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Monitoring—and mitigating—
combustion dynamics
By Phil Karwowski, Siemens Power Generation Inc

ry low-NOx (DLN) combus- components, dynamics of these fre- ultra-lean fuel/air ratios, on the very
tors have dramatically low- quencies can range from benign to edge of flame instability. This yields
ered pollutant emissions highly destructive. Trouble begins the low emissions demanded today,
and reduced the consump- only when the vibrations are exces- but inherently makes them more sus-
tion of high-purity water at gas- sive in amplitude, or when they ceptible to pressure pulsations.
turbine-based powerplants. But occur at frequencies corresponding to
they are prone to flame instability
under certain operating conditions.
natural resonances in that particular
system. Trouble can culminate with
Design solutions
Resulting pressure pulsations can fatigue failure of combustor compo- The turbine designer has several
damage both combustors and down- nents, which when broken free are options to minimize the impact of
stream hot-gas-path components. launched downstream to inflict sec- combustion dynamics. These include
To mitigate these so-called “com- ondary damage on other hot-gas-path varying combustor geometries,
bustion dynamics,” GT manufactur- components. changing fuel-injector manufactur-
ers have developed sophisticated GT combustor dynamics can ing tolerances, and beefing up the
monitoring and control equipment increase with variations in the fuel/air components known to be vulnerable.
to warn of impending instability and ratio, changes in fuel composition, or However, the design and fabrication
ensure stable combustion. What fol- modifications to the combustor hard- of combustion systems involves mul-
lows is a brief primer on combustion ware. They also can decrease with tiple tradeoffs, including:
dynamics, their poten- n P h y s i c a l c o n -
tial effects on gas-tur- C-stage fuel injection straints, principally
bine components, and axial length of the
action items that users Basket with thick combustor and area
thermal barrier coating
should consider. within the chamber.
pilot nozzle n Cooling and coat-
Always been Transition piece ing requirements that
must be balanced
there with the overall air
Combustion dynamics flow.
are not unique to DLN n Thermal expansion
combustors, or even to considerations. Con-
GTs. Whenever com- sider that the metal
bustion is present—in a temperatures expe-
Pilot water-
coal-fired furnace, a die- injection skid rienced by an F-class
sel-engine cylinder, a transition piece range
trash incinerator, etc— from ambient temper-
there are combustion Dynamic monitoring sensor ature while the unit
dynamics. They are the is on turning gear to
pressure waves of defined amplitudes 1. In the can-annular combustor of approximately 1500F when the
and frequencies that are an inherent a typical GT—such as the 15-ppm unit is at full-fire.
result of the combustion process. The DLN combustor for the W501F shown For resistance to intermediate-fre-
dynamics are caused by small pres- here—combustion dynamics can quency dynamics, the likely design
sure oscillations in the flame zone. range in frequency from 50 to 5000 solution is to make affected com-
Anyone who has heard the popping Hz. These may be benign, or highly ponents more robust, in order to
of a gaseous welding torch when the destructive, depending on their ampli- withstand low-cycle fatigue mecha-
gas flow rate is adjusted has expe- tudes and on the resonant frequencies nisms. To combat higher frequency
rienced combustion dynamics. The of GT components dynamics, the likely design solution
popping noise is a common example requires keeping the amplitudes of
of pressure oscillations created in the appropriate changes in these factors, the dynamics low enough to avoid
audible range of frequencies. and by injecting water or steam into high-cycle fatigue.
In the typical can-annular combus- the combustion zone or adding tuned Remember, it’s not just large
tor of a GT, combustion dynamics resonators to the combustion compo- amplitudes that the designer must
can range in frequency from below nents. The reason you hear so much evaluate, but also resonant frequen-
50 Hz to around 5000 Hz (Fig 1). about combustion dynamics today cies. Each pilot-nozzle assembly,
In terms of their impact on turbine is that DLN combustors operate at for example, may have a different
natural frequencies. For example, three different powerplants (Fig 3).
the panels of a transition piece may In these cases, equipment changes
exhibit relatively low natural frequen- apparently had reduced the damping
cies (100 to 200 Hz), while the end-rail in the system as originally designed.
assemblies of that transition piece Potential solutions here included
may have higher natural frequencies equipping the baskets with resona-
(typically greater than 500 Hz). tors, adjusting the inlet-guide-vane
Dynamics in the intermediate- position schedule, and increasing the
frequency range (defined here as amount of steam injection (on the
100 to 1500 Hz) are what damaged turbines that use steam for power
2. Intermediate-frequency combus- the lower panel of a transition piece augmentation). Full-scale tests using
tion dynamics caused damage at the in one gas turbine (Fig 2). Investi- various combinations of combustor
lower panel of this transition piece gation revealed that the root cause baskets and transition pieces iden-
was an incorrect valve position on tified configurations with improved
the combustor bypass system. The damping capabilities.
natural frequency because of slight incorrect valve position substantially The accompanying table is helpful
differences in their diameters, wall increased the amplitudes of these for identifying the potential causes
thicknesses, and lengths. Think of intermediate-frequency combustor of combustion dynamics in the can-
a large pipe organ: The pitch (or dynamics, leading to a fatigue fail- annular systems common to many
natural frequency) of each individual ure and propagation of the crack. late-model GTs.
pipe depends on its length and inner Potential design solutions included  
diameter. Short pipes with small
diameters produce high notes; larger,
elimination of the combustor-bypass
system, and a more robust design of
At the plant level
longer pipes produce the bass tones. the transition piece. While GT manufacturers are work-
Complicating the designer’s chal- Dynamics in the high-frequen- ing continually to improve combus-
lenge is the fact that any one com- cy range (above 1500 Hz) caused tor designs, users can take steps at
bustion component may have several damage to combustor baskets at the plant level to monitor and detect

