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Veteran’s Day Concert Prep

Grade Level: 3 Subject: Music

Lesson Aim/Objective: Sing the Armed Forces Salute using Singers

Secrets (Little Mighty Consonants, Head Voice, Good Breath, Thinking,
Open Mouth)

Armed Forces Salute
Videos of people singing and playing the songs

Common Core Standards:

3.2.1 Sing in tune with a clear tone quality;
3.2.2 Sing melodies within the range of an octave;
3.2.3 Sing melodies written on the treble staff;
3.2.4 Sing with expression, using a wide range of tempos and dynamics;
3.2.5 Sing rounds, partner songs, and ostinatos in two-part ensembles;
3.2.6 Maintain proper posture for singing.

Class 1
- Introduce the unit: Singing at the veteran’s retirement community
- Pass out the music, and listen to the piece
- Have students name all five armed forces units, then match up the
titles of each song in the medley to each unit
- Learn the Caisson Song focusing on diction, energy, and head voice

Class 2
- Review Caisson Song
- Listen to Semper Paratus bagpipe video
- Learn Semper Paratus section by section, focusing on tempo
(slow/fast), Latin roots, and energy
- Run Caisson Song and Semper Paratus together.

Class 3
- Review Caisson Song and Semper Paratus
- Listen to Coast Guard video
- Learn Coast Guard section by section, teach first and second endings
and repeat signs
- Run Caisson Song, Semper Paratus and Coast Guard Song together.

Class 4
- Review Caisson Song, Semper Paratus and Coast Guard Song
- Listen to Air Force Song video
- Learn Air Force Song section by section, and talk about the meaning
of the words. Lots of metaphors in this section.
- Run Caisson Song, Semper Paratus, Coast Guard Song, and Air Force
Song together.

Class 5
- Review Caisson Song, Semper Paratus, Coast Guard Song and Air
Force Song
- Listen to Anchor’s aweigh video
- Learn Anchor’s aweigh section by section, focusing on how to find
your note, diction, and how to pop up to high notes without making them
sound like mistakes
- Run the whole medley

Class 6
- Review Thank You Soldiers (learned last year), review the trick to
know when to come in, and review the 4 consonants that need to be
- Sing whole medley twice, once with voices, once without voices
- Review any huge mistakes

Class 7
- Run the medley and make note of any big mistakes that stand out.
- Fix problems in first 3 sections
- Run medley again
- Introduce Splish Splash or Yakety Yak (depending on class)
- Listen to the song, then talk about what it’s about
- Run medley again

Class 8
- Warm-up
- Fix problems in last two sections of medley
- Run medley twice, once with voices, once without voices
- Review Splish Splash or Yakety Yak (depending on class) by listening
- Teach the notes to Splish Splash or Yakety Yak (depending on class)
- Add small choreography to help with memory
- Sing Splish Splash or Yakety Yak (depending on class) with

Class 9
- Warm-up
- Review Splish Splash or Yakety Yak (depending on class) by singing
with choreography (as many times as needed)
- Run Thank You Soldiers and Medley together, and make small
- Run Splish Splash or Yakety Yak (depending on class)
Class 10
- Warm-up
- Run-fix-run all pieces
- Memorize the music

Class 11- Field Trip!

- Warm-up
- Run set
- Walk to retirement home
- Sing set
- Walk back

Assessment Activity:
The performance! The students will get a 100% for this concert grade
if they are there, behave appropriately, and sing their best.

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