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DIRECTIONS: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each
sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct
a coherent paragraph.

1. (A) In economic terms, the World Cup has been a disaster.

(B) This, it can be suggested, necessitates the opening up of new tourist markets, for the Caribbean already gets
its share of tourists from the UK, US and Canada.
(C) While Barbados Tourism Authority is doing much to open up the Indian market, negotiations with the Indian
chambers of commerce and Air-India are cases in point; little has been done by the other islands so far.
(D) However, none of these objectives has been fulfilled.
(E) The legacy of the tournament, according to the IMF, would depend on the Caribbean countries' ability to
market themselves as key tourism destinations following the event.

2. (A) One can only hope that the proposed National Judicial Council will take the accountability of judges seriously
and deter judgments such as the one by Gupta.
(B) Such an order fails any test of the definition of a minority.
(C) If a judge errs, the chief justice of India shouldn't hesitate to punish him.
(D) If such judgments and their authors are allowed to go scot-free, then the standing of the courts would be
seriously undermined.
(E) The recent single-judge Allahabad high court order decreeing that Muslims do not constitute a minority in
Uttar Pradesh also borders on the absurd.

3. (A) Ravan has always been referred to as a 'Maha Pandit'.

(B) The demons - rakshas, asuras, and prets - are not radically bad and cannot be regarded as absolute Devil in the
sense of Christian Satan.
(C) That's the beauty of our eastern and oriental mythology.
(D) In Hindu mythology, however, there is no single power like 'the' devil.
(E) It is not linear like the West where things are often unidimensional - civilized versus primitive, sacred versus
profane, good versus evil, God versus Devil.

IC : Extra PJ Q booklet (1) of (8)

4. (A) Opening the doors to them can be very beneficial for organisations that are facing a talent crunch.
(B) Older workers could chip in as consultants or trainers to meet the talent gap in the labour market.
(C) In their quest for fresh and young talent, employers don't think it important to recruit older workers.
(D) Unfortunately, employers don't seem to realise this.
(E) It will help organisations retain knowledge and experience, widen the recruitment base, and could lead to more
customers and greater profits.

5. (A) So Scotch makers have to find and tap new markets like India.
(B) Trying to fend off the inevitable, India's domestic liquor companies argue against lower duties on foreign
liquor on two grounds.
(C) In Britain, Scotch sells less today than it did 30 years ago.
(D) One, India will be flooded with cheap foreign liquor, and two, the imports will drive India's smaller liquor
companies out of business.
(E) India's attractiveness as a market for Scotch is boosted by the fact that Scotch sales worldwide have largely
stagnated in volume terms.

6. (A) This is because the market today is controlled by right conditions like competition rules, open market access
and price transparency.
(B) Consolidation leads to an efficient market structure.
(C) In such an environment, new competitors are bound to emerge and competitors watch every move by their
(D) Mergers not only benefit the companies involved in the deal, the scores of vendors who supply to them, but
also the global economy at large.
(E) Fewer competitors does not mean that we will immediately plummet to an oligopoly or a monopolistic market.

7. (A) Repeated policy-level focus on exams has made little visible changes in learning patterns.
(B) However, it would be a mistake to assume that this is the pattern that emerged out of the Indian tradition of
generational transfer of knowledge and wisdom.
(C) Practically every reform measure is decimated because of the inability to change the exam pattern.
(D) Learning by rote is perpetually under attack.
(E) There is little doubt that the current emphasis on learning by rote and the requirement to reproduce these in
exams is damaging.

(2) of (8) IC : Extra PJ Q booklet

8. (A) This year we are importing inferior quality wheat - at a price higher than what we pay to our farmers, again
making a loss.
(B) The time has come to have a second look at the PDS.
(C) Our food distribution system is cause for concern.
(D) It is also reported that seven lakh tonnes of sugar meant for the public distribution system (PDS) disappeared
from government godowns in Maharashtra.
(E) It is learnt that last year we exported good quality wheat at a price lower than what we paid to our farmers,
making a loss.

9. (A) Now, you can work not just as an RJ, but may also be able to call the shots from behind the scenes at one of
the hundreds of radio stations dotting the nation.
(B) Apart from working as RJ, there are many other jobs within a radio station.
(C) Naturally, this upsurge has led to the creation of an ever-increasing range of jobs in the sector.
(D) Gone are the days of tuning in to just one government-run radio station and listening to whatever was playing
at the moment.
(E) Popularly referred to as FM, radio today is riding the boom that's hit India in recent years, ever since the
government started issuing licenses to private players to step into the field.

