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Ms.A.Jeevarathinam M.Sc.,M.Phil.,P.G.D.C.A.,

Assistant Professor,

Department of Food Processing and Quality Control,

V.V.Vannia Perumal College for women,


What is Nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is defined as the study and use of structures between 1 nanometer and

100 nanometers in size. It is a technology on the nanometer scale and deals with the atoms,

molecules, or the macromolecules with the size of approximately 1–100 nm to create and use

materials that have novel properties.

Applications of Nanotechnology
 Nanofood - the food, which has been cultivated, produced, processed or packaged

using nanotechnology techniques or tools or to which nanomaterials have been


 Estimates of commercially available nanofoods vary widely between 150-600

nanofoods and 400-500 nanofood packaging applications.

 Nanofilters - to remediate or clean up ground water or surface water contaminated

with chemicals and hazardous substances.

 Nanosensors - to detect waterborne contaminants.

 Nanofilters - applied to automobile tailpipes and factory smokestacks to separate

out contaminants and prevent them from entering the atmosphere.

 Nano medicine – the repair , control , construction and monitoring at the

molecular level of human biological systems by using engineered Nano devices

and nanostructures

Challenges of Nanotechnology

 The main challenges are the improvement of

 Efficiency

 Reliability

 Safety and lifetime

 Reduction of costs.

 The gap between basic research and application.

 The toxicity associated with Nano materials

Nanotechnology provides opportunities to develop smart devices and technologies .Therefore, it

is necessary to develop the methods for addressing the safety, appropriateness; accessibility and

sustainability of nanotechnology meet the developing countries.


1. Shilpi verma1 and Shobhana gupta. Nanotechnology and food science: tomorrow design

the food. International journal of current microbiology and applied sciences. issn: 2319-

7706 volume 6 number 9 (2017) pp. 3553-3561.

2. Abdullah Alshahrani.(2016). The advantages of nanotechnology in medical field.

international journal of innovative research in electrical, electronics, instrumentation and

control engineering vol. 4, issue 4.

3. Azamat Ali and Dr. Kunal Sinha. Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges in

Nanotechnology Innovation in India. Journal of Social Science for Policy Implications,

Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 227-251.





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