Unit2 Step3 Group 203058 63

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CODE: 203058



Understand the waves behavior in open and enclosure mediums

Presented to:

William Mauricio Saenz


Delivered by:

Hernán Albeiro Hoyos Bustamante

Code: 70327386
Juan Carlos Grisales
Luis Fernando Calle Jaramillo
Code: 15511070
Victor Everson Ruiz Cañaveral
Code: 71336408
Ronald Israel Vargas
Code: 71366536

Group: 203058_63


03 November 2018

This work was carried out in order to deepen the topics of phase 3 of the
Electromagnetic Theory and Waves course, using the Project-Based Learning
strategy as an organized pedagogical experience to consult and solve problems that
arise in the real world, through which the understanding of new knowledge and the
achievement of meaningful learning can be facilitated. In addition, because it is
required to know that participation in these activities involves research, autonomous
study, collaborative work and mutual support to facilitate the development of the
It was developed, because we saw the need for us students to analyze the topics
addressed and relate them individually, in order to identify the topics to be
addressed, analyze and solve problems according to the integrative guide of the
phase 3 course, through of the realization and subsequent consolidation of
knowledge, to be able to obtain the solution of the questions directed by the tutor,
which will be used as tools, which according to their content and structure, will allow
us to evaluate the students, and verify that we really recognized the topics
Finally, it can be said that this work was carried out, with the purpose of using
resources and methods that allow a more generalized understanding of the units,
since it contains knowledge of great importance and necessary for the understanding
of issues in later units
Activities to develop

1. Explain how refraction and reflection phenomenon could be used in

transmission systems.

Reflection and refraction of light in fiber optic


We know that the transmission of information through optical fiber is done

through light, but before analyzing the importance of reflection and refraction
phenomena in transmission, we will look at the structure of optical fiber.
In a fiber optic hose, what we first find on the outside, is a protective
polyethylene cover, similar to any type of cable. Then, depending on the
conditions in which the hose will be installed, we find other layers that will
give it rigidity and adequate protection against the environment. In the inner
area is where the optical fibers themselves, immersed in a protective gel.
Each of these optical fibers is composed of a core completely surrounded by a
coating, which is protected by a plastic cover.
Both the core and the coating are composed of silicon oxide (SiO2), which is one of
the most abundant materials on earth. This is the same material that is used for the
manufacture of semiconductors. As in semiconductors, SiO2 is doped with
The object of this doping is that core and coating have different physical properties.
The core must have a refractive index (n1) greater than the refractive index (n2) of
the coating. When this occurs, the light is reflected in such a way that it is not able
to cross the surface between both means completely reflecting, without refraction.
This behavior is called total internal reflection.
Because the core is completely surrounded by the coating, an advance of the light
waves occurs without losses towards the opposite end of the fiber. In a real situation
there will be small attenuations because the materials are not ideal and have a
resistance to the propagation of electromagnetic waves. These attenuations are
negligible compared to those caused by electronic transmissions in copper.

2. Explain the Snell law, the critical angle and practical applications
where it could be used.

Snell's law (also called Snell-Descartes law) is a formula used to calculate the
refractive angle of light by traversing the separation surface between two means of
propagating light (or any electromagnetic wave) with a refractive index. different.
The name comes from its discoverer, the Dutch mathematician Willebrord Snel van
Royen (1580-1626). They named her "Snell" because of her last name but they put
two "l" for her name Willebrord which carries two "l".
It affirms that the multiplication of the refractive index by the sine of the angle of
incidence with respect to the normal is constant for any ray of light incident on the
separating surface of two media. That is, the component of the refractive index
parallel to the surface is constant. Although Snell's law was formulated to explain
the phenomena of refraction of light it can be applied to all types of waves crossing
a separation surface between two media in which the velocity of propagation of the
wave varies.
n1 and n2 are the refractive indices. of the materials. The dashed line delimits the
normal line, also delimits when the light changes from one medium to another. Snell
also refers to refraction, which is the imaginary line perpendicular to the surface.
The angles θ are the angles that are formed with the normal line, with θ_1 the angle
of the incident wave and θ_2 the angle of the refracted wave.

