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2, OCTOBER 2017

Robust Gradient-Based Adaptive Control of

Nonlinearly Parametrized Plants
Sayan Basu Roy, Shubhendu Bhasin, Member, IEEE, and Indra Narayan Kar, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Most of the contributions in adaptive control LIP assumption [8], which often leads to increased dimension-
literature assume that the system dynamics is linearly ality of the parameter space and over-parametrization [9]. In
parametrizable, and a certainty equivalence principle is general, it is not trivial to find a transformation, which converts
exploited to guarantee global stability and asymptotic con-
vergence of tracking error to zero. Although linear-in-the- the NLIP dynamics to an LIP one. Hence, there is a natural
parameters (LIP) assumption is reasonable for a large class motivation for designing adaptive controllers, capable of tack-
of dynamics, there exists a considerable number of real ling NLIP dynamics. However, as compared to the LIP case,
world systems, involving complex dynamics, where nonlin- contributions on adaptive control of nonlinearly parametrized
ear parametrizations are inevitable. Previous research has dynamical systems are significantly scarce.
shown that classical gradient-based adaptive designs with
the certainty equivalence principle do not perform satis- As far as the authors are aware, majority of litera-
factorily for nonlinear-in-the-parameter (NLIP) systems, and ture in NLIP adaptive control is contributed by/originated
may, in fact, cause instability in many situations. This let- from the work by Annaswamy and co-workers [9]–[12].
ter is an attempt toward addressing this issue by a novel Annaswamy et al. [9] have shown that classical gradient-based
non-certainty equivalence adaptive control design, where adaptive estimation rule with the certainty equivalence con-
the classical gradient-based adaptive algorithm is used to
tackle the LIP component of the NLIP dynamics, while a trol design, which works satisfactorily in case of LIP systems,
robust compensator, appended to the controller, accounts cannot guarantee global stability in the case of NLIP systems.
for the linearization error. The designed controller ensures An alternative strategy considered in [9] is to design a min-
global uniformly ultimately bounded stability of the error max optimization based switched adaptive controller under the
dynamics. Simulation results on a model of biochemical assumption of convex/concave parametrization. The gradient
process, involving NLIP dynamics, are provided to validate
the theoretical development. term is replaced by a sensitivity function in the estimation
law, whereas a term comprising the tuning function is added
Index Terms—NLIP, adaptive control. to the control input, deviating from the certainty equiva-
lence principle. The min-max framework guarantees that the
tracking error converges to a -ball around the origin asymp-
totically, while requiring the knowledge of parametric bounds.
I. I NTRODUCTION In [12], the min-max method is extended to a general non-
DAPTIVE control is largely applied to uncertain linear parametrization, where the concept of convex/concave
A dynamical systems, which are linear-in-the-parameters
(LIP) [1]–[3]. Exploiting the LIP property, certainty equiva-
cover (see [12, Definition 2]) is utilised in the design, how-
ever, the computational complexity increases as compared to
lence controllers have been designed in the literature, guar- the convex/concave parametrization. A similar type of formu-
anteeing global stability and asymptotic tracking. Despite the lation can be found in [13], where nonconvex parametrization
LIP assumption being reasonable for a large class of dynamical is dealt with using the knowledge of a convex upper-bound
systems, nonlinear appearance of the unknown parameters is and a concave lower-bound of the uncertain function.
inevitable in models of many real-world plants, especially Tyukin et al. [14] have addressed the problem of nonlinear
if the model is fairly intricate. For instance, biochemical parametrization in the presence of unstable target dynam-
processes [4], friction dynamics [5], dynamics of magnetic ics, while requiring monotonicity and globally Lipschitz-like
bearing [6], limb dynamics [7] etc. are some differential mod- assumptions with respect to the unknown parameters. An
els, which are nonlinear-in-the-parameters (NLIP). In many alternative approach to gradient-like methods is proposed
cases, suitable transformations have to be used to satisfy the in [15] and [16], where immersion and invariance principle
is generalized for NLIP systems with the assumptions of P-
Manuscript received March 5, 2017; revised May 10, 2017; accepted monotonicity, and input-to-state-stable (ISS) condition with
June 6, 2017. Date of publication June 13, 2017; date of current version
July 7, 2017. Recommended by Senior Editor M. Guay. (Corresponding respect to parameter estimation error. A set-based parameter
author: Sayan Basu Roy.) estimation technique is proposed in [17] for NLIP systems,
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, guaranteeing parameter convergence in the presence of persis-
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India (e-mail:;; tently exciting (PE) state trajectory. Further, contraction theory
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCSYS.2017.2715068 based formulation for NLIP adaptive control can be found in
2475-1456 c 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

