Maslow Lesson Plan

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Maslow Lesson Plan

Christian Prada

I. Describe the class: This is an 8th grade class with 32 total students. There are three second

language learners in this class.

II. Subject/Skill: The subject is 8th grade social studies. The skill is learning Maslow’s

Hierarchy of Needs.

III. Objectives: The students will be able to name and describe all five levels of Maslow’s

Hierarchy of Needs. 80% of students will be able to pass a quiz on Maslow’s Hierarchy of


IV. Procedures:

1. State the objectives to the class and give an overview of Maslow and his

Hierarchy of Needs.

2. Separate the students into eight groups of four.

3. Have each group jigsaw read (cooperative learning strategy) a handout about

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

4. Begin a class discussion on the first level of Maslow’s Hierarchy – Physiological.

Discuss how food and water are our most basic needs.

5. Discuss the second level – Safety needs. Discuss how shelter and warmth are the

next most important things towards survival.

6. Discuss the third level of Maslow’s Hierarchy – Love/Belonging. Transition

discussion into what the students would look for once they had achieved their

physiological and safety needs. Would they get bored? Would they need
someone to talk to? Would they venture out to find another human being? How

important is socialization and belonging to a group?

7. Discuss the fourth level of Maslow’s Hierarchy – Esteem. Transition discussion

to ask students if they would want to stand out once they had achieved the

previous level and were part of a group. Discuss our needs for recognition, status,

and respect.

8. Discuss the final level of Maslow’s Hierarchy – Self-Actualization. Discuss with

students the ultimate goal of achieving our potential and how that can be personal

and different for each person.

V. Materials: Whiteboard, PowerPoint, handout on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

VI. Grouping Structure: Group the students into 8 groups of 4

VII. Modifications: In order to accommodate the 3 second language learners in the class, I will

pair the ELL students with bilingual students who will help them understand the lesson.

VIII Assessment: The students will take a quiz answering questions that test their knowledge

about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

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