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By James Will Master Power

Copyright. 2012. James Power. All rights reserved.

Mastering Time: A Practical Guide for the Rest of Us

What is time travel, really?

Where were you yesterday? And, what’s one thing

important that you did yesterday? What time was it when

you did it? Likewise, where will you be tomorrow? And,

what is one important thing you will do tomorrow? What

time are you scheduled to do it? The easier it is for one to

answer these questions, the more in-phase one is with 4th

dimensional time. Time travel is essentially the motion

from one noticeable event (or state of being) to the next

noticeable event or state of being.

Some humans have very few notable events

occurring in the day-to-day. For most of humanity, general

markers have been put into place to mark time for us. The

work-day ends at 5PM. The weekend begins on Friday. You

can also look forward to your birthday, Mother’s Day,

Thanksgiving, the Fourth of July, and Christmas, even if just

for the time you will have off. Much of humanity relates to

time in a very general way. Consider many in the third

world who didn’t have clocks or watches until factories

began to spring up in their urban centers.

As we move out of phase with third-dimensional

space, we move into phase with fourth-dimensional time.

Some people can answer scheduling questions about the

last three days or the next three days, event for event.

These people can be said to be three days in phase with

fourth-dimensional space-time. Some cannot answer the

above questions at all. They either rest squarely in the

third dimension or are settled somewhere between the

second and third dimensions. Then, there are people who

know where they were or will be, because they were or

will be with other people or doing things with or for

someone else. These people can be said to have hitched a

ride through time and space in someone else’s ship (or

time machine).

Yes! Certain people hitch rides on time-machines

belonging to others. For those who remember Star Trek,

we are familiar with names like Captain Kirk, Spock, Scotty,

and Uhuru. However, no one seems to remember all the

inconspicuous ship-mates who ‘beamed down’ to the

surfaces of various planets with the crew. Now, there is

certainly nothing wrong with being a ship-mate or

companion who goes along for the ride. What would the

twelve disciples have been without Jesus Christ? How

much publicity would the Jackson Five have continued to

receive over the years if there were no Michael Jackson?

Still, it helps to have enough understanding of the forms

and functions of time to dictate your own agenda as it

relates to time.
In this book, we will cover many time travel basics. It

is essential that we cover time travel basics, because it is

on these basics that a more complex understanding of

time travel is built. Metaphysics is not concerned with the

science of time travel, as it relates to the fourth dimension.

So, we will not be advancing any abstract mathematic

equations or discussing the work of various engineering

research teams in this text.

Metaphysics is more interested in expanding our

awareness with regard to the way we think about time and

time travel. Some might think that to do so is a waste of

time, but according to Gott, it was H.G. Wells science-

fiction book The Time Machine that influenced Albert

Einstein and all of the remarkable advances made in 20th

century physics, astrophysics, nuclear physics, and

quantum physics, with respect to time. So, at the outset,

let me give you the first key to time travel from the

perspective of the third dimension…

Key Concept #1: Time travel requires that you maintain

some record of time.

If you don’t know what you did yesterday, then you

cannot be said to be marking or keeping good time. Time is

measured from one notable event to the next. So, if there is

nothing notable going on in your life, then you are out of

touch with time, out-of-time, and lost in space. So, you do

not necessarily have to be ‘physically’ lost in space to be

lost in space. You might as well be that astronaut floating

around in the vacuum if you are not marking and making

time here. That is – as it relates to time and the fourth

dimension, you are at a loss if you are not keeping time.

Notice, I keep mentioning ‘from the perspective of

this or that dimension’. This is because if we were viewing

time from the perspective of the fourth dimension, we

would have a totally different understanding of the way

time works. In fact, this book is designed to help you begin

to view time from the fourth-dimensional perspective, as

part of an effort to re-pattern human thought.

Now, the question might arise - should people not

have a choice in the whole matter? Maybe living a third-

dimensional existence is enough. Why is any of this ‘time

stuff’ important anyway? Well, in our dimension, those

who do not mark and make time can and are often robbed

of their time. For most, this is not a big deal from the

perspective of the present or ‘the here and now’. Thing is –

people always find themselves wanting to get back the

time they eventually realize they lost. To say that you

cannot get it back is not altogether true. Time is energy

and thus can be exchanged for other forms of energy

toward balancing the apparent difference in the equation.

