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(CPIIW) for urban areas, to a price index

A Critique of the constructed on the basis of the NSS data
themselves). It can be designated, drop-
Welfare-Theoretic Basis of the ping for simplicity the subscript i to denote
the i-th commodity, by P2Q1/P1Q1. Let
Measurement of Poverty us now consider a person who happens
to be exactly on the poverty line in the
base year (in our case year 1), and denote
Prabhat Patnaik his expenditure in that year by P1q1
where the lower case letter refers to the

Once we abandon the false he purpose of this article is to argue individual, as opposed to the total social,
theoretical premise of welfare that the welfare theory which quantity figures. According to the method
provides the basis for the measure- used for measuring poverty, the poverty
economics that past period’s
ment of poverty in India is fundamentally line in year 2 would be P1q1 P2 Q1/P1Q1.
goods and services are available flawed, in the sense of being unrepre- If that individual’s (or any other indi-
in the current period as sentative of material reality (as opposed to vidual’s) expenditure in year 2 happens
well, a number of seemingly being merely abstract). Section 1 discusses to be above this, then he is considered
the implicit assumptions underlying this non-poor (above the poverty line or APL).
contradictory bits of evidence on
welfare theory and hence by implication Going back to that individual who was
the measurement and level of the poverty estimates. Section 2 critiques exactly on the poverty line in year 1,
poverty in India fall into place these assumptions. Section 3 draws con- if P2 q2 > P1q1 P2Q1/P1Q1, then
and gel into a coherent story. clusions for the poverty debate in India. that individual is considered to be
non-poor, i e, APL.
When poverty is defined in terms 1 Assumptions of Welfare-Theory Now there is an obvious problem with
of access to a bundle of goods this argument, and that relates to the fact
and services, which includes a Approach that the weights of the different com-
minimum number of calories, The method used for measuring poverty modities in the base year on the basis
in India, as is well known, is the follow- of which the Laspeyre’s price index
there can be little doubt that
ing. From the National Sample Survey is calculated might be different from the
poverty has been increasing in (NSS) consumption expenditure data, weights of the commodities in the con-
neo-liberal India. the levels of per capita expenditure in sumption expenditure of the person ex-
the base year at which an individual actly on the poverty line. This problem
accessed 2,100 calories per day in urban in practice was sought to be overcome by
India and 2,400 calories per day in rural taking that price index whose weights
India (later scaled down to 2,200 calo- were likely to be very close to the weights
ries) were deemed to constitute the re- of the different commodities in the budget
spective “poverty lines” for the two areas. of the person exactly on the poverty line.
These base year “poverty lines” have This was the reason, for instance, that
been getting updated for each subsequent the CPIAL was taken for updating the
year by using appropriate Consumer rural poverty line (the commodity weights
Price Index (CPI) numbers for each of the in the budgets of the poor and those of
two areas. Any one falling below this the agricultural labourers were thought
updated expenditure benchmark in each to be very similar) and the CPIIW was
region in a subsequent year is counted as taken for updating the urban poverty
poor in that particular year; the number line (on similar considerations).
of such persons relative to the total pop- There is however a second problem
ulation constitutes the headcount ratio with this argument. To highlight this
(HCR) of poverty for the year in question. second problem, let us deliberately assume
The price index used in each case is a away the first problem: we assume that
Laspeyre’s price index with base year the commodity weights in the Laspeyre’s
weights for the different commodities price index used for updating the poverty
(though the precise price index has line and the commodity weights in the
Prabhat Patnaik ( is changed in 2009-10, from the consumer budget of the person exactly on the pov-
Professor Emeritus at the Centre for Economic price index for agricultural labourers erty line in the base year are absolutely
Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru (CPIAL) for rural areas and consumer identical. The poverty line in other
University, New Delhi.
price index numbers for industrial workers words is updated by using a price index
16 april 6, 2013 vol xlviiI no 14 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

