Discussion Concrete Mix-1

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Normal concrete

We have conduct concrete mix design experiment to determine strength of the

concrete over period of time at 7th,14th,21th,and 28th days.For normal concrete
cube(150mm×150mm×150mm),stress value obtained are
9.03MPa,14.11MPa,15.37Mpa respectively.This data shows that the strength of the
concrete cube increases over the time,however its not achieve standard value of
strength which is 30MPa. For normal beam(500mm×100mm×100mm) the stress
obtained at 28th day is 6.7MPa which are huge difference in value compared to
standard one 30MPa.

We can see that all of the result obtained not achieved standard strength.This is
may because we do not following the exact amount of materials and right procedure
during the mixing of the concrete.Next,we also does not doing slump test for the
normal concrete,so we cannot determine the workability of the mix.

Composite concrete

For composite concrete cube(150mm×150mm×150mm) we replace sand with

2.77×10-3m3 rice husk ,stress value obtained for the 7th,14th,21th,28th days are
8.21MPa,11.21MPa,13.23Mpa respectively.This data shows that the strength of the
concrete cube increases over the time,however its not achieve standard value of
strength which is 30MPa. For beam(500mm×100mm×100mm) the stress obtained at
28th day is 2.01MPa which are huge difference in value compared to standard one

However,our slump test for composite is high in workability, thus it is suitable used
for sections with congested reinforcement but not normally suitable for
vibration,pumping and tremle placing.

As the conclusion,our result does not satisfied standard value 30MPa.This error
occur may due to incorrect calculation of the materials amount for mixing.After
that,the concrete sample for both normal and composite have a lot of voids. We can
avoid this failure by taking consider every steps in procedures and do more precise
calculation for mixing and timing.

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