3. High-frequency dynamics were the culprit at three different powerplants, where combustor baskets were damaged

Matrix assists in identifying cause of combustion dynamics

Frequency setpoint, Component
Description range, Hz psig risks Potential causes Mitigation strategies

Low- 0 to 25 0.5 • Swirler damage • Flashback indications • Increase pilot-stage fuel

frequency • Basket damage • Lean blowout fraction
dynamics 25 to 100 1.0 • Nozzle damage • Damaged swirler(s) • Increase C-stage fuel fraction
• Air-flow restriction • Repair/replace the basket
• High injection flow rates • Remove air-side obstructions
• Pilot-nozzle distress • Reduce the injection flow rate
Intermediate- 100 to 500 2.0 • Transition panels • Fuel composition • Combustion tuning
frequency • Transition seals • Fuel splits • Active tuning
dynamics • Fretting • Bypass-valve distress
• Wear
Intermediate- 500 to 1500 1.0 • Downstream • Equipment distress • Inspect and repair combustor
frequency components components
dynamics • Fretting
• Wear
High- 500 to 5000 0.5 • Baskets • Over-firing • Install Helmholtz resonators
frequency • Cross-flame • IGV position error • Adjust IGV position
dynamics tubes • Fuel composition • Increase steam injection
• Flashback • System damping • Preheat the fuel
thermocouples • Basket distress
(compared to emissions when
firing pipeline natural gas) 4. Variability in fuel composition—tracked using the
180 Wobbe Index—can change the NOx emissions, and cor-
NOx emissions, %

respondingly the amplitudes of combustor dynamics.

160 Using the same engine and combustor settings, emis-
140 sions were driven higher by increasing the content of
the non-methane components of natural gas—ethane,
120 propane, and butane
100 5. Installation of tuned resonators is one way to
dampen high-frequency combustion dynamics. Use of
1340 1360 1380 1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 thick thermal barrier coatings on combustor baskets
Wobbe Index, Btu/scf (based on higher heating value, HHV)
also reduces the potential for HFD

Resonators to reduce dynamics

dynamics before they cause extensive
damage. In fact, a GT’s flame-stabili-
ty margin is, to a large extent, a func-
tion of site-specific, dynamic parame-
ters—including fuel composition, the
amount of wear on combustion-liner
seals, and ambient conditions.
For example, a sudden decrease in
the content of higher hydrocarbons
in your fuel will increase combustion
dynamics. Similarly, a change in fuel Thick TBC on baskets reduces cooling flow
composition that leans out the fuel-air
ratio will increase combustion dynam-
ics—though your regulatory-compli- vide protection logic to automatically dynamics also has been achieved
ance manager may be pleased because unload and protect the GTs during with the installation of Helmholtz
NOx emissions would likely drop. excursions of combustion dynamics. resonators, which attenuate specific
Caution: Just because you’re get- These “active systems” provide the frequencies in the combustion system
ting pipeline natural gas from the best level of protection against dam- (Fig 5). These resonators are passive
same supplier you’ve always used aging amplitudes and frequencies. devices, and are tuned for specific fre-
doesn’t mean your fuel composition The CDM system can be designed quencies where dynamics are known
isn’t changing. In recent years, many to monitor the Wobbe Index (WI, to occur. Helmholtz resonators typi-
pipeline suppliers have cut back sometimes referred to as the Gas cally are effective for combustor
on the processing of their product, Index). This parameter indicates the dynamics at frequencies above 1000
allowing more ethane (C2), propane relationship between the fuel’s volu- Hz. ccj oh
(C3), and butanes (the C4s) to remain metric flow and its energy content.
in the pipeline gas that users once Specifically, the WI is the ratio of the
thought of as only methane (CH4). higher heating value to the square
The result is greater variability in root of gas specific gravity.
heating values and an increased ten- Even more instructive is the Modi-
dency to form damaging liquids. (An fied Wobbe Index, which takes into
article specifically addressing fuel- account the temperature of the fuel.
quality concerns appears elsewhere The MWI is the ratio of the lower
in the 2007 Outage Handbook.) heating value to the square root of
Because of the possible variability the product of the specific gravity
in fuel composition, and other site- and the absolute gas temperature.
specific factors, each DLN combustor Using this real-time data as input, an
should be tuned during plant com- effective method of reducing combus-
missioning, and periodically there- tion dynamics is to increase the fuel
after. Many plants follow a regimen temperature—which reduces its den-
of semi-annual tuning as the seasons sity, hence increases its velocity for a
change, typically bringing in the given mass flow rate (Fig 4).
OEM’s specially trained engineer to To learn more about the WI and
perform the sensitive adjustments MWI and the fuel variability being
using portable pressure-monitoring experienced by others, access the fol-
equipment. lowing articles from the COMBINED
But an increasingly popular alter- CYCLE Journal at www.psimedia. The authoritative
native is to permanently install an info/ccjarchives:
online monitoring system that con- n CTOTF Spring Turbine Forum information resource for
tinuously measures the dynamic report, 4Q/2005 (refer to section owner/operators of gas-
pressure pulsations and provides “Gas quality concerns most GT turbine-based
early warning that the combustor owner/operators”).
is out-of-tune. Robust software and n “Improve GT operating flexibility, peaking, cogen, and
skilled analysts can interpret the reliability with fuel-system mods,” combined-cycle plants.
data collected by this combustion 2006 Outage Handbook supple- Subscribe via the Internet, access:
dynamics monitoring (CDM) system. ment to the 3Q/2005 issue.
The latest CDM systems even pro- Effective control of combustor

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