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Communicating Student Learning

Creating Effective Report Card Comments

*This document is meant to

support teachers in writing
effective report comments. It
is not meant to prescriptive.

Big Ideas

Teachers write comments that:
ü focus on what students have learned
ü describe significant strengths
ü identify next steps for improvement
ü demonstrate knowledge of the child as an individual learner

ü Descriptive feedback helps students learn by providing them with precise information about
what they are doing well, what needs improvement, and what
specific steps they can take to improve.

ü Descriptive feedback enables the learner to adjust what he or she is doing to


ü Ongoing descriptive feedback linked specifically to the learning goals and success criteria is
a powerful tool for improving student learning and is fundamental to building
a culture of learning within the classroom.

ü Communication provides meaningful evidence about the student’s progress in

relation to the learning standards.

ü Learning standards include curricular competencies and content and describe what
students are expected to KNOW, DO and UNDERSTAND.

• describe in overall terms what students know, can do and understand
• avoid language that simply repeats the wordings of the curriculum expectations or the
achievement chart
• use language that parents/guardians will understand
• provide parents/guardians with personalized, clear, precise, and meaningful feedback
• help parents/guardians understand how they can support their children at home

Comments are created with strengths, specific examples, and next steps
personalized to the student

Do… Do Not…
Maintain a focus on the child List what was taught
Connect comments to learning standards Use teacher jargon
Focus on what was learned/achieved Over-emphasize the negative
Use “parent friendly” language and (challenges)
maintain a focus on that audience – remind Mix speaking to parents and students
yourself of what you would like to read interchangeably by inserting comments such
about your own child. as “Good Job, Jason!”, or “Bravo!” etc. (These
Provide examples to help clarify the broad comments should be reserved for the
statements additional space at the end of the report
Identify strengths, challenges card.)
Connect next step(s) to the State what will be the focus for the whole
challenge(s) identified class instruction during the next term.

Throughout the report card, for each comment that is written, maintain a student-centered

Keep these questions in mind:

Will a parent reading these comments
understand clearly how his/her child is doing in your class/subject?
understand that his/her child has areas of strength?
know what is being done to address any areas of weakness? (This might also include ways
the child can take some responsibility for his/her improvement and/or ways the family can
be aware of your interest in his/her child as an individual learner?


Structure of a Comment Examples
Math Foundations 10
* State the level
*Opening / of overall
STUDENT achieved most of the expected learning standards in
anchor achievement Data Management, and Numbers and Operations. For example,
sentence related to the she can create various graphs following models but has some
subject area. difficulty interpreting graphs. She struggles with the standards in

Geometry, such as the relationship of surface area to volume.
What the She is encouraged to refer to whole-class sample problems when
evidence shows working independently.
State the
the student
learned. Grade 7

What the

STUDENT had a very positive start to the school year. He
evidence shows participates enthusiastically in class discussions and demonstrates
Identify the student has leadership in group activities, contributing his ideas and
respectfully acknowledging the ideas of his peers. He generally
challenges not yet uses class time effectively, focusing on the task at hand and asking
achieved/ questions when necessary. Taking the time to use the set criteria to
learned. review and improve assignments before submission should be a
focus for STUDENT in the next term. In our Integrated Studies
unit on the governments of ancient civilizations, his group of four
Plans to address chose to study the governmental structures of ancient Greece and
Next steps ancient Rome. His work demonstrated exemplary use of research
the student’s
processes to gather and interpret information from a variety of
challenges sources. His contribution to the group’s final project, a scripted
panel discussion, was organized, accurate, and detailed. In
Math, STUDENT has demonstrated a solid grasp
of concepts covered and enjoys problem-solving challenges which
require application of these concepts. STUDENT must be
commended for his positive attitude and his willingness to take
risks in his learning.

Qualifiers for Learning Skills and Work Habits
Excellent adaptable, astutely, autonomous, can model, caring, clearly, committed,
completely, consistently, discerning, distinguished, divergent, easily, effectively,
extensively, exemplary, flawless, flexible, giving, impressive, innovative,
insightful, inspirational, kindly, masterfully, meticulously, positively, precisely,
proficiently, reflective, reverent, secure, seeks challenges, self-assured, servant
leadership, synthesizes, thoroughly, uniquely, virtuous
Good accomplished, comfortably, competent, confidently, constructively, credible,
developed, frequently, generally, influences, knowledgeable, manages, more,
most, often, regularly, skilled, successfully, usually
Satisfactory acceptable, adequate, approaching, at times, developing, fair, inconsistently,
learning to, limited, occasionally, sometimes, passable, periodically, some,
Needs avoids, clarification needed, disengaged, few, hardly, indifferent, infrequently,
Improvement illogical, literal, little, minimal, minor, naïve, numerous attempts, only, poor,
rarely, reflection needed, reluctantly, review needed, seldom, simplistic, when
required, with difficulty, unclear, unsure