10. (A) If we ever choke, it will perhaps be on a surfeit of information since we have much more by way of both news
and views everyday than we can make sense of.
(B) It shows itself as unabashedly in academic discourse as in public rhetoric and lifestyles.
(C) Even technologies which look benign develop a dark side.
(D) Notions of freedom, autonomy, plurality, human rights and communal and ethnic identities are stretched to a
point where they get subverted themselves or become means of subverting old societies.
(E) Excess is the word which defines the condition of present day world.

11. (A) Sleep disturbances increase the likelihood of a pre-diabetic state. (Glucose intolerance and insulin resistance.)
(B) Researchers at the University of Chicago discovered that chronic sleep loss can reduce the body's ability to
regulate hormones and process carbohydrates.
(C) After less than a week, they noted changes in the body similar to the effects of early diabetes or advanced
(D) In their study, they reduced participants' sleep from eight to four hours a night.
(E) Both resistances to insulin and glucose intolerance are also markers for heart disease.

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12. (A) With an autistic son, Pusnani cannot take her child's safety for granted, especially when she is not around.
(B) So, she has wired up her home with IP cameras, through which she monitors her son on her mobile phone and
(C) "I can see him from anywhere, I am a less worried mother now" she admits.
(D) Monica Pusnani is a typical mother who wants to be there for her child even when she is not at home.
(E) All she needs to do is to log on to their IP address of her net camera and a live video of her son streams into
her phone.

13. (A) It was a volatile week. The Congress launched a high profile campaign to argue its case, fielding three of its
legal luminaries to hold Press Conferences, all on the same day.
(B) "He doesn't have the requisite numbers to win the test," agrees Salman Khusheed, the state PCC chief.
(C) What bolstered the party's rhetoric was a report by State Governor Rajeshwar Rao to the Home Minister, which
is said to have voiced an apprehension that the SP could indulge in horse trading to win a floor vote slated for
end Feb.
(D) Each one from Congress brandished the Supreme Court judgment and asked Mulayam Singh to step down.
(E) Ever since the Supreme Court's judgment on Feb 14, disqualifying 13 BSP MLA,s who had broken away to
support the SP to form the Government in Aug 2003, the Congress has been maintaining that Mulayam had lost
the moral right to continue in office and should resign, failing which it threatened to dismiss him.

14. (A) Once it was among the shoals, no rescue ship could approach.
(B) With helicopters days away and no other ice breaker within thousands of kilometres, Captain Endresen didn't
waste a moment.
(C) Though strengthened against the crush of ice, the ship could be tipped sideways by pressure.
(D) In a few hours its 100 passengers and 43 crew could be in terrible trouble.
(E) Trapped amid ice floes driven by the gale, the Akademik Sergey Vavilov was being carried into dangerous

15. (A) The market for ideas, like markets for currencies or coffee, has a tendency to overshoot.
(B) When instead the East Asian Tigers boomed, putting on the fastest spurt of growth in economic history,
opinions switched.
(C) Shifts in the way East Asia is viewed to illustrate the point.
(D) Optimists, exploring enthusiastically, concluded that at this rate of growth, Asia would dominate the global
economy within two decades.
(E) Back in the early 1960's, when America and Europe enjoyed their golden age of growth, many western economists
viewed Asia as a gloomy place doomed to stagnation.

(4) of (8) IC : Extra PJ Q booklet

DIRECTIONS: Sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence
is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a
coherent paragraph.

16. 1. Extreme weather events such as the summer heat waves affect the diurnal temperature variations.
A. This produces a dome of elevated temperatures over a city that is significantly higher than air temperatures
over adjacent rural or suburban areas.
B. These effects are exacerbated in urban areas where the concrete jungles present amplify the heating capacity
of incoming solar radiation.
C. The artificial materials store much of the sun's energy and remain hot long periods even after the sunset.
D. Heat islands develop in cities as naturally vegetated surfaces are replaced with asphalt, concrete and other
artificial materials.
6. Therefore, we need to develop adequate adaptation strategies to deal with the change in climatic patterns.
(1) BADC (2) ABDC
(3) CABD (4) BDCA
(5) ADBC

17. 1. Indians are on the high road to health and wellness.