Look at the given image. Rays with different

angles comes from the source at the bottom
of the glass filled with water, refracted on the
surface, which is reflected and passed directly
to the second half without any reflection and
refraction. In the previous section we learned
about Snell's law of refraction. According to
this law, which reflects, refracts or passes
directly from the light to the other medium
depends on the angle of the incident ray and the refractive indexes of the media.
Here, we see that the light coming from the medium that higher refractive index for
the lower refractive index. Thus, the light refracts away from the normal. According
to the angle of the incident ray, at a given moment it does not refract, but it goes
parallel to the frontier of the means. We call this point of view the critical angle. If
the angle of the incident ray is greater than the critical angle, then it does not refract,
but the total reflection does. In the image given above, the first light that comes
from the normal so it does not reflect or refract, but goes directly to the second
medium. Second light that comes with an angle smaller than the critical angle,
refracts and passes to the second medium. However, the third light that comes with
an angle greater than the critical angle is the total reflection and can not pass to the
second medium.
Now we use Snell's law of refraction and find the critical angle equation.

3. Explain the physics behind lenses for optical diseases.

The human eye's ability to accommodate allows it to

view focused images of both nearby and distant
objects. The lens of the eye assumes a large curvature
(short focal length) to bring nearby objects into focus
and a flatter shape (long focal length) to bring a distant
object into focus. Unfortunately, the eye's inability a
wide variance in focal length leads to a variety of vision
defects. Most often, the defect occurs at one end of the
spectrum - either the inability to assume a short focal length and focus on nearby
objects or the inability to assume a long focal length and thus focus on distant
Nearsightedness or myopia is the inability of the eye to focus on distant objects.
The nearsighted eye has no difficulty viewing nearby objects. But the ability to view
distant objects requires that the light be refracted less. Nearsightedness will result
if the light from distant objects is refracted more than is necessary. The problem is
most common as a youth, and is usually the result of a bulging cornea or an
elongated eyeball. If the cornea bulges more than its customary curvature, then it
tends to refract light more than usual. This tends to cause the images of distant
objects to form at locations in front of the retina. If the eyeball is elongated in the
horizontal direction, then the retina is placed at a further distance from the cornea-
lens system. Subsequently the images of distant objects form in front of the retina.
On the retinal surface, where the light-detecting nerve cells are located, the image
is not focused. These nerve cells thus detect a blurry image of distant objects.

Correcting for Nearsightedness

The cure for the nearsighted eye is to equip it with a diverging lens. Since the nature
of the problem of nearsightedness is that the light is focused in front of the retina,
a diverging lens will serve to diverge light before it reaches the eye. This light will
then be converged by the cornea and lens to produce an image on the retina.

(Note: In the diagram above that the light approaching the eye from a distant
object is traveling as a bundle of rays that are roughly parallel to each other.
Suppose for a moment that the distant object is the lettering on the chalk board in
the front of the room as you sight at it from the back of the room. Geometrically,
whatever light rays from a particular letter or word that reach your eye will be
traveling roughly parallel to each other)

It works along side our eye lens to create a sharp and focused image on the retina.
(a) and (c) below, show defective eyes and, (b) and (d) show corrections:
The Human Eye and Its Diseases.


The human eye is also called the eyeball, this organ detects light, which is the basis
of the sense of sight. It is sensitive to changes in light. There are two kinds of eyes
the singles and the complex. The simple eyes only detect if their surroundings are
lit or dark and the complexes provide the sense of sight.

The main function of the human eye is to translate light waves into nerve impulses
that are transmitted to the brain. The eye is in a cavity in the skull called an orbit
and is surrounded by soft layers of fatty tissue that protect it and allow it to rotate

Diseases of the human eye:

The Daltonism:

It is a hereditary eye disease, named after the English chemist John Dalton, who
discovered this eye disease. Colorblind people confuse colors, especially red and
green, but they are able to identify more violet nuances than a person with normal
vision and to distinguish camouflaged objects.

