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Matric no.: 194522 Group: 105

Due Date: 23 September 2018

Paragraph Development (Constructing an Outline)

1. Complete the outline below by transferring the information from the academic text in Lecture Notes 1 (pg. 4 – 5).

TOPIC: _________________Benefits of Regular Exercise________________________________________

Statement Regular exercise releases tension, improves appearance, and increases stamina.

Topic Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3

(complete The first benefit of regular exercise is the The second benefit of regular exercise is that a In addition to the self-confidence
sentences) release of tension person can have an improved appearance engendered by an improved appearance,
increased physical strength produces


SP1: participating in sports for 30 minutes SP1: results in trimmer and firmer figure SP1: stronger and healthier body (more capable
releases tension to work harder and withstand fatigue
Supporting SP2: improved muscle tone and posture wear
Points SP2: sleep better at night and have temperament clothes more attractively and comfortably SP2: workers and students with stamina work
(point form) the next day efficiently
SP3: improve a person’s skin tone
SP3: petty irritation and frustrations should be
less troubling SP3: stamina helps to ward off illnesses such as
cold and

Supporting -Health experts agree that performing calisthenics -For instance, research shows
<< that people who are -Paisley (2012) states that “a worker who exercises
Details or participating in an active sport such as tennis or overweight, may be able to burn away most excess should be able to complete a forty-hour week at
volleyball for thirty minutes releases tension fat and tighten muscles, thereby reshaping the work and still retain enough
<< energy for mowing the
(point form) - For example, Roscoe (2010) explains that an or instance,
physique research
through regular shows that
exercise people
(Centre who
of Public grass, painting the garage or cleaning the windows
employee stressed with work and traffic congestion, Health California, 2013).
are overweight, may be able to burn away at home” (p. 87)
may rush home, argue with the family, and eat -people will wear clothes more attractively and -Similarly, a student who exercises regularly would
excessively. most excess fat and tighten muscles, thereby
comfortably be able to attend classes and still find the energy
reshaping the physique through regular and stamina to work part-time and accomplish
various tasks efficiently.
exercise (Centre of Public Health California,
Concluding 2013).
Therefore, exercisingregularly
Therefore, exercising regularly can
can eliminate This improved appearance will provide Hence, improved endurance is one of the
(complete eliminate
or at least or at least
control control
tension. tension.
Another benefit of confidence and favourably impress others. benefits of regular exercise.
sentences) regular exercise is improved appearance. Thus, regular exercise is beneficial as it
Exercise takes << will help towards the betterment of one’s
overall appearance.


2. Based on the question below, construct an outline for two body paragraphs. Write
your outline in complete sentences.

The mass media, which includes the television, radio, newspapers or social
networking sites, plays an important role in society. What are the positive effects of
mass media on today’s generation?

Explain your views by providing two effects.

Thesis statement:

Mass media helps to develop awareness and social skills

Body Paragraph 1

Topic Sentence:

The first positive impacts of mass media to new generations is it can develop
awareness among peoples

Supporting Sentences:

1. Most teens live a sheltered life but with exposure to various media outlets, they
can develop awareness about the real society and the world situations

2. Cultural and political awareness is vital if we want to groom a generation of

socially responsible citizens

Concluding Sentence:

Thus, peoples can realize that there is more to the world than just what is happening
in the hood through mass media


Body Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence:

The second positive impacts of mass media on today’s generation is it helps to

improve their social skills

Supporting Sentences:

1. Teens nowadays are socially awkward and media gives them the chance to
expand their social skills by expand their social circle and develop new friendship

2. Mass media diversifies teen’s social skills that will cause increase in social
confidence, heightened literacy in the media and more social support

Concluding Sentence:

Hence, mass media improve their social skills which in turn help them navigate
successfully through modern society


3. Based on the question below, construct an outline for two body paragraphs. Write
your outline in complete sentences.

Recreational parks are parks set aside by local authorities for human recreation or
for the protection of plant and animal species. Discuss the reasons why recreational
parks should be protected and not destroyed for development purposes.

Explain your views by providing two reasons.

Thesis statement:
Recreational parks should be protected because it helps to maintain healthy lifestyle
and provide vital green space

Body Paragraph 1

Topic Sentence:

The first reason why recreational park should be protected and not destroyed for
development process is due to it maintain healthy lifestyle

Supporting Sentences:

1. Recreational parks helps to provide millions of people opportunity to be physically

actives by exercising that will reduce the possibility to get disease

2.It also provide positive surrounding between citizens by doing activities together
and forming healthy community that will helps to reduce stress and negative lifestyle

Concluding Sentence:

Hence, recreational parks can act as the medium for people to maintain and improve
healthy environment


Body Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence:

The second factor is it provide vital green space to human and animals

Supporting Sentences:

1. Peoples go to park to improve their mood and reinvigorate themselves because

greener areas have significant and long-lasting improvements in mental heath

2. Greener environment also can help to enhance recovery from surgery, improve
immune system functioning and helps diabetics to achieve healthier blood glucose

Concluding Sentence:

Thus, recreational park should not be destroyed cause it provide environment that
can improve physical and mental health

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