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Maria Grace I. Mirador

The article “Teaching Our Teachers: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century
Today laid out several realities on the challenges of today’s teacher education training
and the concerns Teacher Education Institutions can address, at the same time
innovative strategies that can help address such concerns.

The over-all environment in which today’s education operates is indeed shaped

by numerous macro-level factors, such as technology and emergence of an
information/knowledge economy, policy and official processes, globalization and major
reforms taking place in the governance of education in every country in the world. The
concept of learning transcended from the traditional to continuing and lifelong process,
and this had put the challenge to our learning institutions and organizations to constantly
reformulate itself.

As much as we would like to attain higher standards in the education we provide,

we have to deal with the need to gain more understanding of the extent of preparation
our teachers have. The quality of the world that the future generation will be, depends
on the preparation their teachers have undertaken today. The rapid rate at which
technology has galloped has left the world gasping at times. The field of education is no
exception. The teacher has the imminent need to update not just pedagogical needs of
the students but the challenges thrown by technology. Hence the quality of teacher
training and its effectiveness assumes paramount importance in cultivating empowered
citizenry in any country. Countries that record exceptional educational achievements
attribute this largely to their prioritization of extensive and intensive teacher training

With the above mentioned realities Pefianco mentioned in the reading, we all
come to the point of asking how evident these are in our individual contexts. How do we
observe the current efforts of TEI’s together with the support of external agencies on
intensifying teacher training? Are the TEI’s preparing the future teachers for a more
complex world of information and learning? How can these TEI’s turn out efficient and
effective teachers, and educational managers?

Indeed, teachers today must be attuned to the demands of the 21st century, be
equipped with the necessary competencies and skills to teach and educate 21st century
learners. Teacher preparation and training must be given attention while at the same
time intensifying professional and career management programs for teachers in TEI’s.
Meeting the challenges of the 21st Century education needs concerted effort of all
stakeholders involve in the process. Teachers that these TEI’s are turning out are
responsible on educating the generation we expect to be 21st century ready.

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