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Breakthrough Future

2019 - 2055
Eye Tracking for Everyone
Paper Diagnostics
Paper Diagnostics
• After the entrance of digitalization into the field of medicine, there is a
reduction of time, and even many traits can be unmasked from it.
• But the problem is that there are certain areas (rural) which are not
digitalized to adopt these diagnostics.
• There is also an issue of cost perspective.
• To fulfil these rural circumstances, paper diagnostics comes into the

• A strip of paper with urine or blood from one end to the other where
chemicals and antibodies in the sample interact with an appropriate
reagent, creating a change in colour.
• The simple colour-change reaction can provide critical information that lets
doctors know whether a patient is in danger.
Designer Antibiotics
Designer Antibiotics
• Antibiotic resistance has been declared as big a threat to our safety as
terrorism — but now scientists are testing a new ‘designer’ form of
the drugs that may help reduce the problem.

• This new style of antibiotic targets the specific strain of bacteria

causing the illness, so that the other strains are left unharmed and
don’t become resistant.

• The emphasis now is on the development of antibiotics with a much

narrower focus to treat the most resistant bacteria.
Ingestible Robots
Smart Clothing
Smart Clothing
• Smart clothing is still to go mainstream after first popping to the
surface in 2015.
• Electronic textiles, also known as smart garments, smart clothing,
smart textiles, or smart fabrics, are fabrics that enable digital
components such as a battery and a light (including small computers),
and electronics to be embedded in them.
• Smart textiles can be broken into two different categories: aesthetic
and performance enhancing.
• Aesthetic examples include fabrics that light up and fabrics that can
change color.
• Performance enhancing smart textiles are intended for use in athletic,
extreme sports and military applications.
Photonics in Space
Photonics in Space
Photonics are expected to make an impact in
future Spacecraft engineering by replacing or
enhancing conventional electrical approaches in
the fields of digital and RF telecom payloads,
sensors, micro LIDAR and spectrometers by
reducing the size, weight, power, or performance
of the systems they replace.
Volcanic Mining
Volcanic Mining
• Submarine volcanoes might eventually become a strategic resource
for rare metals as humans exhaust deposits on land.

• A vast, untapped mineral resource exists beneath the seafloor, spread

across the many thousands of submarine volcanoes worldwide.

• All volcanic magmas contain at least trace amounts of various metals,

and rocks are rich in metals like gold, silver, copper and molybdenum.
Spintronics Revolution
The rapid
of “Spintronics”
(electron spin-orbit
smart technologies
and IOT.
Carbon Breathing Battery
Carbon Breathing Battery
In our rapidly warming
world, finding a cheap
way to pull greenhouse
gases from the
atmosphere while
satisfying our energy
needs could be the key
to our continued
survival on Earth in the
centuries to come.
Super Antivirals
Broad spectrum
antiviral drugs,
based on the
ISG15 mutation
and other
therapies, arrive
in market.
Diamond Batteries
Diamond Batteries
• Diamonds are made from carbon under high pressures, which can be
• If made them from radioactive carbon-14 extracted from nuclear
waste, they are able to generate a small electric current, becoming a
battery that can last thousands of years with no emissions,
radioactive or otherwise.
• The amount of radioactivity in each diamond battery is a lot less than
in a single banana.
Optogenetics (from Greek,
Modern optikós, meaning 'seen,
visible') is a biological technique
that involves the use of light to
control cells in living tissue,
typically neurons, that have been
genetically modified to express
light-sensitive ion channels.

After a decade of Ontogenetic

engineering and research,
neurological disorders such as
Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s,
Tourette’s, schizophrenia, autism,
and many others become

Nano Feasibility
Cheap Solar Power
Cheap Solar Power
• In the most optimistic scenarios for the power source, solar
generation will increase 16-fold between 2016 and 2040, according to
data from the International Energy Agency.

• A class of materials known as perovskites underway in U.S.

government labs and other facilities around the world promises to
accelerate rapidly even the most optimistic projections for solar

• By 2033, Perovskites and Organic Solar Cells achieves nearly 100%

efficiency; innovation in manufacturing techniques make solar power
widely available.
Uncheckable Quantum Internet
Uncheckable Quantum Internet
• The internet is vulnerable to the kind of hacking revealed by Snowden because
data still travels over cables in the form of classical bits—a stream of electrical or
optical pulses representing 1s and 0s.
• A hacker who manages to tap into the cables can read and copy those bits in
• The laws of quantum physics, on the other hand, allow a particle—for example,
an atom, an electron, or (for transmitting along optical cables) a photon of light—
to occupy a quantum state that represents a combination of 1 and 0
• Such a particle is called a quantum bit, or qubit. When you try to observe a qubit,
its state “collapses” to either 1 or 0.
• If a hacker taps into a stream of qubits, the intruder both destroys the quantum
information in that stream and leaves a clear signal that it’s been tampered with.
• Because of this property, qubits have been used for quite some time to generate
encryption keys in a process known as quantum key distribution (QKD).
• This involves sending data in classical form over a network, while the keys needed
to decrypt the data are transmitted separately in a quantum state.
Biomimetic Materials
Biomimetic Materials

New materials,
inspired by the
behavior of living
things, have led to
self cleaning
clothing, self-
repairing buildings,
and the elimination
of plastic packaging.
The Next Evolution of A.I.
Big data analytics and predictive AI come of age-from
weather, to elections, to geopolitics, evolution, and
much else, the future has become almost
disappointingly predictable.
Designer Molecules

Artificial Molecules and from

“super atoms,” with novel
magnetic and chemical
properties, enable the creation of
revolutionary new materials.
3D Printing in Every Home
The ultimate in home shopping: cheap 3D
printers in every home can print out almost
anything – Electronics, Furniture, Food, and
medicines – from files purchased and
downloaded from the internet.
Fully Immersive Computer Interface

Intuitive interaction with entertainment,

infotainment, web-surfing and what have
you through advances in VR/AR, projection
mapping, haptics, and brain-computer
Self-Sufficient Energy Ecosystem
Germline Genetic Modification
Germline Genetic Modification
• Germline genetic modification is a form of genetic engineering which
involves changing genes in eggs, sperm, or very early embryos.

• This type of engineering is inheritable, meaning that the modified

genes would appear not only in any children that resulted from the
procedure, but in all succeeding generations.

• Germline engineering is controversial because of its potential for

human enhancement.
DNA Computing
“Genetronics” comes of age: self-
assembling microelectronics made
of genetic material and DNA-based
supercomputers smaller than a
Holographic Pets
Holographic Pets become the next
“thing” – interactive AI holograms
that express and response to
emotions. Holographic dating sites
also take off.
Microwave Rockets
Rapid Genetic Screening
Easy home genetic diagnostics
lead to customized medicine,
genomics based drugs, and a
revolution in the study of the
genetic history of life.
Fusion Power
Fusion Power is commercially
available; infrastructure plans are
underway for converting the grid
to at least 75% fusion derived
power in two decades.
Space Based Solar Power
Space Based Solar Power

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Algorithmic Advances

Sophisticated algorithms- the product of advanced

quantum computing-achieve wonders in medicine,
astronomy, the search for extraterrestrial life,
economics, architecture, and reconstructing the
history of evolution on Earth.
Carbon Sequestration
Programs for injecting large
amount of atmospheric CO2
into basaltic rock, for
permanent storage, become
practical, and are widely
Wave top and Undersea Cities

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