In other words, you can trade money for time. Or, you can

trade some kind of know-how for money, which can be

exchanged for time. Strictly speaking, however, the

program that governs time is very difficult to alter (say it

with me if you will) – “from the perspective of the third

dimension.” Time equations (or programs) are in-play with

other time equations that are of themselves changing as

they flow down the stream of time. So, it is possible to dial

back the clock on all of those equations to have the

experience of the time you feel you lost. It is very

impractical to do so (especially physically and materially),

but it is possible.

How would one do that, do you think? Well, imagine

a blackboard – on it is your equation. That equation (or

program) contains information on where you were at a

certain moment in your life. Well, you can also place on

that same blackboard other equations you would like to

have executed just as they existed at the time you feel you

missed out on some experience. However, the equation is

just a representation of something that played itself out on

the third dimension. So, you would have to find a

dimension where the equations (or programs) would work

in and of themselves. Such dimensions do exist. The

dream-state is such a dimension. If a loved one passes

away and you wished to run the equation (or program)

that included experiencing life with them, it would be

easiest done through the dream-state, because it closely

mirrors our world. Further, because the dream-state exists

in two-dimensions, it requires less energy to output the

results (or manifest the desired effect).

It’s a little off-topic but let’s just say that you desired

to run that same program in what we call ‘the real world’.

Could it be done? Of course, it could be done, but each

time you add a new dimension you are multiplying the

complexity of the equations and the master program

needed to run them. See! What you are saying is – I want a

two-dimensional representation to manifest in the third

dimension and have experiences with me that spans the

fourth and fifth dimensions. That, in a nutshell, is what

happens in our reality. Well, that takes energy – a lot of

energy. This very idea was masterfully executed in the

movie “Thirteenth Floor”. It is recommended viewing for

anyone who wants to understand time travel from the

perspective of the energy necessary to do it. Still, it is a

movie. Whole worlds can be created in films, because no

one is going to question the science and math necessary to

create them.

Well, all of the other dimensions are dimensions of

energy too. And, a move from any one dimension into

another dimension (especially a higher one) demands an

expense of energy. So, the second principle or key to time

travel that we want to advance is this.

Key Concept #2: Time travel in the third dimension

requires a great deal of energy.

Planets, stars, and higher beings reside in higher

dimensions with good reason. They command more

energy. Thus, they are capable of things that would be

hard for us to comprehend ‘from the perspective of the

third dimension’. What some of us are attempting to do is

to expand our capacity to perceive and comprehend

information that which higher consciousnesses already

understand. Still, in order to do that, we have to start in

very familiar territory.

What separates Usain Bolt, the world-record holder

in the 100-meter dash, from the rest of us is that he

commands more energy on a 400 meter stretch of track

than you or I. When we say “Usain Bolt won the race”,

we’re essentially saying that Usain Bolt traveled through

time faster than anyone else on the track. We marvel at

this, because it is time-travel in its essence. It is the

‘evolutionary next-step’ for humanity and we realize it,

even if only on a sub-conscious level. Bolt evokes the same

reaction as Marty McFly in the movie, Back to the Future.

When that Delorean DMC-12 picked up speed, hit that

power-line, and disappeared, it left a generation of movie-

goers mesmerized. So, when we finally heard the sequel

for Back to the Future was in production, we couldn’t wait

to go see it. Likewise, it is a sure bet that Usain Bolt (the

time traveler) will be a star attraction at the 2012 Summer

Olympic Games.

If you don’t get the idea that Usain Bolt is a time

traveler, let’s use an example you may be able to

understand. What if you were traveling in a car on the

highway? What if, as you were traveling, you glanced over

to see your co-worker on his motorcycle next to you? He

gets a glimpse of you, nods his head, salutes, and takes off.

You’re traveling at 55-miles per hour and he speeds to

120-miles per hour in what seems like seconds. Before you

know it he is out of sight. Two-minutes later, you get a call

from your co-worker asking you if you have passed exit 15.

You say – “No, I will be coming up on it in 30-seconds.” He

tells you – take the exit. He adds, “About a minute-and-

thirty seconds from now, you are going to run into grid-

lock traffic. And, two-minutes after that, everyone who is

where you are will realize that traffic is backing up because

of the accident at exit 17.” So, you take the exit and thank

your co-worker. Sure! It will take you five-minutes out of

the way, but you will have saved 20-minutes that you

would otherwise have spent sitting in traffic waiting to get

beyond that accident.

