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Carol King-Ries Wilmington University

Week 11 Review November 28, 2018

Time Account:

Monday, November 19th 10 am – 11:30 am

1.5 hours VRAC Mtg. via phone

Tuesday, November 20th 8 am – 3:30 pm

7.5 hours DVI Offices

Total: 9 hours this week

114.5 hours to date


This week, I participated in the VRAC meeting via teleconference. It was an interesting meeting
in the sense that it got me thinking about the role of Advisory councils and their members. I had an
interesting conversation with Elisha about training for Advisory council members.

I also attended another Commission meeting. The new chairperson was there. There were lots
of acronyms that I cleared up after the meeting. Once again, it was a lesson on leadership diplomacy.

Task Assigned:

Do a Focus Group session for the Parent Information meeting

Assigned by Erin and Shirley

Meeting cancelled due to no parent turnout

Complete all work for Volunteer Coordinator

Assigned by Rich Huber

Complete by Nov. 26th

Arrange meeting with Erin, Shirley, and Rachel

Assigned by C. King-Ries

Check with Elisha to see if this makes sense

Look up information on Advisory councils and training for Advisory councils

Assigned by Carol

Schedule for next week:

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, I will only be in the DVI offices on Tuesday. I will call in to the
VRAC meeting on Monday from 10 am – 12 pm.

People I met with:

Other than the consultant for the Education Collaborative, I engaged with the DVI staff in

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