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soumer arerccc Congress of the United States eee a ‘Bouse of Representatives em ‘Biashington, BE 20515-4706 ee December 14,2018, ome Seema Verma ‘Administtor ‘Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ‘US Departnent of Health and Human Services "7500 Security Boulevard ‘Baltimore, MD 21244 ‘Dear Administrator Verma, ‘The recently-fialized site neutral rule (CMS-1695-FC) issued by the Centers for Medicare and “Medicaid Services (CMS) jeopardizes the availability of quality health care in rural communities nationwide and acutely in Washington's 6° Congressional District. On behalf of te residents of ‘the 6* District, 170¢ of whom wrote you directly in opposition to this rule and who were ignored, I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss this policy and its

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