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Romans: Cornerstone of Christian Truth

Sin and salvation

Sin is what prevents blessings

First letter: James then 1st Thessalonians

Maximum words written by Luke

Longest letter of Paul: Romans

Roman 1:1: Servant of Christ----master is Christ; Spiritual gift is apostle; Work is to spread
the gospel

Romans 16: 22 Tertius written from Corinth city

It was winter. Paris of 1st century is Corinth. In house of Gaius.

AD 55-56 Romans was written

Capital of the world was Rome.

Significant hub of all activities.

In Rome the church of Rome want a Christian constitution. Hence Paul and tertius wrote it.


Section 1: chapter 1 to 8. Doctrinal (Faith)

He or she (sinner) is seen in the total ugliness or what are the things they are deprived of.
Rom 1:18

None who does good Jews and gentiles (chapter 2)

Anatomy Rom 3:13

Throat is an open grave; Tongue keeps deceiving; Under the lips the poison of the asps;
Mouth is full of cursing; Feet is swift to shed blood; Destruction and misery-------------------
No fear of God

Righteousness of Christ is only one that pleases God. It comes from faith in him.
Hence peace before God.

We are declared righteousness --- hence a position--------After death we will be made

Section 2: chapter 9 to 11. Israel (Hope)

Section 3: 12 to 16 (Love)

Chapter 12: dedication at the altar to God. To be consumed or be used exhaustly. Don’t get
squeezed into the world mould.




Rom 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime (OT) were written for our
learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Who needs the book of Romans

Sinners needs Romans
Skeptics needs Romans
Saints needs Romans

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