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Academic achievement represents performance outcomes that indicate the

extent to which a person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of
activities in instructional environments, specifically in school, college, and university.
School systems mostly define cognitive goals that either apply across multiple
subject areas (e.g., critical thinking) or include the acquisition of knowledge and
understanding in a specific intellectual domain (e.g., numeracy, literacy, science,
history). Therefore, academic achievement should be considered to be a
multifaceted construct that comprises different domains of learning. Because the
field of academic achievement is very wide-ranging and covers a broad variety of
educational outcomes, the definition of academic achievement depends on the
indicators used to measure it. Among the many criteria that indicate academic
achievement, there are very general indicators such as procedural and declarative
knowledge acquired in an educational system, more curricular-based criteria such as
grades or performance on an educational achievement test, and cumulative
indicators of academic achievement such as educational degrees and certificates. All
criteria have in common that they represent intellectual endeavors and thus, more or
less, mirror the intellectual capacity of a person. In developed societies, academic
achievement plays an important role in every person’s life. Academic achievement
as measured by the GPA (grade point average) or by standardized assessments
designed for selection purpose such as the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test)
determines whether a student will have the opportunity to continue his or her
education (e.g., to attend a university). Therefore, academic achievement defines
whether one can take part in higher education, and based on the educational
degrees one attains, influences one’s vocational career after education. Besides the
relevance for an individual, academic achievement is of utmost importance for the
wealth of a nation and its prosperity. The strong association between a society’s
level of academic achievement and positive socioeconomic development is one
reason for conducting international studies on academic achievement, such as PISA
(Programme for International Student Assessment), administered by the OECD
(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). The results of these
studies provide information about different indicators of a nation’s academic
achievement; such information is used to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of a
nation’s educational system and to guide educational policy decisions. Given the
individual and societal importance of academic achievement, it is not surprising that
academic achievement is the research focus of many scientists; for example, in
psychology or educational disciplines. This article focuses on the explanation,
determination, enhancement, and assessment of academic achievement as
investigated by educational psychologists.

1.1 Statement problems

Pointer drop always happened when student does not serious in their studies
or maybe because of the other thing that distract student in order gaining
higher result in their studies. As a student in National Defence University Of
Malaysia we need to excel in studies as this university target is graduate on
time. When more students fail in their studies which is force them to repeat
certain subject will affect the study period for the students.
1.2 Research gap

Much research has been carried out on the reason of pointer drop among students in
National Defence University Of Malaysia.

1.3 Significant Of Study

The important of our research is to find the reason why the student gain worse result
in academic study and to find the best way to solve the problem of pointer drop.

1.4 Research objective

The research objectives are :

1) To find out the cause of pointer drop in academic study among the student of
National Defence University Of Malaysia.

2) To investigate the effect of the low result of study that cause the pointer drop
among the student in National Defence University Of Malaysia

3) To find out the method to solve the problem about the pointer drop in academic
study among the students in National Defence University Of Malaysia

1.5 Research question

The research question are :

1) What are the factors of pointer drop in academic study among the students in
National Defence University Of Malaysia?

2) What are the effects of pointer drop in academic study among the students in
National Defence University Of Malaysia?

3) What are the solution in order to solve the problem of pointer drop in academic
study among the students in National Defence University Of Malaysia?

2.1 Definition of terms

The pointer is University’s academic and personal development aims and

methods that are set up to determine the achievement for the students in their
academic study which is based on assignment , quiz , test , project and the
examination. It is the extent tp which a student , teacher or institution has achive
their educational goals or not.

2.2 Issue of pointer drop among the students

2.2.1 the cause of the pointer drop in academic study among the student

There are many factors that bring the student to face a problem in
academic study which affected their academic pointer. Based on the Agymen
(1993) the several factors that lead to poor academic pointer are , start with
the teacher who is academically and professionally qualified but works under
unfavourable conditions of service would be less dedicated to his work and
thus be less productive than a teacher which is unqualified but works under
favourable conditions of service. Another factor is motivation. A highly
motivated person will put the maximum effort in order to achive their best
result in academic.

2.2.2 The effects of poor academic achievement

There are a few effect that student with poor result will face. First of all
is the poor academic result will affect their job qualification. Nowadays , there
are a lot of graduated personal which has better result. The poor achievement
will make the student hard to get the chance to be choose
Other that that, the effect on poor academic result will make the student future
become dark. The person which has the poor result will burden them to
continue their study in that institution. As we all know that all university used
the pointer system which is based on credit if you the continuos poor
result semester by semester in will casuse more problem, some person need
to repeat the subject and worst is the repeatation of the subject will force
student to extend their period of study.

2.2.3 The methods to overcome the problem in pointer drop

There are a lots of way in order to solve the pointer drop problem
among the students. First of all is you need to arrange a meeting with the
lecturer s. Even the most involved parent doesn’t truly know what goes on in
institutionl. Adolescents sometimes reveal sides of themselves at university
that they keep under wraps at home—or vice versa. So a lecturers
observations can provide invaluable clues to the cause of a student’s
academic troubles. Other than that , Feel your emotions. When you feel you
have failed, you may be overcome with self-recrimination, disappointment,
and despair. Holding in your painful feelings can have negative effects on
your health, your relationships, and your future success. Notice each emotion
as it comes to you. Take time to name the emotion, be it anger, sadness, fear,
or shame. This will enable you to work through it without turning it on yourself
or others.

2.3 previous research

One of research that has been done by Susan Mallaney(2014) that has been
post on the article Child & Family, Law & Politics, Research in Brief , which is cause :
the cause and effect in academic achievement in America. She had mentions that
most of factor in academic studies come from students himself. As a university
student , the student need have high thinking skills in solving their own problem.
Surrounding condition is not the factors that need to be blamed by student if their
academic achievement become worse day

3.1 Research design

This research need quantitative research design

3.2 Sample

This population sample in the National Defence University Of Malaysia 1257

students and 132 lecturers. The sample taken are 25 student from Engineering
Faculty, 25 students from Management Faculty and 20 person from Science and
Tech faculty.

3.3 Research method

The research method used is by interviewing a few lecturers and a few students in
National Defence University Of Malaysia. The interview session goes to 5 to 15
minutes , which is based on their result. Most of students had been interviewed got
the pointer below 2.5.

3.3 Data analysis

The data will be analysed using statistical package for social science.








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