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Graphic Organizers: Concept Mapping for

All Content Areas
15 Hour IDEAL Facilitated Course

Course Description:

This course will be covering graphic organizers for concept mapping of curriculum, for use as a
teaching tool, and for assessing students' learning. You will also engage in how graphic
organizers help in reading comprehension, vocabulary building, writing process, organizing facts
for science and social studies, and making connections in math. It can aid in other areas such as
physical education and music helping students understand connections and details.

The course is divided into six modules which will be cover in the course of six weeks. Each
module is designed to help you build up to the final project which will be a complete lesson plan
which will also be implemented in the classroom (except during summer courses) and you will
write a reflection on what went well or what you would improve in using graphic organizers as
both a teaching tool and student activity. Your lesson plan will be graded according to the rubric
in the course with final submission to the Learning Resource Manager (LRM) in IDEAL to share
with other teachers in Arizona.

Course Objectives:

Participants will:
 Identify the various types of graphic organizer to specific curriculum standards.
 Apply the use of graphic organizers in both teaching and student activity.
 Evaluate the learning benefits of graphic organizers for all learners.
 Complete a lesson plan to implement and use in the classroom.

Professional Teacher Standards Addressed:
Evaluation: Staff development that improves the learning of all students uses multiple sources of
information to guide improvement and demonstrate its impact.

Research-Based: Staff development that improves the learning of all students prepares educators to apply
research to decision making.

Design: Staff development that improves the learning of all students uses learning strategies appropriate to
the intended goal.

Quality Teaching: Staff development that improves the learning of all students deepens educators’ content
knowledge, provides them with research-based instructional strategies to assist students in meeting
rigorous academic standards, and prepares them to use various types of classroom assessments

Rev. 06/09
Graphic Organizers: Concept Mapping for
All Content Areas
15 Hour IDEAL Facilitated Course

The following schedule indicates the approximate time required for the average participant to
complete activities within the module content:

Lesson Topic Activity Time

Lesson 1 Graphic Organizers: A Visual Teaching Tool 2 hrs.
Lesson 2 Exploring the many uses and kinds of graphic organizers 3 hrs
Lesson 3 Electronic graphic organizers vs. hand-done/printed 2 hrs
Lesson 4 Personal Productivity 3 hrs
Lesson 5 Many Choices: Free vs. purchased graphic organizers 2 hrs
Lesson 6 Final Project: Lesson plan with graphic organizers 3 hrs
Total 15 hours

Course Overview:

Lesson 1: In the first module, you will read an article and view videos to understand and know how
graphic organizers or concept mapping are effective teaching and learning tools.
 Research the effectiveness of graphic organizers
 Explain why it is beneficial to use visual teaching tools
 Discover how graphic organizers help students learn

Lesson 2: In this module, you will be exploring a variety of websites about Graphic organizers
demonstrating their use in any subject area as a visual teaching tool or student activity.
 Investigate various website about graphic organizers
 Discuss three websites explaining what you found valuable and how you can use them in the
 Compare and contrast clustering vs. linear outlines by viewing a video then reflecting in your

Rev. 06/09
Graphic Organizers: Concept Mapping for
All Content Areas
15 Hour IDEAL Facilitated Course

Lesson 3: Module 3 explores the use of electronic graphic organizers and/or printed templates or hand-
done graphic organizers. While exploring and reading the websites think about which would work best in
your classroom with your students.


 Review the many uses of electronic graphic organizers

 Compare and contrast electronic graphic organizers vs. printed/hand-done graphic organizers
 Analysis and discuss what type of graphic organizer would work for your classroom and

Lesson 4: Module 4 will cover personal productivity in using graphic organizer. Discover how graphic
organizers can help you teach and plan for long-range and short-term curriculum goals.


 Explore graphic organizer program, Inspiration. Discuss features of the program with other
 Reflect on the graphic organizers you have learned from the past modules.
 Brainstorm ideas for a final project.

Lesson 5: Module 5 will be exploring various electronic programs offered free or purchased to
determine what program may be best suited in an educational setting and per grade level.


 Determine what program may be best for use in your classroom and be beneficial for both
students and teachers.
 Discuss these programs with other learners.
 Analyze and select a program to include in your final project.

Lesson 6: Overview of module, goals and objectives

Module 6 will be creating and finishing your final project for the course. This lesson will be
implemented in the classroom with a journal reflection to assess the lesson.