that can be written as P2q1/P1q1. In newer commodities. Wooden toys which country, to Barbie dolls, which are not
such a case a person who was on the children played with over half a century necessarily any cheaper, is not because
poverty line in the base year is supposed ago have given way to Barbie dolls; everybody prefers the latter to the former,
to have been lifted above the poverty records containing music have given but because some do, and their prefer-
line in year 2 if P2q2>P2q1 for him. In way to compact discs; log tables have ence is what forces everyone to make the
other words, if at the current year’s prices given way to calculators, and so on. But switch, for reasons just mentioned.
a person who was exactly on the poverty it is not just the phenomenon of old The second process involves govern-
line in the base year has an expenditure products giving way to new ones that we ment provisioning of goods. It is a well-
in the current year that is larger than are concerned with here; something else known fact that if the middle class
what he would have had in the base year also happens in the process, which is far makes a switch away from some govern-
if he was purchasing the base year quan- more important, namely, that new com- ment-provided service, then the quality
tities at these very prices, then he is no modities preferred by the middle class of that service drops precipitously, virtu-
longer poor. replace old commodities in the consump- ally forcing everyone else to make a
The theory underlying this conclusion tion pattern not only of the middle class similar switch. If middle class train trav-
can be stated as follows. When P2q2> itself, but of society at large. ellers start buying bottled water at rail-
P2q1, this means that the bundle of There are two processes which con- way stations, then the provision of free
goods purchased in the base year could tribute to this phenomenon. First, middle drinking water, through taps at stations,
have been purchased in the current year class tastes are conditioned by the life- atrophies. The absence of a vociferously-
too if the person had wished to do so; it styles prevailing in the advanced capitalist complaining middle class clientele, ever
was within the budget line of the person countries (the latest example of which is vigilant against any drop in the quality of
in year 2. The fact that the person none- the preference for Wal-Mart outlets over the service provided by the government,
theless actually bought bundle q2 rather the traditional petty shops). This typi- actually leads to a drop in the quality,
than bundle q1 indicates therefore that cally entails the replacement in their which forces everyone to switch to private,
he prefers bundle q2 to bundle q1 which demand-pattern of corporate-produced especially corporate-provided, services.
means that he is better off in year 2 com- goods and services for those produced Such services, however, are typically more
pared to year 1: there has been an im- by petty producers. Now, suppose a petty expensive; and everyone is forced to
provement in his condition of living. producer had a market for 100 units of purchase such more expensive goods and
Hence if he was exactly on the poverty a good, but loses 20 units out of this services, just because middle-class cus-
line in year 1, he must be deemed to have market because of the availability of a tomers have decided to make the switch.
moved above the poverty line in year 2. corporate-produced substitute which They may have done so for reasons of
This reasoning which necessarily un- weans away middle class customers from greater prestige associated with accessing
derlies all poverty estimates is based on him. Given the small margins with which private service provision; or even because
a number of assumptions. Some of these, petty producers operate, even the loss of the quality of service provided by the
such as the assumption that the individual 20% of the market would make it diffi- private source is genuinely somewhat
is the best judge of his own welfare may cult for such a producer to make ends better. But the difference in quality between
be debated on philosophical grounds; meet, i e to continue even with simple public and private services gets greatly
but we shall not do so. One very impor- reproduction. He would stop producing exaggerated because of the switch by the
tant assumption which is crucial for the altogether and join the ranks of labourers middle class; and everybody else is forced
validity of this reasoning is that the bun- looking for work. to make a similar switch even though it
dle of commodities available in the base In the process however even the remain- entails much larger expenditure.
year is also available in the current year. ing 80 of his former customers who had The most striking example of this
And this assumption is patently untrue. not been weaned away by the corporate- relates to healthcare. The moving away
Our objection to the method of estima- produced substitute good are forced of middle class consumers of public
tion of poverty is therefore an objection now to turn to it. The middle class pre- healthcare to private facilities invariably
to a very basic proposition of welfare ference for the corporate-produced sub- leads to a drop in the quality of public
economics, which underlies for instance stitute is not necessarily because of the healthcare services; and this means that
the evaluation of national income, latter’s relative cheapness; on the con- even for the poor it is no longer possible
namely, that the bundle of commodities trary this substitute good is usually or worthwhile to access public health-
available in the base year is also available more expensive than the original petty- care. They too have to move to private
in the subsequent years.1 Let us examine production-generated good that it sub- healthcare even though it is far more
this proposition. stitutes. The consequence of this process expensive for them. What appears as a
therefore is that the entire population has voluntary choice on their part therefore
2 Critique of Assumptions perforce to purchase the new corporate- is not in reality a voluntary choice, but is
A moment’s reflection shows the falsity produced good, despite it being more more or less forced upon them.
of the proposition. Commodities die out expensive. The fact that wooden toys The assumption that base period
over time only to get replaced by other have given way, over large tracts of the goods are available in the current period
Economic & Political Weekly EPW april 6, 2013 vol xlviiI no 14 17