Qualifiers for Curricular Areas
High Degree accurately, consistently, almost always, clearly, precisely, confidently,
proficiently, very successfully, all or almost all concepts, complex, logical,
sophisticated, thorough understanding, wide range of context, consistently
accurate, with no minor errors or omissions, high level of proficiency,
extends, expands, self corrects
Considerable usually, often, routinely, regularly, frequently, most concepts, fair range of
context, very good, good, firm understanding, strives, grasps, applies
Some sometimes, adequately, some concepts, some specific purpose, simple
purposes, some appropriate strategies, some understanding, appropriate
but incomplete, attempts familiar, require review / practice, beginning to
demonstrate, developing, several minor omissions / sometimes major
Limited rarely, seldom, with monitoring, few purposes, few contexts, incomplete
unclear, imprecise, basic, limited understanding, limited range,
inconsistently, with difficulty, few conventions, major errors, simple ideas

Useful Words and Phrases to Consider when Writing Report Card Comments

Strengths Needs Suggestions

- Able to construct, Able to determine, Able - Attempts to, Makes attempts - Can practice/apply at home by
to extend, Able to research, Able to respond, - Continues to need help with - Greater focus on
Able to support - Could profit by - Is encouraged to
- Can accurately …., Can adapt, Can - Demonstrates a limited ability to - Is encouraged to be more
consistently …., Can easily …, Can - Does not always - Is encouraged to seek
effectively …, Can explain, Can identify, Can - Does not demonstrate - Is encouraged to strive to
solve, Can successfully …. - Encouragement with - Is not always willing to
- Consistently makes - Experiences difficulty with, Has difficulty - It is recommended that
- Continues to with - It is suggested that
- Demonstrates a clear understanding - Finds it difficult at times to , Has difficulty - Needs more time to develop
- Demonstrates effective - Has not yet demonstrated the ability - Needs to ask
- Displays strong, Displays exceptional - Has not yet demonstrated understanding - Needs to be more open
- Has achieved - Has trouble with - Needs to consider
- Has a good grasp of - Is seldom able to - Needs to continue to
- Has successfully - Is encouraged to - Needs to develop
- Has learned - Is benefiting from practice with - Needs to expand on
- Has very good insight - Is learning to/that - Needs to improve, Needs improvement in
- Improved tremendously - Is receiving additional help with - Needs to refer to
- Is able to - Is working at - Needs to review
- Is capable of - It is important that - Needs reinforcement in
- Is developing - Lacks a clear understanding - Needs to spend more time on, Should spend
- Is consistently able to - Needs more opportunities to more time on
- Recognizes the importance - Needs ongoing help with, Needs ongoing - Needs time to
- Shows commitment assistance with - Needs to work on
- Is competent in - Needs support - Requires additional effort
- Is proficient at - Needs to clarify - Requires additional practice
- Is skillful at - Needs to develop - Requires further understanding
- Is very good at - Often lacks - Requires guided instruction
- Often uses - Rarely uses, Rarely able to - Should continue to
- Recognizes that - Requires adult support for - Should do further practice
- Successfully interprets - Requires more time - Should take the time to
- Skillfully uses - Seems to use few - Should utilize options for
- Understands how, Understands that - Tries to, Makes attempts to - Should work towards
- Uses a variety of - Struggles to, Struggles with - Would benefit from
- Unable to explain - Will have opportunities to
Some Action Verbs to Consider Using:

- Applies - Extends
- Builds - Illustrates
- Compares - Interprets
- Completes - Knows
- Constructs - Organizes
- Creates - Operates
- Describes - Participates
- Evaluates - Performs
- Experiments - Produces
- Explains - Shows
- Expresses - Solves

Language Suggestions for Descriptors in Report Card Comments

The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student demonstrates
achievement of the expected achievement of most of the achievement of some of the achievement of few of the
learning standards addressed expected learning standards expected learning standards expected learning
during the current reporting addressed during the current addressed during the current standards addressed
period. reporting period. reporting period. during the current
reporting period.
consistently most of the time sometimes is not able to
to a high degree is able to with support does not yet
without prompting for the most part with prompting is unable to
is skilled at often can occasionally needs a great deal of
has fully demonstrated usually is beginning to assistance
clear(ly) demonstrates has some difficulty with seldom
confident(ly) demonstrates some is developing has not yet
independent(ly) understanding of is aware of… but is not demonstrated
is proficient understands most of applying independently with repeated
comprehensive competent is approaching assistance
easily capable strives to rarely
excellent general(ly) has a basic has difficulty with
comprehensive common(ly) understanding of struggles to
understanding understands some of has a limited
sometimes exceeds understanding of
is able to
is very good at
skillfully uses
understands how/that
Strengths and Needs: Suggestions:
Give specific examples (e.g. for example, for instance, needs to continue to • would benefit from
such as) will have opportunities to
can practice/apply at home by

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