, -tris (Brother)

 Pater, -tris (Father)
 Mater, -tris (Mother)
 Senex, -is (Old man)
 Iuvenis, -is (Young man)

? = Not yet on syllabus

Latin verbs

Number Pronoun Present Perfect Imperfect Future 1st and Future 3rd and
2ndconjugations 4thconjugations
S 1–I -o -i -bam -bo -am
2 – You -s -isti -bas -bis -es
3 – He -it -it -bat -bit -et
P 1 – We -mus -imus -bamus -bimus -emus
2 – You -tis -istis -batis -bistis -estis
3 - They -unt -erunt -bant -bunt -ent

Make sure to not get Imperfect and Future 1st and 2nd conjugations mixed up as they are fairly
Also try to really get to grips with the grammar and how to build sentences because 15 of the marks
in the lat paper were about this.

Difficult Non Common Entrance Vocabulary

Latin English Word Group Conjugation/declension

Cado, cadere, cecidi I fall Verb 2nd conjugation
Deinde Then / Connective Does not change
Discedo, discedere, discessi I depart Verb 2nd Conjugation
Domina -ae Mistress Noun 1st Declension
Lacrimo, Lacrimare, Lacrimavi I cry Verb 2nd Conjugation
Quaereo, quaerere, quaesivi I search Verb 2nd Conjugation
Subito Suddenly Connective Does not change

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