A. People in rural areas were increasingly giving up on coarser grains like jowar while turning to more nutritious
and protein rich items like pulses.
B. At the same time, smoking has dropped by 30% in urban areas in the 11-year period since 1993-'94
C. This could also explain the current mismatch between demand and supply of pulses and their high prices.
D. There's been a switch to cooking mediums like sunflower, corn and soya oil, relentlessly pitched as healthier
than traditional options like mustard and coconut oil and vanaspati.
6. It could also mean that the high demand for pulses is here to stay.
(1) ACBD (2) DBAC
(3) BDCA (4) CDAB
(5) DBCA

18. 1. With 3.24 million ever users and 2.6 million active users, Mumbai leads the pack of top eight internet using
A. This was revealed by the Internet in India (ICube) study jointly undertaken by the Internet And Mobile
Association of India and IMRB International.
B. Delhi is second with 2.66 million ever users and 1.80 million active users, respectively.
C. The ever user category is defined as someone who has used the internet at least once.
D. The study also found that the difference between ever user and active users was the lowest in Pune with a 90%
conversion rate, and the highest in Delhi with a poor 67% conversion rate.
6. The active users are the ones who access the internet at least once a month.
(1) ADBC (2) BDAC
(3) BADC (4) DBCA
(5) CDAB

IC : Extra PJ Q booklet (5) of (8)

19. 1. India's poor live in the most ecologically fragile areas.
A. Forest sustains around 150 million people but deforestation and restrictive policies don't allow people to
access it.
B. But agriculture creates close to 60 per cent of employment in India.
C. Close to 50 per cent of India's agriculture land faces erosion, making agriculture a difficult proposition for
D. This also explains why economic development has not helped much in poverty eradication, as conventional
economy doesn't treat ecology as a source of economy.
6. The loss of livelihood due to such degradation and policies is hardly compensated from other sources like
industries or service sectors.
(1) ACDB (2) BCAD
(3) CADB (4) DBAC
(5) DCBA

20. 1. The Chinese government has started work on an online database of marriage registration records in order to
prevent bigamy.
A. But, only employers or local government officials provided the necessary documentation.
B. Till 2003, any Chinese seeking to register a marriage was expected to provide documentation to prove that the
concerned parties were single.
C. The civil affairs ministry now feels that relaxing the rule resulted in large scale bigamy as people travelled to
distant places in China and married a second time by claiming that they were single.
D. The rule was then abolished in 2003 as part of the general trend of easing controls.
6. In 2005, the ministry ordered marriage registration bureaus to begin compiling records of registered marriages
and creating electronic databases.
(1) BADC (2) ABCD
(3) CDBA (4) DABC
(5) BDAC

21. (A) The first step in this direction has been taken with the introduction of a new tax return form for the current
assessment year.
(B) Assesses had to furnish a cash flow statement detailing every transaction made, apart from providing information
on income, savings and tax paid.
(C) If government wants to further boost compliance, the best way to do so would be to make income-tax rules -
and forms - even simpler.
(D) It will replace the existing 'saral' and controversial 2F forms, which met with widespread discontent among
(1) BDAC (2) ACBD
(3) CADB (4) DABC
(5) ADBC

22. (A) Unless there is a very good reason, such as gross negligence of duty or corruption, police officers should be
given a fixed tenure at any given position.
(B) One lesson that must be drawn from the grisly episode of fake encounter killings is the urgent need to insulate
the police from its political masters.
(C) Another way to delink the police from the political class is to set up an independent watchdog to monitor
complaints against policemen.
(D) One way to go about this is to stop the pernicious practice of transferring police officers on the whims of state
(1) CDAB (2) DCBA
(3) ABDC (4) BACD
(5) BDAC
(6) of (8) IC : Extra PJ Q booklet
23. (A) It then sends them to a wireless receiver inside the saber, which lights up when the user is concentrating.
(B) Behind the mask is a sensor that touches the user's forehead.
(C) It's a prototype of a toy that incorporates brain wave-reading technology.
(D) It reads the brain's electrical signals.
(1) CBDA (2) DCAB
(3) ACBD (4) BADC
(5) CDAB

24. (A) With almost 29 energy efficient models in the market, Carrier offers huge variety of window and split air
(B) Apart from Carrier, LG, Voltas and Daikin have also steeped in to the manufacture of energy efficient air
(C) Though different types of air conditioners are available, very few are energy efficient.
(D) An air conditioner is the best possible way to keep the environs cools.
(1) CDBA (2) DCAB
(3) ABDC (4) BDAC
(5) CBDA

25. (A) This is because the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) used for immunisation contains a live weakened virus.
(B) Hence, while OPV might help in eradication of the wild poliovirus, as long as this vaccine with live virus is
used, the disease itself cannot fully be eradicated.
(C) The termination of wild poliovirus transmission does not guarantee eradication of the paralytic polio disease.
(D) The virus can mutate to become vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) and can cause polio breaks
(1) DBCA (2) ACDB
(3) BCDA (4) CADB
(5) CDAB

IC : Extra PJ Q booklet (7) of (8)


