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“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.

H.E. Luccock
Envisioning a better world is the first step towards making a dif-
ference. However, our work doesn‟t end there. We need to be pre-
pared to tread the roads less travelled. We need to walk through,
hand in hand, in rain and in sunshine, and bring at par our vision.
We need to align ourselves towards the purpose- the purpose of
being the tidal force, shaping the cliff of social wellness, whilst
removing the ills and overtaking the norms. This job is not an easy

Association for India‟s Development (AID), Delhi chapter, com-

prises of ~20 such committed citizens and every month we keep
adding to our mission enthusiasts who join us in perpetuating the
wave of change we intend to bring.

The AID Delhi Publication team releases its first newsletter, re-
flecting the work that has been done by our dedicated volunteers
in the past three months. We have had our share of encourage-
ments and disheartening experiences. We gained insight and learnt
many new lessons. It was through the collective effort of our vol-
unteers that we were able to compile all these into a newsletter and
give it the current shape.

In this edition, Moon Garg, puts forth her view on the schemes
adopted by the government for the girl child. This is followed by
updates from our different projects- Pehal and Meri Udaan. Our
volunteers penned down the events that were held within the past
three months that included the AID NCR Operational Review
Meet and Independence Day celebrations. Updates from Project
Saksham, a micro financing initiative that has currently joined the
portfolio of different projects under the AID Umbrella, follow
next. In our „volunteer speaks‟ sections, one of our school coordi-
nators, writes her experience of volunteering with AID Delhi as
the one that made her realize her goals as a social worker. Next,
our partner project- LearningInq provides us with updates of their
projects. The newsletter concludes with updates on the various
fund raising initiatives undertaken by AID Delhi and treasury up-
dates for the quarter.

The newsletter has been beautifully designed by our designer,

Harsh Kalra. Together our team hopes that the newsletter proves
to be an enlightening and inspiring read for one and all.
Zulaikha Urooj Rahman
Publication Coordinator, AID Delhi

“Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances

of survival as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”
– Albert Einstein
Schemes for the Girl Child
– A Savior or Farce!
-Moon Garg

It‟s ironic to see, that even today, a girl child- whether born to a wealthy or a poor
person- is unwelcomed by so many. It‟s not only the fear of dowry that most worry
about, it is also the fact that the girl shall leave them one day, leaving no one to take
care of them.

The sex ratio of India is 927 per thousand males. The sex ratio of some states speak
volumes about the plight of girl child in India. For instance the sex ratio of Delhi is
915 per thousand males which is below the international standard of 952.

The Government of India , in its effort to combat this social illness, has announced a
number of schemes such as Laadli, Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Adolescent Girls,
Balika Samridhi Yojana, Kishori Shakti Yojana, Nutrition program for Adolescent
Girls(NPAG) and others. All these aim at improving the health status and provide
opportunities to the girl child in the areas of education and career development. Some
of the schemes, also, provide incentives to people on registering the birth of a girl

How ironical it is that we need a scheme to make people realize the importance of a
girl child. A girl child, who later is the one who gives birth to another life, is a victim
of homicide herself. She not only suffers when she is not even born in the form of
female infanticide but also subject to violence and humiliation at all stages of life.

The government has dedicated a day to the girl child and thinks it is the most effec-
tive step that can be taken to give a girl child her share of importance. But this day
merely gives media, celebrities, and the government opportunities to inundate people
with several facts, activities and programs.

Dedicating a single day to the girl child and starting schemes in the name of provid-
ing the girl child with resources for development is not enough. The real tribute is
when people recognize and appreciate the presence of a girl child in their lives.
A girl is not merely a girl but a mother, a wife and a responsible person contributing
to family and the society.

If we really want to see a change in the way a girl child is perceived in this country,
we need to change the thought process. The change has to begin from our homes, and
it is only then that we could become role models for others to follow the right path.

Are we ready to lead?

A million plastic bags are consumed every minute, and 1500 bottles trashed every second!!
Reduce and reuse plastic

Project Pehal

MCD School, Sahipur

We have been conducting remedial classes in the MCD School, Sahipur,
which are held from 2 pm to 4 pm, 6 days a week. The teaching patterns of
our classes pay special attention to the problem areas of the students. A dis-
tinct syllabus has also been devised for the same. Along with academics, we
are also conducting skill building sessions for the children.
The students were given thorough support for the preparation of their mid-
term examinations. After the examinations were over, their syllabus was
again revised to incorporate all subjects that required attention.
The reading hour is now followed by skill building sessions, where, music
and art is taught.
We have witnessed encouraging results as more than half of the students
take keen interest in their studies and activities organized for
Every alternate day, a volunteer pays visit to the school ensur-
ing the smooth running of our program.
In this course, the efforts of Pehal teachers are noteworthy as
they have been taking equal responsibility in making the school
program a success with their constant support.
-Ashmeet Bilkhu

MCD School, BT Block

The remedial classes in the MCD School, BT block, began on the 10th of
May. Fifty students from classes 3rdto 5th were enrolled. The students were
segregated into different lots on the basis of their classes. In the 2 hour
classes held after school, our able teachers Mr. Uttam and Ms. Mona em-
phasized on strengthening the basics as well as help the kids cope with
their school syllabus. The students were given ample support
for the preparation of their mid-term examinations.

