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E-learning Training Course Evaluation Form

LAPO Staff Name: Course Title:

LAPO Staff ID : Job Title :
Location (Branch/ Head Office) :

Kindly fill out the questionnaire below with your appropriate response.

S/No. COURSE DESIGN (Tick response to each item.)
Excellent Very Good Fair Poor
1. The course objectives are clear to me.
2. The course activities stimulated my learning.
3. Interactive multimedia was essential in the course.
4. Activities gave me sufficient practice and feedback.
5. The test(s) in this course were accurate and fair.
6. The difficulty level of this course is appropriate.
7. The pace of this course is appropriate.
COURSE INSTRUCTOR (FACILITATOR) (Tick response to each item.)
8. The instructor had good command of English.
9. The instructor was audibly clear.
COURSE ENVIRONMENT (Tick response to each item.)
10. The training facility at this site was comfortable.
11. Quality of presentation.
12. Training facility provided everything I needed to learn.
COURSE RESULTS (Tick response to each item.)
13. I accomplished the objectives of this course.
14. I will be able to use what I learned in this course.
SELF-PACED DELIVERY (Tick response to each item)
15. ELearning plate form was a good way for me to learn this
16. Video is an important aspect of the course.

17. How would you improve this course? (Check with Yes or No)
S/No. Options Yes/No
a) Provide better information before course.
b) Clarify the course objectives.
c) Reduce content covered in course.
d) Increase content covered in course.
e) Update content covered in course.
f) Improve the instructional methods.
g) Make course activities more stimulating.
h) Improve course organization
i) Make the course less difficult
j) Make the course more difficult.
k) Slow down the pace of the course.
l) Speed up the pace of the course.
m) Allot more time for the course.
n) Shorten the time for the course.
o) Improve the tests used in the course.
p) Add more video to the course
q) What other improvements would you recommend in this course?
r) Have you been trained before to an equivalent course using traditional
training (face-to-face)?
s) If yes, would you consider the new one:
 More efficient? (Learning better)
 More rapid? (Learning quicker)
 More interesting? (Learning with more fun)
 More easy? (Learning more in a shorter time)

18. Kindly provide additional information not captured in the questionnaire that would be relevant towards
the improvement of the course and the e-learning platform below:

Thank you for your sincere comments.

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