the works [18] and [19], where the contraction condition, in and boundedness of the error dynamics. This is in contrast
general, leads to local stability. Other notable contributions in to the min-max framework [9], [12], where global stability is
NLIP adaptive control can be found in [20] and [21], which achieved at the cost of simplicity and computational ease of
builds on ISS-like assumptions with respect to parameter esti- implementing the adaptive algorithm.
mation errors. Further, adaptive observer design problem is
addressed in [22] in the context of NLIP dynamics. II. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT AND C ONTROL D ESIGN
A tunable/adaptive robust control is developed in [23] for Consider the plant of the form [9]
a class of single-input-single-output (SISO) systems which  
can be transformed to output feedback form, while guaran- ẋ = Ax + B f (x, θ ) + u (1)
teeing asymptotic regulation. Lin and Qian [24] have applied where x(t) ∈ Rn is the plant state, u(t) ∈ Rm
is the con-
a parameter separation technique on the upper-bound of the trol input, and the matrices A ∈ Rn×n , and B ∈ Rn×m are
NLIP uncertainty, and designed an adaptive robust controller system-matrix and input-matrix, respectively, where without
using power integrator technique to achieve feedback domina- loss of generality B is assumed to be full column-rank. The
tion of the uncertain term. Ye [25], designed a novel switched system-matrix A is considered to be unknown. The nonlinear
adaptive robust controller for NLIP dynamics without requir- function f (x, θ ) ∈ Rm is structurally known with the uncertain
ing the parametric upper-bound, while requiring knowledge parameter vector θ ∈ Rp , where θ appears nonlinearly in the
of a bounding function, which is strictly increasing in its function f (x, θ ). Hence, the A matrix and the parameter vector
second argument. The work in [26] considers two differ- θ comprise the system uncertainty.
ent classes of fractional parametrization, while guaranteeing Assumption 1: The unknown parameters are bounded as
global uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) and semi-global θli ≤ θi ≤ θui , where θli , θui ∈ R are known scalars, for
UUB stability via an adaptive robust and a pure adaptive i = 1(1)p, and θ  [θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θp ]T .1
control design, respectively (also see [27], where an adap- The goal is to design a control input u(t) such that the
tive iterative learning control is formulated for similar type of closed-loop system is globally stable and the plant state
fractional parametrization). x(t) tracks a model state xm (t) ∈ Rn , whose dynamics is
Universal approximation-based controllers [28]–[30] are specified as
also applicable in the context of NLIP systems, since these
controllers do not require structural knowledge of the dynam- ẋm = Am xm + Bm r (2)
ics. However, these methods demand over-parametrization where r(t) ∈ Rc
is the bounded piecewise-continuous ref-
for approximating the unknown nonlinearity with sufficient erence input, Am ∈ Rn×n is a Hurwitz system-matrix, and
accuracy and thereby increase computational burden. Bm ∈ Rn×c is the input- matrix of the reference model. Since
The proposed work falls in the category of robust adap- r(t) ∈ L∞ and Am is Hurwitz, it implies that xm (t) ∈ L∞ , i.e.,
tive control [31], where the actual parameters are estimated
online. Since a certainty equivalence control with a classi- xm  ≤ d (3)
cal gradient-like update rule has been proved to be incapable where d is a known positive scalar. In order to facilitate the
of handling NLIP uncertainty [9], this work investigates the control design the standard matching conditions of MRAC are
design of a non-certainty equivalence controller along with the considered [1].
classical gradient-based adaptive algorithm. The main philos-
ophy of the design is that the gradient-based estimator along A + BKx = Am (4)
with a certainty equivalence term in the controller tackles BKr = Bm (5)
the LIP component of the NLIP uncertainty, while a robust
where Kx ∈ Rm×n and Kr ∈ Rm×c are known as control param-
compensator (non-certainty equivalence), added to the control
eters. In model reference adaptive control (MRAC), the control
input, accounts for the linearization error. The novelty lies in
input u(t) is typically designed as
appropriately characterizing the upper-bound of the lineariza-
tion error, and accordingly designing a robust compensator, u(t) = K̂x x(t) + Kr r(t) + unlip (t) (6)
leading to global uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) sta-
where the control gain K̂x (t) ∈ Rm×n is an online estimate of
bility of the error dynamics. As compared to [9]–[11], the
the true control parameter Kx .2 The term unlip (t) ∈ Rm is to
convex/concave parametrization assumption is not required
be designed subsequently to account for the NLIP uncertainty
in the current framework. Unlike [9], [12], [23], and [25],
f (x, θ ).
which are proposed for the single input case, the results
The uncertain function f (x, θ ) in (1) can be expanded using
in this letter are applicable, in general, for multiple input
the Taylor’s series expansion as
dynamics. Moreover, the proposed controller does not per-
form any intricate switching, unlike [13], [20], and [25], thus ∂f (x, φ) 
f (x, θ ) = f (x, θ̂ ) +  θ̃ + E(x, θ, θ̂ ) (7)
providing easier implementability. The assumption of ISS sta- ∂φ φ=θ̂
bility, which is required in [15], [19], [20], and [22], is not Y(x,θ̂)∈Rm×p
required in the current framework. The gradient law, used
to update the certainty equivalence term in the controller, 1 Similar assumption is also considered in [9] and [12].
2 Note that since B is known, K can be directly computed using (5) as
preserves the simplicity of the adaptive algorithm, while the
−1 r
non-certainty equivalence robust term ensures global stability Kr = BT B BT Bm .