A time machine accelerates your motion through

space-time. An airplane is a time-machine. A train is a time

machine. A bus is a time-machine. One factor that can be

used to determine the technological evolution of a race or

culture is a measure of the power of its time-machines.

And, the invention of the airplane cut travel-time in our

dimension by weeks, even months. So, the 20th century

was a century of significant evolution for all of humanity.

Even the terms we began to use signify evolution of the

species. Notice that the word travel-time is used to denote

travel through space, while the words time-travel are used

to denote travel through time. These are relative concepts.

Speaking of relativity, Einstein developed a little

equation to explain how energy related to the acceleration

of mass. The famous E=MC2 posited that energy could be

calculated in terms of mass that moved along the visible

light-spectrum. When a motorcycle zooms down the

highway, it can be measured as mass moving along a

lighted-matrix. A certain amount of energy would need to

be employed relative to its size to get that bike to move so

fast. And, if you know two parts of the equation, you can

get the third part. I am over-simplifying things a bit, but

scientists who know the mass and energy can determine

how fast a vehicle was traveling at the time of a crash.

Likewise, reality can be reassembled when you know the

math associated with creating it. Again, this takes energy

and time, which is why you’re not going to find someone

who is very willing to make a third-dimensional

representation of some experience you missed-out-on due

to a lack of respect for time. It is far more advantageous to

simply ‘get with the program’.

In Einstein’s mind, you simply couldn’t travel beyond

the speed of light, since light is a constant in the equation.

It’s like measuring with a ruler. The ruler is your constant.

So, when you go beyond the ruler, you need another

constant to get a good measurement. Einstein will always

be known as the greatest scientific mind of the 20th

century, because mainstream scientists simply could not

find a way to get out of his light-matrix or beyond his

‘stream of light’ consciousness. Today, Einstein’s views

have come to be seen as both ‘right’ relative to light and

quite incomplete relative to new discoveries. Not only are

there forces on which one could conceivably travel in

excess of the speed of light, there also exists states of

matter that do not conform to our ideas about how matter

should exist or behave. The term quantum physics is one

that was coined to refer to the branch of science that

would tackle these new-found realities. To be fair,

Einstein’s equations and work have stood the test of time

and have contributed to humanity’s momentous leap

forward, with respect to science. Still, as we are an

evolving species, the final chapter has not been written

with regard to time and the science of time.

Even in Einstein’s fourth dimension, however, we

see that time travel requires an almost mind-boggling

amount of energy (from the 3D perspective). In the book,

Time Travel in Einstein’s Universe, J. Richard Gott details

just how much energy it would take to move through time

using measurements we can easily comprehend. In giving

an hypothetical account of an astronaut who spends 25-

years of her life traveling 500-light years into the future

and returning to Earth to find that in one-thousand years

she has only aged 25-years, Gott writes –

“The astronaut’s capsule would weigh, say, 50 tons, and her

multistate rocket, loaded with even the most efficient matter-

antimatter fuel, would have to weigh more than 4000 times

as much as the Saturn V rocket.”

Let’s suppose you can somehow gather enough

energy to make time travel possible from the 3D

perspective. Well, hooray! You are well on your way. The

next challenge you will likely run into is a far more

formidable one. It is our third key concept relating to time.

Key Concept #3: WARNING: Time travel in the Third

Dimension is Dangerous.

If you think you are simply going to show-up at some

moment in the past and be about the business of changing

things, you are sadly mistaken. Our world is a dangerous

place. And, history has shown this world has been even

more dangerous for ‘out-of-the-box’ thinkers. So, if you’re

wondering how cool it would be to travel back-in-time to

warn the world about Hitler or 9/11 – think again.

First, you would have the limited influence of

someone who was totally unknown to anyone else during

that time period. You could never validate your credentials

and should you decide to use your time-machine as a

means of providing proof that you are who you say you

are, chances are it would be taken just prior to your being

taken into custody. You would be interrogated and (in the

best case scenario) given a place to live-out the rest of

your years on Earth in anonymity, provided you continued

to supply the government with information about the

future our world and the technology they seized.