However, as, we continued to face resistance from the school

authorities, we have now closed our program in this school.

-Aditi Sachdev

Crying is indeed healthy…as long as the tears are washed with a handkerchief, not a tissue

Meri Udaan
-Vipra Dhawan
There is a wide gender disparity in the literacy rate in India: adult (15+ years) literacy rates in 2009 were
76.9% for men and 54.5% for women. The low female literacy rate has had a dra-
matically negative impact on family planning and population stabilization efforts in

In its effort to bridge the gap, AID-Delhi started with its Adult Literacy Program,
“Meri Udaan” on 6th July, 2010. The program currently is running at two centers in
Shalimar Bagh slum- BG 1 block and BC Bagh. A team of dedicated volunteers
went to the homes of various slum dwellers, motivated the women and girls above
15 years of age to study and were successful in convincing around 30 females who
got themselves enrolled for the one-hour daily classes as this will not affect their
regular routine as well.
The program initiated with females learning how to write their names and signatures. Basic knowledge
about our national language- Hindi, along with simple day to day calculations in the form of basic Mathe-
matics is being taught to them. The class is an interactive one and the problems faced by the women in any
concept are catered to.

In Hindi, they have been taught “Varnamala” and can now form words with and
without “matras”. Stress is also being given on developing their reading skills as
much as writing skills.
Mathematics forms an integral part of their daily classes so that they can use the
basic arithmetic operations to deal with the shopkeepers and are not cheated. Till
now, they have learnt how to count and are currently working on addition of two
or more numbers.

Apart from that, volunteers visit the site and monitor the classes regularly, making sure that the classes are
carried out without hassles. Any problems faced by the women that prevent
them from coming to the classes regularly are also dealt with.

Regular oral assessments are done and a written examination is scheduled

every three months.
Every issue our society faces is like a link of a chain. Each issue is con-
nected to another, either directly or indirectly. And illiteracy is the strongest
link of that chain. We at AID Delhi look forward to be able to weaken this
link through our volunteering efforts at Meri Udaan.

The next world war will not be fought over land or oil, but over water!

- Serageldin, World Bank

Operational Review Meet,
September 2010
-Anandita Yadav

The quarterly installment of AID Delhi‟s Operational Review Meet (ORM)

took place on Sunday, the 26th of September, 2010 at IIT Delhi. While AID
Delhi played host, there was a sizeable presence from AID Gurgaon, AID
Noida and AID Faridabad chapters as well. Representatives from our partner
NGOs like Learning Inq also were present.
This ORM consisted of a motley group of both old and new volunteers. With a
view to welcome the many new members to the AID family, the day‟s proceed-
ings started with an interactive theatre workshop conducted by Mr. Zubair
from Khoj. The various fun-filled activities planned by Mr. Zubair served as
the perfect ice-breaker. At one point the volunteers, divided into two groups
with their hands connected to each other in a circle, were jumbled into a
„human knot‟. As the teams worked furiously to „un-jumble‟ themselves with-
out letting the circle break, Mr. Zubair subtly drove home the point about how
„problems within our community are interconnected (just like our hands) and it
is only through our diligence and working together as a team that we can over-
come them. Next on the agenda were the updates from AID Gurgaon , Noida
and Delhi. The ORM has always been a great opportunity for the AID volun-
teers who have been dedicatedly working behind the scenes in their respective
chapters to come together and interact with a larger audience about the prob-
lems faced, lessons learnt and experiences gained during their work. This mu-
tual exchange between them yielded some suggestions and some solutions to
the many issues discussed.
A new innovative addition to this ORM was the informative quiz conducted by
Pulkit. With the aid of audio-visual clips, the quiz covered an array of topics
from water conservation to vegetarianism and even sustainable agricultural
practices. Each question became a nodal point of discussion amongst the vol-
unteers and the quizmaster, while at the same time it was also a great learning
With our heads teeming with so much information and statistics, the meeting
naturally progressed to an open discussion where AID was formally introduced
to new volunteers, new initiatives taken up by the respective chapters were dis-
cussed, some critical issues were debated over, and other loose ends were fi-
nally tied up equipped with suggestions from old volunteers and fresh inputs
from the new volunteers. Hence, concluded the September edition of the Op-
erational Review Meet.