exactly as they were in the base period is the first, because his total expenditure has hard manual labour is also invalid for
untenable. On the contrary, they have gone up while all prices have remained the same reason: per capita absorption
disappeared in the interim, because of unchanged. In fact, the individual is of foodgrains both directly and indirectly,
which people often have to buy goods at worse off since he has a vector-wise as well as per capita calorie intake, in-
much higher prices, which they would smaller bundle of goods and services in crease with per capita real income across
not have done if the base period goods the second period compared to the first. countries, even though such an increase
had been available. And because they Standard welfare theory gives a false in real income is not associated with any
have to buy substitute goods at higher result in this case because it assumes that increase in the amount or intensity of
prices, there is an actual worsening in the availability of government hospital manual work. (An average American for
their condition, which welfare economics, services remains the same between the instance consumes more than five times
given its belief that all goods are always two periods; and this is nothing else but the foodgrains consumed by an average
accessible and hence all choice is volun- a part of its assumption that the first pe- Indian, both directly and indirectly,
tary, misreads as an improvement in riod’s bundle of goods and services can even without doing any more arduous
their material condition. be purchased in the second period. This manual work.)
Suppose a particular surgery could get assumption lacks validity. The argument that we need not con-
done in a government hospital for Rs 2,000 cern ourselves with the calorie intake
in the base year, but that surgery can no 3 Conclusions since people are diversifying towards
longer be done in the government hospi- For some time now there has been a proteins is wrong because in India the
tal in the current year, because govern- great poverty debate in India (very dif- per capita protein intake too has been
ment hospital facilities have atrophied ferent from what was covered by a com- falling during the very period when per
in the mean time, and the queues at such pilation of papers under a similar title capita calorie intake has been falling.
hospitals have become inordinately long. (Deaton and Kozel 2005)). Patnaik (2007, And the argument that people’s prefer-
The same surgery now has to be done at 2010) has argued that since poverty in ences are changing, and that they are
some private hospital for Rs 50,000, India has always been defined, even of- diversifying towards other goods such
forcing the poor who now have to pay ficially, with reference to a calorie norm, as healthcare, which is the cause of their
this large amount to cut back on their the indubitable fact that larger and larger declining foodgrain consumption, raises
consumption of several other necessary proportions of population, both in rural the question: why should there be such a
items. They witness a massive deteriora- and urban India, have been falling below significant increase in the proportion of
tion in their living standards because of the respective calorie norms for the two persons falling below the calorie norm
this, which is a consequence of the non- regions during the period of neo-liberal both in rural and urban India within,
availability of public healthcare facili- economic policies must mean that the say, a short time between 2004-05 and
ties. But standard welfare economics magnitude of poverty, contrary to all of- 2009-10? Changes in tastes occur over a
would well conclude that their material ficial claims, has been increasing. This long period of time: they cannot explain
condition has improved! fact of growing hunger is also corrobo- sharp increases in calorie-deprivation
To see this let us assume in this rated by the simple evidence relating to over such a short span of time.
instance that all prices remain unchanged the per capita annual availability of While each of these arguments against
between the base year and the current foodgrains which has been declining the evidence regarding growing poverty
year, including the costs of the surgery after reaching a post-Independence peak is untenable, the question has nonethe-
at the government hospital (where it is in the late 1980s. less puzzled many: why should we have
rarely performed in the second period) This conclusion has been contested on growing calorie deficiency in a situation
and at the private hospital. Let us also a number of grounds, each of which, where per capita real expenditure has
suppose that the total expenditure of however, does not stand scrutiny. The apparently been increasing? The simple
an individual goes up between the two argument that per capita absorption of answer to this is that people are forced
periods by Rs 20,000, and that performing foodgrains goes down as people become to move to more expensive “modern
one such surgery per period is essential more prosperous is wrong, because it goods” in the place of “traditional goods”
for the individual. Then the individual’s refers to direct absorption alone, not direct because of the predilections of the middle
healthcare expenditure between the plus indirect absorption (the latter in the class (which has gained in affluence),
two periods would go up by Rs 48,000; form of processed foods and feed grains) and the propensity of the government
since total expenditure goes up only by which invariably rises with per capita to run down the quality of the services
Rs 20,000, the remaining Rs 28,000 real income, whether we look at cross- it provides; because of this they are also
would have to come through a compres- country data alone or a mix of cross- forced to consume less of necessary
sion of expenditure on other items, i e, section and time-series data for a large goods like foodgrains.
by a reduction of consumption. number of countries (Krishna Ram 2013). Once we abandon the false theoretical
Now standard welfare economics would The argument that people consume premise of welfare economics that past
conclude in this case that the individual less foodgrains and need less calories period’s goods and services are available
is better off in the second period than because they no longer have to perform in the current period as well, a number
18 april 6, 2013 vol xlviiI no 14 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

of seemingly contradictory bits of evi- same coin (as the above example References
dence fall into place and jell into a cohe- showed). And if poverty is defined, as it Deaton, A and V Kozel (2005): The Great Indian
Poverty Debate (New Delhi: Macmillan India).
rent story. What appears initially as a must be, in terms of access to a bundle of Krishna Ram (2013): “Cereal Consumption as a
contradiction, between rising per capita goods and services, which includes a Proxy for Real Income”, Economic & Political
Weekly, forthcoming.
real expenditure on the one hand and minimum number of calories, then there Little, I M D (1950): A Critique of Welfare Economics
declining per capita calorie intake on can be little doubt that poverty has been (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Patnaik, U (2007): “Neo-liberalism and Rural Pov-
the other, turns out not to be so. On the increasing in neo-liberal India. erty in India”, Economic & Political Weekly,
contrary the apparently rising per capita Note
Vol 42, No 30, 28 July.
– (2010): “Trends in Urban Poverty Under Eco-
real expenditure and declining calorie 1 For a discussion of the problem of evaluation of nomic Reforms”, Economic & Political Weekly,
intake turn out to be two sides of the national income see Little (1950). Vol 45, No 10, 6 March.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW april 6, 2013 vol xlviiI no 14 19

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