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LAB REPORT #5: Cardiovascular System

Biology I, Pre-Health Sciences – Durham College, Fall 2018

Name: Athul Dev Jayadevan Nair /25 marks

Beena (DEV)

Read before submitting:

• The pre-lab quiz and lab report are worth 5% of

your final grade.

• This lab report is due by 11:59 pm on the due

date established by your instructor.

a. A report submitted after this due date is

considered late and will result in a grade of 0
unless a late submission is negotiated.
b. A negotiated late submission is a lab report
that has been submitted late for valid
reasons with the written permission of the
instructor. It is the responsibility of the
student to request permission to negotiate a
late submission no later than 48 hours prior
to the due date. Late submissions are
penalized 10% per day up to a max of 3
days (including weekends). After that a zero
is assigned.

• This lab report should be submitted online to the

DC Connect Assignments folder.

a. The report should be submitted using a fillable PDF available on DC Connect.

An instructional video is posted on how to use a fillable PDF (or click here).
Unless otherwise directed, submissions made by other means (E.g. email or
hard copy) will not be accepted and will result in a grade of 0.
b. Computer malfunctions or technical issues are not accepted as excuses for
late or missing reports. TIP: Submit your report early so that you have time to
resolve any potential technical issues prior to the deadline.

• While students work in pairs to complete labs, each student must submit their own
original work.

PART A – BLOOD TESTS (9 marks)

1. (3 × 0.5 marks) Submit Table 5.1 (p. 67 of the lab manual). To do this, place a “Y”
or “N” in the boxes below depending on if agglutination (clumping) occurred for each
antibody. Then use this information to deduce the ABO blood type for each patient.

Patient Y/N – Did agglutination occur? Blood

Blood Anti-A antibody Anti-B antibody Anti-Rh antibody Type

Carrie yes no yes A+

Tina yes yes yes AB+

Tricia no yes no B-

2. (3 x 0.5 marks) Take a photo of the picture that you drew of Slide K using the 40X
objective (p. 68 of the lab manual). For full marks, make sure that your drawing has
the following structures labeled for one of the cells present in the image: red blood
cell, platelet, white blood cell

3. (2 x 1 mark) Classify Tricia’s blood as either “healthy” or “sickle-cell anemia.’
Justify your answer using 2 pieces of evidence collected from Slides I/J/K on p. 68
of the lab manual.

Choice: Sickle-Cell
Healthy or Sickle Cell Anemia
Reason 1: There were sickle shaped or crescent shaped cells presented in
the given
There wasslide.
an increase in white blood cells and platelets in the
Reason 2: _____________________________________________________
slides, on the other hand there was a decrease in red blood cells
when it is compared to healthy blood cells.
4. Answer the questions below using the information collected from the “complete
blood count” (CBC) on p. 69 of the lab manual.
a. (1 mark) Some medical articles suggest that amphetamine overdose is linked
to leukocytosis. This leads to low white blood cell counts. Is there any
evidence of this in the CBC reports for Carrie, Tina, and Tricia?
No or NO
Select: YES
Since Tricia have sickle cell anemia, it cannot be said that it is
Evidence: ___________________________________________________
because of the
Carrie's and amphetamine
Tina's blood samplesoverdose,
whereshe have
tested high
and it isWBC
count. People who have Sickle cell anemia often
out that they have a normal WBC count. They don't have leads to sickle
increase in white
cell anemia too soblood cells count.
it is definitely not the amphetamine
b. (1 mark) Recall that causing
overdose Tricia may have a pre-existing medical condition known
as sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell anemia often leads to an increase in white
blood cell and platelet counts while decreasing red blood cells counts, red
blood cell size, and hemoglobin. Is there any evidence from the CBC results to
suggest that this is in fact the case?
Yes or NO
Select: YES
Because tina and carrie also took the pills like tricia did but
Evidence: ___________________________________________________
Tina'sblood samplesRBC
and Carrie's doesn't have
count and increase in WBC
blood size wereand
Platelets like Tricia's
unlike Tricia's who has blood sample.
sickle cell anemia.