Even Sachin is betting for it now! Take restrained bucket baths, as opposed to long showers/
tub baths.

Independence Day
at Pehal
-Surabhi Keyal

India celebrated its 63rd Independence Day on 15th August 2010; Pehal
volunteers took up the initiative to celebrate it with the children of the
MCD School in Sahipur.

The main idea behind conducting the event was to enrich the kids with
knowledge of the brutal struggle India had to undergo while achieving
independence. It was to instill into them the feeling of patriotism and
make them aware of the great freedom fighters who led our country free
from British rule.

The program started with the flag hoisting ceremony, followed by the
national anthem. Thereafter, the children performed a dance and sang a
patriotic song „Saare Jahaan Se Accha‟. A skit based on the importance
of the three colors in the National flag was then presented. We felt really
proud as the efforts of the children & volunteers faired really well.

We then had a successful sports session where we conducted sprint

races. Many students participated in the competition & showed great en-
thusiasm. The children who won the race were awarded. In the end, a
march-past was done by the kids that concluded with a final call of JAI

The children rehearsed for the events, weeks before the Independence
Day as they were enthusiastic about the celebrations. It paid off well and
the event was a grand success. It felt like walking down the memory lane
--- our school time fun and celebrations, and then everything fading in to
the call of VANDE MATRAM.

Delhi alone guzzles 4.5 crore liters every day for car washing! Why pour water where a wet
cloth would do?

SAKSHAM: A Micro-Financing
-Vikramjeet Singh

Implementing AID‟s Philosophy of Seva, Sangharsh & Nirmaan has

been a continuous endeavor of AID Delhi.
To move one step ahead in this direction a new project has been
started. This project is a micro-financing project catering specifically
to rickshaw owners. The project name “SAKSHAM” has been unani-
mously decided by AID Delhi volunteers as this name depicts
“making someone capable of doing something on its own”.
Project Saksham started with the idea to stop the exploitation of rick-
shaw owners as they have to pay rent to their rickshaw lenders, with-
out being able to save any money. This initiative provides them with
an avenue to buy a rickshaw without having to pay the lump sum cost
of the rickshaw. Rickshaw owners will get the rickshaw
from SAKSHAM and can start returning the money on a weekly ba-
sis, till the money the money equivalent to the cost of the rickshaw is
Based on calculations, it was found that the whole cost of a rickshaw
can be easily given back by rickshaw owners in 7 months.
1. SAKSHAM will
not charge any interest
from the Rickshaw
2. Though project
works on same phi-
losophy as that of
not an AID endeavor

Whatever you do may seem insignificant, but it’s most important that you do it.

– M. K. Gandhi

Volunteer Speaks...
-Ashmeet Bilkhu

Each night passes by promising a new day of full lessons and wide horizons. As was the case when I
marked my beginning with Association for India‟s Development (AID). My pursuit for social work probed
me in to looking for NGO‟s and hence began my search. I wrote countless mails to various organizations,
filled a number of volunteer applications online, and called up different people but all to no avail. My search
then, brought me closer to 'Aashayein' an AID Delhi project by two of my colleagues.

Eager to join the race, I exchanged basic information with them and landed on their project. It was then
when I understood the term social work. I realized that the urge to do something is not enough and one
needs to be more specific.
I needed to chalk out a way which would benefit the kids around rather than just teaching 2+2=4 which eve-
rybody over there was taking care of. Eventually, lacking means in myself to do 'something', I left
Aashayein only to make a more meaningful comeback in „Pehal‟. This pause gave me more than I can ask
for. It gave me a good time to introspect my goals. It not only answered my quest on what I should do but
also on how to do it.

I took up art classes on the project. My idea, while I work with kids is "self expression". The chief concern
is to make them unlearn all that they are forced to learn. It doesn‟t matter how you paint, what really matters
is what you paint and this, forms the basis of my art classes at Pehal.

With AID, I realized my goals and found the platform to achieve them. I hope this journey continues to help
me make a difference in the lives of the children I work with.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In-
deed, it is the only thing that ever has.

- Margaret Mead
Partner Projects

In the last few months, the LearningInq team has been redoing its door-to-
door survey, based on a grid, to ensure that every single house on the se-
lected block is able to access education. Mapping has been carried out
where we have revisited every adult and child in the demarcated geo-
graphical area to know about their education status. It was devastating, as
we covered around 50 houses, we found that around 100 children are ei-
ther out of school or need supplementary education to be able to stay in

Although the target for each school is 100 families, we realized that we
had to stop setting limits as the number of children who needed our atten-
tion could be more than 150 from just 50 homes.
There are 93 children in one centre and 60 in another who are regular to-

What has happened in the process is that LearningInq has updated a de-
tailed databank of the families in the demarcated area. Also, the reasons
for lack of access, the reasons for drop out from formal schooling, the an-
ticipated and existing challenges with retention and the challenges for
mainstreaming per child per family, have been identified.