Our world is not a nice place, full of loving, caring

beings, who want nothing more than to embrace other

loving, caring beings. If you’re looking for that world, look

no further than the Care Bears DVD boxed set. I have seen

more than one Youtube video where ‘Bubba and the boys’

decided it best to chase down some poor, extra-terrestrial

visitor and shoot-on-site, as a means of doing their part in

protecting our world by preventing an alien invasion. At

least, I hope that is what was at the root of their decision

to shoot first and ask questions later. But, why assume

everyone is a threat in the first place? In almost every alien

movie ever made in Hollywood, the assumption has always

been that the aliens were a hostile force capable of ending

‘our way of life’. Where have I heard those words before?

Imagine some of the roadblocks any black American

or woman for that matter might encounter traveling back

into certain parts of early to mid 20th century America. To

this day, sexism and racism are still very real factors in

what one might be able to accomplish with relative ease in

our world. It soon becomes evident that the third-

dimension is a realm where beings are apt to make

distinctions and (given our present level of evolution)

outright judgments about other human beings. This could

explain why most encounters with extra-terrestrials

happen in very remote places, among a few carefully

selected individuals. The people of the so-called

civilized, Western world fear what they don’t understand

and at every turn act to quell that fear by crushing the very

thing they fear.

Metaphysician, Dr. Delbert Blair, described meeting

some extra-terrestrial humanoids in the 1950s. According

to Blair, he was traveling to a UFO convention being held in

Chicago, where he planned to refute George Adamski’s

accounts of being visited by humanoid beings from Mars,

Venus, and Saturn. That’s right! In 1950s America, even a

black man (Blair) had the authority to question any of this

‘alien business’. Just as the presence of any African-

American visitor to certain places was thought to be

subject to justifiable scrutiny by all whites, alien presence

was thought to be subject to scrutiny by any human who

asserted his right to do so. I am certain you can now see

why it would be dangerous to travel into this dimension in

an attempt to convince anyone of anything.

Interestingly enough, to Dr. Blair’s surprise he was

met by two men, one of whom traveled quite some great

distance to see Dr. Blair himself. Blair said that one of

these men wore a very sophisticated interplanetary

chronometer and proved that travel through time was

possible right then and there. With that one experience,

Dr. Blair immediately accepted that travel through time

and over great distances of space was not only possible but

a reality. He abandoned the idea of arguing with Adamski. I

guess he figured that if extra-terrestrials were real enough

to approach him at Adamski’s lecture, Adamski’s story

must be real enough too.

Key Concept # 4: Travel through material space is not a

prerequisite to travel through time.

So, how does one travel through the fourth

dimension without getting caught in the many pitfalls associated

with travel through the third-dimension? Well, 2010’s Muppets

Movie came close to answering that one for us. The movie

posited that ‘travel by map’ is the only way to go. 2008’s Jumper

had Hayden Christensen skipping flights and using his

consciousness to ‘jump’ all over the world. Hollywood producers,

directors, and screen-writers have obviously tapped into our

fascination with time travel. Further, they seem to realize the

components of time travel that fascinate us most – the

dematerialization and re-materialization of objects in space.

Some call it teleportation, but all call it “magic!”

On the television series Sliders, Quinn Mallory and his time

traveling companions always found a way to escape the ‘gravity’

of any parallel realm for another attempt at sliding (taking a

portal) home. The good news for them – most of the parallel

worlds they would enter were not so far out of phase with their

present-day setting. So, each was more a parallel reality than an

altogether different time period. In comparison, Dr. Sam Beckett,

of NBC’s hit series Quantum Leap, would jump into the body of

some unsuspecting person. He had the advantage (or

disadvantage in some cases) of being readily identifiable as

someone who was already marking time in the time period into

which he traveled. The writers of both series probably realized

that the audiences would get just how seemingly impossible time

travel would be if there were no parameters set to limit the

dangers the characters would naturally face in traveling into

other 3D realities.

As we begin to realize that the time-stream is its own

construct, with its own rules, we release the restrictions that we

place on time and time-travel. We eventually realize there is no

reason it has to happen our way (or from the third-dimensional

perspective). When we realize that every experience we have is

essentially a series of electrical impulses that are registered in

the brain as sights, sounds, and the senses of touch, smell, and

taste, we open ourselves to the possibility that these experiences

can be had without the use of the physical body. One of my

favorite science fiction movies, 1997’s Contact explored this very

idea. Can an experience be real if there is no evidence of physical

or material ‘contact’ with that experience?