where θ̂ (t) ∈ Rp is an online estimate of the true parame- function for  ∂φ  can be exp(γ |x|)|x|, i.e., ρ(x) = exp(γ |x|)
ter θ , and the parameter estimation error is θ̃ (t)  θ − θ̂ (t). where γ is a known upper-bound of θ . It can be shown that
The Taylor’s expansion is performed around the estimate simulation examples considered in [9], [15], [25], and [32] etc.
θ̂ (t), whose update rule is subsequently designed. The term also satisfies Assumption 3.
E(x, θ, θ̂ ) ∈ Rm denotes the linearization error, containing The control input component unlip (t) is designed as
the higher order terms. Unlike LIP dynamics, the nonlinear
appearance of θ in f (x, θ ) makes the regressor Y(x, θ̂ ) also unlip (t) = −f (x, θ̂ ) − ks ρ 2 (x) B
Pe (10)
dependent on θ̂ (t). In [9], it has been shown that by neglecting s(t)
the error E(x, θ, θ̂ ) term, the classical gradient-based adaptive
controller in this context cannot guarantee global stability. This where ks is a positive scalar gain, the tracking error e(t) 
fact motivated Annaswamy et al. [9] to switch from a gradient- x(t) − xm (t), and P ∈ Rn×n is a positive-definite symmet-
based design to a min-max optimization technique under the ric matrix, which is the solution of the following Lyapunov
convex/concave assumption of the NLIP uncertainty. However, equation.
the complexity of the design is increased as compared to the
ATm P + PAm + Q = 0 (11)
classical gradient-based design. Unlike [9], this letter con-
siders the classical gradient-based adaptive design for NLIP where Q ∈ Rn×n is a positive-definite symmetric design
systems, where, instead of neglecting the error term E(t), a matrix. Note that similar to the min-max optimizer based
robust component is introduced in the control input u(t) to framework [9], the proposed method deviates from cer-
account for E(t), leading to global stability. In a nutshell, clas- tainty equivalence adaptive control design. However, instead
sical adaptive control technique is used to achieve feedback of incorporating a term involving the tuning function (see
cancellation of the linearized component of f (x, θ ) around [9, eq. (19)]), the proposed method appends a nonlinear
θ̂ (t), i.e., f (x, θ̂ ) + Y(x, θ̂ )θ̃ , whereas a robust term is incorpo- damping-like robust compensator “−ks ρ 2 (x)s” in the con-
rated to achieve feedback domination of the linearization error troller. Using (4), (6), (7), and (10) in (1), and subtracting (2),
E(x, θ, θ̂ ). the closed-loop error dynamics is formulated as
To facilitate the control design, the following assumptions
are considered. ė = Am e − BK̃x x + BY(x, θ̂ )θ̃ + BE(x, θ, θ̂ ) − Bks ρ 2 (x)s
Assumption 2: The true control parameter Kx satisfies the (12)
following upper-bound.
Further, a gradient-based adaptive update law for θ̂ as well as
Kx F ≤ K̄ (8) K̂x are designed as
where  · F denotes Frobenius norm of the argument matrix,