LearningInq started a scheme where we received donations to do one

„exposure trip‟ per month (every Second Saturday) to a public place of in-
terest. We have had one such trip to the Science Museum. The pictures tell
a story of immense excitement and we were able to get a lot of leverage
for the schools in terms of increasing attendance and having children
choose LearningInq schools over the many unqualified tuition teachers'
home-based enterprises.

A screen saver “saves” nothing! Turn off the monitor each time you step out for 3 minutes,
and the CPU while going off for 30 minutes.


 This September, AID Delhi clubbed the celebrations of Raksha-bandhan with its fund raising initiative.
Rakhi stalls consisting of decorative rakhi‟s, Loombas, Bracelets, Envelopes, Soan, Tshirts, Rakhi
Thalis and Roli Chawal Boxes, were set up in different corporate houses such as ST Microelectronics,
Colt Technologies, Evalueserve, and SEZ.
 In addition, as a part of our fund raising initiative, we have also started printing customized corporate t-
shirts for corporate houses like Aricent.


Total Funds Raised Rs. 35,865
Total Funds Spent Rs. 33,615
Funds Raised by Meal a Month/Individual donation Rs. 10,260
Funds Raised by Merchandise Selling/Stalls Rs. 25,605
Funds Spent on Education Rs. 32,035


Understand the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in India and incorporate CSR as an integral part of
business strategy
 Develop a community engagement strategy.
 Bring together NGOs working in diverse fields like education, health, environment with corporate/funding
agencies to tie up partnerships through discussions.
 Develop environmentally and socially responsible products and services.
 Engage your employees in giving back to the society through AID‟s Corporate Volunteers Program.
 Provide cost effective solutions to the problems of underprivileged communities Encourage your employees
to participate in environment related initiatives.

Love to teach children? Love to write, report and design? Care about the environment? Want to strengthen Rights?
Worried about new policies?
Simple steps by which YOU can make a difference:
Register yourself as a volunteer
On receiving a welcome note
Subscribe yourself to the volunteer e-group
One of our volunteer coordinators will contact you within a week.
Contact for any further questions

Don't blow it. Good planets are hard to find!

All donations to AID Delhi are directed towards education, health & nutrition, skill- building, campaigns
and other activities. You can donate towards AID and its activities in the following manner:
Meal a month: An initiative to donate an amount equivalent to one meal of yours to build future India.
Even a single penny counts! Rs 10, Rs 50, Rs 100, Rs 500...Whatever a meal costs you, we‟d like to share
your platter.
Donate Books: Donate academic books of your children after they‟ve completed studying from them.
Pledge support for formal education of a child/ children
These contributions are entitled to a 50% tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.

How to donate in India

ELECTRONIC TRANSFERS Internet banking users can make electronic trans-
fers to AID-India's ICICI Bank Account.
Cheques can be drawn in favor of AID-India's
CHEQUES ICICI Bank Account and can be either mailed to
or deposited at any ICICI bank branch.
CASH Cash may be deposited at any ICICI bank branch
quoting "AID-India" on the deposit slip.

AID-India - ICICI Bank Details

Branch: Royapettah High Road (RHR)
Location: Chennai
MICR code: 600229007
Account No.: 602201200299 (Savings)
Beneficiary address: 7/4 Besant Road, Royapettah, Chennai. Phone: +91-44-42106493, 28350403
To receive a receipt for your donation, please send the following details to
1. Your name and permanent address
2. Date , amount and mode (e-transfer, cheque, cash) of donation
3. Bank details together with the Cheque/Receipt number or E-transaction ID

If you are outside India and want to contribute to AID India‟s Delhi chapter, then do mail us your cheque
(in any currency), drawn in favor of "AID-India", along with a cover letter stating the purpose of dona-

AID INDIA- Bank Details for International Transfers

Punjab National Bank - 0306010100082696
PNB Extension Counter, D A V School (under Anna Salai Branch) 383, Avvai Shanmugam Salai,
Gopalapuram, Chennai 600 086, Tamilnadu, India
IFSC (NEFT/ RTGS) code - PUNB0030600
ABA or SWIFT routing number of PNB India - 000046612 in the name of PNB FEO Chennai. CODE -

AID-Delhi – Mailing Address House number 161, C-13, Sector 3, Rohini-85

Contact us:
Reach us at:
AID Delhi on Facebook:
AID Delhi on Twitter:
AID Delhi on Wikipedia:


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