Well, the sobering sting of science has shed some light on

this very idea. Science teaches us that no human has ever

physically seen anything with his or her eyes. That is not how the

eyes work. The eyes collect light, which is then converted into

complex signals that are transported to the brain to re-create

whatever we think are seeing with our eyes. So, we don’t really

see. More accurately put - we think we see. Everything that is

experienced is experienced in our conscious minds. We have all

had dreams that felt just as real as waking experiences. So,

perhaps we would be better served in realizing that

consciousness is yet another frontier to be explored by humanity.

Further, I am certain we would all be benefited in realizing that

the experience is the important thing – however it registers with


What allows a person to see into the future – to be able to

journal events as they will happen tomorrow or one month or

one year from today? I had an experience in consciousness

where my late mother was wearing a dress made of the exact

same pattern as the young lady we both worked with in a

medical office. Well, the very next day, I walked into the medical

office and the young lady was wearing that same pattern. I had

not seen her wear this print before and my mother did not own

anything similar while alive. The only difference is – Lashauna

was wearing a top and my mom had on a full dress in the dream-

state experience. Given the billions of patterns in our world, it

would be next to impossible for me to have had a random dream

that featured my mom wearing the exact pattern that this young

lady wore the next day. So, either my consciousness traveled

back in-time to offer me that experience or my mom exists in a

place beyond time, where she was able to manipulate her own

presence after seeing the future. Take your pick! Either would be

an example of time travel.

Prophets like Nostradamus and Baba Vanga are well-

known for their prophecies. Baba Vanga, it is said, was shown to

be approximately 80% correct in her visions of the future. Dr.

Mitchell Gibson, M.D., who has never publicly offered predictions

of future events prior to 2012, was spot-on when he predicted

that there would be a mass shooting at a college in April.

Hypnotic regression therapists have been able to assist in calling

forth memories from past lives replete with very minute details

of past-life experiences. Hypnotic regression therapists, A.L.

Ward and Dolores Cannon, have separately catalogued

thousands of cases where clients recounted experiences from

past lives both on this planet and others, both as humans and

other life forms. Most of these experiences were detailed in

present tense.

In studying their work (especially the work of A.L. Ward), it

became quite clear to me that he was doing something more

than unearthing memories of the past and past-lives. He was

communicating outside the confines of time and space. This

both inspired and intrigued me. In fact, in his book The Inner

Mind Revisited, Ward reveals how his method of doing so

captured the attention of some very powerful beings in the

Celestial World. We commonly refer to these beings as God and

the Christ. GOD realized he was doing something in a new way

and agreed to a meeting with him through a surrogate.

Key Concept#5: Time Travel Is Easiest Understood from the

Perspective of Higher Dimensions

To gain a deeper insight into time travel, I believe the

subject has to be approached from the perspective of the fourth

and fifth dimensions. Let us see if we can understand this

dimension stuff by offering an analogy. Suppose you had an idea

for a new car design. The idea for that new car would be

considered a first dimensional representation of the car. A

blueprint or plan to bring that car into existence would be its

second dimensional presentation. To actually see the car

manufactured would be the third dimensional representation. To

drive the car or to begin selling the car would be the 4th

dimensional function. And, to have a hand in all of these

processes would be a 5th dimensional reality associated with the

Pay careful attention to the words I used - representation,

presentation, function, and reality. English is not the easiest

language to use in conveying ideas and concepts, especially ideas

related to the consciousness and the worlds that exist beyond

ours. I used the word "representation" in referring to the first

dimension, because all ideas come from somewhere. Hence,

there is a saying – ‘nothing new under the sun’. Everything comes

out of the matrix of the Universe and is born into reality - even

our ideas. Thus, zero is feminine. It is the substantive reality that

some would like to have us forget. Thus, we exist in this world

insecure - having forgotten that everything comes forth from the

cosmic womb into the light.