θ̂˙ = Proj θ Y T (x, θ̂ )s (13)

and K̄ > 0 is a known positive constant. ν
Assumption 3: The function f (x, φ) satisfies the following

upper-bound relation:  ∂fi∂φ

2 ≤ ρi (x)x, uniformly in K̂˙ x = Proj x sxT (14)

φ, ∀φ ∈ , where  is a compact subset of Rp , and  · 2
denotes vector 2-norm. The function fi (x, φ) is the ith compo- where θ ∈ Rp×p and x ∈ Rn×n are positive-definite
nent of the vector function f (x, φ), and ρi (·) : Rn → R is a symmetric learning gain matrices, introduced to tune the
positive bounding function with the property that x(t) ∈ L∞ performance of the adaptive controller, and Proj(·) denotes
implies that ρi (x(t)) ∈ L∞ , ∀ i = 1(1)m.3 the smooth -projection operator [33, Sec. 4, Definition 11],
The above assumption implies that the regressor Y(x, φ) used to confine the parameter estimate θ̂ (t) within a convex-
satisfies the following inequality. compact region in the parameter space without hampering
stability (for details please refer [33, Lemma 12]).4 The
Y(x, φ)F ≤ ρ(x)x, ∀φ ∈  (9) convex-compact hypercubes used in the projection operator
where ρ(x) = i=1 ρi (x). From this point onwards the sub- are chosen as
scripts of the norms will be omitted for convenience with the 
ν = {φ ∈ Rq  θli − ν ≤ φi ≤ θui + ν, for i = 1(1)q} (15)
implicit understanding that the Frobenius norm is used for 
matrices and the 2-norm is used for vectors unless otherwise  = {K ∈ Rn×m  KF ≤ K̄ + } (16)
where ν,  are positive scalars introduced to maintain Lipschitz
The Assumption 3 seems reasonable for a large class of
continuity (for details see [33]), and φ  [φ1 , φ2 , . . . , φp ]T .
NLIP dynamics. In case of f (0, φ) = 0 or at least ∂f (0,φ) = 0,
∂φ Note that, the true parameter vector θ ∈ ν=0 ⊂ ν and
∀φ ∈ , and the function f (x, φ) is sufficiently smooth
Kx ∈ =0 ⊂  following Assumptions 1 & 2, respectively.
in its arguments, then using Taylor series expansion around
Therefore referring to [33, Lemma 9], the following claim
x = 0, Assumption 3 can, in fact, be proved (for details refer
holds, provided θ̂(0) ∈ ν and K̂x (0) ∈  .
[25, eq. (18)]). Systems where f (x, θ ) is a nonlinear function
of linear parametrization [19], the above assumption is usu- θ̂ (t) ∈ ν , K̂x (t) ∈  , ∀t ≥ 0 (17)
ally satisfied. For example, if f (x, θ ) = exp(xθ ), the bounding
4 The Lemma shows that projection introduces a negative semi-definite term
3 The notation “i = a(m)b” implies that “i = a, a + m, a + 2m, . . . ., b”. in the Lyapunov derivative and hence does not alter stability

Since the linearzation error E(x, θ, θ̂ ) acts like a unmodeled the overall error dynamics ξ(t) = [eT (t), θ̃ T (t), vecT (K̃x (t))]T 7
disturbance in the dynamics, any of the robust adaptive con- is globally uniformly ultimately bounded (GUUB), i.e.,
trol methods like projection, σ -modification etc. are required
to prevent parameter drift (for details refer to [31]). The pro- ξ(t) ≤ γ1 ξ(0) exp(−γ2 t) + γ3 , ∀t ≥ 0 (24)
jection algorithm is preferred in the present context since where γ1 , γ2 , γ3 are positive scalars, provided the following
inequality (17), derived from the property of the projection sufficient gain condition is satisfied.
algorithm, is exploited in the proof of subsequently developed
Lemma 1. Using Assumption 1 & 2 and inequality (17), θ̃ (t) λmin (Q)ks ≥ 4β 2 (25)
and K̃x (t)  Kx − K̂x (t) can be upper-bounded as where Q and β are defined in (11) and (18), respectively.

q Proof: Consider the following Lyapunov candidate
θ̃ (t) ≤ (θui − θli + ν), ∀t ≥ 0

1 1
i=1 V(e, θ̃ ) = eT Pe + θ̃ T θ−1 θ̃ + Tr K̃x x−1 K̃xT (26)
   2 2 2
β where Tr(·) denote the trace operator of the argument
K̃x (t) ≤ 2
 K̄+ , ∀t ≥ 0. (19) matrix. The Lyapunov candidate in (26) satisfies the following