 Create and develop a lesson plan using graphic organizers.
 Share final projects in designated forum
 Assess and reflect on your lesson plan.

Course Expectations

Rev. 06/09
Graphic Organizers: Concept Mapping for
All Content Areas
15 Hour IDEAL Facilitated Course

1. Learners are expected to review the course syllabus and all IDEAL course policies during the
first week of the course.
2. Learners are expected to fully read/view all content, articles, links and videos if applicable.
3. Learners are expected to participate fully in the reflective process throughout all course work.
4. Learners are expected to participate actively in all assigned discussions, as evaluated by the
discussion forum participation rubric in this syllabus.
5. Learners will submit all assigned work according to course guidelines.
6. Students will adhere to IDEAL’s Academic Honesty Policy and Course Project Submission

Course completion status is dependent upon the satisfactory completion of all assignments,
discussion board participation and/or journal submissions according to course rubrics. Learners must
receive a “Meets” or “Exceeds” in every category for course completion status to be rated as

Rev. 06/09
Graphic Organizers: Concept Mapping for
All Content Areas
15 Hour IDEAL Facilitated Course

Course Rubrics: (Sample rubrics provided below, choose as appropriate or modify)

Assignments and/or Reflections:

Criteria Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Needs revision

Timeliness Learner completes and Learner completes and Learner did not complete or
submits assignment submits assignment did not submit the assignment
(reflection) on time. (reflection) on time. (reflection) on time.
Completeness & Assignment (reflection) is Assignment (reflection) is Assignment (reflection) is not
Accuracy complete and includes all complete and includes complete Inaccuracies or
elements requested. elements requested. omissions are noted.
Statements are supported
with examples, experiences
or references to other
Demonstrates Responses show evidence of Responses show evidence Responses to questions show
knowledge and sound knowledge and of knowledge and little evidence of knowledge
understanding of understanding of course understanding of course or understanding of course
content and content. Reflective thought content and applicability to content and applicability to
applicability to pertaining to personal professional practice. Some professional practice.
professional perspectives and professional evidence of reflective
practice development clearly present. thought pertaining to
Responses go beyond what personal perspectives and
takes place in a classroom to professional development
include application of course present.
concepts and resources.
Quality of writing Written responses are free Written responses are Written responses contain
and proofreading from grammatical, spelling or largely free from numerous grammatical,
punctuation errors. The style grammatical, spelling or spelling or punctuation errors.
of writing facilitates punctuation errors. The The style of writing does not
communication. style of writing generally facilitate communication.
facilitates communication.

Discussion Board Participation:

Criteria Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Needs revision

Rev. 06/09
Graphic Organizers: Concept Mapping for
All Content Areas
15 Hour IDEAL Facilitated Course

Quantity and Submits a thoughtful and Submits a substantive Does not submit at least
Timeliness substantive original post by original post early in the one substantive original
Day 5 of the session and two session and at least one post during the session.
or more substantive substantive response to Does not submit at least
responses to other learners another learner during the one substantive response to
throughout the session. session. another learner during the

Demonstrates Post(s) and responses show Post(s) and responses Post(s) and responses
knowledge and evidence of knowledge and show evidence of show little evidence of
understanding of understanding of course knowledge and knowledge and
content and content and applicability to understanding of course understanding of course
applicability to professional practice; content and applicability to content and applicability to
professional includes other resources that professional practice. professional practice.
practice extend the learning of the
Generates Posts by learner build upon Posts by learner build upon Posts by learner do not
learning within other participants’ comments the ideas of other build upon the ideas of
the community by questioning, summarizing, participants to take the other participants.
paraphrasing or elaborating discussion deeper.
on the responses to others.
May integrate multiple views
from other learners to take
the discussion deeper.

Final Project (Unit Lesson Plan) – Can be modified to match objectives of final project.
Suggested categories can include the following:

Criteria Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Needs revision

Completion of Learner completes Learner completes Learner did not complete one or
assignment and assignments and assignments and more assignments and/or did
timeliness submits final project submits final project not submit the final project on
on time. on time time.

Connection to Standards Connections to Connections to Connections to standards of

standards of unit plan standards of unit plan unit plan vague or not evident.
clearly stated. evident.
Big Ideas and Essential Learner identifies big Learner identifies big Big ideas stated in vague or
Questions ideas at the core of the ideas at core of general terms.
subject. Big ideas are subject. Big ideas are
relevant to students’ important and worth
lives and knowing.
understanding, are
open-ended, and
promote transfer of
understanding from
one area to another.

