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The Chemistry Board Game

Goals of the Game

● Domination
○ Namesake: RISK
○ Conquer the map
○ Gain control of 4 unique reactions
● Learn about Chemistry
○ We will be talking about the reactions during the game.
● Have Fun!
Single and Double Replacement Reactions
Single Replacement:

Double Replacement:
What Determines Which Elements Bond?
What Type of Element it is:

Cations will replace Cations

Non metals will replace non metals

This makes sure the charges can be balanced!

Will Everything React?

Look at the Activity Series

The farther away the elements are,

the more reactive they will be.

The element replacing an element in a

compound must be more reactive than the
element currently in the compound.
Now to Play The Game
- Chemicals
- Gloves

- Unit Placement
- Combat
- Movement
Reaction 1 - Single Replacement
2Fe(III)(s)+ 3(CuSO4)(l) → Fe (III) 2(SO4)3(l) + 3Cu(s)

Steel Wool + Copper Sulfate → Iron Sulfate + Copper

* CuCl2 will be used instead of CuSO4

Reaction 2 - Double Replacement
Pb(NO3)2 (l)+ 2 KI(l) → 2 KNO3 (l)+ PbI2(s)

Lead Nitrate + Potassium Iodide → Potassium Nitrate + Lead

Reaction 3 - Double Replacement
HCl(l) + NaHCO3(s) → NaCl (s)+ H2O(g) + CO2(g)

Hydrochloric + Sodium Bicarbonate → Sodium Chloride +

Water + Carbon Dioxide
Reaction 4 - Catapult
CH3COOH(s)+ NaHCO3(l) → CH3COONa(l) + CO2(l) + H2O(l)

Acetic Acid + Sodium Bicarbonate → Sodium Acetate +

Carbon Dioxide + Water
Reaction 5 - Lighthouse
CuCl2(l) + 2Al(s) → Cu(s) + 2AlCl(l)

Copper Chloride + Aluminum → Copper + Aluminum Chloride

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