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Dwi Novi
Endang Lustiani
Fanny Gushendra



Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing the English
paper assignment entitled “REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM”.

The author also wishes to thank the lecturer who has guided in completing this paper
"Mr. Jimmi Zakaria, S. pd, M.pd" This paper contains the notions, definition, structure and
function of cardiovaskuler system

hopefully this paper can be useful for readers to expand knowledge about present perfect

Pekanbaru, October 2018


The function of reproductive system is replication. Reproduction by means of sexual
intercourse produces new human beings and hereditary traits to be passed from both parents
to their children’s. The reproductive role of male is to produce and deliver sperm to the
female reproductive tract. But the reproductive role of females is to produce ova and carrying
the developing embryo. The sex hormones play an important role both in the development and
function of the reproductive organ and in sexual behavior & drives.

1. Male reproductive system
The male’s reproductive role is to produce sperm and deliver to the vagina. These
functions require four different structures. These are the: Testes, Accessory glands,
Accessory ducts and penis.

Figure: 14.1 Male reproductive system (source: Elaine n. MARIEB, (2000),

Essentials of human anatomy and physiology, Addison welsey longman inc., San
Francisco, 6th Ed)

2. Female Reproductive System

The reproductive role of females is far more complex than that of male. They -
Produce egg - After fertilization they also carry and protect the developing embryo. -
Production of milk by mammary glands The female reproductive system consists of
overlies, uterine tube, uterus, vagina, external genital organ (vulva) and mammary glands.

Fig 14.7 Female reproductive system (source: Elaine n. MARIEB, (2000),

Essentials of human anatomy and physiology, Addison welsey longman inc.,
San Francisco, 6th Ed)
Each cycle carries a chance of conception. In the first half of the cycle, several
follicles begin to develop but only one matures. As the endometrial lining repairs, the follicle
develops and is released. In the second half, the endometrium is maintained, but if fertilisation
does not take place it breaks down and the cycle starts again. (Diagram from Bioninja.)
Conception is the process of fertilization and subsequent establishment of pregnancy.
Pregnancy begins with fertilization of an ovum and ends with delivery of the fetus after birth.
When sperm is deposited in the vagina, the many spermatozoa wriggle about in all direction.
Some travel in to the uterus and oviduct to meet the ova. If ova and sperm join this is called
fertilization. From the day of fertilization on wards pregnancy starts.


Most women are able to become pregnant from the time of puberty, when they start
menstruating. All the eggs are stored in her ovary at the time of birth and one is released from
one out of two ovaries each time a woman menstruates. This is called ovulation. The egg
enters her fallopian tube and travels towards the uterus for fertilization. If during this time a
woman has unprotected sexual intercourse with a man, then one out of millions of sperms
may penetrate her ovum in the fallopian tube and cause fertilization. But not all the fertilized
eggs implant. If it doesn’t implant or if fertilization does not occur then the egg and the
thickened lining of the uterus are shed out of the body and this causes bleeding of the
menstrual cycle. If the egg is fertilized then conception is said to have occurred and if the
pregnancy continues then gestation shall continue till the baby is delivered.
Conception refers to the successful fusion of gametes. Sperm from male partner unites with
ovum of the female during intercourse resulting in formation of zygote. It then implants itself
on the uterine wall within a period of 8-9 days and resides there for 9 months. The successful
fusion of gametes forms the new organism. The zygote that is thus formed then travels from
the fallopian tube to the uterus to implant itself in the wall of uterus for 9 months. These 9
months of pregnancy are termed as gestation.

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