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Dieudone Sangano

Business 1010



Though out the semester we learned a lot in Business 1010 and we had

project that did, and we had the do the research topic. My research topic I choose

to do the experience of Human Resource Management. I got inspired through this

research because first, I was not easy for me to write and to research on someone’s

life experience into business field, that why I got engaged into this conversation

and make it as my research topic for this semester.

Yeah! Through researching on websites which I used of different genres was

helpful to determine the type of job research am doing.

based on research topic. We could communicate with the research topics

because after researching the topic you use your idea to develop the project and be

more affective to the reader.

The projects that I saw on my behalf was more affective, was the argument

project. The topic that I choose was how we can eliminate some of the loans for
students and international students because my proposal topic came from what I

experience and how I overcame the situation.

Portfolio is a great way to access your ability throughout the semester and

post your work for everyone to see.

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