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5. Crusaders Broadcasting System, Inc. v. order, declaring Crusaders in default and the NTC from broadcasting.

e NTC from broadcasting. That the said

National Telecommunications Commission, thereafter, handed down its decision recalling ground was not reflected in the show-cause
G.R. No. 139583, May 31, 2000 the assigned frequency. Later, the NTC granted order does not mean that the same cannot be
the motion for new trial filed by Crusaders. But raised thereafter by the NTC, as it has done in
Facts: Petitioner Crusaders Broadcasting despite the evidence presented, NTC still denied the present case, when it gleaned a basis
System, Inc. was the grantee of a Temporary Crusaders' request for renewal of its Temporary therefor during the administrative proceedings,
Permit to operate DWCD-FM at a frequency of Permit to operate DWCD-FM. On appeal, the from the evidence presented by the petitioner
97.9 Mhz. Its chairman sent a letter to the Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the itself the substance of the agreement between
National Telecommunications Commission NTC. Hence, this petition. petitioner and Conamor. The said findings were
(NTC) requesting a permit to allow them to stop not rebutted by petitioner which kept on harping
their broadcasting for around a month in order to Issue: Whether or not the NTC properly denied only on the alleged unfairness of NTC in the
renovate its broadcast booth and the entire the application for renewal of Crusaders' application of its procedures as well as on the
facilities of the station. The Temporary Permit to temporary permit to operate DWCD-FM, and existence of the said civil case against it and on
operate of the Crusaders was renewed covering validly ordered the withdrawal of the latter's the refusal of NTC to approve its application for
the period from January 1, 1995 to December assigned frequency. (YES) the acquisition of a new transmitter. On the
31, 1996. matter of factual findings by the NTC as to the
inoperativeness of subject radio station, the
Holding: ​It should be noted that by virtue of
Court agrees with the Court of Appeals that the
On December 12, 1996, Crusaders applied for Executive Order (E.O) No. 546, creating the
said findings are supported by substantial
another renewal of its Temporary Permit. The Ministry of Public Works and Ministry of
evidence. Substantial evidence is such relevant
NTC conducted an ocular inspection and it Transportation and Communications, the
evidence which a reasonable mind might accept
found out that the station is inoperative, thus, the regulation of radio communications is a function
as adequate to support a conclusion.
NTC denied the application for the renewal of its assigned to, and being performed by, the NTC.
Temporary Permit. Crusaders presented a Petitioner does not deny and in fact, uses it as
motion for reconsideration explaining that the reason for the stoppage of its broadcast that 8. EASTERN SHIPPING LINES, INC., vs.
Crusaders was not able to resume its operation it was the filing of the aforementioned civil case POEA G.R. No. 76633, October 18, 1988
because of a case filed by Conamor against it (petitioner) which grounded
Broadcasting Corporation against Crusaders DWCD-FM's broadcasting. It is not disputed,
FACTS: In this case, there was a certain
and the subsequent issuance of an injunction either, that what prompted Conamor to bring a
Vitaliano Saco was Chief Officer of the M/V
order by the Regional Trial Court, Branch 163, complaint against petitioner was the latter's
Eastern Polaris when he was killed in an
Pasig City enjoining Crusaders from operating rescission of a "Programming and Marketing
accident in Tokyo, Japan on March 15, 1985.
its radio station. By reason thereof, on July 14, Agreement". In order to settle the civil case,
His widow sued for damages under Executive
1997, the NTC issued a show-cause order Crusaders and Conamor later entered into a
Order No. 797 and Memorandum Circular No. 2
directing Crusaders to explain why its "Compromise Agreement" which superseded the
of the POEA. The petitioner, as owner of the
application for renewal of Temporary Permit for programming and marketing agreement.
vessel, argued that the complaint was
the station should not be denied; why its station Conamor has been given the right to operate
cognizable not by the POEA but by the Social
should not be closed; and why the assigned and manage a radio station despite the clear
Security System and should have been filed
frequency of the station should not be recalled. mandate of the Radio Law that only holders of a
against the State Fund Insurance. The POEA
Crusaders failed to submit a responsive legislative franchise can do so. Even on this
nevertheless assumed jurisdiction and after
pleading, consequently, the NTC issued an ground alone, Crusaders can be prevented by
considering the position papers of the parties
ruled in favor of the complainant. The petition is G.R. Nos. 115121-25, February 9, 1996, the Administrator the bids accepted. Notices for
dismissed with costs against the petitioner. PUNO, J. prequalification and bidding for security services
were published in a newspaper of national
FACTS: In 1990, the NFA, through then circulation. All incumbent security contractors
ISSUE: Whether or not the validity of were required to prequalify and only those
Administrator Pelayo J. Gabaldon, conducted a
Memorandum Circular No. 2 is violative of the prequalified were to be allowed to participate in
public bidding to award security contracts for the
principle of non-delegation of legislative power. the prebidding and bidding scheduled on June 4
protection of its properties and facilities all over
the country. Twelve security agencies were and 18, 1993, respectively. The prebidding and
awarded one-year contracts, among whom were bidding dates were later reset to June 18 and
HELD: No. The High Court ruled that
private respondents Col. Felix M. Manubay 30, 1993 to give more time for the participants to
Memorandum Circular No. 2 is an administrative
(doing business under the name Greenview comply with documentary requirements.