1 1
λm e2 + θ̃ 2 + K̃x 2F ) ≤ V(e, θ̃ ) ≤ λM (ξ 2 ) (27)
At the outset, an upper-bound of the linearization error ξ 2
E(x, θ, θ̂ ) is derived, which is utilized in proving the sub- where the positive constants λm and λM are defined as
sequently considered main result. In fact, this upper-bound

charactrization is the cornerstone of the proposed method, λm  min λmin (P), λ−1
max ( θ ), λ −1
max ( x )
since the upper-bound knowledge is necessary for successful

design of a robust compensator, ensuring global stability. λM  min λmax (P), λmin ( θ ), λ−1
min x )
Lemma 1: The linearization error E(t) satisfies the follow- where λmin (·) and λmax (·) denote the minimum eigen value
ing inequality. and the maximum eigen value of the argument matrix, respec-
E(x, θ, θ̂ ) ≤ 2ρ(x)xθ̃  (20) tively. Taking the time derivative of (26) along the error
dynamics (12), (13), & (14) yields
Proof: From (7), it can be deduced that
V̇ = − eT Qe − sT K̃x x + sT Y θ̃ + sT E − ks ρ 2 (x)s2
E ≤ f (x, θ ) − f (x, θ̂ ) + Y(x, θ̂ )θ̃  (21) 2

Using the Mean Value Theorem [34], it can be shown that −θ̃ T Y T s + Tr K̃x xsT (28)
∂fi T Using (20), and cancelling the like terms in (28), V̇ can be
fi (x, θ ) − fi (x, θ̂ ) =  θ̃ (22)
∂φ φ=i upper-bounded as

where i = λi θ + (1 − λi )θ̂ , for some λi ∈ (0, 1), for i = 1
V̇ ≤ − λmin (Q)e2 + 2sρ(x)xθ̃  − ks ρ 2 (x)s2
1(1)m. 2
Since the set ν is convex,5 θ, θ̂ ∈ ν implies that i ∈ (29)
ν , for i = 1(1)m. Further, due to ν being a compact (closed
∂fi Using the fact that x ≤ e + xm , the inequality (29) can
and bounded) set, Assumption 3 applies to ∂φ at φ = i , for
be modified to
i = 1(1)m. Hence, 
1 ks

m V̇ ≤ − λmin (Q)e2 + 2sρ(x)eθ̃  − ρ 2 (x)s2
f (x, θ ) − f (x, θ̂ ) ≤ |fi (x, θ ) − fi (x, θ̂ )| 2 2
ks 2 
i=1 + 2sρ(x)xm θ̃  − ρ (x)s 2
m 2
≤ ρi (x)xθ̃  ≤ ρ(x)xθ̃  (23) Further, completing squares on the square bracketed terms
i=1 in (30), and exploiting (3) & (18) deduces
Since θ̂ ∈ ν , using (9), (21) and (23), the relation (20) is 1 ks 2β 2 2β 2 d2
V̇ ≤ − λmin (Q)e2 − ρ(x)s − +
established.6 2 2 ks ks
Theorem 1: For the system in (1), the control law in (6)   
and (10), with the parameter update law in (13) guarantee that
ks 2βe 2 2β 2
5 For the definition of a convex set, please refer to [35]. − ρ(x)s − + e2 (31)
2 ks ks
6 It can be observed that the above upper-bound is characterised without   
going into the standard Cauchy-form of Taylor series remainder [34], which ≥0
requires a second order partial of f (x, φ) with respect to φ in this case.
Since Assumption 3 is imposed on first order partials, the above derivation in 7 vec(Z) ∈ Rab denotes the vectorization of a matrix Z ∈ Ra×b , obtained
Lemma 1 is preferred. by stacking the columns of the matrix Z one after another.