Rev. 06/09
Graphic Organizers: Concept Mapping for
All Content Areas
15 Hour IDEAL Facilitated Course

Essential Questions Questions provoke Questions provoke Questions vague and provoke
deep thought and some thought and little thought or discussion, do
lively discussion, discussion, students not require students to consider
require students to are required consider other alternatives. No
consider alternatives, few alternatives, some connection to prior learning
and spark meaningful connections to prior experiences.
connections to prior learning experiences
learning experiences. made.

Assessments A variety of formative Both formative and Little variety in assessments

and summative summative tools selected. Assessments
assessment assessment provide little information for
instruments designed instruments used. making critical instructional
to reveal information Assessments reveal decisions. Relationship to
about students’ some information concepts and performance
thinking selected. about students’ objectives not evident.
Assessments provide thinking and
critical information for information for making
making instructional instructional decisions.
decisions. Relationship to
Relationship to concepts and
concepts and performance
performance objectives evident.
objectives clearly
Procedures The alignment of The alignment of Procedures vague or described
activities, resources, activities, resources, in very general terms. Little
and methods selected and methods selected evidence of alignment of
support mastery of support mastery of activities, resources, and
performance performance methods selected to support
objectives evident. objectives evident. mastery of performance
Procedures are clearly Procedures are objectives.
stated so that another described in general
teacher could follow terms.
unit plan with ease.
Authentic learning
tasks are emphasized
and designed to meet
the needs of different

Rev. 06/09
Graphic Organizers: Concept Mapping for
All Content Areas
15 Hour IDEAL Facilitated Course

Final Project (Case Study)

Criteria Meets expectations Needs revision
Completion of assignment Learner completes Learner completes Learner did not complete or
and timeliness and submits final and submits final did not submit the final project
project on time. project on time. on time.

Completeness & Accuracy Case study is Case study is Many inaccuracies are noted.
complete and complete and Little evidence of integrating
includes all elements includes most course concepts into
requested. Evidence elements requested. assignment. Requested
of course concepts Evidence of course elements incomplete.
clearly integrated into concepts integrated
participant’s work. into participant’s
Case study demonstrates Case study shows Case study shows Case study shows little
links from course content to evidence of evidence of evidence of how course
classroom instructional knowledge and understanding course content relates to classroom
practice understanding of content. Application instruction.
course content with to classroom
direct application to instruction is present Links to standards not present
classroom instruction, with links to AZ Math or properly cited.
citing clear links to AZ Standard present and
Math Standard. cited.

IDEAL Honesty and Course Submission Policies

IDEAL course participants are expected to review those policies and confirm their understanding of all
IDEAL policies by the end of the first week of the course. Note: Learners' final projects will not be
evaluated until they have confirmed their understanding of IDEAL policies.

Materials (hardware, software, plug-ins)

Technical Requirements
- Word Processing program (MS Word recommended)
- Internet service provider
- Email

Rev. 06/09
Graphic Organizers: Concept Mapping for
All Content Areas
15 Hour IDEAL Facilitated Course

For Windows:
 Windows 2000 or Windows XP or later
 512 MB ram or greater (1 G is preferred)
 56Kbps or better modem Internet connection or basic DSL (High Speed Internet
recommended for best results)
 16-bit sound card and speakers
 65,000-color video display card
 Mozilla FireFox (recommended) or Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 5.0 or higher),
with Java enabled. We do not currently support Netscape 6
 WinMedia Player Download this free plug-in from
 Adobe Acrobat Reader. Minimum requirement – Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 (or higher).
Download this free plug-in from
 Macromedia Shockwave and Flash Players. Download these free plug-ins from

For Macintosh:
 Mac OS 10.3 or later
 512 MB ram or greater (1 G is preferred)
 56Kbps or better modem Internet connection or basic DSL (High Speed Internet
recommended for best results)
 Mozilla FireFox (recommended) or Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 5.0 or higher),
with Java enabled. We do not currently support Netscape 6. Safari not recommended.
 WinMedia Player for Mac Download this free plug-in from
 QuickTime. Download this free plug-in from
 Adobe Acrobat Reader. Minimum requirement – Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 (or higher).
Download this free plug-in from
 Macromedia Shockwave and Flash Players. Download these free plug-ins from

Rev. 06/09

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