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After the Second War, the high elves seceded from those who had fallen to the Scourge.
the Alliance, and their departure triggered further de-
terioration in the faltering Alliance. Later, during the Thirsting for vengeance despite their weakened state,
Third War, the Alliance extended membership to the the healthiest blood elves, including Kael’thas, depart-
night elves, who saw it as their duty to warn their new ed their ravaged land and joined the campaign against
allies against the high elves. The Highborne’s part in the Scourge in Lordaeron. In the prince’s absence,
bringing about the War of the Ancients figured heav- Lor’themar was named regent of Quel’Thalas, and Hal-
ily in the night elves’ retelling of elven his- tor y. duron Brightwing became the new ranger-general of Sil-
It should come as no surprise that hu- vermoon. To this day, Lor’themar continues to serve
mans came to regard the high elves as the leader of Azeroth’s blood elves. He
(and, by association, the blood and Halduron safeguard the land while
elves) with resentment and they seek a cure for their people’s
suspicion. seemingly insatiable hunger.

Led by Arthas Me- When Kael’thas and his

nethil, the Scourge re- suffering people volunteered
cently invaded the king- to fight the Scourge alongside
dom of Quel’Thalas Alliance resistance forces, the
and created the lich blood elves were met with sus-
Kel’Thuzad, defiling picion and outright hostility,
the Sunwell and using the particularly from the prej-
last of its power in the pro- udiced human Grand
cess. Most of the high elf Marshal Garithos.
race was slaughtered by Garithos assigned the
the undead. Sylvanas blood elves increas-
Windrunner’s sec- ingly difficult mis-
ond-incommand, sions until Kael’thas
Lor’themar Ther- was forced to accept the
on, assumed tem- assistance of Lady Vashj
porary leadership and her naga. When
of the high elves. The Garithos discovered
few high elves who that the blood elves
survived the Scourge’s were working with the
invasion quickly grew ill naga, he felt that his
and apathetic. distrust had been
vindicated. He im-
Prince Kael’thas prisoned the hap-
Sunstrider was the last less blood elf sol-
of the royal bloodline diers in the dungeons
and a member of the Kirin of Dalaran and sentenced
Tor. He had been pursuing mag- them to death.
ical studies in Dalaran at the time of the Scourge
invasion. When he heard of the disaster, he hastened to Fortunately Vashj arrived in time to free the blood
Quel’Thalas and found his homeland in ruins. He real- elves, who were suffering terribly from their hunger for
ized that the elven survivors were all experiencing the magic by this time. Vashj explained that the naga, too,
same sickness and lethargy, which had begun when the were addicted to magic, and she said that Illidan could
Sunwell’s magics were drained. help the blood elves. She then led them to the portal
Determined to salvage what he could, Kael’thas ral- that Kel’Thuzad had opened during the Third War (so
lied all the survivors he could find and renamed them as to give Archimonde entry into Azeroth). With no oth-
the sin’dorei, or “children of the blood”, in honor of er palatable choices, Kael’thas and his fighters followed

the naga through the portal and into the shattered mana stolen past this amount fades away.
realm of Outland. There, the elves freed the renegade
demon Illidan Stormrage, who had been taken prisoner
by Warden Maiev Shadowsong.

After the rescue, Kael’thas beseeched Illidan for a Arcane Torrent [General Feat]
cure to the blood elves’ addiction to magic. Illidan had The blood elf releases a torrent of powerful ar-
a different proposal in mind, though: in return for the cane energy, stunning those around him.
blood elves’ loyalty, he would teach them to drain magic Prerequisites: Must have 3 levels of Blood Elf.
from powerful alternative sources, including demons. It Benefit: By expending stolen mana (through
was an offer Kael’thas felt he had to accept. He was cer- the use of his mana tap ability) and a standard
tain his people would die without either a cure or a new action, those within 30 feet of the blood elf must
succeed on a Will saving throw or be stunned for
source of magic. Kael’thas pledged his allegiance to Il-
1d4 rounds. The DC to resist this ability is equal
lidan, who taught several blood elves the techniques he to 10 + the number of stolen spell slots expended
had offered. These teachings spread to the other blood + the blood elf’s Charisma bonus. The blood elf
elves in Outland, who were then able to stave off their must expend a minimum of 1 stollen spell slot to
painful hunger for arcane magic. use this ability.
Special: Blood elf casters may instead expend
up to 4 0-level or 1st level spell slots as a standard
Blood Elf Racial Traits action to use this ability.

Recharge [General Feat]

As High Elf, with the following changes:
By using this feat, the blood elf may expend
•Weapon Proficiency: Blood elves receive for free
stolen mana to recharge one of his class special
the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the long-
bow, composite longbow, short sword, and warblade.
Prerequisites: Must have 3 levels of Blood Elf.
•Bonus Languages: Darnassian, Dwarven,
Benefit: By expending a stolen mana (through
Eredun, Goblin, Kalimag, Nazja, and Orcish.
the use of his mana tap ability) as a free action, the
•Racial Levels: Unlike humans and some other
blood elf may regain one use per day of a class’s
races, blood elves can take a few levels in “blood
special ability, such as a paladin’s auras or a bar-
elf” as a class to develop their racial qualities fully.
barian’s rages per day.
•Favored Class: A multiclass blood elf’s warlock Special: Blood elf casters may instead expend 1
level does not count when determining whether she 0-level or 1st level spell slot to recharge class abili-
suffers an experience point penalty for multiclassing. ties.
Blood Elf Levels
Mana Siphon
Blood elf racial levels differ slightly. Instead of Em-
power Magic, they gain the following: Evocation
Mana Tap (Su): The blood elf may, through a single Level: Arcanist 2
touch, steal mana from a target and use it for itself. If Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
the blood elf spends a standard action and succeeds on
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
a touch attack that provokes an attack of opportunity,
Target: One creature
he steals one 0-level or 1st level spell slot from the tar-
Duration: Instantaneous
get. If the target has no more mana, or is inable to cast
Saving Throw: Will negates
spells, this ability does nothing.
Spell Resistance: Yes
The blood elf may then use this spell energy to power
one of his spell-like abilities, or an appropriete blood
Blood elves divised this spell to sate their appe-
elf feat (see below). Alternately, a blood elf caster may
tites for mana. By focusing on a target, the caster
use this stolen spell energy to cast any 0-level or 1st level
may attempt to absorb minor gouts of mana from
spell he has prepared. Lastly, the blood elf may expend
the target. If the target fails his Will save, he looses
one unit of stolen mana to sate his magic addition for a
one 0-level or 1st level spell slot (caster’s choice).
number of days equal to 1 + his spirit modifier, as if he
The caster regains the same spell slot the target
drank demon blood.
lost. If the target has no 0-level or 1st level spell
The blood elf must expend this stolen mana within
slots left, even if he has higher level spell slots
one hour of the theft, or the energy fades away harm-
available, then this spell automatically fails.
lessly. At any one time, the blood elf may store no more
than 1 + his Intellect modifier in stolen mana. Any

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