We receive information through two types of light-sensitive cells, the cones,

responsible for receiving the information of the colors. There are three types of
cones for each of the primary colors: red, green and blue; and the canes, responsible
for the vision in low light conditions.

It is the loss of the transparency of the lens of the eye, causing the loss of sight;
When this lens becomes opaque, the light does not pass properly and the vision
diminishes and becomes blurred. The lens is located behind the iris and the pupil,
and focuses light on the retina, where the image is recorded. The lens is formed
mainly of water and proteins and with the age some of these proteins are
disorganized, opaque a small part of the lens. To prevent it, you should wear
sunglasses, during the day, avoiding the exposure of the eyes to ultraviolet light.

The treatment is done to improve vision, some people change their normal lenses
for bifocals, while others decide to have cataract surgery, which involves the removal
of the lens to replace it with an artificial one.


Hyperopia is a disorder of vision, which allows you to see objects that are far away,
but it is not the same with objects that are near as they are perceived as blurred.
This problem can be hereditary, and it is not easy to identify it without exams or
studies, because the crystalline lens, being flexible, accommodates the focus of the
retina hiding the problem.

This disease of the eye is due to the fact that the eyeball is shorter than normal
between the front and the back, causing light rays to focus on a point behind the
retina and with little precision. It can also be caused by the lack of an adequate
curvature in the cornea or lens.

People who suffer from hyperopia, will later need convex lenses because with age
the lens becomes less elastic; and the convex lenses are thicker in the center than
at the edges, helping to move the visual focus forward and towards the surface of
the retina.


Presbyopia is a vision disorder in which the lens of the eye loses its ability to focus,
it is progressive and people who suffer from it find it difficult to see nearby objects;
since the focus of the eye depends on the elasticity of the lens, which is lost as
individuals age.

Presbyopia is corrected using glasses, either to read or rest, and in some cases it is
necessary to add bifocal lenses to existing ones. If this visual problem is not
corrected it can lead individuals to have problems with their lifestyle, working or
driving a car.
For this diseases it is used for correction, the operation or contact lenses
with specific characteristics

4. What is the importance of the index of refraction?

The ratio of the speed of light in the vacuum and the speed of light in the medium
whose index is calculated is called the refractive index. It is symbolized by the letter
n and it is a dimensionless value.
c: the speed of light in a vacuum
v: speed of light in the middle whose index is calculated (water, glass, etc.).
n: refractive index of the medium
The refractive property of a material is the most important property of any optical
system that uses refraction. It is a reverse index that indicates the thickness of the
lenses according to a given power, and the dispersive power of the prisms. It is also
used in chemistry to determine the purity of chemical reagents and for the rendering
of refractive materials in 3D computer graphics.

5. Is it possible that a single light beam be refracted into several

beans? Explain.
Reflection is the change of direction of a wave, which, when coming into contact
with the surface of separation between two changing media, returns to the point
where it originated. Common examples are the reflection of light, sound and waves
in the water.

It is not possible to be refracted since for this to happen the ray must penetrate into
a transparent medium, while the bean is a solid medium.

6. How is it possible to use the Brewster angle in practical

Polarized sunglasses use the principle of Brewster's angle to reduce glare from the
sun reflecting off horizontal surfaces such as water or road. In a large range of
angles around Brewster's angle, the reflection of p-polarized light is lower than s-
polarized light. Thus, if the sun is low in the sky, reflected light is mostly s-polarized.
Polarizing sunglasses use a polarizing material such as Polaroid sheets to block
horizontally-polarized light, preferentially blocking reflections from horizontal
surfaces. The effect is strongest with smooth surfaces such as water, but reflections
from roads and the ground are also reduced.
Photographers use the same principle to remove reflections from water so that they
can photograph objects beneath the surface. In this case, the polarizing
filter camera attachment can be rotated to be at the correct angle (see figure).

