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===About the Working Files===

This PHP course is project based and users are encouraged to follow along and
replicate the examples. To assist we have provided working files which can be found
on the DVD in the folder called "Working Files", users who have purchased this
product on digital download will find the files within the main folder. These
working files have been created to work within the BlueFish editor that the author
uses in this course.

=== Users who don't wish to use the recommend BlueFish editor ===
Whilst we strongly recommend that users take advantage of pre-prepared code
snippets and the many features offered by the Bluefish code editor, some users may
wish to use another editor to follow this course. While we do not recommend using a
different editor, to assist these customers we've also included the snippets /
working files ( where possible ) in plain text format. These can be found in the
"Working Files-None-BlueFish Users" folder and for customers who don't wish to use
the Bluefish editor these text based working files should be used. Certain lessons
may require none BlueFish users to manually input code based on the authors screen.

To help you stay on track we have laid out a schedule of the order in which the
working files should be used.

01. Intro To Beginners PHP

0101 Intro What This Course Covers
0102 What We Need
02. Getting Started
0201 Introducing XAMPP
0202 Downloading XAMPP
0203 XAMPP - Installing
0204 XAMPP - Setting Up
0205 Setting Up A PHP Editor - Bluefish
0206 Introduction To BlueFish
0207 The BlueFish Interface
0208 BlueFish Summary
0209 Downloading PHP Snippets

**resource: TMIT_res_php.xml should be acquired from the Working Files or

downloaded as instructed before proceeding beyond here**

0210 Using PHP Snippets

0211 PHP Comments
0212 Our First PHP Page
0213 Intro To MySQL Databases
0214 Into To phpMyAdmin
0215 External Helpful Resources
0216 Exercises
03. Our First Look At MySQL And PHP
0301 Connecting To A MySQL Database - Part 1
0302 Connecting To A MySQL Database - Part 2
0303 Our First MySQL Query - Part 1
0304 Our First MySQL Query - Part 2
0305 Creating A MySQL Database
0306 Create MySQL Tables - Part 1
0307 Create MySQL Tables - Part 2
0308 Database Structure
0309 Updating MySQL Tables
0310 Updating MySQL Tables - Example
0311 MySQL Delete Command
0312 Inserting Data In MySQL
0313 Intro To Variables And Operators
0314 Arithmetic Operators
0315 Assignment Operators
0316 Comparison Operators
0317 Introduction To Arrays
0318 Numeric Arrays
0319 Associative Arrays
0320 Multi-Dimensional Arrays
0321 Creating And Working With Arrays
0322 Creating Arrays From A Text File
0323 Lesson Review

**resource: phpTraining-0104.xml should be acquired from the Working Files or

downloaded as instructed before proceeding beyond here**

04. Outputting And Processing Data

0401 Hiding Sensitive Data
0402 Including Sensitive Data
0403 PHP Echo And Quotes - Part 1
0404 PHP Echo And Quotes - Part 2
0405 Formatting Using sprintf
0406 Outputting Tabular Data
0407 Outputting Data And Time
0408 Introduction To Loops
0409 Do While Loops
0410 Repetition - For Loops
0411 Repetition - For Each Loops
0412 MySQL Select
0413 Formatting Outputted MySQL Data
0414 MySQL Joins Overview
0415 MySQL Joins
0416 MySQL Where And Order By
05. Dealing With Variables
0501 Intro To Sending Variables
0502 Using Variables With GET
0503 Using Variables With POST
0504 Inserting Sent Data In A Database
0505 Updating A Database With Sent Data - Part 1
0506 Updating A Database With Sent Data - Part 2
0507 Redirection In PHP
0508 Creating A List - Example
0509 Styling The List - Example
0510 What We Have learned
06. Inserting And Using Database Data
0601 Using One Page To Process Forms - Part 1
0602 Using One Page To Process Forms - Part 2
0603 Multi Part Forms
0604 Save And Return POST and GET
0605 Save And Return INSERT
0606 Save And Return UPDATE
0607 Normalization
0608 Simple Drop Downs
0609 Complex Drop Downs
0610 Revised Form - The Code
0611 Revised Form - The Result
0612 Lesson Review
**resource: phpTraining-0107.xml should be acquired from the Working Files or
downloaded as instructed before proceeding beyond here**

07. MySQL Joins

0701 MySQL Join Types - Examples
0702 MySQL Join Diagrams
0703 Creating Nested Lists
0704 MySQL Nested Processing
0705 Styling Our Lists
0706 Intro To Functions
0707 Included Files
08. PHP Errors And Security
0801 Introduction To Security And Errors
0802 Error Types - Databases
0803 PHP Error Types
0804 Custom Error Testing
0805 Create A Login Page
0806 Passwords For Login
0807 Protecting Pages
0808 Using Cookies - Theory
0809 Using Cookies - Practice
0810 Access Levels - Basic Restriction
0811 Access Levels - Restrict Fields
0812 Managing Users - Structure
0813 Managing Users - Create New
0814 Audit Trails - Access Function
0815 Audit Trails - Logging Logins
0816 Errors And Security - Review

**resources: phpTraining-0109.xml and should be acquired from the

Working Files or downloaded as instructed before proceeding beyond here**

09. Building A Template Page

0901 PHP Templates
0902 Building Our PHP Template CSS/HTML
0903 Creating Template Menu
0904 Create Template Login Script
0905 Template Logout Script
0906 CMS Switch Statement
0907 Building Our CMS
0908 Setting up our CMS Content
0909 Complete CMS Module
0910 Review And Exercise

**resources: phpTraining-0110.xml and and should be

acquired from the Working Files or downloaded as instructed before proceeding
beyond here**

10. PHP Functions

1001 Function Structure
1002 Built In Functions Maths And Strings
1003 Built In Functions Date And Time
1004 Custom Functions
1005 Format With Functions
1006 Email Address Checking
1007 Database Functions
1008 Array Functions - sort And unique
1009 Array Functions - search, slice And merge
1010 Server Variables
1011 Browser Detection
11. Using External Files, And Images
1101 Reading Text Files
1102 Writing Text Files
1103 Working With Image Files - exif
1104 Creating Image Files With GD Library
1105 Managing Images With GD Library
1106 Resizing Images With PHP
1107 Uploading Files - Overview
1108 Uploading Files - In Action
1109 Remote File Parsing
12. Email With PHP
1201 Email With PHP And MySQL
1202 Sendmail SMTP Server
1203 Sendmail mail Function
1204 PHP mail CC And BCC
1205 HTML email Content
1206 Email Out - Hiding SMTP Address
1207 Email Out - Embedded Form
1208 Logging Sent Email
13. Real Life PHP Introduction
1301 Real Life Introduction
1302 Building PHP Tools - Button Maker
1303 Building PHP Tools - Embedded Tool
1304 Managing Deletions - Suspension Fields
1305 Managing Deletions - Suspend Record
1306 Managing Deletions - Restore Records
1307 OO Programming - A Caveat
1308 OO Programming Model - DB Connection
1309 OO Programming - DB Examples
1310 CMS Open Source
1311 CMS Joomla

**resources: is downloaded during this lesson 1312 and is available in

the Working Files folder**

1312 CRM Download And Extract

1313 CRM vTiger Install
1314 CRM Modifying vTiger
14. About The Author
1401 About The Author


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