regulation. The model contract prescribed
Investigation and Security Agency), Continental Forty-one security agencies, composed of the
thereby has been applied in a significant number
Watchman and Security Agency, Alberto T. incumbents and new applicants, including
of the cases without challenge by the employer.
Lasala (doing business under the name PSF private respondent Masada Security Agency,
The power of the POEA (and before it the
Watchman and Investigation Agency) and submitted the necessary documents for
National Seamen Board) in requiring the model
Norman D. Mapagay (doing business under the prequalification. Upon a review of the
contract is not unlimited as there is a sufficient
name People's Protective and Security Agency). documents submitted, the PBAC disqualified
standard guiding the delegate in the exercise of
In August 1992, petitioner Romeo G. David respondent Mapagay for failure to submit proof
the said authority. That standard is discoverable
became NFA Administrator. He caused a review of his financial capability to support his bid. It
in the executive order itself which, in creating the
of all security service contracts, procedures on also disqualified respondent Lasala for alleged
Philippine Overseas Employment
the accreditation of private security agencies failure to meet the five-year service requirement.
Administration, mandated it to protect the rights
and the bidding for security services. Pending Only respondents Manubay, Continental and
of overseas Filipino workers to "fair and
this review, Administrator David extended the Masada participated in the prebidding and were
equitable employment practices." Further, the
services of private respondents and the other declared on June 17, 1993 prequalified to bid.
Court said that it is true that legislative discretion
incumbent security agencies on a periodic Meanwhile, however, two of the applicants who
as to the substantive contents of the law cannot
basis.The review was completed in March 1993 failed to prequalify, namely Lanting Security and
be delegated. What can be delegated is the
and new terms for accreditation, bidding and Watchman Agency and respondent Lasala to
discretion to determine how the law may be
hiring of security agencies were made. The restrain Administrator David and the PBAC from
enforced, not what the law shall be. The
bidding areas were also reclassified and proceeding with the public bidding. As prayed
ascertainment of the latter subject is a
reduced from fourteen NFA regions to only five for, restraining orders were issued by the two
prerogative of the legislature. This prerogative
NFA areas nationwide. A special order was courts on June 29, 1993 which the NFA received
cannot be abdicated or surrendered by the
thereafter issued for the implementation of the on June 30, 1993, the day of the scheduled
legislature to the delegate.
new rules and procedure. On April 6, 1993, bidding. No bidding thus took place on said date.
Special Order No. 04-07 was issued under On respondent Lasala's application, the trial
which Administrator David created a court issued on July 20, 1993 a preliminary
Prequalification, Bids and Awards Committee injunction ordering the PBAC to refrain from
(PBAC) to undertake the prequalification of proceeding with the bidding until the merits of
prospective bidders, conduct the bidding, the case shall have been heard and resolved.
evaluate the bids tendered and recommend to During the effectivity of the writ of preliminary
injunction, Administrator David sent to all
incumbent security agencies, including four of Assuming arguendo that an emergency actually
herein private respondents, notices of existed and the negotiated contracts were
termination dated July 30, 1993. Private justified, petitioners' continued failure to conduct
respondents were informed that their services a public bidding and select the bidder within a
were to end on August 16, 1993 inasmuch as reasonable time casts doubts on the good faith
their respective contracts had expired and they behind the negotiated contracts. This Court, on
no longer enjoyed the trust and confidence of May 18, 1994, specifically ordered petitioners to
the NFA. They were thus instructed to withdraw conduct a public bidding and report the results
their security guards from all NFA installations. within thirty days from holding thereof. In
On August 4, 1993, Administrator David compliance, a public bidding was conducted on
contracted the services of seven new security June 21, 1994 but until now no bidder has been
agencies starting August 16, 1993 on a chosen and no contract has been awarded.
month-to-month basis pending resolution of the Petitioners' manifest reluctance to hold a public
injunction against the bidding. bidding and award a contract to the winning
bidder smacks of favoritism and partiality toward
ISSUES: ​Whether or not private respondents did the security agencies to whom it awarded the
not exhaust available administrative remedies negotiated contracts and cannot be
thereby rendering their complaint premature and countenanced. A competitive public bidding
legally deficient to merit the grant of judicial aims to protect the public interest by giving the
relief. public the best possible advantages thru open
HELD: No. The principle of exhaustion of
administrative remedies is not a hard and fast
rule. It is subject to some limitations and
exceptions. In this case, private respondents'
contracts were terminated in the midst of bidding
preparations and their replacements hired barely
five days after their termination. Indeed, an
appeal to the NFA Board or Council of Trustees
and the Secretary of Agriculture pursuant to the
provisions of the Administrative Code of 1987
was not a plain, speedy and adequate remedy in
the ordinary course of the law. The urgency of
the situation compelled private respondents to
go to court to stop the implementation of these
negotiated security contracts. The Court is
neither impressed by petitioners' claim that the
subject contracts were negotiated as a necessity
to stave off a crisis that gripped the NFA.

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