c. (2 marks) Amphetamine levels between 0.02 and 0.05 mg/L are considered
to be appropriate for therapeutic or prescribed use (e.g. for people with
ADHD). Levels greater than 2.5 mg/L can be toxic and possibly fatal.
According to the blood work in the “medical folder,” amphetamine is present in
all 3 patients; however, the severity of the overdose appears to be different.
Speculate at least 2 reasons why Carrie, Tina and Tricia could have different
levels of amphetamines in their blood despite taking the same pills.

Tricia already have sickle cell anemia which causes increase in

Reason 1: ____________________________________________________
WBC, so after taking two pills of amphetamine her WBC had
increased more and resulting in passing out.
Since tricia had the pills first she had the effect first and she had
Reason 2: ____________________________________________________
already had this medicine from her brother before so it was
because of the over dosage.

PART B – TREATMENT (16 marks)

5. (3 × 0.5 marks) Compare the IV fluid that you made (p. 70-71 of the lab manual) to
blood plasma in real blood. In the spaces below, list 3 ingredients that are present
in real blood plasma that were not present in the IV fluid that you made.
Deionized water
___________________ NaCl
___________________ Dextrose/glucose

6. (3 marks) Complete the chart below using the information collected in Table 5.1 (p.
72 of the lab manual).

Y/N – Is Explain IN DETAIL why this transfusion is

Recipient Donor this safe or unsafe. Terms to include:
transfusion antigen, antibody, agglutination, red blood
safe? cell, plasma, donor, recipient
NO A person with blood group A+ can only
donate to people with blood group A+ and
AB+. If someone with group B blood is
Tricia: given group A blood, their anti-A antibodies
Type A+ will attack the group A cells (vice versa too).

YES Because type O blood lacks any antigens,

and therefore a person with type O blood
has A, B, and Rh antibodies. Type
Tricia: O-negative blood is called the universal
Type O- donor type because it is compatible with
____ any blood type.

7. (6 x 0.5 marks) Match the heart anatomy in the chart below to the sticker label
present on the lab model (p. 73 of the lab manual).

Anatomy Sticker Label

aorta N
atrium – left G
valve – bicuspid atrioventricular J
valve – aortic semi-lunar K
vena cava C
ventricle – right B

8. (10 x 0.5 marks) Use the information collected from the echocardiogram (p. 73 of the
lab manual), to track the pathway of blood through the heart. Start with the vena
cava and finish with the aorta. Remember to be as specific as possible.

BODY > Vena cava Right Atrium

> ______________ Right AV (Tricuspid) valve
> ______________
Right Ventricle
>______________ Pulmonary SL ValvePulmonary
> ______________ Arteries
> ______________ > LUNGS-left/right
Pulmonary Veins
>______________ Left Atrium
> ______________ Left AV (Bicuspid)>valve
> ______________ Left Ventricle
Aortic SL Valve
>______________ > aorta > BODY

9. (3 x 0.5 marks) Take a photo of the picture that you drew of Slide N using the 40X
objective (p. 74 of the lab manual). For full marks, make sure that your drawing has
the following characteristics labeled for one of the heart cells present in the image:
long tubular cells, branching, 1-3 nuclei per cell

10. (2 x 1 mark) Classify Tricia’s blood as either “healthy” or “heart attack.’ Justify your
answer using 2 pieces of evidence collected from Slides L/M/N on p. 74 of the lab

Choice: Heart attack

Healthy or Heart Attack
There were so many damaged cardiac tissues in the given slide and
Reason 1: ________________________________________________________
there were so many tissues in which the nucleus and cytoplasm were
Scar tissues could be seen from the given slides which was similar to
Reason 2: ________________________________________________________
the person's cell who had heart attack.

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