Photographs taken of a window with a camera polarizer filter rotated to two different angles. In the
picture at left, the polarizer is aligned with the polarization angle of the window reflection. In the
picture at right, the polarizer has been rotated 90° eliminating the heavily polarized reflected

When recording a hologram, light is typically incident at Brewster's angle. Because

the incident light is p-polarized, it is not back reflected from the transparent back-
plane of the holographic film. This avoids unwanted interference effects in
the hologram.
Brewster angle prisms are used in laser physics. The polarized laser light enters the
prism at Brewster's angle without any reflective losses.
In surface science, Brewster angle microscopes are used in imaging layers of
particles or molecules at air-liquid interfaces. By using a laser aimed at Brewster's
angle to the interface, the pure liquid appears black in the image whereas molecule
layers give out a reflection that can be detected and presented with a camera.

Brewster's Law
When a beam of light strikes the surface that separates two non-conductive media
characterized by different electrical permittivity ε and magnetic permeability μ, part
of it is reflected back to the source medium, and part is transmitted to the second
medium. In 1812, Brewster observed that when the directions of the transmitted
and reflected beams formed a 90 ° angle (as seen in the figure), the reflected light
beam was

When a beam of light impinges with the Brewster angle, the component of the
polarization parallel to the plane of incidence vanishes in the reflected beam. For
this reason, the beam we see reflected has a linear polarization, just in the direction
perpendicular to the plane of incidence, regardless of the type of polarization of the
incident beam. It should be noted that in the particular case of striking with a linearly
polarized beam in the direction parallel to the plane of incidence, the reflected beam
vanishes at the Brewster angle. In this case, a total transmission of the beam
between both means is produced.
In general, the Brewster angle between two media depends on their electromagnetic
characteristics (electrical permittivity and magnetic permeability). In the case where
the magnetic permeabilities of both media do not vary (the most frequent case), the
Brewster angle can be calculated from the refractive indices of both media:
In 1991, the Brewster Angle Microscope (BAM) was introduced commercially, is an
effective method of visualization of nanostructures with a large range of orientation

The Brewster Angle Microscope:

Allows us to directly visualize the formation of molecular monolayers in real time at
the water-air interface, the characterization of molecular films by means of BAM is
recorded through images of the formation "in situ", evaluates reproducibility,
homogeneity and possible morphological defects.

A bam:
Allows the visualization of the Langmuir molecular monolayers or the adsorbance of
the film in the air-water interface. When the beam of light (laser) hits the surface
the image of the molecule is reflected to the detector, changes in the structure and
formation of the monolayer can be observed in real time during the measurements.
Choose one of the following problems, taken from “Cutnell, J. D., & Johnson, K. W.
(2009), John Wiley & Sons Ltd., New York & Paz, A. (2013)” solve it and share the
solution in the forum. Perform a critical analysis on the group members’
contributions and reply this in the forum.

Hernan Albeiro Hoyos

1. When red light in vacuum is incident at the Brewster angle on a certain glass
slab, the angle of refraction is 35 What are (a) the index of refraction of the
glass and (b) the Brewster angle?

𝑛 = 1 𝐸𝑛 𝑒𝑙 𝑣𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑜

a) the index of refraction of the glass


300000 𝑘𝑚 𝑠
𝑛 = = 1.52
197368 𝑘𝑚

b) the Brewster angle

formula of Brewster angle:

tan 𝜃 =

𝜃 = tan

𝜃 = tan

𝜃 = 56.65°

Apply the formula of Snell's law and use the variable that we need

𝜃 =𝜃
𝜃 = 35°
𝑛 =1
𝑛 = 1.52

𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜃 ) = 𝑛 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜃 )

1 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝜃 ) = 1.52 𝑠𝑖𝑛(35)

𝑠𝑖𝑛 (𝜃 ) = 0.8718°

𝜃 = sin 0.8718°

𝜃 = 60.66°
Juan Carlos Grisales

2. In the following figure N1= 1,8 n2= 1,3 n3= 1,1 light refracts from
material 1 into material 2. If it is incident at point A at the critical angle for
the interface between materials 2 and 3, what are (a) the angle of refraction
at point B and (b) the initial angle .

