Scan Nov 20, 2018

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Key Terms

Forum lulium = Forum of Julius Caesar

Venus Victrix = Theater of Pompey
Venus Genetrix
Titus Annius Milo
The so-called First Triumvirate

Po mpey Crassus Caesar

Easter n settlement ratified Consulship

Vete ra ns settled

Cheaper contract for collecting taxes in Asia

Clodius, tribune of the plebs for 58

extensive reform of grain importation & distribution system

includes distribution of free grain to all citizens living in Rome

use of auspices to block legislation now tightly controlled

censors lose power over senatorial membership

now official investigation before removing anyone

Shores up his popularity, then moves against Cicero

Caesar Pompey Crassus


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Cicero Clodius
Pompey's Temple to Venus Victrix (the Conqueror)= Theater of Pompey

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Teatro di Po,npeo e Tempio di Venere Vincitrice. Sezione longiludinale.

Plan showing t he Theater of Pompey
And Largo Argentina
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Coin of the Emperor Trajan depicting Caesar's
temple to Venus Genetrix

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53: political chaos so extensive that there are no consuls in office until July
3 out of 4 consular candidates implicated in bribery scandal

52: political chaos continues ➔ no elections held by the time year begins

18 January: Clodius meet Milo on the Appian Way

Things do not go well for Clodius.

His widow, Fulvia, brings his body to the Curia ➔ becomes his funeral pyre

Senate panics. Issues SCU, but to whom?

22 January: Pompey questioned by tribunes.

mid-Februa ry: Cato and Bibulus propose Pompey be appointed sole consul

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