I used the word “presentation” in referring to the second

dimension. An idea is said to have presented itself when it

becomes the word or when it becomes a vibration or a wave that

can be represented on an x and y-axis. This first form in our world

is the place where we derive our copyrights. When you say it to

another person (write it on that person’s mind in wave-form) or

write it down, it is considered present in our dimension and can

be copied. So, the third dimension is actually an illusory

dimension because all we engage in here is the copying of

something that already exists in some form elsewhere. So, the

car takes on a physical re-presentation or manifestation in the

third dimension. These ideas are covered in more detail in my

book, “What Every Creator Should Know”.

So, why even bother with the third dimension if a form

already exists in the second dimension? What new piece is being

added to our puzzle here in the third dimension? In the third

dimension, the infinite has the opportunity of becoming finite.

There is value in bringing something to a finite end, because you

can start something new when something has an end. So, with

three we get our first closed system. The thing is manifest. It is

done. This is represented in the triangle, where the lines come to

a point and motion of the line ends.

So, if it is finished in three, how did we get to four? Well,

when you finish or come to the end of something, you are

afforded the opportunity of going in another direction. So, the

angle that was created in three becomes the launching point for

four and a return to the infinite nature of things - to continue on

in its existence. So, four has the energy of the infinite and the

finite. It stopped, but it found greater reason for being. It found

reason for continuing on. It became the foundation on which

something greater could be built in deciding it would not stop


So, what about five? "You seem to be on a roll here and I think

that we can tie this up rather nicely if you can tell us about five."

Well, we will discuss five in detail in my next book - Who Are We:

Seven Billion Consciousnesses Explained. It is enough to say that

five is the being who could have stopped at two or tasted three
and returned to two. Yet, five was the two who decided to

overcome the trial of three to become that star or that

enlightened being who is represented by five. So five represents

a stage where the infinite and finite are in harmony and balance.

So, let us now use our analogy to get beyond the third dimension

and begin seeing from the perspective of the fourth dimension.

The fourth dimension is a realm of function, because it is the

reality where motion now has options. This motion can end

somewhere and move off in a new direction. From the fourth

dimension, we get the idea of parallel worlds and multiple time

streams. Four represents growth. If you have one planet, why not

have two? If you have two, why not have four? If one planet

sustains life, why not have two? If two sustain life, why not have

four? If humanoids can exist on Earth, why couldn’t they exist in

other places in the cosmos?

Within the 4th dimension we find the concept of growth.

And, within the 4th dimension is found the concept of duality.

Light, darkness, darkness in light, and light in the midst of

darkness are all found in the 4th dimension. Much of what we

have on our planet is based on four, because this is the gateway

we must cross in our evolution to get beyond the idea of finite,

three-dimensional existence.

Now, let us imagine a fourth-dimensional being is sitting in

Starbucks Coffee, in downtown Baltimore. Because he is a fourth-

dimensional being, he realizes that he has a finite body but also

knows that this finite form comes from the infiniteness of

function that creates form. Simply having this knowledge, he

realizes that his body can be maintained for thousands and

thousands of years, if not more. He recognizes that earthlings

don’t realize their connection to the infinite. The people of Earth

think they die and often die much earlier than they should as a

result of their own self-imposed limits. In fact, not understanding

their immortal nature, humans seem to have a bizarre way of

worshipping death.

Anyway, our fourth-dimension being – let’s call him Amani,

decides that if he is going to live in this world, he might as well be

as comfortable as possible in it. Realizing that he will be around

for another millennium at the very least, Amani begins to think

about what the world should look like in 500 years. He realizes

that there is little that he will be unable to influence in living one-

thousand years on Earth and reasons that the earthlings who

benefit from his influence should be thankful for his presence in

their world, if anything. He reflects that earthlings would not

have evolved this far without the help of other fourth-

dimensional beings as he sips his coffee.

Amani, because he never evolved from the third-

dimension upward is not what you would call “enlightened”. He

doesn’t possess the empathy or sympathy that a fifth-

dimensional enlightened being would have for humans and

figures that they are immortal anyway (given that humans

reincarnate), so any experiments he conducts as part of evolving

this planet are justified and can only have lasting benefit. These

people will transit out of this world and either return or move-on

to another station in GOD’s creation.

This previous story offers a peek into the possible mind-set

and perspective of a fourth-dimensional being not born of our

world. They simply cannot view things from our perspective

having never been in our shoes. Also, our perspective is not as

broad and far-reaching. Imagine telling the average twenty-year

old to try to view things from the perspective of the five-year old.