1. Ans.(4). EBC is the clue. As the Caribbean countries want to make themselves 16. Ans.(4). The key is DCA. D introduces artificial materials. C tells you more
a good tourist destination (statement E), for this they will have to open up about these artificial materials. A gives the result of using artificial materials.
new tourist market (statement B). C will automatically follow B. 17. Ans.(2). The key to this is A->C->6. A tells that people are switching to
2. Ans.(1). EB is a mandatory pair as statement B tells more about statement E. pulses. C tells that due to this, prices of pulses will go up. Finally 6 tells that
3. Ans.(3). C and E will be together as they are comparing East with West, high demand for pulses will remain.
hence option (2) and (5) are ruled out. The key is D followed by B. D explains 18. Ans.(3). AD and C6 are mandatory pairs. A tells that a study was undertaken.
that there is no single devil power ; B names them as rakshas, asuras and D further reveals more results found in the study.
prêts. 19. Ans.(5). CB and A6 are mandatory pairs. C and B talks about agriculture. A
4. Ans.(2). D is the concluding statement. A will be followed by E as E explains and 6 talks about deforestation and policies.
how it can be beneficial for organizations to employ older people. Also, C 20. Ans.(1). BA and DC are mandatory pairs. B tells that documentation was
will be followed by A as the pronoun 'them' denotes older workers. needed. A tells that only employers or officials provided it. Similarly, D tells
5. Ans.(5). E will be clearly followed by C as E states that Scotch sales have that the rule to provide documentation was abolished and C tells that
reduced in volume terms and then it gives Britain as an example. So option abolishing the rule had negative effects.
(2), (3) and (4) are ruled out. B will be clearly followed by D as B states of 21. Ans.(3). The context explains how the process of tax payment can be made
two grounds and D explains these grounds. Hence Option (5) is correct. simpler. This intention is clearly mentioned in statement C. So the first
6. Ans.(1). The key to the answer is pair EA as A gives the cause for E. sentence should be C. A follows C as it tells the 'first step' taken. Hence
7. Ans.(3). B is the concluding statement. Hence option (1), (2) and (4) are option (3) is correct.
ruled out. E further endorses D - so E comes after D. Similarly, C comes after 22. Ans.(5). B initiates the idea or need to cut off police from politicians'
A. influence. Statement D gives one way how to do this - by stopping the transfer
8. Ans.(4). C has to be the first sentence and B as concluding sentence. E of police officers on wishes of politicians. Hence
must be followed by A. Hence option (4) is the answer. B->D. A must follow D as it is in continuation of this and tells that transfer
9. Ans.(2). D has to be the first sentence. EC and AB are mandatory pairs. should take place only when the reason is strong, otherwise police officers
Hence option (2) is the right answer. should be assigned for a fixed term. Last sentence is C which gives second
method how to insulate police from political forces. Hence option (5) is
10. Ans.(5). E must be followed by B as pronoun 'it shows' in sentence B signifies correct - B->D->A->C.
'Excess' in sentence E. So only option (4) or (5) are valid. ACD do not form
a logical sequence. Hence option (4) is ruled out. 23. Ans.(1). The key is B->D->A. The sensor will first read the signal and then
transmit it to the receiver. So option (1) is the correct option.
11. Ans.(3). Here the link is D-C. What the researchers studied will be followed
by what they inferred out of their experiment. Therefore the correct option 24. Ans.(2). The clue is CAB. The topic of discussion is energy efficient air
is BDCAE. conditioners. C talks about variety of air conditioners but very few being
energy efficient. A gives an example of C. B gives more examples of C - LG,
12. Ans.(3). There are two links here. The first is DA which brings us down to Voltas.
two options 1 and 3. Then the second link is EC, which brings the choice
down to DABEC. 25. Ans.(4). The context of the paragraph is of Oral Polio Vaccine and the non
guaranteed eradication of the disease. The idea is initiated in statement C.
13. Ans.(1). Here the link is ED. What happens in sentences A, B and C are all A follows C as it gives the reason why polio can't be eradicated completely.
the aftermath of sentence E. Sentence D is the immediate reaction the follows D tells more about the virus and hence follows A. B is the concluding
E. Thus EDCAB is the right one. sentence. Therefore CADB is the right sequence and hence option (4) is
14. Ans.(3). The link here is CA. A would be the result if the ship tipped sideways. correct.
Therefore EDCAB is the correct choice.
15. Ans.(3). The link here is AC. A puts forth a theory and C illustrates it.
Therefore the correct answer is ACEBD.

(8) of (8) IC : Extra PJ Q booklet

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