Further neglecting the term in the square bracket in (31) and

imposing the sufficient gain condition (25) yields

2β 2 d2
V̇ ≤ −qe2 + (32)
2β 2
where q  2 λmin (Q)
− ks > 0 according to the gain
2 2
condition (25). Hence, for ≥ 2βqksd , V̇ ≤ 0. Further,
using (18)-(19), the Lyapunov function (26) can be upper-
bounded as
Fig. 1. Tracking error e(t).
1 1
V≤ λmax (P)e2 + (λ−1 −1
min ( θ )β + λmin ( x )γ )
2 2
2 2
Using (33), the inequality (31) can be modified as The performance of the proposed controller is validated by
simulating it on a model of biochemical process [4], [32]. The
2q 2qζ 2β 2 d2 dynamics of the process is given by [32]
V̇ ≤ − V+ + (34)
λ (P) λ (P) ks α0 (1 + αn x)
   max   ẋ = x +u (38)
α η (1 + αd x)
f (x,θ)
Using Comparison Lemma ([36, Lemma 3.4]), The above dif-
ferential inequality can be converted to the following algebraic where x(t) ∈ R is the state of the biochemical process (can
inequality represent concentration of certain chemical). The parameter
vector θ  [α0 , αn , αd ]T ∈ R3 , where α0 , αn , αd are unknown
V(t) ≤ V(0) exp{−αt} + (1 − exp{−αt}), ∀t ≥ 0 (35) scalars. As shown in [32], the function f (x, θ ) is neither con-
α vex nor concave in θ . Consequently, a re-parametrization is
Further using (27), the inequality in (35) can be modified in performed in [32] to convexify the dynamics and apply the
terms of the error variable ξ(t) as follows min-max framework. However, since the function f (x, θ ) sat-
  isfies Assumption 3, the proposed method can be directly
λM α 2η applied without any re-parametrization. Similar to [32], it is
ξ(t) ≤ ξ(0) exp{− t} + (36)
λm 2 αλm assumed that the system is operating in the positive region
to avoid the singularity phenomenon, i.e., x(t) > 0, ∀t ≥ 0.
resulting in a GUUB stability as stated in (24). Hence, Simulation results validate this assumption. The true values of
V(t) ∈ L∞ , which implies that e(t), θ̃ (t), K̃x (t) ∈ L∞ , and the parameters are chosen as α0 = αn = αd = 2. The known
as a consequence x(t), θ̂ (t), u(t), ė(t), θ̂˙ (t), K̂˙ x (t) ∈ L∞ . bounds of these parameters are considered as 1.5 ≤ α0 ≤ 2.5,
Remark 1: In case of regulation objective the upper-bound 1.5 ≤ αn ≤ 2.5, 1.5 ≤ αd ≤ 2.5. The dynamics in (38) can be
of the desired trajectory can be treated as zero, i.e., d = 0. represented as ẋ = ax + b(f (x, θ ) + u), where a = 0, b = 1.
Hence, from (32) The reference model is chosen as ẋm = am xm + bm r, where
am = −5, bm = 2. The reference trajectory is defined as
V̇ ≤ −qx2 ≤ 0 (37)
r(t) = 10 + sin(20t) (39)
Using Barbalat’s Lemma ([36, Lemma 8.2]), it can be shown The controller input and the parameter update law is designed
that x(t) → 0 as t → ∞. Therefore, in case of regulation as in (6) and (13). The regressor Y(x, θ ) ∈ R3 is given as
global Lyapunov stability and asymptotic convergence of states
∂f ∂f ∂f T
to zero are achieved. Y(x, θ̂ ) = [ , , ]
Remark 2: It can inferred that the above approach is tech- ∂ α̂0 ∂ α̂n ∂ α̂d
nically different from nonlinear-approximation based learn- ∂f (1 + α̂n x) ∂f α̂0 x2
= x, =
ing control (see [28]–[30] and references there in), where ∂ α̂0 (1 + α̂d x) ∂ α̂n (1 + α̂d x)
a unknown function is approximated online by a nonlin- ∂f −α̂0 (1 + α̂n x) 2
= x
ear approximator by exploiting the universal approximation ∂ α̂d (1 + α̂d x)
property. Those techniques do not allow online learning The controller parameters are chosen as: ks = 4, Q = 10, θ =
of the actual parameters of the dynamics, while requiring 50I3 , ν = 0.05. The bounding function ρ(x) is constructed as
over-parametrization. Thus, the computational burden in the
(1 + 2.55|x|) + 2.55|x| + 2.55(1 + 2.55|x|)|x|
proposed method is sufficiently less as compared to the uni- ρ(x) = (40)
versal approximator-based learning controllers. Due to exploit- 1 + 1.45|x|
ing the structural knowledge of the dynamics, the proposed The initial conditions are considered as x(0) = 4, xm (0) =
method can heuristically lead to better transient performance 5, θ̂ (0) = [1.6, 1.6, 2.2]T . The simulation results are shown in
as compared to universal approximation-based techniques. the Figures 1 & 2.

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