He would exhaust himself after the first few hours and likely

determine it best to set rules for how the five year old should be

governed with respect to the twenty-year old. To say that we are

moving into fourth-dimensional consciousness is to say that we

are evolving into the realization of what the fourth-dimension is

and how it functions. To say that we are moving into the fourth

dimension is to say that we will begin to use time toward our

benefit and to cease to be victims to the concept of ‘losing time’.

So, Again, Why Master Time?

Simply put - one who masters time is deemed a Time Lord.

On our planet, other beings were lords over us. This is hard to

accept, but it is true. It is not that those beings that had control

were fearful of us, except that a mob of angry, hungry five-year

olds could tear a few twenty-year olds to pieces. They simply

created systems for feeding the masses, as we evolved through

inter-mixing with them and expanding our consciousness over

time. Now, we have matured to the point where we have the

opportunity to mark our own course and determine our own


A certain degree of mastery is attained by anyone who

does not allow for his or her time to be wasted. “But time is an

illusion, right? “ Be certain you understand what that means. It

means that someone created an artificial time-frame (or many of

them) and subjected you to them. So, the time-frame they have
created is that 24 crayons in your box. “Here! You all color with

these.” After awhile, you become conditioned to use the colors

you have been given and cease to see a need for others. You

might not even know the name of these other colors if you saw


As an example, scientist recently unearthed a frog that was

millions of years old. It was fossilized in a rock. Well, when they

cracked that rock open, to their surprise the frog was still alive. It

had lived one-million years in that little rock. From our

perspective, that seems like a long time. To that frog, however, it

might have been a blink of an eye. We cannot assume that the

frog shares our perspective on time and existence. In contrast,

perhaps the fifteen days it lived beyond the time scientists

cracked the rock open – maybe that felt like a million years. I

mean – the frog only lasted fifteen days. Perhaps, the experience

of the new environment, the strange beings handling it with even

stranger materials, having been transported from this place to

that, and a thousand other new experiences that we cannot even

conceive of from the perspective of the frog – all that could have

constituted one-thousand lifetimes of existence for that poor

little frog, which may have died of shock after one-thousand,

million years by its estimation of time.

If we could only shatter our view of life from the

perspective of centuries and extend that view to encompass a

millennium or more, we would likely begin to evolve into beings

that lived two to three hundred years. A man who expects to live

one-hundred years doesn’t do anything that will cut his life-span

by half that time or more. And, he doesn’t do anything to extend

his life by half that time or more. He is attempting to meet his

expectations. The twenty-five year old dare-devil comes to grips

with the fact that he may not live beyond thirty years. And, the

man who wishes to live to see his children graduate from high

school eventually takes care to insure that happens.

Our Friends from the Future

The first friend one should clearly resolve to have visit

from the future and one’s past is one’s self. While we can only

hope for a visitation from higher-dimensional beings, we can

certainly get acquainted with both the person we intend to be

and the person we used to be. Who we used to be can show us a

lot about who we are, because who we are has a lot to say about

who we can become.

What’s more beneficial is to hold fast to an idea of you as a

future individual. Who do you plan to become? Avail yourself of

the opportunity of making this person your best friend. We have

often heard people ask, “What would Jesus do?” Well, how fair is

that to Jesus, who lived over 2,000 years ago and may have never

lived in the U.S., the U.K., or wherever you may call home in

present-time. Why not ask the person who has been through

what you are going to go through? So, instead, ask “What would
the ultra-successful, blessed, joyous, abundant, beautiful version

of me from the year 2040 do in this situation?” Or, better yet,

“What would the ultra-successful, blessed, joyous, abundant,

beautiful me from the year 2400 do in this situation?”

Imagine – what conditions would facilitate you living 375

to 400 more Earth years? And, who would be responsible for

creating those conditions? BINGO!!! No one is going to insure

your continued existence but you. We are the Gods we seek.

Divinity is simply a perspective to which we must become

accustomed by throwing off the cloak of finite existence and

agreeing upon an idea that is more evolved. It all starts with a

greater understanding and mastery over time – the ship in which

we all must travel if we are embarking on a journey whose

destination is the future.

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