Initially We graph the normal yellow and the angles incident, refraction of the
materials one , two , three.

According to the graphs in case 1.

In A there is total reflection and there is no refraction It must be fulfilled that:

n2>n3 and  =90°. For the materials 2 and 3,

n 2 Sin( 1)  n3Sin( 2)
n2 Sin( 1)  n3Sin(900 )

n2 Sin( c )  ............n 2  n3
n 2Sin( c )   0,846

Sin  Sin 1 (0,846)  57, 60

The critical angle in A is 57,6°

If, instead, light is incident at B at the critical angle for the interface between
materials 2 and 3.

Initially We graph the normal yellow and the angles incident, refraction of the
materials one, two ,
Light incident at B.

In case 2
There is total reflection in B

The critical angle in B is the same as in A. because n2 >n3 same.  2 =90°

The critical angle in B is 57,6°

The refraction in A
The normal changes.

There is refraction in A.
We find the refraction at point A
If we know an angle and we know n2 and n3. We can use
Snell's Law.

The known angle will be the angle of reflection, which is equal to the critical angle
in A of case 1.

 2= 57,6°.

 i   r...... r  57, 60

Sin( r )  .Sin( ir )...
n 2Sin( r )  Sin(57, 6)

Sin r  (0, 0844)
Sin r  Sin 1 (0,99)  810

Refractive angle in A is 81°.=  2

Luis Fernando Calle Jaramillo

3. A laser that is inside a tank of water, shoots a ray of light upwards. If the
laser is located h1=12cm under water. At what minimum horizontal distance
d1 from the laser pointer should you shoot so that the beam does not leave
the water?

First we consult the refractive index of the water.
Water refractive index = 1.5.
The critical angle of the water is calculated
𝒏𝟐 𝟏
𝒔𝒆𝒏(𝜽𝒄) = = 𝟎. 𝟔𝟔𝟔
𝒏𝟏 𝟏. 𝟓
With this we find the critical angle.

𝜽𝒄 = 𝒔𝒆𝒏 𝟎. 𝟔𝟔) = 𝟒𝟏. 𝟕𝟓°
With the value of the angle found, the trigonometric relationship between depth
and distance is achieved.

= 𝑻𝒂𝒏 𝜽𝟏
Clearing distance that is the variable we are looking for.

𝒅𝟏 = 𝒉𝟏 ∗ 𝑻𝒂𝒏𝜽𝟏
𝟏𝟐 𝒄𝒎 ∗ 𝑻𝒂𝒏(𝟒𝟏. 𝟕𝟓°)
𝒅𝟏 = 𝟏𝟎. 𝟖𝒄𝒎

Victor Everson Ruiz

4. In the following figure a 2,5 m-long vertical pole extends from the bottom of
a swimming pool to a point 30cm above the water. Sunlight is incident at
angle 𝜃 = 50 . What is the length of the shadow of the pole on the level
bottom of the pool?

PB=Punto donde la luz del poste se encuentra con la superficie

u = 1.33 be the refractive index of the water.

triangle APB:

PB = 2.5 tan (55)

= 3.57m.

= sin(55) / 1.33 =
QPR = 0.61

triangle PQR:

RQ = PQ tan(QPR)
= 2.20 tan(55)
= 3.14m



= RQ + PB
= 3.14 + 3.57

= 6.71m.

What is the length of the shadow of the pole on the level bottom of the

= 6.71m.

 The waves change their direction when hitting some means of propagation
giving a reflected wave
 the waves propagate in a straight line, the wave changes when the
propagation level reaches between two media, in case of light the reflected
wave is less than the original when passing through a medium of proagation
 We calculate Snell law to determine the trajectory of a ray of light to determine
its trajectory when it touches a surface

 Recovered from
 Recovered from
 Recovered from
 Recovered from
 Recovered from
 Recovered from
 Recovered from
 Recovered from
 Recovered from

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